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How will the Executor be acquired?


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There has been much speculation on the Super Star Destroyer. There has been conjecture about whether the Executor will be buildable at a high price on a certain planet or whether it will be free hero unit. So which one is it? There are a number of other questions I would like answered as well.


1) Is the Executor a hero unit?


2) Is the Executor directly related to Vader? (Does Vader control the Executor?)


3) Is the Executor a planet specific unit like the Mon Cals or Star Destroyers?


4) What exactly are the hardpoints on the Executor? (How many turbolasers, how many ion cannons etc.?)


5) Can the Executor be bribed by the Zann Consortium during combat?


I suppose this can be called the official Super Star Destroyer discussion topic. So discuss...

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The Executor was built over Fondor, so if it is a planet specific unit it COULD be Fondor, though you never know.


EDIT: ugh, one guy already mentioned that the Executor is buildable at Fondor and basically said what I just did, I wasn't trying to steal his idea or whatever, man why do I always read threads in the wrong order?

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I asked about question 1/2 a few weeks back...and still the debate goes on. I sure hope Vader is controlling the Exec and not Piett. I also hope you have to buy it aswell..getting it for free seems to unbalance things. Vader should still have his Tie Advanced...then when you buy/build it Vader will take control of the Executor.

Hopefully this will happen.

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  Valter said:
There has been much speculation on the Super Star Destroyer. There has been conjecture about whether the Executor will be buildable at a high price on a certain planet or whether it will be free hero unit. So which one is it? There are a number of other questions I would like answered as well.


1) Is the Executor a hero unit?




2) Is the Executor directly related to Vader? (Does Vader control the Executor?)

Yes. The Executor has become Vader's transport (he'll still use the shuttle to land on planets).



3) Is the Executor a planet specific unit like the Mon Cals or Star Destroyers?

No. It is, however a buildable unit. It is tech level 5, requires a level 5 space station and you can only build it once. Unlike the Deathstar, it will respawn along with Vader like any other hero unit.



4) What exactly are the hardpoints on the Executor? (How many turbolasers, how many ion cannons etc.?)

The Executor basically has the same loadout of hard points as a normal Star Destroyer, it just has more of them (30 total). There are also some redundant systems - it has three shield hard points for example.



5) Can the Executor be bribed by the Zann Consortium during combat?

No. Tyber's bribe ability doesn't work in space combat, only in land tactical. In general, major heroes are immune to bribery.

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  Darth_Torpid-PG said:
It is tech level 5, requires a level 5 space station and you can only build it once. Unlike the Deathstar, it will respawn along with Vader like any other hero unit.

Is Vader on the same recharge timer as the other heroes, then? It would make sense for his timer to be longer, because (a) his ship is much stronger than other heroes' ships, and (b) his ship is much more powerful than other heroes' ships. Losing him in a space battle ought to come at a significant price, rather than the temporary disadvantage of losing him for a few minutes and then getting the Executor back for free.

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I'm sure they thought of that and they'll make sure it's balanced. In skirmish games, I'm sure he's mega-expensive to build and takes a long time to build as well. In campaign, different heros have different timers, so I would imagine that his is longer. However, if his respawn time is going to be that long in campaign I wonder if he's still going to be available in ground, and IF SO then he'll need to really powerfull on the ground as well as space (otherwise you'd be crazy to use him on land and get the SSD killed by a few artillery peices)

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Thanks for the information Torpid.


It looks like vader will not only be the best ground hero but also the best space hero. Losing him will obviously be detrimental to the war effort in galactic conquest games.


To Crezzer: Yes, I think that's exactly what gswift is saying.

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  Valter said:
Most likely the same abilities as the other Imperial space units; tractor beam or boost weapon power. It's possible that the Executor will have a new special ability.


Yeah, I figured as much. It would be cool if it had something else, but not necessary. It's already fairly capable, I'd say. In a world where balance isn't required, I'd have a garrison of an ISD. Ooh Yeah! :nut:


Also, since it is about 3x as powerful as an ISD, will it take up 12 population points? That's half of a full fleet!

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  Darth Ablett said:
OK then, that's good to know that it has to be built - hopefully at quite a price, since once it is bought it respawns.


I've got another question: What are its special abilities? I assume it'll have a tractor beam like the regular ISDs, what is the other one (if it has two)?


The tractor beam is correct. The second ability allows it to launch squadrons at will (similar to Vader's replenish wingman ability). Unlike normal Imperial ships, you click the button and it spits out the fighters, bombers, etc., so you can choose when and where to launch your escort. The Executors load out includes interceptors, bombers and defenders. The refresh is fairly short, so you can click it once for one squadron, or keep clicking until you release the whole thing.

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  Darth_Torpid-PG said:
The tractor beam is correct. The second ability allows it to launch squadrons at will (similar to Vader's replenish wingman ability). Unlike normal Imperial ships, you click the button and it spits out the fighters, bombers, etc., so you can choose when and where to launch your escort. The Executors load out includes interceptors, bombers and defenders. The refresh is fairly short, so you can click it once for one squadron, or keep clicking until you release the whole thing.


It can launch TIE Defenders at will? That's awesome, but I feel so sorry for those poor rebels...


EDIT: What about the population cap then - It's a mammoth ship that can spawn powerful fighters - I'd assume its only real weakness would be how much space it takes up. Care to enlighten us? :ears1:

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