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Nihilus is a vampire?


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While I was reading about him on Wookieepedia I found that he was very much like a Force Vampire. It told about how he was always hungry to suck the force out of Jedi, and Sith and how he fed on that. Here is what I found on Wookieepedia that is interesting, and makes Nihilus looks more like a "Force Vampire."


Darth Nihilus ravaged and consumed numerous beings, several of those who were not consumed to death becoming mindless slaves aboard the bridge of his flagship, the Ravager. Nihilus's nature was all-consuming, which may be related to the thought bomb technique used by Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness three thousand years later and/or to Palpatine's consuming Force Storms. His hunger was an insatiable appetite for all things living; indeed, it consumed him to the point where he ceased being a man of flesh. His flesh remained, but only in the form of a shell encasing the dark gaping void that swallowed all life it came into contact with. Nihilus viewed the Galaxy as simply a platter to feed his insatiable appetite. [/Quote]
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