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Who do you think would win in a fight?


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Okay well im his friend and you have to also remember that the original trilogies were made over twenty years ago and they couldnt have all of the really fast lightsaber fights and jumping around like we saw in the new trilogy. Luke brings the jedi back and could easily beat anakin!!

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lol That dosnt matter anakin had better training as a jedi and had the dark side anger with him to attack faster and better. He would kick Luke's A**

How about: "anakin ... had the dark side anger with him to be beaten by Obi-Wan"?

Seriously, IMO it would be like the Anakin - Obi-Wan duel (well, Luke would possibly be slightly more "powerful" than Obi-Wan) and very close - the aggression and raw power of the DS vs. the calmness of the LS. This of course is under the condition that both have the about same level of training.

Btw. IMHO Vader > Anakin. I know the GL quotes but I prefer the explanation that Anakin/Vader did not wish to unleash his full power against his son.

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Who do you think would win in a fight?


Alright my friend and I keep saying who would win in a fight Anakin or Luke. I am thinking that Anakin would win by a long shot but my friend thinks that Luke would win. And remember Anakin not Vader!!!!. So we want to know what you think. Thanks


are you talking just about anakin and luke? 'cause if you are, i bet luke would win. now theres always when your talking about, do you mean when they both didnt know what jedi were(anakin as a slave and luke as a farmboy)or when they were both padawans and learning. then again you could mean when they were both masters and expeirenced

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Depends on what age Luke is at this point. If they are the same age (early 20's-ish), then Anakin would win as he had years of training at that point and had become a prominant member of the Order. Luke only had very minimal training by that point.


If it is an older Luke, then I think he would win, as he had more years of experience to increase his skills.

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Yeah whatever Luke is stronger and better....

Wow, what a compelling argument, I have completely changed my mind. [/sarcasm]


Like Nintendork said, "he was much faster and better trained (although that was only because of how common Jedis were), and he was the chosen one." Anakin FTW.

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Depends on what age Luke is at this point. If they are the same age (early 20's-ish), then Anakin would win as he had years of training at that point and had become a prominant member of the Order. Luke only had very minimal training by that point.


If it is an older Luke, then I think he would win, as he had more years of experience to increase his skills.

I agree with this statement. Anakin would smoke the Luke in ESB/RotJ, but if it's Luke after he opened the academy, etc, I think he could stand a chance.
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You are all ****ed in the head it doesnt matter that anakin had more training and was the chosen one obi wan kicked his ass and luke did in ROPJ and it doesnt matter that anakin was older and had robot arms or whatever the only reason that he was slower was because of technology and that is why there was so much jumping around in the new trilogy luke was better in the originals and would have been in the new ones to and that is that.

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Whoa... sorry... I didn't know my opinion made me ****ed in the head...


EDIT: Wow, the way you edited your post is a lot nicer than "You are all ****ed up in the head and can suck my dick..."


But Luke did not kick his ass in RotJ, Vader saved Luke at the expense of his own life...

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Well look at it this way. In the prequals all the Jedi trained for years in lightsaber combat and that's why the duels in the PT were a much faster pace than in the OT. The RotJ duel was supposed to be like an untrained rookie against a crippled aging sith. There's no way Luke could defeat any jedi knight or master from the prequel days.

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