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Yet More Anti Gaming...


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I just watched an episode of CSI:Miami (there was nothing else on) called Urban Hellraisers. It featured a shooting spree (starting with a bank robery) based on the events in a GTA 3 like video game. Aparently the live action version of the game had been set up by the designer in order to create controvercy so it would sell better. It was quite possibly the biggest load of rubbish I have ever seen.


on a side note there was also a kid who had some how died from playing the same game (on a computer this time) for 72 hours non stop. I'm not sure that is even possible.


So in short: CSI say "games kill people".

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Several people have died from playing games for a number of hours without stopping.. mostly Koreans playing MMORPGs.

ANY activity where you stay still for a length of time has the potential to cause deep vein thrombosis.. though you mostly hear about it with regard to long flights.


To be fair, CSI is hardly "realistic".. most of it's storylines are highly fictional events with a grain of real life stories included.


Oh, and:

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I found something about Koreans dieing playing MMORPGs so it seems I was wrong about that, I can't see it happening with GTA though, I would be bored out of my mind after an hour or so.


My main problem is that people who watch CSI often think it is realistic, they are going to believe that games can do that because they saw it on CSI.


Talking about CSI not being realistic, they did that "Zoom in on that part of the photo" thing again.

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There was an episode of the X-Files called "FPS: First Person Shooter" along similar lines (though involving a virtual reality game that "came to life" to kill people).


See also the movie "Clockers."


People fear what they don't understand, so video games = the devil's candy, and gamers = crazy nerds (okay, so that part is true, but they're not killers... is the percentage of gamers who are killers any higher than among non-gamers?).


Still, people like to see juicy stuff on TV. Anything topic, no matter how nutty. People get more of their info about "reality" from fiction than from legit sources (sadly).

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on a side note there was also a kid who had some how died from playing the same game (on a computer this time) for 72 hours non stop. I'm not sure that is even possible.


So in short: CSI say "games kill people".


Any activity can kill people if it's done nonstop... However, I doubt that's true.


I'm more curious as to why this kid's parents didn't stop him when he'd been sitting at the computer for so long, supposing this happened.

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Actually, I do believe there are ways to do just that using mathematics and fancy computers, but it takes a whole lot longer and probably doesn't yield the same good quality results.


As for the episode, it's old, GamePolitics.com mentioned it a long way back.



You know what drives me nuts? All these anti-game critics going on about how players are rewarded for killing cops and hookers in GTA. Last time I played, when I killed a cop, I got some stars, and a whole lot more cops coming after me. Hell, the freakin' army started coming after me. And in Saint's Row, the police AI is pretty brutal (at least in car chases). The FBI SUV will ram you off the road and then some.


If getting your ass handed to you by the army and FBI is rewarding, that's just messed up.

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And if you are trying to complete any GTA missions and advance it is usually a good idea to try and avoid committing any crimes.. as its much harder to complete a mission with choppers and cops chasing you.


I think some people actually think the stars ARE rewards.. like the gold stars you get as a kid or something.. :o

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And if you are trying to complete any GTA missions and advance it is usually a good idea to try and avoid committing any crimes.. as its much harder to complete a mission with choppers and cops chasing you.


I think some people actually think the stars ARE rewards.. like the gold stars you get as a kid or something.. :o


In the options menu it even keeps track of how many gold stars you've recieved throughout the game.



...just like the poster on the wall of my third grade classroom...

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Actually, I do believe there are ways to do just that using mathematics and fancy computers, but it takes a whole lot longer and probably doesn't yield the same good quality results.


No. You can't sharpen a blurry image.





Ran through Lens Blur filter in CS2.



Ran through Sharpen Lens Blur. (Best choice)


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I was just talking to my dad (A photographer) and he mentioned a case in Florida (he believes) where a criminal was caught on a security camera from a gas station. However, the picture was very pixilated, and basically useless, but by taking the image and interpolating it, they were able to create a picture based on what they thought a higher res shot would have looked like based on the surrounded blurry pixels in the original. From there they were able to make a rouch composite sketch, but it was enough to catch the criminal.


So while technically it is impossible, because you are literally taking pixels from nowhere, hypothetically it could be done.


At least... that's what I interpreted from my father's rant.

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As I said, while it is impossible, what is possible is taking a very blurry image, and by looking at the blurry pixels interpolating it (which is basically guessing what it would look like normally and adding in pixels) and then creating a normal sketch from there.


And it is effective to an extent.

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Say you took a somewhat blurry picture like what Wally was talking about. And if you draw the figure's outline and features on it it will become much easier to see. Pretend you drew Alyx's outlines on the blurry version. It would be much easier (compared to the blurry image) to recognize the features of a person.

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