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What is the bigger reason for no K3?


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What do you guys think is the main reason that KOTOR 3 hasn't been done (or at least announced to be in the making) right now. There is plenty of reasons. 1) They have other games to work on. 2) They are trying to take full advantage of the new engine 3) They are deciding to finish making the game this time, unlike TSL


I could go on, but I want to think what everyone else thinks.

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4) They're still contemplating the fallout of KotOR2, which was unfinished, but still fairly successful. But the fans have made it clear that KotOR3 needs to be both brilliant and completed.


Also, the current console "switch" (Xbox to Xbox 360 and PS2 to PS3) probably has a lot to do with this, too.

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Even more TSL bashing... the game is finished, whether people want to admit it or not. But that's a debate for another topic.


The main reason they might not be working on KotOR III is the reason they make video games: profit. It might sell well, but it would cost far more to make than any action game. But for all we know, they might be working on right now, and have decided to show off their disregard for their fans.

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Reasons 1 and 2 could be valid. As far as reason 3 goes I think TSL was finished. It's just TSL's ending was less than satisfactory for many of those that played the game.


After Jim Ward took over at LucasArts in 2004 he instituted a major overhaul that included the dismissal of many LA employees, which according to some reports also included the LA staff assigned to KotOR 3. Now that Jim Ward has refashioned LA it seems, IMO, that KotOR 3 is not on LA's priority list of games to develop right now. Mr. Ward seems intent on having LA create games to support other Lucas-owned companies' initiatives, like the Indy Jones game in advance of the movie's release. At least LA hasn't stated that it won't make KotOR 3. Anyway, this is just my two cents on the subject.


I could go on, but I want to think what everyone else thinks.
Groupthink can be a dangerous thing.
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Groupthink can be a dangerous thing.


haha yes that is true. But I wanted to know what other people thought because sometimes, like on another thread I started (it wasn't a good one) people ridiculed me mercilessly, all for trivial reasons.


Yeah, to tell you the truth, number 3 is not totally my opinion, but I know other's who do hold that (I hold that opinion a little bit, I really wished the HK droid factory was on the console version, it makes me mad that I cant get mods on Xbox)

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7. High expectations, so they want to think it through.

8. Next-Gen RPG game engine is in development. (Research & Testing)

9. Too busy working on something else.

10. Uncertainty. Not sure how to approach the final story.

11. They believe that the KotOR series is done.

12. Lucas Arts has issues with how Obsidian approached KotOR II. (Speculation)

13. A developer is working on KotOR III, but has not said anything.

14. A writter is working on the plot, and is trying to find an impressive way to top the series off.

15. Since KotOR III will be considered 'Net-Gen', the concept artists see a need to go back to the drawing-board.

16. Jesus came to the writters and developers in a dream, and he showed them how 'great' a third game would be. Since Jesus is a big thinker, the development of KotOR III will take eight years.

17. Lucas Arts maybe interested in a KotOR III, but George Lucas wants the series to just go away.

18. Lucas Arts is helping Lucas Films to develop their new tv-series. Therefore, they don't have enough time.

19. Lucas Arts wants to create roller-coaster games instead of Star Wars games.

20. Someone is smoking weed, and they are having a hardtime writting the script.

20. KotOR III is being sold to Disney, and it will now be called, "Knights of the Old Republic III On Ice!"

21. Knights of the Old Republic is beeing scripted for a broadway show, and you will be able to see it in a New York theater.

22. Revan and Bastila are negotiating for a new contract.

23. Handmaiden is trying to convince the developers to grow her hair out.

24. The developers are waiting for Bastila and Revan to get married, so they can get started on production.

25. Someone lost the keys to the Ebon Hawk.

26. Lucas Arts hired Tom Cruise, and he changed the name to 'Knights of the Impossible".

27. Bastila is giving birth to the 'New Jedi Order'.

28. Lucas decided to write the third act himself, he locked himself into his office, and all the developers and designers are trying to break the door down to stop him.

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The game was finished, but there was some glitches in the game (like Kriea not telling you about the force forms,


Do you mean that she doesn't tell you about the Force forms you learn from the Jedi Masters? SHe did for me.


and the Sublevel in the Telos Military base).


That's not a glitch.

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haha yes that is true. But I wanted to know what other people thought because sometimes, like on another thread I started (it wasn't a good one) people ridiculed me mercilessly, all for trivial reasons.


FPS forums are just brutal.


27. Bastila is giving birth to the 'New Jedi Order'.



I always wondered what the guys on the Ebon Hawk did during those long hyperspace trips...

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16. Jesus came to the writters and developers in a dream, and he showed them how 'great' a third game would be. Since Jesus is a big thinker, the development of KotOR III will take eight years.

That wasn't Jesus - it was the middle of the night, and the moon was behind me... :xp:


17. Lucas Arts maybe interested in a KotOR III, but George Lucas wants the series to just go away.

Not quite. He still hasn't finished berating OE for breaking the formula :xp:


20. KotOR III is being sold to Disney, and it will now be called, "Knights of the Old Republic III On Ice!"

Revan will be replaced by a small tomboy, and Bastila will be played by Ricci Lane. Instead of the Star Forge, they're off to find a mystical pot of 'hunny' that some bees calling themselves the Sith have stolen, under their dark-and-yellow lord Buzzlak.


25. Someone lost the keys to the Ebon Hawk.

Bastila: I thought you had them!

Revan: Wh..? I gave them to you!

Bastila: No you didn't!


28. Lucas decided to write the third act himself, he locked himself into his office, and all the developers and designers are trying to break the door down to stop him.

Bastila (Ricci Lane): Hold me, Revan. Hold me like you did on the Rakatan temple top.

Revan (William Shatner): Sith. Spit! Bastila! Look! Behind! You!


Now picture that on a skating rink, with the both of them dressed in fluffy animal outfits :xp:


On the subject of TSL: KotOR II: TSL is complete in that it hangs together if you infer a lot of scenes and read all the dialogue. It is not complete in that everything that was promised for example in the trailer was not delivered, and things referenced in the game don't come to light - for example the HK Factory.

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I have to agree with everyone. TSL was officially completed.


generalvaklu321 - your first two assumptions are probably correct. However, I don't think we have any definitive proof. ***Crosses fingers*** :)


Darth InSidious - Lol...


29. Lucas has been secretly creating KotOR into a soap opera called: "Jedi Knights of Our Lives".

30. T3 went out drinking with R2, and they are trying to sober him up.

31. They are waiting for Mira to get out of rehab, for she was chewing too much spice.

32. They are waiting for HK47 to get out on parole, for he thought all the meat bags needed to be exterminated.

33. Visas is getting eye surgery, and they have to wait until she healed. Something was mentioned about her contacts getting stuck. In KotOR III the return of her vision will be explained as being a fart echoing through the force. Damit Exile.

34. Carth and Atton decided they would retire, so they opened up a cantina in Florida. The writers had to rewrite the script, for they played essential roles in the end game.

35. Someone forgot to set the parking break on the Ebon Hawk, and now they have to rebuild the whole set.

36. Exile hated Kreia’s explanation for her existence, which caused her to walk off set when they made KotOR II. According to the reports, Obsidian is having a hard time negotiating for her return.

37. Revan and Exile got into a fistfight about who is more important. They both ended up in jail, and they are waiting for Bastila to come up with the bail.

39. Mission hit puberty, so they had to create a new wardrobe.

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As far as reason 3 goes I think TSL was finished. It's just TSL's ending was less than satisfactory for many of those that played the game.


Actually, I think it was unfinished. If you go digging through your StreamVoice folder, you'll find there is a LOT of unused voice acting, most of which seems to take place near the end of the game.


For instance, there are sound clips of an exchange between Sion and Atton, where Sion is torturing Atton, chopping him up with a lightsaber. I found the sound files myself, Sion says something like: "I will cut you until I can look upon you as if I am looking in a mirror."


Also, there are several sound files for endings in which Atton kills Disciple in jealousy (if the exile is female) and anger because he could not protect the exile from traya. Similarly, there are sound files for an exchange between Handmaiden and Visas for if you've got a male exile.


And there's a LOT of stuff like this. You just have to dig through your game files, and again I've listened to them myself. I think it's safe to assume that since the stuff IS there and it obviously would have made the ending more of a, well, ending, I think Obsidian ran out of time and just threw together what we have in the ending now.


Check out these two links for more info...


KotOR II- The Missing Content

The Sith Lords Restoration Project

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43. The actor who played Vrook and Davik had to get some surgery done. In order for him to play Vrook, they needed to stick a poll somewhere. When he gets out of surgery, expect his next role to be mellowed down.

44. Juhani has a new show in Las Vegas. Her new Vegas name is Cat’s Meow, and thousands go to see her new roll. Obsidian is trying to negotiate for her return, but they are having a hard time matching her wages from poll dancing. Her new theme song is ‘I Will Survive.’

45. Lucas Arts is waiting to hear word from the actor who played Artis. They have plans on giving her a few flashback sequences. When KotOR III was in hiatus, Exile and Atris gave birth to a bouncing baby Jedi. They are waiting for her recovery.

46. Big ‘Z’ has to be written out of the script, for he is too busy making advertising for Head & Shoulders.

47. Disciple has opened up a bar as well, but his place was opened in Sin City. His guests call him Stephan. Obsidian had to rewrite several pages to reflect his new demeanor. They thought his role should reflect his real life.

48. Darth Sion joined the Hells Angels. They are desperately searching for him.

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Ambrose have you ever gone throgh K1 dialougs file? There is a lot of cut conversations there to, and a 3 level of the Vulkar base that you can warp to. So the one with sound file wasnt even sure that they should inplant. But i agrre with you that you see that TSL isnt finish in the things that some characther still speak about cut content *cought*HK-47*cought* and the endings is weird, but just because it's in the sound files dosnet mean it should be in the game

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39. Mission hit puberty, so they had to create a new wardrobe.


Hmmm... I thought she was going to be the new member in Lazytown as Staph's buddy? :3


Puberty for Twi'lek females are not a problem, all of them wear dancer's outfit anyways. Even Secura's outfit is dancey.

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You know what the reason is, why it hasn't been made or announced yet? Because there aren't any plans to right now. It's that simple, it's not like a big murder mystery.

It is a mystery. No one really knows what is going on. The only people who can tell you what is up are playing it silent. Thats is the whole hearted truth.

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