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If you're really thirteen, don't stop by the Sam and Max boards. Wouldn't want to be responsible for tainting innocent young minds. (The other guys, not so sure about...)

But itchy, don't you realize, the more pure and good something is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt (I have a motivational poster about this, but I can't find it now)?

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Polkadot will be the one corrupting! I'm not joking, Polkadot's incredible hate towards me knows no bounds. It's that bad that the mention of Polka's name makes part of me die everytime I hear it!! I'm having trouble TYPING the name. Don't worry, YOU'RE safe it's really just me who has to worry. :(

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Polkadot will be the one corrupting! I'm not joking, Polkadot's incredible hate towards me knows no bounds. It's that bad that the mention of Polka's name makes part of me die everytime I hear it!! I'm having trouble TYPING the name. Don't worry, YOU'RE safe it's really just me who has to worry. :(


Actually St. Jimmy, if you knew me at all you would know that I have no hatred towards you at all!

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I think I've diagnosed it, stay with me.

  • You know her from some sort of group
  • She's threatened to kill you at least once
  • She's scratched the **** out of you arm at least once
  • Bi-Polar defect


Ok, 1st, I only know him because he just so happens to be the brother of my best friend.


2nd, I have not threatened to kill him.


3rd..huh? I dont get that one...


and 4th, I am not bi-polar. I am healthy. Im not some freako whack job like St Jimmy says.

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I think I've diagnosed it, stay with me.

  • You know her from some sort of group
  • She's threatened to kill you at least once
  • She's scratched the **** out of you arm at least once
  • Bi-Polar defect

Yep, that's about it.... And Chase, any help would be appreciated...

(at least you've all seen the light now...)

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Oh, I get it now. pinkpolkadot doesn't like St. Jimmy and vice versa cuz pinkpolkadot is St. Jimmy's sister's best friend, hangs out at St. Jimmy's house all the time because that is where her best friend lives, and poor St. Jimmy has to deal with not only his sister but his sister's best friend harassing him all the time, heh-heh-heh.


Early teen soap operas. :dozey:

And I forget

Just what it takes

And yet I guess it makes me smile

I found it hard

Its hard to find

Oh well, whatever, nevermind

- Nirvana, Smells Like Teen Spirit

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Oh, I get it now. pinkpolkadot doesn't like St. Jimmy and vice versa cuz pinkpolkadot is St. Jimmy's sister's best friend, hangs out at St. Jimmy's house all the time because that is where her best friend lives, and poor St. Jimmy has to deal with not only his sister but his sister's best friend harassing him all the time, heh-heh-heh.


Early teen soap operas. :dozey:



Well, how many times do I have to say, I have nothing against St. Jimmy!! He has held this massive grudge against me for no apparent reason.

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Oh, I get it now. pinkpolkadot doesn't like St. Jimmy and vice versa cuz pinkpolkadot is St. Jimmy's sister's best friend, hangs out at St. Jimmy's house all the time because that is where her best friend lives, and poor St. Jimmy has to deal with not only his sister but his sister's best friend harassing him all the time, heh-heh-heh.


Early teen soap operas. :dozey:

Cutmeister, You truly are a genius! I would never have figured that out! :clap2: and yeah, you're pretty much correct.

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