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Revan's Second, Redeemed


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NOTE: I may not continue this. This is just an experiment.


Knights of the Old Republic: Revan's Second, Redeemed


The life of the galaxy once again hangs in the balance. The

Republic, devastated by years of battle against the Mandalorians

and the Sith Lords Revan and Malak, teeters upon the brink of

collapse. The Jedi Order, once thousands strong, now boasts

fewer than one hundred Knights. Under cryptic orders from a Lord

hidden in shadow, the Sith are exterminating the Jedi who remain.


An exile from the Order, lost to the galaxy for five years since

the end of the Mandalorian Wars, clings to life near the mining

colony of Peragus...




A warm wetness embraced me. Cradled me like the fluid in my

mother's womb. I felt safe there, asleep and enfolded in gentle

darkness. It was no surprise that when the voice spoke to me,

I jumped like a frightened gizka. I always was scared of loud

noises, or soft ones that disturbed my sleep. All it said was:


"Awaken." A whisper on the ede of hearing, yet it startled me!


With my eyes still closed, I struggled against the warm fluid.

Had I been asleep for a thousand years? It was so hard...


Soon I lay on the cold metal floor of whatever place I was in,

so weak, flat on my stomach. I saw surveillance monitors flicker

into life in a wide circle around my body, from the corner of my eye.


Where was I? After struggling for a while, I found the strength to stand.


Kolto tanks around me burbled, and computer monitors beeped.

Medical facility of some sort, I thought. But where are

all the doctors, and the medical droids? I started to explore

the building, cold and wet as I was. And wearing only my khaki

civilian-issue mesh bodysuit. Darn kolto tanks. No privacy there!

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