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Do you mostly use the PC, or do you mostly use the NPCs?

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Interesting. With the exception of a few, not much love for Atton. And next to no love for the HK-47! (The HK-47 saved my 2nd teams hide once vs the Sith!)


Admittedly I neglect Atton until he's Jedi converted, but then I will use him, just not as often as Mira, Kreia or Visas.


The females of the party (male PC) rule for the most part.


Kreia, Mira, and Visas get the most play of my party but I usually play Atton more than Handmaiden.


The HK-47 fully upgraded and armed with an upgraded Zersium rifle is pretty formidable. He actually saved my 2nd team vs an onslaught of Sith once.

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Great thread. I've often wondered what most people do.

When I first started playing this game used the PC pretty much all of the time.


But, as I played more and more with different alignments, priorties and genders, I began to experiment with letting the NPC's handle things in certain situations while the PC watched or assisted. That's one thing I love about this game, the seemingly endless combos of fun.


Now, I do this more and more with both games. It's actually kinda cool to watch my PC fight alond side me. I know the plotlines so well now that I can anticipate and prepare my NPCs so when I use them more, they're up for the task of leading the party.


One thing that could be mproved would be the communication. When an NPC initiates conversation, the PC takes over and the conversation is directed at him/her. Kinda throws you off if your NPC is leading the pack. No biggie though.

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Well, people don use him cause he is not a good Combat character.

:eyeraise: You are kidding? Right?


T3 in TSL is not what he was in KotOR... That shock arm and a decent disruptor and he Pwns! ;)



He gets a few fun goodies too that Renewable Shield, and the Regeneration Package.


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T3 in TSL is not what he was in KotOR...



I agree. I'm not sure about everyone else's T3, but my T3 is a freakin' tank :D With renewable shield, flamethrower, shock arm and sporting ion/disruptor pistols.. I usually send him in first... ;)


Plus he's immune to Mind Affecting Force Powers, he's an upgrade bench and a master slicer...


T3 = Tin Can fulla' whoop-ass :lol:

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I also use the PC, generally the first move i use in combat is Force Wave, and i get more satisfaction doing this with my character than the others :D


Haven't played through TSL fully yet due to so many glitches (i've stopped playing as it's made me!), and until reading this didn't realise you could make most of the characters jedi, i was shocked when i turned Atton, however it was late in the game and he's not of much use with a sabre or powers...


Anyhoo, my team in KoToR:


1: Revan, Bastila, Juhani (I used her over Jolee as she was more capable in combat)

2: Exile, Handmaiden, Mandalore/Atton (Both used as blaster characters)


Handmaiden is bloody amazing, you can feat her loads and in my team she's indestructible, just goes around killing everything before i get there.


I never use:


1. T3, Carth (found him to be useless), Canderous and HK-47. In kotor 1 i found melee attacks to be a lot more effective, having said that i never used Mission as she was too weak and Zaalbarr as wookiees piss me off so bloody much.


2. T3, G0T0 (comeplete arse), HK-47 (got him too late), Bao-Dur, Mira (I never use stealth, and she's quite weak)



Quite a long post really...oops

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First of all I have to agree with RH and ChAiNz, in TSL, T3 is a beast, with the hardcore mod he survives much longer than any of my other party members, except for my PC of course. Anyway…


KotOR: Most used party

Male PC:PC, Bastila, Jolee - I need the female influence in my party and Jolee has the best lines in the game

Female PC:PC, Jolee, HK - Jolee and HK have to be the best one to punch in the game, at least they are the best to listen to


KotOR: Characters hardly used

T3-M4 - Sadly without mods, T3 wasn't the force he was in TSL

Juhani - You should get lightside points for killing her, I would consider it a service to the galaxy.

Carth - He was just plain annoying


TSL: Most used party:

Male PC: PC, Handmaiden, Mandalore/HK/T3 - PC and Handmaiden go melee, and I got my comedic relief and ranged fighters/utility droid

Female PC: PC, Atton, Mandalore/HK/T3 - pretty much the same deal


TSL: Characters hardly used:

Hanharr - stupid character, and I hardly play dark side

Kreia - I just don't like her, once I'm off Peragus I refuse to use her

Disciple - "You have left me an opening" 'nuff said

G0-T0 - it's like they just needed another character to fill a slot on the selection screen

Bao-Dur - I didn't like his voice...

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Always the PC. Most of the time, I don't even care what my crew is doing. The Pc is more than enough to accomplish every task and win every fight. My crew serves as a "meatshield".


That is sad though... if the game where harder it would definitly make use of the tactical options of the other Pcs....

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hmmm... NPCs I never use...


KotOR- Zaalbar, Mission, T3, HK-57


KotOR II- Bao Dur, Mandalore, T3




I'm currently using Carth instead of my main in Kotor 1, and Atton in Kotor 2. Blasters and Ranged Weapons are my Thing.


I'm currently playing a game I tweaked with the KSE to make my char a non-force user soldier. Blasters are actually suprisingly useful if you upgrade them, I can kill most enemies faster with my char with dual upgraded micro-pulse blasters than I could with any given lightsaber. Of course, the downside is that I don't have force heal or any means of deflecting incoming blaster bolts

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Use the PC whenever possible, as for NPCs in KOTOR II (in order of use):


1) Handmaiden - best hand-to-hand combat

2) HK47 / Mandalore - for ranged support, when available

3) Atton (until get HK or Mandalore)

4) Kreia - Always telling you what to do. I don't like it

5) T3-M4 - useful shock arm, but he never seems to use it unless you control him yourself. Mainly use him for creating kick-ass item upgrades at workbench in Mandolorian camp on Dxun.

6) Mira - Don't rate her that highly, Mandalore or HK are better ranged options IMO.

7) Bao-Dur - really, really sucks in combat, just seems to always be the first party member down

8) GOTO - fail to see the point

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1) Kreia - bonus xp, oh sweet xp.

2) Visas - already a jedi when she joins.

3) Atton/Bao-Dur/Handmaiden/Mira - no use until jedi, then it depends on relevant skills.

4) T3-M4 - very useful early on with lots of skills and tank potential.

5) Mandalore - not very useful, but better than HK

6) HK-47 - funny, but loses to Mandalore, since I can't heal him when damaged

7) Hanharr - useless furball. Rating: Dogmeat.

8) G0-T0 - practical use: target practice.

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