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[Fic] In His Service, or "Ya--Yevo'"

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...


War! The galaxy struggles in the throes of battle between the

Republic and the Separatist Droid Army, led by GENERAL GRIEVOUS.

Even though Jedi Master OBI-WAN KENOBI and his apprentice,


PALPATINE from the grasp of COUNT DOOKU and Grievous,

more danger lies ahead.


TYSY DVUKH, a Jedi Padawan in training on Coruscant, suspects

there's more to this war and to her own destiny than meets the

eye. Her troubled mind disrupts her focus, and this worries her

Master. He wants to find out more about this threat. What lies

behind the calculations of General Grievous, and who is the

Sith Lord to whom he has pledged his service--Darth Sidious?




"One, two, three--six, four, two--nine, one, six--Sith spit!"


Tysy Dvukh, a Human Jedi Padawan in practice robes,

switched off her lightsaber while her chest heaved. Sweat

beaded on her face, and it was starting to drip. Her hair was

damp. Combat drills had always been hard for her, but this time

Tysy was faltering. Failing, as her Master would have said had

he been a Sith. Lucky he was not, or she would have been dead.


"I'm sorry, Master," she panted, out of breath. "I should have

concentrated harder." Tysy couldn't say any more than that,

bent over double with the effort of trying to beat her Master

and teacher at sparring. So far, all her efforts had been for

naught. Even without the bad dreams, and the fear in her mind.


"Padawan!" her Master told her. "Concentrate? You were

concentrating so hard that I thought your head was going to

explode! 'Six, four, two--nine, four, six'--that's the

proper combination of moves to block my attacks. You didn't

do that badly, Tysyacha. Give yourself more credit, and then

sparring will come easier to you." He gave her a kind smile.


Tysy sat down on the floor, defeated. "I don't know, Master.

Lately it seems my mind has been unfocused. Troubled. I don't

know if I'll ever make Jedi Knight this way, but I don't know what

to do. Jedi say fear is a path to the Dark Side, but how could

I become Dark if that's the very thing that I want to avoid?"


She looked up at the older man with sad and eager eyes.

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Thank you! Actually, I'm co-writing this with Yaggles (like Stephen

King and Peter Straub), and he's going to do the next part. Yarr! :)


So that was why you were asking that question awhile ago. I did something like this with jedi_exile, but it didn't work out. I hope it works better for you both. I've found the Title a bit odd though. Is Ya---Yevo Russian or something (In one post you said Dvukh was Russian)?

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Tysy's Master took his Padawan's hand and sat down across

from her, his legs peacefully poised in a posture of meditation.

"Tell me, young one," he asked. "What's the matter? I sense

fear in you, and that's dangerous. It can paralyze you when

you need strength and courage the most. Fear that you do not

face is a barrier between you and what you can achieve through

the Force. If you tell me what's wrong, then perhaps I can help."


"I've been having bad dreams," confessed Tysy. "More often

than I used to, ever since this war with General Grievous has

been in full force. My nightmares are always about death. That

and betrayal. I see Jedi dying everywhere, all at once, by the

hands of the same people and droids they thought to be their allies."

She shook her head. "I'm so confused. What could this mean?"


"Hmm." Tysy's Master closed his eyes quickly, and then opened

them again. "Are you afraid you will be betrayed and die this way?"


Tysy swallowed hard. "Worse." She would have given her life,

even severed her connection to the Force, not to tell her Master

this. "Sometimes in my dreams, I do, but most of the time, I'm the

one doing the betraying. Doing the killing, that is, or watching

my fellow Jedi die. Fellow former Jedi. I'm sorry, Master."


"You are rightly wary of the Dark Side," he replied, taking both of Tysy's

hands in a reassuring gesture. "Such a nightmare, and your apprehension

about it, shows me that you want to avoid the trap that the power of

the Dark Side presents. Let the dream be an admonishment to you, and

when you awaken, thank the Force that as long as you're alive and a Jedi,

it will warn you about slipping away. Becoming seduced by the Dark Side."


Tysy stood up. "Thank you, Master. I shall leave you to your meditations."


Tysy's Master raised his hand in salute as his eager Padawan left.

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Before Tysy returned to her chambers, she took a quick detour through

one of the hallways in the Jedi Temple. There was a hamper leaning

against one wall in which to deposit sweaty practice robes for the

housekeeping droids to launder. Not removing hers, but still being

watchful, Tysy took out the four that lay in there, cold and damp

around the armpit regions. Even the most peaceful of Jedi perspired!


She carried the uniforms back to her own chamber, where there stood

a sink and a refresher in one compartment. Filling the former with hot

water and cleansing fluid, she swirled the mix into a lather and dropped

the robes into it. To Tysy, it always seemed that the housekeeping droids

ripped the fabric of all the practice robes when they were doing laundry.

Granted, they were only training tunics, but no Jedi deserved to look

ragged, even when they were sparring. Tysy softly hummed a war ballad

while she worked. She did not hear her one of her fellow students come in.


"Ah, Syscha!" smirked the tall Padawan. "Washing practice robes again?"


Tysy blushed and whirled around. She didn't want Rodzina Dvyer', her

friend and mentor, to see her doing so. It was demeaning for a Jedi,

or at least that's what Rodzina thought. Such work was for droids,

and even though Tysy's combat skills were not the best, she was

no droid. No housekeeping droid, at least. Tysy rinsed her hands.


Rodzina's eyes twinkled with witty merriment. "Guess what? I

beat Master Odin at Form IV sparring again. How about you?"


The other Padawan shook her head. "No. I never do, Rodzina,

no matter what lightsaber form I try. It seems that even the

Shii-Cho, the simplest of the forms, is a tad beyond my reach."


"Nonsense. It's not a matter of your skills, or even clumsiness,

but the simple fact your Master chooses to ignore your aptitude

with the Force. He sees your weaknesses, but does not give you

full advice on how to compensate for them. How about you challenge

him to a Force duel? I'm sure you can at least corner him, if not

defeat him." The look on Rodzina's tanned face was one of practical



"I'll try, but Force duels are dangerous. The Force touches everything,

all of life, and I don't want to hurt my Master unintentionally."


Rodzina grinned. "Good girl. I would have worried about you if you had

agreed without thinking of that. Syscha, you're going to be great someday."


"Great? Only if I make Jedi Knight." She decided to tell Rodzina what

had been bothering her the most, besides bad dreams. "At this rate,

if I don't pass the Trials, I don't know if I ever will. What should I do?"

Tysy had returned to doing laundry, and the work helped her relax.

Helped her focus on what she could do instead of what she couldn't,

for a change. She was unprepared for what Rodzina said, and surprised.


"You were built for power. True power. Created that way. Stop

thinking about the Jedi Trials, and right now, focus on the Force.

It will not fail you, even when all the lightsaber forms that we Knights

use might. Close your eyes, and breathe in the peace. The serenity.

The power that lies in service, in yielding to the Force, to your

destiny. Think about how many lives you'll save just by listening

to your inner heart. By ignoring your failures, and knowing your

strengths. Now, do you feel better? If not--I am a Sith Lord!"


Tysy opened her eyes, suddenly and abruptly emptied of all anxiety.

It shocked her, how relieved Tysy felt. She turned to her friend.


"Thank you--Rodzina Dvyer'," she whispered. "Can I repay you? How?'


"No need. Or, if you really wish to make it up to me, put on your best

robe and come with me and all of the Jedi Masters to the Senate

chambers. Palpatine is going to make a speech about his capture

and captivity by General Grievous. And Count Dooku," she added,

"who's dead." Was that a tone of satisfaction in Rodzina's voice?


If so, well, who could blame her? Count Dooku had been a Sith.


"I will, for sure," said Tysy, "as soon as I finish washing these clothes."

She saw Rodzina wince and smile at the same time. "I know you don't

like me doing it, but those blasted housekeeping droids keep on ripping

the fabric!" Rodzina laughed, and then turned to leave the chamber.


"Power," she said. "Rembember that, my Syscha. It will guide you well."

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Note: I've made a few changes to the story and the characters' ranks:


Tysy Dvukh is not a Youngling/Initiate, but rather a Padawan, 18 years old.


Rodzina Dvyer', her friend and mentor, is also a Padawan, 20 years old.


Only one of these two shall achieve the rank of Jedi Knight.

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Tonight was the night that Senator Palpatine was going to speak of his

captivity under General Grievous and Count Dooku. Tysy was excited, but

a little nervous as well. She would see her hero there in the Galactic Senate

chambers, and even though he would probably not see her in return, the

young Padawan still wanted to make a good impression. That meant dress

robes, styled hair, her best smile. Most of the Jedi Masters frowned upon

personal vanity, but this was no mere Jedi that had earned her admiration.


This was Anakin Skywalker, said to be the Chosen One by Obi-Wan Kenobi.


As Tysy stepped into the referesher to bathe, she considered her chances.

True, Anakin had noticed her, but only as one notices a fellow student in

the long and crowded hallways of the Jedi Temple. A slight grin, a nod,

a glance of acknowledgment. That was the most attention that young

Skywalker had paid to her, and even these small gestures were few

and far between. No matter. Even if he never saw her and noticed her

for who she truly was, Tysy knew Anakin had the same brotherly love

he had for all of his peers, the Knights and Padawans. That was enough.


Well, not nearly enough, but enough for Tysy to console herself a bit.


The droid-controlled refresher soaped her vigorously with cleansing fluid

and soothing but intense jets of hot water. Tysy giggled. How on earth

did these personal hygiene compartments seem to know just when someone

had been sparring for an hour straight with one of the more powerful Masters?


When she emerged, she dressed in a soft silver robe that was said to be

made of woven platinum. Tysy doubted it, for such things were far more

expensive than she could ever have afforded. Still, it was shiny enough

to be made out of the metal that it was rumored to be. She hoped she

wouldn't draw undue attention to herself. This was Palpatine's night.


Of course, any attention from Master Kenobi's apprentice would not be undue...


Rodzina Dvyer' stopped by Tysy's modestly-furnished chambers thirty

minutes before Chancellor Palpatine would present his speech to the Senate.

Her long dark hair, like a waterfall of black silk, was plaited into the elegant

traditional braid that most Padawans wore until they became proper Knights.

She wore a violet robe, long and elegant, making Tysy's seem rather gaudy.

However, the older girl did not reprimand the younger for her choice of dress.

On the contrary, her eyes twinkled with happy surprise. What a sight Tysy was!


"I've never seen you look that way, Tysyacha. You're advancing in the world!"


Tysy shrugged and grinned. "Some merchant told me this robe was made of

woven platinum. Probably ripped me off, but at least it shines like it's that way!"


Rodzina smiled. "Come. We should head for the Galactic Senate chambers

before Chancellor Palpatine's speech starts. Latecomers are frowned upon."


Tysy nodded, and the two girls set off in a small speeder away from the Temple.


After a few minutes of traveling and watching the city lights of Coruscant

whizz by as one glowing blur, Rodzina turned to her friend and protegee.


"That robe," she said. "Is it meant to impress one Anakin Skywalker, perhaps?"


Tysy grinned. "Yes!" Then she felt sad and guilty. Ashamed, and out of her

league. Rodzina could hide these things so well--her emotions and desires.

Why couldn't she? "I know he's well beyond my reach, Rodzina. But I can't help

it. He's my hero, and I wish he'd be the one for me. The one to love me."


Rodzina's dark eyes grew serious. "Such passion, if you act upon it, and if

young Skywalker agreed to it, could see you both expelled from the Order."


"I know." Tysy sighed, her chest heavy. Why had she worn that robe? It was

no secret, at least to Rodzina, that Tysy admired a Jedi Knight far above her

own circle. What was a secret, however, was the true intensity of Tysy's feelings.

It wasn't simply that she found it hard to hide them. It was that they seemed

to bleed through her, through her skin and her clothes and causing red stains,

until everyone around Tysy could see them. This made her feel unworthy

and embarrassed. How would she ever be a Knight if she couldn't restrain herself?


"We're here." Rodzina put a reassuring hand on Tysy's arm. "Don't worry.

All eyes will be on Palpatine, and none on you. Your secret's safe with me."


Tysy gave her friend a trusting nod. Where would she be without mentors like her?

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((Sorry, Jason, but no. :) Tysy does not know that Anakin and Padme are

secretly married, or that Padme is pregnant. Our young Padawan is completely

out of the loop, as is the rest of the Jedi Order. So, no Tysy-Padme catfight. :D))




The Galactic Senate Chambers hummed with anticipation. Everyone present,

from the highest senators such as Padme Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo,

to the lowest ushers and custodians, were excited to hear the Chancellor.

Palpatine was not usually a man of few words anyway, but then again, who

else would be a prisoner of Grievous and Count Dooku and live to tell the tale?


Next to Palpatine stood Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi in his finest dress robe

and his handsome young apprentice, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Tysy

felt her heart flutter. She had rarely seen Anakin look so magnificent,

so in his element, and so confident. She smiled at him from her humble

bottom-row seat next to Rodzina Dvyer' and their Masters, Ladno and Odin.


"Looking prepared tonight?" Rodzina asked with a sly wink. She didn't mean

Palpatine. Tysy answered with a chagrined smile. Keep quiet! she thought.


What she didn't tell Rodzina was that even from this distance, she sensed

an undercurrent of anxiety from Anakin through the Force. Anxiety, and

intense fear that made him feel ashamed. What was he keeping hidden?

Tysy wished she could reach out and embrace him, ask him what was wrong.


No time for that, because at that moment, Palpatine cleared his throat and began:


"Gurgle uk-uk hurkle gick oot erp blug."


What? Tysy checked her aural amplifier, the headset discreetly placed over

her ears so that she could hear Palpatine adequately in the Senate Chambers.

Then she laughed to herself. The headset's Translator function had been

previously set to a dialect that the Quarrens spoke. Of course! A minor

Quarren diplomat had given a speech yesterday, one that she had not gone to.


Tysy switched the Translator on the headset over to "Basic" and slipped the

headphones over her ears. Good thing she hadn't missed much--just small talk.


"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," said Palpatine, "of all races and species.

I am Palpatine, Chancellor of the Galactic Senate. As you may already know,

I have recently been a prisoner of this escalating war. Count Dooku and

General Grievous held me as a hostage. Had it not been for the heroic rescue

efforts of Master Kenobi and his apprentice, Knight Anakin Skywalker, I

would have been a casualty. One among hundreds of thousands. Droids

do not care how many sentients they kill in the course of their conquests,

and neither do Sith Lords. They will kill until they reach their goal--victory."


Someone applauded. Tysy cringed. Witless concessionaire, she thought.


"I was assured of victory, however, when Master Kenobi and Knight Skywalker

rescued me. There was a duel between the latter and Count Dooku, who had

turned to the Dark Side. At the end of it, young Skywalker was forced to

end Dooku's life in self-defense. He had no other choice. If he could have,

Count Dooku would have sliced young Skywalker in two with his gleaming

red lightsaber. He was dangerous--far too dangerous to be left alive."


Suddenly, Tysy saw Anakin turn. "If you please, Chancellor," he said modestly. Palpatine, however, gave him a look that said Please.

Silence for now.


"It is a tenet of the Jedi Code that Jedi do not kill unarmed prisoners who have

surrendered," continued Palpatine. "However, Count Dooku was armed, and he

certainly had not surrendered. The other unfortunate casualty of the duel was

Skywalker's arm, which has now been replaced by a prosthetic." Sympathetic

claps. This made Tysy admire Anakin even more now, brave facing such a loss.


As for the young Knight himself, he seemed calmer. The troubled look on his

face just one split second ago seemed to have disappeared for now.


"What was it like to be a prisoner?" said Palpatine. "As all prisoners of war do,

I feared for my life every day. Not only for my own life, but that of the galaxy

and the Jedi Order. If Grievous and Dooku would win, then all of life would be

condemned to death. In a cramped white cell, deprived of nourishment save

the most spoiled scraps and water, I meditated upon the meaning of their cause.


"What would it serve them, the droids to separate from the Republic, and

Count Dooku to conquer? Independence, I thought, was what the droids

would gain, but then I realized my naivete. Independence was not what

they sought. Grievous and his mechanical minions meant to destroy the

Republic, not to free themselves from it. As for Dooku--before his death,

his goal was for the Sith to rule. Not the Jedi and the Jedi Order. He

wished to put his own vision in place for the galaxy, dominated by the

compulsions and the energies of the Dark Side. I realized this, and I wept."


Murmurs. Palpatine, weeping? Tysy was touched to see such a man, so

strong in the Force, being able to admit his feelings. Even his "un-Jedi" ones.


"That is why we must win this war. We must conquer. Not out of fear, or revenge,

or a misguided lust for power. We must win for the galaxy's sake, and our own."


A standing ovation, and thunderous applause. Tysy stood as well, humbly

saluting the Chancellor. His speech had been short as speeches go, but brilliant.


It was only when she, Rodzina Dvyer', and their Masters were headed back

toward the Temple in a more leisurely speeder that Tysy realized something

had disappointed her about the evening.


Neither Master Kenobi nor Anakin had been given a chance to speak.

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Tysy had learned no life-changing new knowledge, experienced no

epiphanies, no revelations, since the evening of Palpatine's speech.

She should have, for perhaps they might have prepared her for

what would happen next: her own evaluation by Master Ladno.

Here, he would tell her if she had indeed passed the Jedi Trials

and would become a Knight. Tysy prayed to the Force it would be so.


In a perhaps unwise move, the young Padawan was evaluated together

with Master Odin and his own Padawan, her best friend Rodzina Dvyer'.


The two Masters stood calmly at the front of the Padawan Training Room

in the Jedi Temple, while Tysy and Rodzina knelt eagerly before them.


Tall Master Odin spoke first, a proud smile gracing his face. "Padawan

Dvyer', I am pleased to inform you that you have passed the Trial of Skill.

Your masterful use of Form IV, or Ataru, in your duel against Padawan

Jocin Truud, who had newly turned to the Dark Side, proves that you

are indeed a worthy opponent in battle. You are also wise enough to

have tried to turn Jocin back toward the ways of Light and Truth.

It is unfortunate that he chose to keep fighting you--hence his death."


Rodzina bowed her head solemnly, but she was still glad she had passed.


Then Master Ladno, shorter and more muscular, turned to Tysy.

"I am sorry," he began, "but you did not pass the Trial of Skill,

Padawan. In your duel with a manifestation of my own self had

I turned to the Dark Side, you revealed that your combat skills

are phenomenally poor. I know you tried your best, and like Padawan

Dvyer', you also tried to convince me to repent and turn back to the

Light. However, I also chose to keep fighting. Unlike Padawan Dvyer',

who won her duel, you did not. Padawan Dvukh, you have failed."


Tysy also bowed her head, humbly and sadly. What had she done wrong?


"You also did not prevail in the Trial of the Flesh," Master Ladno continued.

"I know your attachments to people, to things, to places, and to ideals

you cherish. You won't let them go. Witness your attraction to young

Skywalker." Tysy blushed, humiliated. Had she really been that obvious

in her seemingly-secret yearning for Anakin? "I am more disappointed

in you than I had been after your failure in the Trial of Skill. Have you

no self-restraint, Padawan Dvukh? No self-control? Again, you've failed."


Master Odin, looking uncomfortable, turned to Rodzina. "You have

mastered your emotions in this particular Trial," he told her, trying to

balance the pride he felt in his own Padawan with the sorrow he felt for

the other. "You love the same things as all sentients do, but you are

skilled enough in serenity, self-mastery, and the detachment of the

Jedi not to let these things control you. I commend you, Padawan Dvyer'."


Rodzina smiled and nodded, but her smile was pained. She felt over-praised.


"The Trial of Courage, you passed, though only barely," Odin said to Rodzina.

"The enemy you fought, an apprentice Sith, was superior to you, and only

with my assistance were you able to defeat her. However, you fought

with courage and steadfastness in the battle, and that is why I declare

you have triumphed in this test of bravery and valor. Congratulations."


Master Ladno shook his head. "You know how you fared, Padawan Dvukh,

in your own duel against a greater enemy, a droid loyal to General Grievous.

I also had to help you in this battle. You fought your hardest, but fear was

what clouded your mind, and not courage, Padawan. I do not need to say

if you passed the Trial of Courage or not. You and I both know the result."


Tysy wished that she could fall through a crack in the Training Room tiles.

How could she have missed so many opportunities, done so badly, failed

so miserably? With a compassionate gaze, Master Ladno turned to her

one last time. He hadn't meant to sound so harsh, but truth was truth.


"The only test that you passed, and with flying colors, my Padawan, is the

Trial of the Spirit. You told me the truth about your nightmares, and you

were humble and patient enough to realize that the Dark Side does tempt

you in your heart of hearts. You did not hide from this; you faced it. I cannot

make you a Knight, however. Padawan, you passed one test...out of four."


One test out of four! Chetvyort'! One quarter! The young girl felt

tears start to spring to her eyes, but she squinted them both shut tightly.


Master Odin, wanting to weep with Tysy but hiding his feelings, as was

appropriate for a Jedi, spoke to Rodzina Dvyer'. "Your future will be

different," he told his own Padawan. "With you shall come the power

and the responsibility of being a Jedi Knight. Your cause shall be ours,

and our strength shall be yours. Rise, Padawan Dvyer', and be proud."


Rodzina stood and bowed to her Master. Tysy did so as well, but

Master Ladno had sad news for her. No Padawan wanted to hear it.


"I can train you no longer," said Ladno. "Someone else will have to

take you on for further, and intense, remedial training. Farewell."


Ladno strode from the Training Room with a heavy conscience.


Master Odin trailed behind, ashamed of his rather brash and blunt colleague.


He called for Rodzina. "Padawan Dvyer'!," he said, his voice kind, not stern.


Rodzina, who was embracing the weeping Tysy, looked at her with the

most haunted dark brown eyes the galaxy had ever known. "I must go."


With a broken heart and spirit, the lesser Padawan knew she must as well.

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