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Would we be better off?


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Does anybody here think that we would actually be better off in the star wars universe? Think about it, for some reason, humans have developed enough weaponry to destroy their own race thousands of times over. As an alien coming to earth, I would feel threatened by all the weaponry, "well only a fool would build a machine gun just to shoot a spot off their nose" I would think, "they must be planning on destroying our race!"


On the other hand, in the star wars universe, a planet's goverment would be so busy trying to take out another planet, googols of miles away, it would have no time to fight with other goverments of the same planet, everyone would be united and, in effect, the planet would be in true peace.

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... or a Hutt can go take over your planet and make a miserable short live out of everyone, or someone nuked your planet so they can build a space route thru the area, or ....


Oh wait! There are those hot twi'lek chicks I always Wanted to date...


EVERYONE!!! Lets move to the galaxy far far away! :)

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Yeah, I think one would be better off in the Star Wars Galaxy, but it really depends where you live and how old you are.


If you're a 9-year-old on Tatooine with no father, then you're going to get sold into slavery...


If you're a 45-year-old bounty hunter who lives on Tatooine, you'll always be in danger but it'll be a heck of a lot easier to defend yourself...


If you're a 30-year-old Jedi you're going to see battle and possibly get killed...


If you're a Stormtrooper say goodbye to life...


Wheras if you're a farmer who lives on a quiet grassy planet with your family, then you'll be fine! Except it'll be stinkin' boring.

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Well, many "Stormies" are on simple guard duties which involves in bullying native people, getting high on juma, and hitting hot yum-yums off duty at the cantina... Its only the more battletrained ones that are in danger...


Also It would be a wonderful life living large Nar Shaddaa style if not more, if you are into more humanoid bodies there is enough yum-yums to choose from other than twi'leks, zeltrons would be a good one also, and Arkanians, and zabraks and cardra-fans... But there also also some more exotic ones.


More minor wars also means more opportunities. Remember there are still loads of species out there which are little beyond stone age. Think of all the exploits you can use on them, and all the money to make, hmmm...

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Well adventure is one thing, but just because they have advanced technology and explored the galaxy doesn't mean they have big problems. Their problems make our problems look pretty petty by comparison, and apparently they haven't solved many of the problems we still have, like slavery, racism, poverty, etc.


It'd be a cool place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there permanently. I mean sure, who wouldn't want to go, to experience the good things... but the average person in Star Wars isn't a Jedi Knight or a high ranking noble, they're just a face in the crowd. Even Luke's life was pretty crappy and boring before he got his "big break."


And yeah, we're lead to believe the average Stormtrooper is either on perpetuate guard duty, or sent on some suicide mission because he's considered expendable. If you got to be an invincible hero who got into adventures every week, who wouldn't want to go?

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Ok, but Luke's life wasn't crap, it was just not as exciting as the average earth...ite's life. It was tranquil and peaceful compared to our's. Like someone living on a farm I guess, not having as many day - to - day worries.



And yeah, we're lead to believe the average Stormtrooper is either on perpetuate guard duty, or sent on some suicide mission because he's considered expendable. If you got to be an invincible hero who got into adventures every week, who wouldn't want to go?


Why the hell would a kamakaze pilot wear a helmet?

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Ok, but Luke's life wasn't crap, it was just not as exciting as the average earth...ite's life. It was tranquil and peaceful compared to our's. Like someone living on a farm I guess, not having as many day - to - day worries.




Why the hell would a kamakaze pilot wear a helmet?



Well Tatooine was portrayed as on the low end of habitable SW planets... run by crime lords, poor, desolate, sparsely populated.


As for the Kamikaze pilots, I suppose either because of procedure, or just to prevent debilitating injury until they accomplished their "mission."

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Most people would never be satisified with what they have, so that creates every problem and solution that we had, have and will have.


Same problem, or similar versions of it, will exist nomatter what, galaxy far far away or not. Though a bigger world means bigger opportunities, and way more chances for curious types, like me.


No, I am NOT saying anything about my goal of "trying out" most species' females. (was supposed to be all, until I think of "wonderful" things like Talzs and genosians)

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No not the "global warming and Coruscant" theory again ^.^


Now lets talk about "deathstar explosion and ewok genoside"


Actually, if you get to live in the galaxy far far away, what species would you want to be? (other than hutts and those stupid humans)

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