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I'm not sure if this is a good idea, LA/Obsidian could release KOTOR 2.5 (before #3) which is KOTOR but with all the cut content and an extended and more definite ending. It could be an expansion pack or a full game.

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I'd be a good idea to have K1 & 2 expansion packs for PC, but that would leave XBOX gamers "holding the bag" so to speak. I'd like to see this happen before K3, hopefully word will get through and this will be a full game if this gets created.

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id like to see this happen they did it with fable the lost chapters.

I honestly do hope this won't become a common practice in the industry... "Lets release an unfinished game and then we finish the game and release it again...people are dumb enough to buy the game twice".


I'm all for new and original content like the nwn or Morrowind expansion packs but I say no to new releases that just "patch" the existing story.


They should rather put the time and ressources in making a good game than releasing a "patched game" + another rushed game.

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I honestly do hope this won't become a common practice in the industry... "Lets release an unfinished game and then we finish the game and release it again...people are dumb enough to buy the game twice".


I'm all for new and original content like the nwn or Morrowind expansion packs but I say no to new releases that just "patch" the existing story.


They should rather put the time and ressources in making a good game than releasing a "patched game" + another rushed game.

Quoted for emphasis! ;)

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I honestly do hope this won't become a common practice in the industry... "Lets release an unfinished game and then we finish the game and release it again...people are dumb enough to buy the game twice".


I'm all for new and original content like the nwn or Morrowind expansion packs but I say no to new releases that just "patch" the existing story.


They should rather put the time and ressources in making a good game than releasing a "patched game" + another rushed game.


i see what you mean but fable tlc was very cheap to buy i only paid 12 pounds for it and i think there was enough new content to warrant buying it

and also i hate expansion packs because of you dont own a pc and own a console version of a pc game how are you susposed to play a game with the extras? not every one can afford to go live or online with thier consoles.

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Expansion is a hole diffrent thing, its add things after the story is over, i could pay for that. But i wouldent pay them for restoring the thing they rushed. Fable continue the game after you have defeat Jack, "Kotor 2.5" would just add things that should have been there from the begining

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