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[Fic] In His Service, or "Ya--Yevo'"

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What do you think of this idea?


I COULD have Tysy get exile + 2 years at hard labor for striking down

Jayla Maene in a rather "fatal" sort of way. Then, I could have her

get transferred as a mining-chain-gang laundress, with the rest of

her more hard-boiled crew, to the Mustafar system where...


...you guessed it! Tysy witnesses everything from Padme's choking

to the "Battle of the Heroes". What do you think? Otherwise, my

next chapter will be the fall of Anakin. Suggestions? I can't decide! ;)

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What do you think of this idea?


I COULD have Tysy get exile + 2 years at hard labor for striking down

Jayla Maene in a rather "fatal" sort of way. Then, I could have her

get transferred as a mining-chain-gang laundress, with the rest of

her more hard-boiled crew, to the Mustafar system where...


...you guessed it! Tysy witnesses everything from Padme's choking

to the "Battle of the Heroes". What do you think? Otherwise, my

next chapter will be the fall of Anakin. Suggestions? I can't decide! ;)


I like the first idea better. Hopefully the majority of people have seen Anakin's fall. Tysy should escape the crumbling facility as Anakin and Obi-Wan fight. It's your choice though.

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[Long scene. The fall of Anakin, and the agony of Tysy Dvukh.]


A dark truth had been revealed at last. Jayla Maene, whom the now-

exile Tysy Dvukh had slain, had been correct. Chancellor Palpatine was

a Sith Lord, and he was now due to pay the price. Master Mace Windu

would see to that. He along with three other Jedi strode into Palpatine's

office boldly. They had come to take the true Darth Sidious into custody.


Palpatine turned to them, his voice calm. "Master Windu," he began.

"I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then. I must say,

you're here sooner than expected. Careful, now, he thought.

Bide your time, for soon you will need all of your dark strength.


"In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic," declared Mace

firmly, "you are under arrest, Chancellor." Mace ignited his lightsaber.


"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"


"The Senate will decide your fate."


Chancellor Palpatine, or Darth Sidious, snarled. "I am the Senate!"


"Not yet!" hissed Mace.


Chancellor Palpatine stood, brandished a red lightsaber from out of his cloak

sleeve, and spun toward the Jedi. One of the most powerful Jedi in combat,

the Master of Form VII Vaapad. What would triumph here--the Light or the

Darkness? "It's treason, then," drawled the Chancellor slowly, relishing the

sound of those three fatal words. Fatal for whom, however?


Palpatine cut down the three Jedi that had accompanied Master Windu

and then continued to duel his chief adversary. Hatred coursed through

his veins, and anger, and the proud belief that he had the advantage.

As for Mace, he only wanted justice, and this, the Jedi was sure, was

stronger than any dark power Palpatine could use to try and kill him.


Master Windu eventually smashed the pane of glass that constituted

the Chancellor's magnificent office window in the course of the duel.

Palpatine, seeing this as a chance for victory, forced his opponent

out onto the ledge of that window, twenty stories above the streets of

Coruscant. They grappled and wrestled, each trying to pin the other.


Suddenly, Anakin Skywalker burst in on the skirmish, his mouth agape.


"You are under arrest, my Lord!" shouted Mace to the disarmed Palpatine.


Palpatine, noticing Anakin, appealed to him. "Anakin!" he cried. "I told you

it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over!"


Mace countered with, "You old fool. The oppression of the Sith will never

return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over. You have lost."


Palpatine gritted his teeth. "No. No. You will DIE!"


With that, he shot a powerful Force Storm of lightning out of both of his

withered palms. However, all of these bolts were blocked by Mace Windu's

lightsaber. Could it hold the damage Palpatine was inflicting? For how long?


"He is a traitor, Anakin," continued Palpatine quickly to the young Knight.


Mace shook his head. "He's the traitor. Stop him!"


"Come to your senses, boy," reasoned the Chancellor. "The Jedi are in

revolt! They will betray you, just as they betrayed me."


Master Windu grunted with the effort of trying to keep Palpatine's Force

Storm at bay. It was strong, stronger than he ever expected it could be.


"You are not one of them, Anakin," begged Palpatine. "Don't let him kill me..."


Mace pushed against Palpatine with all of his might, groaning in pain.


"I am your pathway to power," the Chancellor said. "I have the power to

save the one you love! You must choose. You must stop him!"


"Don't listen to him, Anakin," snapped Mace. He was tired of this overdue fight.


Palpatine seemed on the verge of collapse or death. "Help me! Don't let him

kill me. I can't hold on any longer..." He moaned, his long fingers twisted

with the effort of trying to keep his Force Storm directed towards Mace.


The Jedi Master pushed the Sith Lord closer to the brink of the ledge.

As the Chancellor struggled to intensify his powers, his eyes took on

the sick glow of yellow jaundice. He was almost ready--now, wait a bit...


Again, he implored of Anakin Skywalker, "I can't. I give up. Help me!

I am weak...I am too weak. Don't kill me. I give up! I'm dying. I can't

hold on any longer!" He kept his eyes solely on the Knight, not the Master.


Mace Windu knew he'd had enough. "You Sith disease," he growled.

"I am going to end this once and for all."


Anakin, listening to his conscience and not wanting Palpatine to meet

the same fate as Count Dooku had, cried out, "You can't kill him, Master!

He must stand trial." This was what he had not said before--done before.


Mace did not agree. "He has too much control of the Senate and the

Courts. He is too dangerous to be kept alive."


"I'm too weak. Don't kill me. Please!" This from the suffering Lord Chancellor.


"It is not the Jedi way," Anakin told Mace, his voice firm in admonishment.


Master Windu, however, ignored him. Why spare this Dark Lord of the Sith?

He raised his saber to kill Palpatine, who was still cowering on the ledge.

"Please don't," said the black-robed Chancellor, his voice now a whimper.


Mace prepared to strike the final blow and end the threat of Darth Sidious.


"NO!" screamed Anakin. He rushed forward and severed Mace's arm, the

one that held the violet instrument of execution. Shocked, Master Windu

whirled around. This gave Palpatine the exact advantage he needed...


With one final burst of his Force Storm power, Palpatine engulfed the Jedi

Master's body in a sea of blue electrical flames. With a magnificent push

of the Force, the Chancellor threw Mace Windu over the ledge on which

he had been so precariously perched only moments ago. He had won!


"Power! Unlimited POWER!" he shrieked, consumed by wicked triumph.


Anakin couldn't believe it. Not so long ago, he had thought that this

man was a healer who knew the one way to cheat death. Did he still?

As he gazed at the former head of the Galactic Senate, all he saw now

was an ashen-gray mask of evil. Horror swept over Knight Skywalker.


"What have I done?" he asked, the guilt of his deed quickly stabbing him.


"You are fulfilling your destiny, Anakin," said the Sith Lord in a soothing tone.

"Become my apprentice. Learn to use the Dark Side of the Force!"


Anakin bowed his head. If Mace Windu's death would help to save Padme...

"I will do anything you ask," he said humbly, at once stronger and yet weaker.


"Good," said Palpatine.


"Just help me save Padme's life," begged young Skywalker. "I can't live

without her! I won't let her die. I want the power to stop death."


"To cheat death is a power only one has achieved," revealed Palpatine,

"but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret."


Anakin knelt before the Lord Chancellor, who would now be his Master.


"I pledge myself to your teachings," he vowed. "To the ways of the Sith."


Palpatine smiled. "Good, good. The Force is strong with you. A powerful

Sith you will become! Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...Vader."


Anakin raised his head. He owed this man everything. "Thank you, my

Master." Through Palpatine, Anakin would save the one he loved from the

death he had dreamed about. The death that would now be averted.


"Rise, Darth Vader," commanded Palpatine, and he moved toward his desk.




Tysy Dvukh, still on Tatooine at the Anchorhead Spaceport Inn, clutched

her bedsheets. She screamed for five full seconds, her mind filled with terror.


Something evil had happened. Something unspeakable. Something...


...to Anakin?


She was sure of it. Else, why would her heart be pounding so, like it was

yearning to burst from her chest? She was sticky with hot night sweat,

the summer of this desert planet notwithstanding. Tysy gripped the

sheets between her fingers tighter and tighter until the feeling passed.


She'd leave immediately. Without delay. To her Anakin. He needed help!


"I'll save you," Tysy whispered to herself. "I'll save you, or I'll die!"

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As Tysy sped on the fastest shuttle to Coruscant that she could find at

that early evening hour, Darth Sidious gave commands to his new student.


"Because the Council did not trust you, my young apprentice," he began

sternly, "I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot.

When the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us, along

with all the Senators." What other fate could there be for two Sith?


Anakin nodded. "I agree. The Jedi's next move will be against the Senate."


"Every single Jedi," explained Sidious, "including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi,

is now an enemy of the Republic. You understand that, don't you?"


"I understand, Master," replied Anakin, though reluctant to accept it.


"We must move quickly. The Jedi are relentless. If they are not all destroyed,

it will be civil war without end. First, I want you to go the Jedi Temple.

We will catch them off-balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader.

Do not hesitate; show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough

with the Dark Side to save Padme." Sidious' tone was gravely serious.


"What about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy?" asked Anakin.


"Their betrayal will be dealt with," his Master reassured him. "After

you have killed all the Jedi in the Temple, go to the Mustafar system.

Wipe out Viceroy Gunray and all the other Separatist leaders. Once

more, the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we...shall have..peace." He smiled.


Anakin turned to leave and obey him, and soon he had reached his target--

the Jedi Temple. He led a battalion of Clone Troopers. Soon I will be

whole, he thought. Complete. Strong enough to save the one I love

at last. The Jedi could never, and would never, help us, so I must...


Anakin killed Shaak Ti and then moved quickly from the Jedi Temple hallway

into a room full of frightened and confused Younglings. One small boy spoke.


"Master Skywalker!" he cried, his voice worried. "There are too many of

them. What are we going to do?" So trusting, so admiring, was his tone.


Foolish children, thought Anakin bitterly. Strung along. Fooled

by the false teachings of the Jedi. If only they knew that true power

lies with the Sith: the power to love, the power to feel, the power to

create life and cheat death. Now, they will never know, due to me.


He gazed at the Younglings sternly and ignited his lightsaber. Why

should I spare them? he thought. Master Sidious wanted all of

the Jedi in the Temple killed, and if I let these children live, then I

won't be able to save the life of my own child. Of Padme! Whom do

I love more? Not these poor and innocent whelps. If I don't kill them,

my wife will die. I won't be able to rescue her from the death I fear.

Forward! He submerged himself in the Dark Side and finished his task.


Dashing out of the room, however, he noticed someone dashing in...


"Anakin!" a voice cried. A female voice, familiar but somehow not. "It

is I, Tysy Dvukh, the girl you once trained who is now exiled! I came

back to...help you..." Numb, she noticed the corpses--all Younglings.


"What do you wish to know?" asked Anakin softly. His heart stirred,

not with the marital love that he felt for Padme, but with a subtle

intensity that, in millenia past, might have signified a Force Bond.


"Who killed all these Jedi? These--children?" Tysy asked, her heart

stunned with sorrow and grief. "I can't imagine. Was it Grievous? Who?"


"I had to, Tysyacha," confessed Lord Vader. "For my wife, and my

unborn child. The Chancellor has taught me that the ways of the

Sith are the only ways to bypass death. The death she would've

suffered if I hadn't promised to learn his teaching. You understand,

don't you?" Anakin's yellow eyes glowed with something like regret.


"Tell me everything," Tysyacha choked, feeling like she'd been cut down.


"I am married to Senator Padme Amidala," Anakin began, "the former

Queen of Naboo. She is pregnant with my child. As of now, the Chancellor

of the Galactic Senate has revealed himself to be Darth Sidious, Lord of

the Sith. He has promised me that together, we will discover the secret

to defeat death and save my wife and child's lives. In return, I now serve

him, and my title is Darth Vader. I am no longer the Anakin you once knew."


"How--how could you believe a lie?" cried Tysy. "How could you have

sacrificed all these Younglings, and yourself, for a heartless Sith lie?"


"I speak the truth, Tysy," Anakin told her, and beckoned. "Come here."


Reluctantly, against her head's judgment but yielding to her heart,

Tysy stepped forward. Anakin wrapped her weak arms in his own

strong ones. She was trembling, but he--he was strong. Stronger

than ever. He sent a soft Force current running through the girl.


"I--I feel soothed," she said. "Relaxed. Calm. How could this be

happening if you've fallen to the Dark Side?! Ah, Anakin--"


"Shhh," said Lord Vader, closing his eyes. "It's all right. You are

healed now, the emotional wounds from your exile erased. We

will work together, as you said before, and save Padme and my

child. The Sith are evil, yes, but I will overthrow my Master and

rule the galaxy in the name of good! With Padme as my consort,

and you as my lieutenant-in-command, what suffering could there be?"


Tysy shook her head, feeling shell-shocked. "I don't know--"


"Come with me to the Mustafar System. There I will slay Viceroy Gunray

and all the Separatist Droids. This endless war will be over! You'll see."


"I'll come," she cried quickly, "but don't make me turn cruel and wicked!"


"Never," said Anakin firmly, but hoped that his Master would not kill her.

That he would make her see, and that at last, Tysyacha Dvukh would

be on his side. Not a Sith Lord, but a servant, devoted to the Dark Side


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Mustafar. The very sound of that planet's name was the hiss of steam,

the flow of molten lava, and the roaring fires of perdition. Such a place

was where the Jedi feared to tread, and yet a Sith felt right at home.

A Sith such as the newly-dubbed Darth Vader, along with a confused

and frightened exile. Two alone in this forsaken world, in the galaxy.


"Stay with the ship," Anakin told Tysy firmly. His voice held no trace

of malice or superior haughtiness, however. He wished her to be safe.

Just as he wanted Padme and the baby she was carrying to be safe.

No more death should come but what has to, thought Lord Vader,

and in this case, the exile does not count. She is no longer a Jedi.

I want her to stand with me, just as I want Padme and my child to.


Tysy nodded. "R2-D2 will stay with you," Lord Vader reassured her.

However, as he exited the cockpit, the utility droid flew through it

with a happy beep. "Stay with the ship," Anakin commanded him,

R2-D2 did a disappointed and abrupt about-face, whirring back.


Vader raised the black hood on his cloak and stepped across a

walkway to Mustafar's main control center. Viceroy Nute Gunray

was waiting there, along with all of his mechanical minions.


"Welcome, Lord Vader," the Viceroy said as the former Anakin

Skywalker appeared in the doorway. "We've been expecting you."


Darth Sidious' apprentice, with fearless resolve, raised his hand and

sealed all of the exits to the control center shut through the Force.

The Separatist Droids glanced around in astonished bewilderment.

What was going on? Wasn't Lord Vader supposed to be on their side?


The young Sith Lord brandished his lightsaber and made quick work

of the Viceroy, Wat Tambor, Shu Mai, and the rest of the Separatists.

Now that the vile task was done, he could concentrate on returning

to Padme. And Tysy, who'd serve them both as rulers of the galaxy.


Lord Vader paused to meditate, waiting for a message from his Master.

It soon came. "Send a message to the ships of the Trade Federation,"

Sidious commanded. "Tell them the Separatist leaders have been wiped

out. Grievous and Dooku have been destroyed. All droid units must shut

down immediately." The holoprojection was insistent, and yet triumphant.


"Yes, my Lord," replied Vader. He then saw something amazing and

wonderful flash on his viewing screen--the arrival of his wife's ship.

He went out to meet her, ecstatic to tell her the life-changing news.


"Padme! I saw your ship..." began Lord Vader.


His pregnant bride could bear it no more. "Anakin!" she cried. They embraced.


"It's all right. You're safe now," he said. "What are you doing out here?"


"I was so worried about you. Obi-Wan told me terrible things!"


Vader's brow furrowed. "What things?"


"He said that you turned to the Dark Side--that you killed Younglings!"


"Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me," Vader said matter-of-factly.


"He cares about us," said Padme, knowing Anakin's words couldn't be true.


"Us?!" Vader's heart leapt in fear and anger. What right had she to tell him?


"He knows," said Padme, her heart pained. "He wants to help you."


"Is Obi-Wan going to protect you?" asked Lord Vader. "He can't--he

can't help you. He's not strong enough." No Jedi would ever be.


"Anakin, all I want is your love."


"Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that."


"At what cost?" Padme's heart sank. "You are a good person. Don't do this!"


"I won't lose you the way I lost my mother!" Vader cried. "I've become

more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of, and I've done it for

you. To protect you."


"Come away with me," begged Padme softly. "Help me raise our child.

Leave everything else behind while you still can."


"Don't you see?" asked Vader. His heart had not been so glad since he

had first wedded Padme in secret on that Naboo afternoon. "We don't

have to run away anymore! I have brought peace to the Republic. I

am more powerful than the Chancellor. I can overthrow him, and

together you and I can rule the galaxy. Make things the way we

want them to be!" He smiled. This was his vision, his new dream...


Padme was stunned. "I can't believe what I'm hearing. Obi-Wan was

right. You've changed!" Democracy? What was that to a new-born Sith?


"I don't want to hear any more about Obi-Wan," said Vader firmly. "The

Jedi turned against me. Don't you turn against me."


"I don't know you anymore." Tears sprung to Padme's eyes. "Anakin,

you're breaking my heart! I'll never stop loving you, but you're going

down a path I can't follow."


"Because of Obi-Wan?" asked Vader, saving his rage and vengeance for later.


"Because of what you've done! What you...plan to do. Stop. Stop now!

Come back! I love you." She raised her folded hands in front of her, a plea.


Lord Vader, at that moment, saw someone else emerge from Padme's vessel.

An enemy, a proud old fool, the Jedi who had once been his Master. "Liar!"


This slur was meant for Padme, who had turned around and seen Obi-Wan

Kenobi come down the ramp of her ship. "NO!" she cried. "Anakin, I swear, I--"


Padme clutched at her throat as Vader began to choke her through the Force.


"Let her go, Anakin." After Vader did not comply, Obi-Wan's tone turned

cold. "Let--her--go." Tersely, Vader loosened his Force Choke hold on Padme.


"You turned her against me," the former Anakin Skywalker hissed.


Master Kenobi would hear none of that. "You have done that yourself."


"You will not take her from me." Vader doffed his black Sith Apprentice cloak.


"Your anger and your lust for power have already done that!" replied Obi-Wan.


This was more than Vader could or would ever tolerate again. Soon he fiercely

locked his former Master into a grueling lightsaber duel among the volcanic

rivers of Mustafar. Hot and arduous, the battle was, infused with the heat

of Obi-Wan Kenobi's justly earned attacks and Darth Vader's vengeful rage.


As for Tysy, she had seen everything on the viewing screen in Lord Vader's

ship. Along with R2-D2, she rushed to the side of the unconscious Padme.


"Come on. I'm here! Stay with me," pleaded the exile as she tried to heal

Senator Amidala through the Force. This was to no avail at all, however.

Medically, the pregnant former Queen was fine. What else could be wrong?


"Don't give up," whispered Tysy, her hands pressed over Padme's heart.

Tears were flowing down her face, as easily as they had for the rest of

her life before this. "You're not dead yet. You're with child. Stay with

me and live! I love you as I would any friend in need, and much more.

Stay with--me--don't give up--please--!" No response from Padme

but that same deadly stillness and silence. What more could she do?


R2-D2 tried to drag Padme back to the ship, but another droid, this

time a gold protocol one, stuck his head out. "What are you doing?" he

asked R2. You're going to hurt her. Wait!" C-3PO hurried down the ramp.


Tysy Dvukh fled. Those droids certainly belonged to either Padme

or Obi-Wan, and if they belonged to the latter, their Master would

surely seek to punish her next. After all, she had come to

the Mustafar System with Anakin at his most urgent request.


More than that--she was on his side, and not on that of one of the Jedi

who had justly cast her from the Order. What compassion, what mercy,

what offer of redemption, would Obi-Wan Kenobi have for her now?

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Was this how an epic duel, a battle of wills between two heroes, was

supposed to end? Was this the will of the Force--to have Obi-Wan

Kenobi stand heartbroken but triumphant at last, and his apprentice to

lie sprawled on an igneous riverbank, a charred and twisted wreck?


If so, then perhaps the ancient Sith Lord Darth Traya had been correct.

The Force was like a mindless god, sacrificing thousands to suffering and

death in order to maintain some arbitrary measure of 'balance'. Perhaps

it was a cold, impersonal thing, controlling all while giving peace to none.


"I hate you!" shrieked Anakin, now Lord Vader, to Master Kenobi.

I hate you for ever doubting me, for denying my destiny. I hate

you for selfishly using me as a pawn in your scheme to expose my

new Master. I hate you for forcing me to remain subservient, when I

was created for true mastery. Most of all, I hate you for turning the

only one that I treasured against me. My Padme--my love, my life!


"You were my brother, Anakin," Obi-Wan said, heartbroken. "I loved you."


But you don't now, do you? I see through this lie of Jedi 'love.'


Suddenly, the hot winds of Mustafar tore Anakin's clothing off of him.

He burst into flames and began screaming, pain searing his body and soul.


Obi-Wan, horrified, could not watch. He sprinted back toward Padme's

ship. If he couldn't save Anakin, at least he might be able to save his wife...




A wet face, two soft hands, a cool touch. The exile. She had come to

save his life, despite his being a Sith. Despite having killed Younglings,

having succumbed to the Dark Side of his own free will. She was still

there, and she wanted to save his life. Vader felt hope stir within him.


"Anakin!" Tysy wept. "Lord Vader. I'm here, and I don't want you to die!"


These words brought him strength. Strength enough not to slip into sweet

unconsciousness aboard the rescue vessel Darth Sidious commanded. He

screamed as the medical droids tended to him, reveled in his agony. Had

it not been for the exile, or most of all for the thought of Padme, Vader

believed he would have lost the will to live. Even to serve his Master.


"Lord Vader, can you hear me?" asked Sidious, admiring the new form

of his apprentice. Mechanical, dark, and impervious to fleshly pain.


"Yes...my Master." Vader was slowly adjusting to his respirator. He

glanced around the room. "Where is Padme? Is she safe? Is she all

right?" Even then, in his darkest hour, his heart was with his bride.


Darth Sidious sidled in closer to him. "I'm afraid she died," he said. "It

seems that in your anger, you killed her." Such a beautiful, subtle lie.


Vader clenched his fists. A low groan emanated from his breathing

mask, and everything in the medical bay, including some of the droids,

began slowly to implode. "I couldn't have!" he roared. "She was alive!

I felt it! She was alive! It's impossible. NO!" Agony claimed him again.


He could not believe it. Padme-finished! Now he truly had nothing to live

for--nothing except for the downfall and destruction of those he hated.

Those who had betrayed him, who had left him with nothing. The Jedi.




The Jedi would perish, all of them, but for now Vader could only watch as

Lord Sidious turned to the girl. She, the only other one who wished to save

him. Tysyacha Dvukh--a Jedi, murderess, exile, now prisoner of the Sith.


"See what the Jedi have wrought?" asked Lord Sidious, gesturing to Vader.


"No," Tysy said softly, through tears. "I see only what you have wrought."


"Who was it that destroyed Anakin? That kept him weak, that kept him

from becoming the monumental bastion he was destined to become?"


"You did." She kept her voice barely above a whisper. "You turned him."


"Did I?" Sidious smiled. "Or had it always been there within him--the

simmering anger, the rage, the unquenchable arrogance? Surely you

would not have missed it. Have I misled you, Tysyacha? Or was it

always within you to serve the strong, not being meant for

the weak? Do you think I meant you to slave away all your days?"


"You have no plan for me," scoffed Tysy, smiling haughtily. "You

only mean to kill me, as I was once a Jedi and you hate them all."


"Exiles I spare," continued Sidious, "but only if they pledge to obey

me. Will you, and learn the true, unwavering teachings of the Sith?"


"NO!" This was a passionate scream. Tysy's throat grew raw with pain.


"One," said Sidious, counting down, and he levitated Tysy in the air

through his mastery of the Force. Very gently, Sidious squeezed, and

Tysyacha began to choke. "One is for you, standing alone. You cannot

hope to prevail against me, having weakened Force powers as an exile.


"Two," he continued, squeezing slightly, slightly harder, feeling

both glad and pained at his victim's suffering. "Two is for the greatest

Sith Lords in the history of the galaxy, Master and apprentice. You will

serve Anakin out of love, but me out of sheer will, the obedience that

comes from both cherishing and despising your true Master." He smiled.


"Three," Sidious growled, feeling the exile's resistance push against

his magnificent power. "Three is for three great lies the Jedi have

forced you to live under, and for three timeless truths that I shall

make you see." He raised her higher into the air, and Tysy gagged.


"Four!" Tysy felt her consciousness start to fade. "Four stands

for the four Jedi you so rightfully betrayed to save your life, exile.


You betrayed Master Ladno when you failed his righteous teaching.


You betrayed your friend Rodzina long before she turned on you.

You sought to become strong, which is what she wished you'd never be.


You betrayed Master Yoda, following passion instead of stoic Jedi ways.

And, lastly, you betrayed the one you killed--that dung heap Jayla Maene."


Sidious paused, his head high. "Do you see it? Speak your heart to Lord Vader!"


"Anakin!" Tysy gasped, flailing. "I'm going to die. If you wish to save me,

I will serve you. If you wish to kill me, I will die for you. If you wish to

teach me, I will learn from you. And if you wish to love me, I am yours!"


At that moment, Sidious cast her down, flinging her at Vader's feet.


He stepped forward and knelt down beside her, kissing her on the cheek.

"You are beautiful to me, exile," Sidious said. "Thank you for proving to

me, once and for all, that as long as I live, I would never...reach...five."


Vader, consumed with murderous anger, picked the girl up and stormed away.

Sidious would never touch her, never harm her, never break her will again.

She was his servant, and he loved her. That was all that mattered now.


As for Tysyacha--


She turned her face to Sidious and whispered, "Ya--yevo'." I am his.


Sidious, the Dark Lord, laughed and laughed. This was his greatest triumph.


Through being his, he thought, you are also mine, exile.


FINIS September 4, 2006

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Strange, but here this Fic finished on the 5th September 2006. Must be a different time wherever you are.


Anyway, I just have several things to say. Sweet. Your best Chapter of the Fic. I liked seeing Tysy join the Dark Side. Will she be the Emperor's Hand like Mara Jade? If you're doing the Sequel, I'll gladly read it. Congrats.


Also, I have a final question. Will you put this in the Jedi Archives?

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The Jedi Archives is not accepting new posts, for some reason. Ratzy darn!


By the way, I want to roleplay the sequel to Ya--Yevo' out. If I go strictly

by the Episode IV script, I'll be left with a bunch of holes and gaps, as

Episode IV is primarily about Luke, Leia, Han, and the Rebels instead

of Darth Vader and Lord Sidious. Who's with me on this RPG of Ep. IV? ;)

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The Jedi Archives is not accepting new posts, for some reason. Ratzy darn!


By the way, I want to roleplay the sequel to Ya--Yevo' out. If I go strictly

by the Episode IV script, I'll be left with a bunch of holes and gaps, as

Episode IV is primarily about Luke, Leia, Han, and the Rebels instead

of Darth Vader and Lord Sidious. Who's with me on this RPG of Ep. IV? ;)


I will. I'll play as Luke.

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