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Has anyone noticed the minor mistake on Ep. III?


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  • 2 weeks later...

well those saber hilts goin gback to it i think are quite common because if you play kotor every saber is like that and also obi-wan or Ankian get one like that in episode2 when there on the big like bull thing, if you watch the deleted scenes of episode three you see him holding some jedis saber, she goes "i've failed obi-wan"(he's nere her with anikan) then gets stabbed through the neck by her own lightsaber by grevious who then steals it(the saber is blue) :)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
...if you watch the deleted scenes of episode three you see him holding some jedis saber, she goes "i've failed obi-wan"(he's nere her with anikan) then gets stabbed through the neck by her own lightsaber by grevious who then steals it(the saber is blue) :)


Thats Shakk Tii by the way. I thought that scene would of been pretty good in the movie. LOL


anyways...those sabers that grevious had, must be from other jedi. you must remeber that General Grevious was the leader of the droid army and must have travelled around the galaxy during the Clone wars, and the jedi were also spread out to try and stop the separatist movement. So Grevious may have killed a couple of Jedi before Episode II as he too was trained in the jedi arts and slightly capable of killing. them.


Just thought id say :jedijawa:

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Another one I noticed is when Count Dooku uses force push on Obi Wan and Obi Wan is on the floor, his lightsaber blade casts a shadow. Only there for a second or two but easy to see. (not the bit when Dooku drops the walkway on him)

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You are either mistaken, or they have mirrored the shot, which happens alot in the OT as I recently noticed.


MachineCult is right, it is probs a mirrored shot - If it is a mistake, then get over it, even the best of films can get it wrong somewhere! The developers of films are only human at the end of the day, what's important is to enjoy the art that is film and not let minor mistakes (if that is what this is) play on your mind.

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  • 1 month later...
Thats Shakk Tii by the way. I thought that scene would of been pretty good in the movie. LOL


anyways...those sabers that grevious had, must be from other jedi. you must remeber that General Grevious was the leader of the droid army and must have travelled around the galaxy during the Clone wars, and the jedi were also spread out to try and stop the separatist movement. So Grevious may have killed a couple of Jedi before Episode II as he too was trained in the jedi arts and slightly capable of killing. them.


Just thought id say :jedijawa:


Of course if they had cut that scene back into the movie it would have caused another continuity error... we see Shaak Ti alive and well in a hologram conversation (iirc, it's the one where Yoda is talking with the council from Kashyyk). I find it much more believable that Grievous could kill a Jedi via execution than that he'd actually overpower them in hand to hand combat (as he's shown to do in the heavily over the top Clone Wars cartoon).


As for the deleted scenes, I notice that some of it is unfinished, like the scene where they are crawling out of the fuel tanks you can see they have their safety cords on (for the actors, not for the characters) and they start to crawl into a green tunnel, which then turns into a metal lined tunnel (the green is because it "goes nowhere/does nothing" it's just something on set that's going to be painted out in post production). Plus the backgrounds are really fake looking (like a video game). Notice the part where the bulkhead stops the exloding fuel (can we say "stretched texture?).


Still, I always like to see deleted scenes, even if they're crappy or I can understand why they were left out. Shaak Ti's death scene was more a nod to the fans of the Clone Wars show than anything. She was just a background character in the previous movie at best, and the scene is more comedic than anything, as you have Anakin finishing Obi-Wan's sentence and them giving each other baseball pitcher hand signals. Plus it ruins the "first meeting" with Grievious. Anyway, I'm not one of those people who thought Grievious should have been a god like in the Clone Wars show, so I don't mind not seeing him kill any Jedi. He could have taken the lightsabers off the bodies of Jedi that his droids killed, easily enough, or been given them by Count Dooku. Had they decided to make him force sensitive that would have been different of course!

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I'm glad they didn't make Grievous force sensitive. I like the idea of the Jedi NOT being invincible. If I can walk through life and just type IDDQD and not get hurt, or IDKFA every time I run out of ammo, then it wouldn't be any fun. Humans thrive on the concept of danger.

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Basically, venom, Kurgan is saying that I am right and he was wrong and making a joke is his way of admitting it.


Forgot to to respond to this I see...


I wasn't saying I was wrong, just didn't want to argue about it I guess. ;)


He actually says "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber. Your skills are complete."


So yes, it COULD be interpreted as him stating the fact that building your own lightsaber is part of, or the completion of a Jedi Knight's training. However, since we don't see the Jedi training in the movies (except little brief bits like Yoda having Luke run, jump and swing on vines, and the cave... and the younglings doing the same "test" with the remotes that Obi-Wan had Luke do, in AOTC compared to ANH). We never see anyone building a lightsaber, so that's all in the EU.


The EU tells us different things, but somewhere it seems to adopt the view that building a lightsaber is one task in becoming a Jedi. Though with the rate at which Jedi go through lightsabers in the movies, I imagine it would be pretty inconvenient if all lightsabers were painstakingly hand made by the Jedi who used them. I guess the person who came up with the idea of lightsaber creation as part of training was probably thinking of marines having to break down and clean/assemble their rifles. After all, knights and samurai didn't typically forge their own blades, they got a blacksmith to do that for them. And we never see the weapons in Star Wars need maintainance. Maybe they are just built to last?


Vader just says "your skills" he doesn't indicate that Luke has completed step 12 of the Jedi 12 step training program. I wouldn't take the scene that literally. On the other hand, you could interpret it that way if you accept the EU interpretation that lightsaber building is a required Jedi skill towards graduation or something like that.


Just because somebody can build a lightsaber doesn't mean they know how to use one, in the same way a person who builds a gun may not necessarily be a marksman or a soldier. Of course if you knew both that would be pretty impressive, and that seems to be the point of the scene. Vader is impressed with Luke's skills (or tries to butter him up by acting impressed). He's admiring how powerful this new pupil to the Emperor could be (and perhaps thinking if he could get Luke on his side, how powerful an ally he would be, though the whole subplot of Vader being disloyal seems mostly to be in ESB, and it might all have just been a ploy... when push comes to shove, Vader "must obey his master.").

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I agree with Kurgan here. I think constructing your own lightsaber is a single thing among many that Jedi must accomplish before their training is complete. The only other time we see this being the final step is during a scene in the Clone Wars cartoon. It's on planet Ilum where Luminara Unduli was reciting the "heart of the blade" poem. Her student Barriss Offee was constructing a lightsaber (the little minx was doing it via levitation. Total showoff). Luminara says something like "your training is now complete."


However Anakin built his first lightsaber long before he was inducted as a Knight. However you can probably chalk that up to his being awesome with building/fixing things.

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