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Who is this man?


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While watching Return of the Jedi for the umpteenth time, I noticed that just as Han and Leia are being forced outside the bunker by the stormtroopers, amongst the rebel soldiers with their hands on their heads, there is a man in a stormtrooper uniform minus a helmet with his hands on head. Is this a mistake or deliberate?

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Remember that Scout Trooper that got tricked by Han and ran right into the hands of a bunch of Rebels? Well, one of those Rebels can be seen laying down his gun and approaching the Scout Trooper. There was going to be a scene showing the Rebel taking his uniform and standing guard outside the bunker in his place.


When the Imperials arived, apparently they found out the guy was fake, and was captured and put among the rest of the Rebels, and that's the guy you're seeing. Tada.

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Sorry, I don't have a pic, I watched it at a friends house. Thanks for clearing that up though. At first I though he must have come in late, got the wrong end of the stick and put his hands on his head when the acting started! Though, I took a list at the deleted or scrapped scenes in ROTJ and it isn't there. Are you sure it wasn't a mistake? They wouldn't have put him there if it was an older scene thats been missed, they would have had enough time to correct it.

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