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KotOR III: The Forgotten Empire

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Note: This isn't a typical story with any illustrious detail or dialogue, and it is not based off a fixed Revan and a fixed Exile. I am working on a KotOR III story that I'd use if I was designing the video game (if it is ever going to be made that is)...









My KotOR III story takes place approximately three years after the events of KotOR II, where Revan and the Exile are still in the unknown regions. They are not dead, but there is a reason why they haven’t returned, but at this stage, where exactly they are, what is happening in the unknown regions and what they are doing remains anonymous.


You’ll go a new main character in my KotOR III story and just like in the previous KotOR’s, you can select the gender of your character; however the species of your new main character will remain fixed as human for plot reasons.


You’ll be able to select the genders/alignments of Revan and the Exile in my KotOR III story, but unlike in KotOR II, you select their genders/alignments before the game begins (before you customize your new main character), not during the game. You will be asked straight forward was Revan LS/DS? Was the Exile LS/DS? Was Revan male/female? Was the Exile male/female? You choose…


If you haven’t played KotOR and/or KotOR II before, and do not know who Revan and/or the Exile are, then you can select the option that you don’t know who Revan and/or the Exile are or what the hell this is? If you do this, they will be set to the default canonical settings, Revan being a LSM and the Exile being a LSF.


The Old Republic is recovering faster than what was originally anticipated. Under popular new Supreme Chancellor Delbert Torrance, the Republic has completed several successful planetary restoration projects across outer-rim worlds that were affected by the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War; what this does is it helps galactic trade head in the right direction again, which would obviously benefit the economic and industrial state of the Republic, which is essential to the rebuilding process of the Republic. The military state of the Republic has also improved, as the Republic recently made a financial deal with Systech Corporation; they (Systech Corporation) are now making HK-51 droids who are programmed to be loyal to the Republic. In other words, Systech Corporation is building a loyal HK-Army for the Republic. The droids can be used to defend the Republic and stabilize planetary and local situations that need alleviating.


The Mandalorians have become quite a formidable force again, the once scattered clans have regathered, reunited and rebuilt; their main-base (training camp) has now been relocated from Dxun to the Mandalorian capital planet Mandalore. Mandalore has taken his armada back into Mandalorian space, into their old territory. But despite the fact that the Mandalorians have become pretty strong again, they haven’t attacked the Republic/Jedi/Sith or any other rival forces, and they have no intention of doing so, because they are still led by Canderous Ordo (Mandalore) and he is following orders from the Exile that the Exile gave him before he/she ventured fourth into the unknown regions.


The Jedi are still very weak, the wounds the past few decades of war that was inflicted upon them bleed still, however, a new Jedi Order is slowly re-establishing itself, as a group of youthful and inexperienced Jedi (if you set the Exile as LS, then this “group of youthful and inexperienced Jedi” will be the Exile’s companions) are leading the rebuilding phase of the new Jedi Order. Coruscant is the only occupied Jedi Academy in the galaxy at this stage, where the Jedi who lead the rebuilding phase recruit, teach and train new young force-sensitive recruits at the academy on Coruscant.


But out of the four major groups from known space, the Sith are the weakest one of them all. They have been reduced to near extinction, what tiny bit that is left from Malak’s remnants from KotOR and Traya’s cult from KotOR II are now nothing but unorganized, scattered, divided, leaderless factions that are killing each other off for what little power is left amongst them. There are too few Sith left to seriously harm the Republic and the Jedi. If you set the Exile as DS, then the Exile’s companions are Dark Jedi, not Sith, but they aren’t concerned about destroying the Republic/Jedi, they are following orders from the Exile and are helping the Mandalorians take control of the outer-rim, in an attempt to turn the outer-rim into one big defensive outpost, preparing to repel any potential attacks from the unknown regions that the Exile warned them about before he/she left. This is another reason why Mandalore moved his army to Mandalore (that sounds weird doesn’t it)? He preferred to operate from a more remote, more resourceful base, which correlates perfectly with Mandalorian space, besides, it is where they came from, so it only makes sense.


Also note that regardless of the Exile’s gender/alignment, the Ebon Hawk doesn’t get destroyed in my story; yes, it is badly damaged, but I’ve made it that no matter what, T3-M4 manages to repair the hyperdrive and reboot the main-systems of the ship, getting the Ebon Hawk functional and airborne again, saving the Exile’s companions and the Ebon Hawk from its originally inevitable doom. You will learn this at one point in my KotOR III story via dialogue.


Other groups such as the Intergalactic Exchange, Czerka Corporation, the Galactic Underground Smuggling Syndicate and Systech Corporation are going about their business as per usual, especially Czerka Corp and the Exchange, as the Jedi these days are still weak and the Republic is still unstable to the point where crime and corruption is much more abundant in the galaxy than what it was many years ago.


As plain and simple as things seem right now, things do get interesting. Once you’ve finished customizing your new main character through the in-game menu, the game begins, and you see the slogan ‘A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…’ followed by the opening credits, in typical Star Wars tradition…


I can’t put into exact words what I want the opening credits to say, I can however tell you what I want the opening credits (as brief as they always are) to talk about. In the opening credits of my KotOR III story, I want the player to know that it’s eight years after the Jedi Civil War and that the four major groups (the Republic, the Jedi, the Sith and the Mandalorians) are all weak and have suffered greatly from the past few decades of war, but they are all recovering and rebuilding slowly. I also want the player to know that Systech Corporation has built an army of sophisticated HK-51 droids for the Republic and they are continuing to manufacture HK-Droids for them (as I’ve mentioned earlier).


Now, before I get into my story, lets go over accouple of things. it should be noted that I’d like KotOR III to be a CRPG, just like KotOR and KotOR II, and as far as character building goes, it’s important that we get a wide variety of dialogue choices for our character that reflects different attitudes and values, so the character feels like your own.


The dialogue in the game should be designed in such a way that the PC should be allowed to respond/talk to someone in a either a cooperative, wise, inquisitive, aggressive, arrogant, play dumb, etc manner; depending on how you see fit, but it’s equally important that regardless, the PC ends up acquiring necessary plot information as the story progresses, but it should depend, not to mention alternate, according to the dialogue. In other words, I’d like KotOR III to be as open-ended as possible (as much as size, time and cost can handle for this game, so unfortunately it does have to be a bit ‘linear’).


I also think that it’s important to note that in KotOR and KotOR II, the character starts at level one, well obviously; but as he/she levels up, he/she becomes stronger in the force at such a quick rate (to the ability where you can challenge the most powerful villain/s in the game) that it’s only possible ‘plot wise’ to progress in the force that quickly if the force-user has used the force before, but had it stripped away from him/her or lost it in some way, hence starting at level one, but as the game progresses, the character regains his/her connection to the force (in KotOR, your character was an ex-Dark Lord who had his/her mind reprogrammed and in KotOR II, you were an exiled Jedi Knight who cut himself/herself off from the force) and in both games, your character regains his/her once strong connection to the force as the game progresses and in the end, becomes more powerful than what they used to be.


So what’s the point of all this? The point is, the new main character in my story needs to be powerful towards the end for plot reasons, but if your new main character becomes so powerful so quickly without ever having used the force before, it just seems a little far-fetched; even the likes of Anakin and Yoda couldn’t become very strong in the force in a matter of months, it took them years and I don’t think these KotOR games are designed to have stories which span over many years (in terms of the characters progress throughout the game). However, I don’t want the new main character to be someone who regains their connection to the force; it’s just too repetitive not to mention lame in my opinion, so…




Unfortunately you are affiliated with the Jedi from the start in my story. I know this is forced, but I don’t see it as being anymore forced than having to play as Revan in KotOR or having to play as an exiled Jedi Knight in KotOR II. Your alignment will start off as completely neutral, just like it was in the previous KotOR’s.


You are one of the older students at the new Jedi academy. You’re a padawan who’s on the verge of becoming a Jedi Knight; the Jedi Knight who you’re training under has recently been granted the rank of master. Your master is a tall galactic basic speaking Kel-Dor called Mason Wolfgard, who fought in the Jedi Civil War and went into hiding on Tatooine during the events of KotOR II (the Shadow War).


The game begins with the new main character (you) resting in a room at the Jedi temple. A female youngling wakes you up to inform you that the Jedi Council requests your audience at the council chambers immediately.


Note that this Jedi Council isn’t really a proper council so to speak, it is made up of youthful and inexperienced Jedi. If you set the Exile as LS, then members of this new council will include Visas, Atton, Bao-Dur, Mira and the Handmaiden/Disciple (depending on the Exile’s gender). The Handmaiden and Disciple can’t both be present in this council in my story, because if you set the Exile as a LSM or a DSM, the Disciple got caught and killed in the middle of an asteroid field. He was on his way to Taris, to assist the Republic in one of its many outer-rim planetary restoration projects, but he never made the journey to Taris! If you set the Exile as a LSF or a DSF, then the Handmaiden is killed along with her sisters by Atris in KotOR II! Therefore, both the Handmaiden and Disciple can’t both be on the council, because depending on the Exile’s gender, one of them is dead.


If you set the Exile as DS, then the Exile’s companions are replaced by all new Jedi characters instead, because if you set the Exile as DS, his/her companions are Dark Jedi, who are with Mandalore and his armada, helping maintain control of the outer-rim outposts that Revan left intact during his/her war of conversion before his/her capture, as the Exile requested before he/she departed known space. Anyway, I hope this clears things up.


Now note because the KotOR games are CRPG’s, there is plenty of important plot information in the game for you to discover, however, how, when or if you discover this information should depend greatly on your dialogue choices, so from now on, I’ll state the information you ‘can’ learn at a certain part of the game, but might not learn, due to your dialogue choices. Know what I mean?


The Jedi Council tells you that you’re strong in the force, you’re on the verge of becoming a Jedi Knight and your behaviour very much mirrors Revan’s behaviour as a padawan before the Mandalorian Wars; according to the Jedi archives, Revan was charismatic, powerful, knowledgeable and wise, but Revan’s eagerness to learn about the higher mysteries of the force combined with his/her permissive personality which seemed to disregard the Jedi code and its teachings were warning signs of him/her potentially falling to the dark-side.


The council sees the same things in you. According to them, you show the traits of a leader, you are powerful and are always seeking newfound knowledge; however they are worried about your individualism. You seem to be too much of a free-thinker, your letting your emotions run freely, as if you’re a non-force sensitive but with a lightsaber and force powers. So they are basically just warning you about the dangers of the dark-side and are advertising the Jedi code and teachings whilst reflecting on the ‘arrogance’ of the Jedi Masters from the Jedi Civil War and the Mandalorian Wars, as Zez-Kai Ell from KotOR II puts it. They don’t want the same mistakes that the council made in the past to be repeated.


The council has decided that in order for you to become a Jedi Knight, you must prove your understanding of the Jedi code and the Jedi teachings, by ‘setting an example’ to a younger padawan by showing the padawan how daily Jedi ‘business’ is done on the streets of Coruscant. The Jedi Knights are the guardians of peace and justice throughout the galaxy and on Coruscant; they act as peacekeepers and security for the people of Coruscant, doing things such as breaking up fights, settling disputes, catching criminals, etc. So your task is to basically go with the padawan onto the streets of Coruscant and do some Jedi ‘business’ for the day. The padawan is to report back to the council the success of your actions and methods of problem solving (the level of success will depend on the level of influence you have with the padawan, who will become your first party member in the game). If you lead by example well in the eyes of the padawan, you will be able to perform the Jedi trials and will have a chance at becoming a Jedi Knight. If you are not a successful in the eyes of the padawan then you will not be allowed to perform the Jedi trials and will therefore not be able to become a Jedi Knight yet. Your master Mason Wolfgard will not accompany you during your task, because this task is for you and the padawan only.


Before you go out onto the streets of Coruscant with the padawan; you as a player will learn that during your last mission with your master on Nal Hutta, your lightsaber was broken and your robes were torn, so you have to go with Bao-Dur or his replaceable character Pasquale to the workshop and equipment store at the Jedi temple to construct a new lightsaber of your own preference and get a new robe of your choice.


Once you have constructed your new lightsaber with Bao-Dur’s/Pasquale’s assistance and have acquired your new robes, you return to the council chambers, where the council will assign the location of your area to do Jedi ‘business’ on and select the padawan whom will accompany you during your Jedi ‘business’ on Coruscant.


The padawan whom will accompany you and also become your first party member is Trisha Vale, an 18 year old human female padawan who is born on Coruscant and is only at the early stages of her training. But she, like you is strong in the force, and has the potential to become very powerful.


You find that there isn’t really much to do in the streets of Coruscant early on, so you have a chance to go roaming around the streets of Coruscant, asking questions; looking for something to do.


You’ll have the opportunity to explore different apartment buildings and visit two cantina’s that are situated around the area where you’ve been assigned to. The more exploring and interacting you do, the more side-quests will become available to you, side-quests which will present the player different LS/DS or neutral ways to resolve these side-quests.


You’ll have the opportunity to do some swoop racing, play pazaak and perhaps play some new mini-game of some sort. Anyway, a bit of investigating in one of the two cantina’s you can visit on Coruscant will lead you to the main-quest.


Now, I’ve never been good at making up side-quests which provide the player with LS/DS/neutral choices, but as you would imagine, Coruscant is a good place to provide the player with plenty of those side-quests which provide an opportunity to gain LS/DS points or merely just remain neutral.


One thing I believe KotOR III should do is allow the player to enjoy more distinct shades of the ‘grey’ philosophy and promote a neutral path for the player to take in the game. Instead of being forced to choose between the LS or the DS in the rather black and white distinctions made in the previous KotOR’s, the player shouldn’t be forced to side with any major faction, if he/she chooses not to. However this may be considered as contradictory, since I forced the new main character to start off as a padawan on the verge of becoming a Jedi Knight at the new Jedi academy on Coruscant, but I don’t want the player to have any massive or complex past, I want to keep things simple at the beginning and explore other characters histories more than your own, because you should already know the history of yourself! This provides for better role-playing too in my opinion, since you can make up all the open-ended details about your own character yourself.


Anyway, the main quest is to basically solve a murder mystery (similar to the one on Onderon in KotOR II and the ones on Manaan and Dantooine in KotOR). A famous swoop racer was murdered by someone, but who was the murderer? There are a few ‘suspects’ who could of killed the swoop racer, either way, you’ll have to decide who you think the murderer is and why you think the person you point the finger at is responsible for the murder.


Whoever you choose, you have the option of:

-Arresting the person in a negotiable or forceful way…

-Accepting a bribe and then letting the person go…

-Accepting a bribe and then wounding/killing the person…

-Provoking the person into attacking you and then wounding/killing the person, using self-defence as an excuse…


As most people know, side-quests are optional, so how many side-quests you do (if you choose to do any side-quests at all that is) depends on your choices as well as who you speak to and what you say.


Once you’ve finished the murder mystery thus completing the main-quest, you and Trisha make your way back to the Jedi academy. As you and Trisha make your way back to the academy, a cutscene takes place.


If you set the Exile as LS, you’ll see a cutscene which shows Visas Marr being found unconscious in the Jedi temple. When you and Trisha return to the academy, the council is called together at the Jedi temple to find out why the hell Visas fell unconscious. You and Trisha are present at the temple, where Visas slowly regains consciousness and begins explaining what happened, but before she can finish, all present at the temple unexpectedly experience a great pain through the force. You fall unconscious.


The council is alarmed, as they have just felt the death of thousands of people through the force. They all immediately realize that they face a new threat. Visas in particular is worried and explains that the reason why she fell unconscious is because she felt something through the force that she had not felt since the days she served as a slave to Darth Nihilus, only this time the experience she felt was far more powerful even from afar and despite her much greater powers to resist such influences. In her vision, Visas saw a hooded figure draw all power from an entire planet, your homeworld!


If you set the Exile as DS, Visas isn’t around to be found unconscious, since she’s a Dark Jedi. When you get to the temple, you, Trisha and the other Jedi present at the academy and the temple will still experience a great pain through the force and you will still fall unconscious. Visas isn’t around to explain what happened, but after the Jedi present at the temple and the academy experience the great pain they felt through the force, some other random Jedi mentions that what she felt was similar to what she felt when all the Jedi present at Katarr died, she believes that the same thing has happened, and it’s not safe for all the Jedi to be gathered around on Coruscant like this, because the same thing that’s happened on Katarr and Zytella (the planet that has just been drained all planetary life out of, which is also your home planet) could happen on Coruscant.


Either way, the Jedi realize that only the Sith...The ‘True Sith’ could unleash such destruction through the force, which suggests that they will be coming soon. While you are still unconscious, Trisha tells the council about what you and her did and how successful you were in your methods of Jedi ‘business’. Remember, the amount of influence you have with Trisha will determine what she thinks of your performance.


If you have enough influence with Trisha, she will comment positively on your methods/actions. If you don’t have enough influence with Trisha, she will comment negatively on your methods/actions. Either way, it doesn’t matter, because even if you were successful in the eyes of Trisha, the council doesn’t have time to let you perform the trials into becoming a Jedi Knight, because they won’t be sticking around on Coruscant for much longer, nor will any Jedi on the planet.


The council wonders why you fainted and discusses the matter, as well as what they’re going to do and how they’re going to do whatever they decide to do. The incident of you falling unconscious suggests to the council that you could have some sort of special connection to the force. They all know which world was basically destroyed by this mysterious hooded figure, it’s your homeworld Zytella, a remote world situated in the outer-regions of space. The council decides that they will tell you that it was your homeworld that got destroyed when you regain consciousness, why?


Because you have a right to know, that’s why. There’s no reason for them not to tell you, because either way, you might find out from someone else, and if you found out that the council knew and kept it a secret from you, you might feel angry at them and betrayed, which can lead to the path of the dark side. The new council also believes that secrecy from the Jedi Masters during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War was one of the reasons why many Jedi fell to the dark side during those times.


Admiral Carth Onasi or Admiral Cede (depending on Revan’s alignment) goes to the council chambers to make a few suggestions to the council on what to do next in light of this recent catastrophe. Knowing that Darth Nihilus was drawn to great gatherings of Jedi, the council decides that remaining on Coruscant is far too dangerous for both the Jedi and the planet in general, since it will make the planet a target for these mysterious ‘True Sith’. Instead they will leave Coruscant and spread themselves across the galaxy both to protect Coruscant and to find a way to fight the ‘True Sith’. If a war is coming, then the galaxy has little hope of victory given the current weak state of the Republic, the Jedi, the Mandalorians and the Sith remnants.


When you regain consciousness, you are called to the council chambers. The Jedi Council fills you in on what’s going on and what they’re planning to do. You have an opportunity to ask many questions, about the past and the present. Questions about the past will lead the council to telling you a bit about Revan and the Exile (and what they tell you about them varies slightly on their genders/alignments) and also about the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War and the Shadow War. Pretty much everything I covered in my introduction can be learnt from the council.


Also, the council will tell you that it was your homeworld that got destroyed by this mysterious hooded figure. How will you react? It’s up to you, but even if for some absurd reason you don’t give a rats ass that your homeworld, your people, your family, your friends and everything else you cared about on your homeworld got destroyed, you will still have to try and stop these ‘True Sith’, because if you don’t, if you choose to simply run and hide, they will find you and kill you, especially now that they appear to have some Darth Nihilus type clone on their side. Whatever the case, you’ll have your reasons for wanting to stop the ‘True Sith’ and those reasons will be decided by you as the player.


The council knows next to nothing about these ‘True Sith’, all they know is what we as players know from KotOR II (of those of us who’ve played it). Revan departed known space alone to ‘deal with them (the ‘True Sith’) in his/her own way’ as Kreia from KotOR II puts it. Revan said that they were behind the Mandalorian Wars; that they were the true threat all along.


Revan didn’t want to bring anyone along because the dark places where he/she now walks would only bring unnecessary doom to those he/she took along with him/her, but was this the only reason why Revan went alone? Only time will tell. The Exile did the same thing, he/she departed known space alone and journeyed into the unknown regions, where the Sith…The ‘True Sith’ lurk in the dark.


Is there reason/s why up until this point, the ‘True Sith’ never attacked the Republic, the Jedi, the Sith and the Mandalorians or any major faction when they were all clearly in a weak, vulnerable state ever since the end of the Jedi Civil War? After all these years, only now they decide to attack. Why? Is their more to the story? So many questions, yet the answers are naught at this stage.


Apart from learning about galactic history and so forth, you can also speak to the council members about things regarding Jedi training. Note that / = replaceable character. From Bao-Dur/Pasquale, you can learn about lightsaber crystals and lightsaber construction, from Mira/Saparu, you can learn about the effectiveness and purpose of offensive and defensive force-powers, from Handmaiden/Disciple or Vorkeish, you can learn about lightsaber combat and different lightsaber techniques, from Atton/Cabat, you can learn about resistance to mental force-powers and from Visas/April, you can learn about the meanings of the Jedi code and the benefits of following the code. Of course all of this is completely optional.


After all of that, the council will tell you where to go and what your next assignment is. Most of the Jedi leave Coruscant and go their separate ways, both to hide and to seek information about this new threat. One of the Jedi, the Handmaiden/Disciple or the other replaceable character Vorkeish will stay behind to guard the youngest children though. This is considered acceptable, since a single Jedi with a few very young children aren't believed to present much of a target for the ‘True Sith’. The rest all scatter to various planets.


Since you are relatively inexperienced, you are charged with taking a ship called the Vaelestraz and several young Jedi students/children to safety. You are not alone in this task; the council will send Trisha Vale with you, because they claim a special bond has developed between you two, which started/began to manifest itself during your Jedi ‘business’ together on the streets of Coruscant.


You and Trisha don’t really have a choice. Even if Trisha doesn’t want to go with you (which will depend on the amount of influence you have with her) and even if you don’t want her to come with you, the council has ordered it. Besides this bond has its advantage (in terms of the both of you growing strong in the force faster than usual) because of the fact that the bond enables you two to draw strength from each other.


Before I move on to the next part of my story, I thought I’d make some things clear with Trisha Vale. As I’ve said, Trisha is an 18 year old human female padawan whom was born on Coruscant.


When the Shadow War ended and the leaders of the new Jedi Order came to Coruscant to rebuild the Jedi academy, they found and recruited Trisha, who at the time was 17 years old. Usually the council doesn’t accept adults for training, but in order for the Jedi Order to become strong again, they need students, new recruits, new force-sensitive’s, and that means recruiting not only really young students, but older ones too.


Trisha also has a very strong connection to the force, so the council also felt that it would be wise not to safely ignore it. Of course, you can learn all this from Trisha, as well as her life story (depending on your influence with her).


I’m not sure what her life story should be, I’ve never been good at writing solid and interesting background stories for characters, but the way I see it, she does have the potential to be an interesting character. Trisha is romance-able for male players (this will depend on your influence with her).


Oh, and about your character’s past. I believe that it should be for the player’s own imagination to decide, however something that is fixed about your back-story is the fact that you were born on Zytella, the remote world situated in the outer-regions which recently got drained of all life by a mysterious hooded figure believed to be from these mysterious ‘True Sith’.


I suppose to make things seem less forced, someone could ask you how/why you became a member of the new Jedi Order, and you could customize the reason how/why you became a member of the new Jedi Order from a number of options. Anyway…


You are to go to Alderaan, which is one of the most peaceful worlds in the galaxy, and where the children are believed to be safe. Of course, this just sets off a series of events that will bring them to the centre of the plot.


Before you leave, your master Mason Wolfgard bids farewell to you, as he is going to explore Yavin IV, to see if he can find anything out about these ‘True Sith’. At this stage in the game, you should be at about level ‘8-10’ and your alignment could be anywhere between ‘¼ LS-1/4 DS’…




Before I move on to part two of my story, let’s clear some things up. First of all, you may be wondering why there is only one party member in my story so far. Well, there are not going to be many party members in my story.


There will only be six party members in my story (one is determined by Revan’s alignment) and another you could say can basically be two different characters, but you’ll know what I mean in time.


Then there are three (or two, it depends) other party members who will only join your group while your on the particular planet/s they are on. The reasons why there are not many party members in my story is because I want ‘quality over quantity’ in terms of character development, depth and interaction (not only your interaction with your party members, but your party members interacting with each other as well). The influence system with these characters can also be worked on more effectively too.


With less party members, the devs can enhance these qualities, and since there are less party members, ‘more size = more dialogue’ for each character, so they have lots more to talk about and comment on, so they remain interesting characters.


They can also provide more information and acknowledge gender/alignment variables regarding Revan and the Exile more effectively, and also provide more detailed background information on events that transpired in KotOR and KotOR II, to avoid potential alienation from those who haven’t played KotOR and/or KotOR II.


Now, since you only get to describe KotOR and KotOR II by Revan and the Exile’s genders and alignments, some assumptions (ones I cannot safely ignore) must be made in my story in order for it to work (such as how in KotOR II, it’s assumed that LS Revan turned the ghost of Ajunta Pall back to the LS).


I don’t want to bulldoze over all of the player’s choices and destroy the whole point of KotOR and KotOR II (that’s why you can select the genders and alignments of Revan and the Exile in my story, because they are your characters)!


But there are some things I’d like to do in my story which requires me to make accouple assumptions. KotOR III can safely ignore most of the variables from KotOR and KotOR II that are not important, but it can’t acknowledge every single variable (for plot reasons), as the game would become impossible beyond comprehension to develop (Unless KotOR III is a completely new story that has no association with KotOR and KotOR II).


GO-TO is destroyed in my story (but it’s been made canonical that he got destroyed anyway). Atris is dead no matter what in my story, because if your Exile spared her, then her holocrons wouldn't like what she did. I’ve assumed that after the Exile left, the holocrons killed her since they did not abide failure, or in the other case, the Exile killed her.


If Juhani, Yuthura Ban and Dustil Onasi all survived your KotOR play-throughs (Juhani couldn’t survive the DS Revan scenario though, as she could have been killed on either Dantooine or Rakata Prime). Anyway, if they survived your play-throughs, they all died on the attack on Katarr, although if Yuthura Ban and/or Dustil Onasi survived your play-throughs, but did not end up as Jedi, then they may or may not be dead, but either way they will not be seen in my story, as they bare no relevance to my plot and are too difficult to bring back IMO.


Mira is definitely dead if the Exile is set as DS in my story, as is Jolee, Mission and Zaalbar (even though it was possible for Zaalbar to survive the DS Revan scenario, you still have to assume that Zaalbar eventually; sometime, somewhere, would have attacked Revan for what he/she had hade him do and ended up dead).


Bastila Shan is alive in my plot no matter what, so no matter what you set Revan to, she is alive either as a Jedi Master or a Sith Lord in my story (even if you could have killed her on the Star Forge in KotOR). I’m preparing to give Bastila a major role in my KotOR III story, more will be revealed in part two. (There is a reason why LS Bastila wasn’t on the Jedi Council on Coruscant in my story).


And Hanharr is also alive in my plot no matter what (in the LS version I’ve assumed that Mira spares Hanharr on Malachor V and in the DS version I’ve just assumed that Hanharr survives). Either way, he takes a separate ship on Malachor V and flies off. I’ve made Hanharr live no matter what because I have something interesting set up for him in my story.


Mission, Jolee and Zaalbar are all alive if you set Revan as LS in my story. Now, I’ve covered everyone right? So you’ve been warned in advance that Atris, Juhani, Yuthura, Dustil and GO-TO are all dead in my story no matter what, and that Bastila and Hanharr are alive and in my story no matter what.


Put it this way, making a few assumptions here and there is much better than basing the story of a fixed Revan and a fixed Exile, which would suck beyond belief.


Part Two: Alderaan is next, however it might be some time before I even get started on it. When I'm not so busy and have the appropriate time, I'll continue to work on my story, until then feel free to comment on it so far...

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Didn't you already do this before? Anyway it is good.


I did, I just couldn't change the title with the other one. The title may put people off from even reading it, if indeed 'The Lords of Ziost' isn't a great nor appealing title to most people, but with a better title, more people might click on the topic and read my story.

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I took the time and read through this very long story.


I'm impressed by your ability to keep important factors in mind, this story is actually far more advanced than any Kotor III story I've read so far.


You've got several good ideas, but you haven't revealed much of the main plot yet.


Except for that part about a hooded figure draining a planet's power. Well, I didn't like Nihilus in Kotor II, and found his powers ridiculously strong. IMO there is no need to come up with demi god like powers in order to have a dangerous villain.


For the very same reason, I don't want to see the True Sith. What makes them special, ultra powers? If not, why are they special at all?


Also, there has do be a good reason why you have a special connection to the force, and like you said, being and amnesiac/exiled jedi won't do it.


Other than that, I really do like your story, all your ideas regarding quests, jedi trials, planets, .... : great!

But the main plot well, you haven't revealed much of it yet, but I doubt that a story featuring True Sith with super powers can fascinate me.

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You've got several good ideas, but you haven't revealed much of the main plot yet....

Other than that, I really do like your story, all your ideas regarding quests, jedi trials, planets, .... : great!

But the main plot well, you haven't revealed much of it yet, but I doubt that a story featuring True Sith with super powers can fascinate me.


Heh, Vaelastraz, it took me several chapters to figure out a plot in my story. :)


I think it would work pretty well.


And if you ever need a thread title change, just PM one of us moderators if the system doesn't allow you to edit the thread.

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I took the time and read through this very long story.


I'm impressed by your ability to keep important factors in mind, this story is actually far more advanced than any Kotor III story I've read so far.


You've got several good ideas, but you haven't revealed much of the main plot yet.


Thanks. The purpose of part one of my story is to make the beginning 'simple' (something I think KotOR III will need to have if it gets made). IMO, if I had of revealed too much of the main-plot at this early point in my story, it would have been difficult for the beginning to be simple.


Except for that part about a hooded figure draining a planet's power. Well, I didn't like Nihilus in Kotor II, and found his powers ridiculously strong. IMO there is no need to come up with demi god like powers in order to have a dangerous villain.


For the very same reason, I don't want to see the True Sith. What makes them special, ultra powers? If not, why are they special at all?


Ah, trust me, I have taken this into consideration. Don't worry, the 'True Sith' are not a large group of uber-powerful freaks in my story. Talking about this Sith Lord and the 'True Sith' in my plot is difficult to do at this stage, because it's almost impossible to avoid spoilers and so on, but I can assure you, I have taken 'repetition' and 'realism' into the equation with the 'True Sith', and believe me, you will change your mind in the end, when light is shed on the whole matter. I'll leave it at that, because I wish to avoid going into a lengthy rambling...


Also, there has do be a good reason why you have a special connection to the force, and like you said, being and amnesiac/exiled jedi won't do it.


Other than that, I really do like your story, all your ideas regarding quests, jedi trials, planets, .... : great!

But the main plot well, you haven't revealed much of it yet, but I doubt that a story featuring True Sith with super powers can fascinate me.


To be honest, I don't have a good reason why the main character in my story has a special connection to the force. This is the biggest obstacle I have to overcome if my story is to end up as 'believable'. Do you have any ideas/suggestions for me in regards to this issue?


Heh, Vaelastraz, it took me several chapters to figure out a plot in my story. :)


I think it would work pretty well.


And if you ever need a thread title change, just PM one of us moderators if the system doesn't allow you to edit the thread.


Thanks. I'll keep that in mind in the future, since I never knew that before.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry for the long wait and the long read people (for those who have read my KotOR III story so far) but I've done part two. Remember, you must read the introduction and part one of my KotOR III story before you read this...




The ASF (Alderaan Security Forces) were already informed by the Republic that you and Trisha are to go to Alderaan and keep a group of younglings safe, so they are expecting your arrival.


The ASF will use your arrival to their advantage, as they believe that you and Trisha could help them with something. As the Vaelestraz makes its way to Alderaan, the ASF contact you via a com-link (like how the Exile’s crew were contacted as they made their way to Onderon with the Ebon Hawk) and inform you that your presence is requested at the citadel station where the ASF will await your arrival.


You and the crew dock at the citadel station, where the ASF awaits you. Now, just before I get stuck into the story more, note that what I’ve done is made it that Alderaan has a citadel station situated in the more rural part of the planet, but not that far away from the main city.


The citadel station is specifically set up as a large docking bay for all departure/arrival ships on the planet. It’s also where the ASF have their main office and base set up on. So in other words, the set up is pretty similar to how it is on Telos.


Now, before I move on to the part where you and Trisha talk to the ASF at the citadel station, I’ll reveal something. Alderaan is already being secretly infiltrated by a squadron of Sith assassins from this ‘True Sith’ armada.


How they’ve managed to infiltrate the planet undetected and why they have infiltrated Alderaan is a mystery at this stage; but that is for you to find out and for me to reveal…but not yet. All that is known at the moment is that these assassins are not planning an all out war. They just want to knock off a few key political figures and galactic senators for reasons unknown at the moment.


Before you exit the Vaelestraz, Trisha informs the younglings to wait on the ship until you and her are finished speaking to the ASF and have found out what they want to you to do for them.


A few members of the ASF come and greet you and Trisha and tell you that your presence on the planet is most welcomed. They tell you that they know why you’re here (because the Jedi Order has ‘given them the details’) and that you don’t have to worry about taking care of the younglings because they will do it for you.


They have a safe, secure, sophisticated underground base with hordes of food and drink supplies and top facilities, so the younglings will be safe there, according to the ASF. But in return (since you and Trisha are both Jedi) they want you to help them investigate the recent mysterious death of a galactic senator.


There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that he was murdered in any sort of way. It wasn’t a heart attack either, because they would have found out if it was or not, and it wasn’t. Besides, the politician was young. The ASF just found his dead body and that’s it. They are hoping you and Trisha could help them get to the bottom of this and find out how he died.


The ASF tell you and Trisha that you can also stay at the underground base where the younglings will be kept safe while you’re on Alderaan. Or you could just stay in your ship if you want to. It’s up to you. Either way, the ASF assume that you and Trisha are capable of looking after yourself.


Before the ASF give you and Trisha your starport visa (which is needed to gain access to the main city) they ask you to try and hide the fact that you and Trisha are both Jedi, because they assume that news and details of the attack on Zytella could possibly leak out somehow to the public of Alderaan and cause a panic, if they knew Jedi were on their planet (because of the whole life-draining, drawn by gatherings of Jedi technique that the Sith Lord has).


The Republic, the Jedi Order and most of the major political, economical and military factions across the core worlds of the galaxy (that includes the ASF) know about the attack on Zytella, but they would like to keep it a secret from the common folk of the galaxy as best as they possible can (basically the public on a galactic scale) to avoid them from going into a frenzy.


But it won’t really be a problem anyway, because even if you and Trisha wear your robes, wave your lightsabers around and use your force-powers, no one will complain, because information regarding the attack on Zytella does not leak out to the public on Alderaan, so it’s alright if you don’t make an effort to hide the fact that you’re a Jedi.


The ASF also tell you that if you’re interested in earning credits on Alderaan, then the ASF main office has some work that you could do for them. But there will be plenty of work (basically side-quests) for you to do on Alderaan, which includes swoop racing, pazaak, working for mechanics, working for art-dealers and working for people ‘having problems’ at the two cantina’s that you can visit on the planet.


The ASF give you and Trisha your starport visa’s, take the younglings to the base and give you a map showing where the base is in case you and Trisha decide to stay there. Now you and Trisha are free to go to the main-city.


The ASF provide transport for you, a speeder to the main-city entrance. However, as you and Trisha approach the speeder, a large group of beasts attack the citadel station and the underground base!


I don’t know what kind of beats they could be (probably something like the beasts you fight on Dxun, lets just say many different types anyway) but these beasts come from the forestry area on Alderaan which is not far from the citadel station.


After fighting off and killing the horde of beasts that attacked the citadel station, the ASF thank you for your assistance in stopping them and tell you that this isn’t the first time that these beasts have attacked them.


The attacks started several weeks ago. Maybe something or someone in the forest is driving them crazy, who knows? The ASF said they’ve been looking into the matter but have not been able to find anything that would suggest that.


At this point you and Trisha have a discussion regarding what to do. You may or may not suggest to Trisha that you and her should leave Alderaan and go looking for clues/information regarding the ‘True Sith’ instead of being stuck doing stuff all about trying to stop these Sith.


But Trisha says she can feel a disturbance in the Force. She can feel the presence of the dark-side on Alderaan. That dark-side presence that she feels could be you perhaps? If you’re DS enough, then it just might be, who knows?


Anyway, she is sure that something fishy is going on on Alderaan. She believes that if she can track down the source of this dark-side corruption that she can feel on Alderaan, then it could lead to something positive that might reveal more about the ‘True Sith’ and hopefully help crush them!


Before you get to make any decision deciding what to do, your master Mason Wolfgard contacts you via Force communication. He tells you to stay on Alderaan, because the Jedi need to stay scattered and hidden until they can find out more about the ‘True Sith’ such as who they are, where they are and how to fight any Sith who may or may not possess the same lethal technique that this Sith Lord and Darth Nihilus had.


He tells you that he’s at the Sith temple on Yavin IV, trying to find out if Exar Kun made any mention of a Sith Empire in the unknown regions in his Sith scrolls or knew anything about it. One interesting discovery he has made at this point is that the Sith historical archives say that they never knew what happened to the remnants of Ludo Kressh’s fleet, an Ancient Sith Lord who came from the Great Hyperspace War era, over a millennium before the events of KotOR.


Maybe they could be the ‘True Sith’? Or maybe not, because if they are the ‘True Sith’, it begs the question of how they managed to exist for over a thousand years, as being Sith, they likely would have destroyed each other. There could be a reason though, you never know.


Once Mason is finished speaking to you, Trisha asks what Mason told you. You may or may not tell her because you could lie to her if you want, but either way, you and Trisha make your way to the main-city, to not only investigate the mystery of how that galactic senator died, but also to try and track the source of the dark-side corruption, that Trisha (incorrectly believes) is coming from the main-city.


What is there to do/see on Alderaan you say? Well, Alderaan is a planet known for its scenery and art. There’s two cantina’s you can visit, a mechanical work-shop to go to (for swoop bikes and ships), an art gallery you can go to, a courtyard that many locals and guests visit that you can go to, a swoop track you can go to and three shops (a shop that sells weapons, a shop that sells clothes and armour and a shop that sells equipment supplies).


Now, you can do as much investigating and exploring as you like, but it won’t get you anywhere. You have to trigger and complete all side-quests on Alderaan in order for the plot to progress. You won’t find the answers you are looking for, because no one you find and talk to has the answers you seek.


There are many side-quests to do on Alderaan, and you have to do all of them, otherwise you will be stuck on Alderaan forever. Time slowly progresses after each side-quest you do, and as more time progresses, more politicians die in the exact same mysterious way that the first one did.


The reason why you and Trisha aren’t there to ‘be there at the time of the crime’ is simply because the time you spend ‘resting or not investigating’ is coincidentally the time that the politicians and the galactic senators are being killed. That, plus the fact that you and Trisha are not assigned to watch over and protect any politicians/senators, but to ‘ask around (investigate)’ the murder causing mysteries.


Trisha and perhaps you (it depends) are convinced that the Sith or maybe some Dark Jedi are killing them, because Trisha or you both can feel the presence of the dark-side on Alderaan, but how they’ve managed to avoid being detected by you two is odd. The ASF are alarmed that they still don’t know what’s causing these galactic senators and politicians to die (but whatever it is, it must stop, because it’s beginning to scare the people of Alderaan).


The side-quests you have to do include:

-Work for the ASF (a bit like the TSF style side-quests in KotOR II)

-Work for different art-dealers

-Work for a mechanic

-Swoop racing side-quest (they’ll provide you the swoop bike)

-Pazaak side-quest

-Work for different merchants who can be found in the cantina’s


I’ve set it up this way to get the player involved in the role-playing aspects instead of (like some people do) rush through the game and skip most, if not all the side-quests, which is where half the fun is.


I’d like to see more different ways to be LS and DS rather than the ‘give me your money’ thug-type evil we’ve seen in the past two games and the ‘I’ll give you all my money’ stupid LS way we’ve seen in the past two games.


They’re needs to be the smart, manipulative, lawful type of evil and the aggressive, action-based but noble type of good. Instead of being a peace-protestor and a overly charitable fool, I’d like to be a forceful type of LS, who believes in not being a wuss and actually using action (arresting people, non-lethal take downs) to stop people instead of just words and credits. A hard ass do-gooder, if that makes sense.


DS’ders need to be able to manipulate, lie and cheat to people and their companions in order to gain influence with them. You could pretend to be good (like Darth Sidious) and twist people’s beliefs inside out. Make people question themselves. Instead of just being a rude, arrogant, senseless, greedy killing machine, it would be nice to be an inquisitive, sly, elegant type of villain.


There also needs to be more diverse grey options. Don’t force the player to do things in a LS or DS type of way if they don’t want to. Let them act with a neutral mindset if they choose to. During all these Alderaan side-quests, the player will have an opportunity to experience more different ways to do LS and DS things than what we got in the previous KotOR’s.


And the player will also get to solve side-quests neutrally, instead of just avoiding them all-together, or being forced to choose a LS or DS quest-solving solution. You will have an opportunity to make your influence with Trisha very high or very low, for good, ill or perhaps towards your more unbiased views upon the galaxy. Either way, you have an opportunity (depending if influence is high or low) to know Trisha’s character very well.


Now, once all side-quests have been completed (I never went into any details on what you would do in the side-quests because I don’t really know, but someone who specializes in creating good side-quests could handle that anyway) you and Trisha will be dragged into the centre of the plot.


You and Trisha both feel it. The ASF citadel station and the underground base is being attacked again, but is it being attacked by a horde of beasts this time? Your journal says you and Trisha should go there and check it out. And you have to, to continue the story.


As you exit the main city, a cut-scene takes place. You stop and Trisha asks what’s wrong. Your master has awoken the ghost of Exar Kun at the Sith temple on Yavin IV. The cut-scene shows Mason fight the ghost of Exar Kun, which results in Mason’s death. How do you feel? Sad? Happy? Stunned? Or maybe you feel nothing at all? That’s up to you.


You can tell Trisha the truth, lie to her or tell her nothing at all, but she felt the death of Mason, so she’ll know anyway. You’ll lose influence with Trisha if you lie to her. Your master is dead now. Could the loss of a friend and a mentor draw you down the path of the dark-side? Could the fact that you don’t care or are happy your master is dead mean that you are finished walking the path of a Jedi?


Or will your masters death make you more determined to remain on the path of the light? Or perhaps the losses that have occurred in your life has caused you to not only dislike the Sith, but the Jedi as well, since maybe their teachings is what causes some Jedi to fall in the first place? You decide.


But your master is dead, nothing can change that, and life must go on. No doubt most of the other Jedi across the galaxy would have felt the death of Mason, but it’s not safe for them to go to Yavin IV or gather around to discuss the incident, not until they can track down these ‘True Sith’, fight them and stop the Sith Lord who unusually has the same type of powers that Darth Nihilus has. So the Jedi must stay where they are.


Now, when you and Trisha arrive at the citadel station, all you will see is dead bodies scattered everywhere. The citadel station is still in-tact, but no one is alive there. This time, it’s evident that they’ve been killed (because of blood on their bodies, cuts etc).


When you and Trisha go to the underground base, you will discover all the younglings dead. They have been killed as well. A large trail of blood and foot-prints lead north-east, towards the forest.


The forest is not far from the citadel station and the underground base. Trisha suggests that you and she should check out the forest, despite the fact that the ASF couldn’t find anyone there other than beasts or anything that would have manipulated the beasts into attacking the citadel station and the underground base.


When you and Trisha reach the forest, you will see a deserted ship that has only just arrived on Alderaan, the Ebon Hawk! (Remember how I said regardless of the Exile’s alignment it doesn’t get destroyed in my story).


No one is on the Ebon Hawk, but someone must have arrived here with the ship, it couldn’t have just arrived out of thin air! Anyway, you and Trisha make your way into the forest. After fighting your way through several creatures and beasts in the forest, you will see a battle take place.


A woman with a lightsaber, two droids and a Zeltron woman are fighting against about 20-25 Sith assassins from this ‘True Sith’ armada. The woman with a lightsaber is Bastila Shan, the two droids are HK-47 and T3-M4 and the Zeltron woman is called Lara Kaevee.


You and Trisha rush towards the battle to help Bastila, HK, T3 and Lara take out the Sith assassins and hopefully, get some questions answered. You, Trisha, Bastila, HK, T3 and Lara successfully take out all the Sith, so now it’s time to find out what the hell is going on.


First of all, Bastila appreciates your help, and Trisha and Lara’s help too. I’d leave it up to a skilled dialogue writer to handle how the conversation goes, but anyway; you’ll learn that after the battle of Malachor V, T3-M4 revealed to the Exile where Revan went. Revan visited the abandoned Sith world of Vjun. Revan used the Sith temple on Vjun as a conversion tool to break the Jedi during his/her war of conversion against the Jedi Order and his/her plan against the ‘True Sith’.


The Exile took only HK-47, T3-M4 and the Ebon Hawk with him/her to Vjun, and left his/her other companions behind with specific instructions. The Exile told HK and T3 to wait in the Ebon Hawk until he/she had finished investigating on Vjun. In case something happened to the Exile or the Exile didn’t return, he/she wanted T3 and HK to leave with the Ebon Hawk and get help.


Revan wasn’t on Vjun anymore. The Exile returned safely to T3 and HK (I mean, the planet is abandoned anyway, so it’s not like anything bad was going to happen to the Exile). The Exile told HK and T3 that where he/she must go, droids will be of no use to him/her.


The Exile told HK and T3 to leave Vjun and return to known space. They grudgingly agreed (because Revan is their original master, and they want to find him/her just as much as what the Exile does).


The Exile never mentioned what he/she discovered (if he/she discovered anything at all that is) or told HK and T3 what he/she was planning to and going to do, he/she just told them to leave immediately.


Instead of returning to known space however, HK and T3 decided that because they’re by themselves and are without the Exile, they could do whatever they want. They left Vjun, but not the unknown regions. They decided to do some exploring of their own, hoping they could find something that would lead to Revan’s fate or Revan’s whereabouts.


They didn’t find anything, but instead, chanced across Bastila Shan, who at some point (both LS and DS Bastila) went searching for Revan in the unknown regions. She recognized the droids and the Ebon Hawk (having traveled with them and using the Ebon Hawk during the Jedi Civil War) so she teamed up with them in the search for Revan.


But it was to no avail. Bastila, HK and T3 did not know where to look or where they were going and after spending over two years trying to find Revan without any success, they were about to decide to return to known space, disappointed and frustrated that they don’t know what happened to Revan and don’t know where he/she is.


They were also pissed off with the Exile because he/she never told HK and T3 where he/she was going or what he/she was doing. During their search for Revan, Bastila, T3 and HK did go to Vjun, hoping they would find something there, but all they found was an abandoned and creepy looking Sith temple with corpses, torture chambers; you get the theme.


If the Exile found something out on Vjun, he/she must have took it with him/her. As Bastila, HK-47 and T3-M4 made their way back to known space, they came across the Sith squadron that was planning to secretly infiltrate Alderaan.


The Sith detected the Ebon Hawk, and tried to destroy it, but the Ebon Hawk got away, because of its speed. The Sith didn’t bother to pursue it, because the Ebon Hawk deliberately made its way into a dangerous asteroid field precisely so they wouldn’t go after it.


The Sith squadron left and made its way to Alderaan. The Ebon Hawk carefully followed the hyperspace route of the Sith squadron, making sure they stayed a fair distance away from the squadron to ensure they didn’t get caught. Bastila, T3 and HK were hoping they would lead them to discovering Revan’s fate or whereabouts, but it didn’t work out that way.


By the time the Ebon Hawk made its way to Alderaan, the Sith had already infiltrated the planet and begun assassinating political leaders and galactic senators. Bastila, T3 and HK went looking for the squadron they were tracking once they got to Alderaan. They went searching in the forest first and found them.


The Sith were wearing stealth field generators, but that didn’t fool Bastila, because she is a powerful and experienced Force-user. When she detected the Sith, she, HK-47 and T3-M4 attacked the Sith, and with the assistance of Lara (who arrived later), you and Trisha, successfully killed them all.


Now, who is Lara Kaevee, and what is she doing on Alderaan? Well, Lara Kaevee is a female Zeltron who came to Alderaan because she heard about the Sith plan while she was on Sleheyron, so she came here to stop it.


She came to warn the ASF first, but when she got there, they were all dead. Now, Lara is a master of guile herself and she figured that the Sith would be hiding in the forest. She was right, as she found Bastila, HK and T3 fighting the Sith, so then she helped them kill them.


Lara is secretly a member of the Genoharadan seeking to protect the Republic by any means necessary. That’s why she came to Alderaan to stop the Sith plan, because they are a threat to the Republic.


Since the Republic is in a pretty crappy state these days, she has no problem openly helping the Jedi. Lara will be a source of background information and allusion throughout the game, as she will become a party member.


She is a master of guile and she knows a little about almost everything. The only thing she won’t admit to is that she’s a member of the Genoharadan, one of the last actually. Lara reveals how the Sith managed to secretly infiltrate Alderaan.


But before that, I’ll cover some more stuff. The ASF couldn’t find the Sith (who were hiding in the forest) because they wore stealth field generators and remained hidden from them. The ships they came to Alderaan on were custom designed stealth field generator ships, which could not be detected by the radars the ASF obviously had. That’s how they managed to infiltrate Alderaan.


But why did the Sith attack the citadel station and kill all the ASF and the younglings at the base? Because by chance, the ASF did discover the Sith hiding in the forest and their cover was blown, because the ASF guy got the hell out of there with his speeder and alerted all those present at the citadel station and the underground base.


But before anyone had a chance to inform you and Trisha about the Sith presence on Alderaan, they took out all the ASF troops, members and workers and the younglings who tried to help the ASF.


The Sith took out politicians and senators by sneaking into the main city with their stealth field generators and using a force-draining technique similar to that of the Sith assassins from KotOR II to take out their targets. Using such a technique leaves no trace of how the victim/s died.


You can bring up the question of why the Sith didn’t attack you and Trisha when they ventured into the main-city, but remember, it was not their intention to kill any Jedi and ring alarm bells and start a war. They were there only to assassinate politicians. W hy? That will be revealed at a later stage in my story.


The Sith achieved their goal and killed who they wanted to kill, so now they had no reason to stay on Alderaan. But before they had a chance to leave, that’s when Bastila, HK and T3 showed up to stuff things up for them.


Now, there is more to the story on how the Sith managed to infiltrate Alderaan. Lara learned from ‘her sources’ on Sleheyron the insight. The ‘True Sith’ assassin squad from the Sith Lord’s fleet didn’t just simply go from their territory straight to Alderaan with their stealth field generated ships. They did more planning than that. They weren’t completely stupid.


You see, back when Bastila, HK and T3 were still searching for Revan in the unknown regions, the ‘True Sith’ had already come to known space. The assassin squad that infiltrated Alderaan went to Sleheyron with their stealth field generator ships to make a deal with the greedy, selfish and deceitful Hutts.


The deal was: if the Hutts agreed to lend the ‘True Sith’ stealth field generator ships specified for secret planetary infiltration and assassination missions, then they would be paid a massive sum of three hundred million credits (what can I say? They’re rich).


Also, the other part of the deal is that the Hutts would have to keep the original ships that the ‘True Sith’ came to Sleheyron on hidden and safe. Now the question is why? You see, the ships that the assassination squad came to Sleheyron on contain star maps revealing the astrogation chart of the ‘True Sith’ Empire.


The ships also contain data which shows the hyperspace coordinates revealing the location of the Sith Lord’s fleet which is hiding on the border of Republic space at the moment. Yes, that’s right, hiding. Why? I won’t be telling you that yet.


This means that the ‘True Sith’ could be found if their enemies somehow got their hands on this information, perhaps if they died or failed in their mission. And they don’t want that, not yet anyway. That’s why they didn’t want to use their own ships to infiltrate Alderaan, because their fleet and their Empire could be found.


The question is, if the ‘True Sith’ don’t want to be found, then why don’t they just destroy their star maps and the hyperspace coordinates? Because they plan on using their ships again when the inevitable open war against the Republic/Jedi/Mandalorains/Sith remnants happen, that’s why.


Still, they wouldn’t have to destroy the ship, they could just destroy the star maps and the hyperspace coordinates, right? No, because access to the star maps and hyperspace coordinates is determined by a large database that each of these ships have.


You would have to destroy the database to destroy the coordinates and astrogation chart, but by doing that, you would destroy many of the ships systems and basically screw up the ship up. Besides, the ‘True Sith’ need those themselves.


So the Hutts agreed to give the ‘True Sith’ one of their own stealth field generator ships and agreed to keep their ships safe and hidden in exchange for three hundred million credits. Everything that I mentioned will be revealed in what you would imagine as a massive conversation between you, Trisha, Bastila, Lara, HK-47 and T3-M4 (well, not really T3).


The only thing you and the group can’t work out is how the hell the ‘True Sith’ knew where to get stealth field generator ships from in known space, which is Sleheyron. There is no doubt that these ‘True Sith’ come from the unknown regions, but why would they know known space that well, if they don’t come from known space?


Is there a traitor in the midst? Is someone from known space helping the ‘True Sith’? Someone from known space must be leaking information to the ‘True Sith’, right? How else did they know where to get stealth field generated ships from? But the question is, who is the traitor/s or spy/s?


By the way, as you have probably figured, the Sith manipulated the beasts into attacking the citadel station and the underground base. Lara doesn’t reveal who she is, she just reveals that she found this out from ‘her friend’ Kraouken Dyraxon, who is a henchman for one of the Hutts on Sleheyron who was in on the deal.


Now, have I covered everything? At this stage in the game, you could be anywhere between level 11-13. Bastila will become your new master and as you have probably figured, HK-47, T3-M4 and Lara Kaevee will join your party.


Bastila has changed over the years. She used to be a toffee-nosed, insular, aggravating ‘little Jedi princess’, but she is now a clever, humble, open-minded and less whiny person. But she’s become that way because she no longer really cares for the teachings of the Jedi or the Sith, but instead, cares only about finding Revan, a close friend that she’s bonded to (female Revan) or the man that she loves (male Revan).


Bastila tells you that you have a lot of potential in you. She wishes to train you. She stresses how if the major factions in the galaxy do not cast aside their historical differences to fight a more common and dangerous enemy, then the galaxy will fall.


The Jedi, the Sith, the Mandalorians and the Republic don’t want to succumb to doom, but if they don’t unite to fight against a common enemy who could destroy all they stand for, they will all fail.


During much of her time without Revan, in her search for Revan over the last couple of years, she’s had ‘ample time to think things’ over and her perceptions on the Jedi and the Sith has changed over the years.


Yes, LS Bastila is wearing a Jedi Master robe and she wields a double-bladed yellow lightsaber and DS Bastila is wearing a Dark Jedi Master robe with a double-bladed violet lightsaber, but that’s not really who she is now. She’s become more neutral than anything.


She goes on to a massive rambling about how both the teachings of the Jedi and the Sith are wrong, and how instead of rejecting both sides of the Force, to truly understand the Force and become a real powerhouse, one must study and embrace both sides of the Force, not adhere themselves to just one side and one philosophy.


The important part in Bastila’s rambling or argument is that no Force power is inherently dark or light, but that it fully depends on how and for what one uses it. Bastila claims that a Force-user shouldn’t be restricted to the Jedi or Sith teachings and live life the way they want to.


She tells you that you’re strong in the Force and that she wishes to train you her way. She promises you by training with her new method of teaching, you will become more powerful than any Force-user among the new Jedi Order and you will become stronger much quicker than what one would who adheres oneself to the light or dark side of the Force ever would. She wants you to be a successful example of her new philosophy, to show that whether someone is good or evil depends upon the willpower and mental ability of the individual, not what side of the Force he/she chooses and uses.


The knowledge that Bastila possesses is there for you to learn. She insists that her teachings will exist to guide you so you don’t let the usage of the dark-side corrupt you and turn you into an uncaring *beep* and to also make sure that the usage of the light-side doesn’t blind you and make you impassive, but instead, you just remain normal. The person you wish to be.


Either way, Bastila will become your new master. You need a new teacher since your master died and you need to become more powerful so you can hope to survive against these ‘True Sith’, Bastila will remind you this.


You see, you must be wondering how you, Trisha, Bastila, T3-M4, Lara and HK-47 managed to defeat 25-30 ‘True Sith’ assassins. But that’s just it. Those assassins specialized in guile and assassination, but are crap at open-combat. That is what the group assumes, and are correct about anyway.


But, because these Sith assassins were not some species, but were just humans, the group speculates that they must be tied to a Sith Empire from the ancient times, like the Great Hyperspace War era.


The point is, it’s likely that not all of these ‘True Sith’ would be just push-over assassins, but instead there would probably be some hard ass powerhouses amongst their Empire who have knowledge of secret techniques from the Golden Age of the Sith era.


So even if you’re some anti dark-sider, you’re going to need it to have any hope of surviving in battle against the ‘True Sith’. You will need power, and you will need it quickly, that’s the benefit of learning about the dark-side with Bastila’s teaching method.


Trisha won’t have a problem with Bastila becoming your master, because from what she’s heard about Bastila in the past, she’s actually more or less a role model to her. Of course, Bastila’s teachings could make you end up as a DS’der or a LS’der at the end of the day, or maybe you will end up in a neutral way.


Bastila can’t train both you and Trisha, but Trisha will still go with you and the group, because this Sith Lord is a threat to every being in the galaxy touched by the Force, so it would be folly to ignore such a threat, so she wishes to seek them out as well.


Since the Sith assassins are dead and won’t be returning to Sleheyron or the planet wherever their ships are being hidden on, you, Trisha, Bastila, HK-47, T3-M4 and Lara will take the Ebon Hawk and go to Sleheyron, to find out where the Sith ships are, gain access to them, hack into their database, gain access to the astrogation chart revealing the layout of the ‘True Sith’ Empire, find some info about them and find out where the Sith fleet hiding in the outer-regions of space is exactly.


At this stage the main character could be anywhere between 1/3 LS – 1/3 DS…

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Absolutely a masterpiece of work Architect. I don't know if I could keep up with this work. Very nice idea of you to give Bastila a set alignment too. To me, it would make perfect sense as well.


I am looking forward to it to see what happens next. It will be some time before I start some new work. I hope it will be this year.

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I've done part three. I don't think this one is as good as part one and part two though. I will probably receive some criticism for this one, but here it is. Enjoy people, and please kindly spread the word about my KotOR III story so more people can read it. Remember, because it's so long, you don't have to read it all at once.




The planet of Sleheyron is even worse than Nar Shaddaa, which at least had some humanity left in it. Sleheyron, however, is a bleak and dark place, where the Hutts rule on their whims and will happily sacrifice anyone they can use as pawns in their power-games. To say that the Exchange operates openly here would be a complete understatement.


You can’t throw a stone here without hitting slave markets, bounty hunters with their captured prey, ‘legitimate businessmen’ haggling over prices for narcotics and so on. Basically you'll never find a more pitiful place riddled with scum, crime and corruption.


Now, since Sleheyron is a very dangerous and malevolent planet, the Ebon Hawk will need looking after. So after some discussion amongst the group, it is decided that Trisha and HK-47 will look after the Ebon Hawk (HK insists he will have great pleasure in blasting any un wanted meatbag who comes near the Ebon Hawk) and T3-M4 will stay to make some repairs and keep the ships condition up to scratch.


The Ebon Hawk is also in dire need of fuel, so Trisha will go to get some fuel at some point, while HK looks after the ship. You, Bastila and Lara will do the exploring on Sleheyron, where the main objective is to find out where these hidden ships are and how to hack in to their databases.


Now, you can’t just attack the Hutts and force them to give you the information you’re looking for, because they’re immune to mind tricks and they are the Kings of Sleheyron, and as powerful as you and the group are, there’s no way you can take on all of the scum present on Sleheyron.


Now, Bastila is at level 15 when you meet her. Her level is a bit higher than yours, but not that high because for a while there, she has been ‘out of action for a while’. Also, regardless of whether you have high or low influence with Trisha, the bond will not break or weaken between you and her. It isn’t a lethal bond, but it does allow you both to draw strength from each other.


And although Trisha is a bit taken aback that her idol Bastila has changed over the years, she realizes that Bastila isn’t evil and can accept you learning her philosophy and becoming her student, but she won’t learn Bastila’s philosophy.


Also, even though Bastila, and not you, is technically the leader of the group this time, you will still be the main man/woman making the dialogue choices and the LS/DS/neutral stuff, because Bastila is there to guide and teach you, and only by analyzing your choices and actions in different scenarios can she truly teach you, well that’s what she believes, so she will leave the decisions up to you, but that will not stop her from having her say on things.


Investigating (via asking the Hutts) by you, Lara and Bastila will reveal that they got one of their associates, an expert slicer called Kraouken Dyraxon, Lara Kaevee’s friend, to hack into the database of the Sith ships (while Lara was on Alderaan and didn’t know the Hutts were going to get him to do that) and steal valuable information for them.


They tell you this because now that they know that the ‘True Sith’ assassins are dead (because they haven’t came back and you might have told the Hutts what happened to them) they are willing to tell anyone who wants to know where the Sith ships are, because they never cared in the first place, and just wanted the credits. But the Hutts still had to hide the ships, because the ‘True Sith’ didn’t leave until they hid them, so in order to get their credits, they had to hide the ships first.


However, the Hutts are only willing to tell you whereabouts the Sith ships are being hidden, if, and only if you help them with ‘business’. So you must do things such as, but not limited to; the assassination of rivals from different Hutt factions (depending on which one/s you work for), the exposure of illegal transactions by the competition, extortion, (note that even the Hutts have rules to follow) and you must also represent one of the Hutt factions in a ‘gladiator’ dueling competition where they will bet on you and expect you to win for them. There’s more obviously, but you get the theme. More of those CRPG quests, you know.


However, the Hutts are bastards. What you don’t know is that even if you know where to find the Sith ships, Kraouken won’t be able to hack into the database for your group, because the Hutts have the equipment and the unencrypted data needed to activate and use the database systems.


They have the equipment and unencrypted data stored in one of their warehouses. The Hutts of course, would deny this, and claim that the database must be screwed if you try and hack into it without the equipment.


As you would imagine, swoop racing, pazaak, shops that sell ‘goods’ and cantina’s are on Sleheyron, so during your work for the Hutt factions, you and the group will be able to do all that traditional KotOR type yada yada.


Another thing too is, Kraouken has disappeared ever since he sliced into the database of the Sith ships. The Hutts mention that he ‘got into some trouble’ with the Exchange on Sleheyron, so he is probably hiding somewhere on the planet, if the Exchange has decided to go after him and kill him. The Hutts assume him to be dead, but that is a lie!


You see, once Kraouken had done what the Hutts asked him to do, they decided to have him killed, because at the time, they didn’t know what had happened to the ‘True Sith’ and were still expecting them to return and find their hidden ships, so they still cared about the ships, which means that Kraouken was silenced, as in the past he’s leaked information to ‘outsiders’.


They let it go in the past because he’s been a good asset to their business and before it was never a big deal, but this time, the Hutts didn’t take any chances, and took Kraouken out to keep the deal with the Sith silent, as they didn’t want any trouble with them.


Stupid Kraouken. The last people you should trust are the Hutts. Note that this all happened after Lara had left Sleheyron. Obviously after the ‘True Sith’ assassins departed Sleheyron, the Hutts decided to try and slice into their ships databases.


So now what? How are you going to hack into the database of the Sith ships without Kraouken, who was one of the best slicer’s there was? Now that he’s dead, you’re going to need to find someone else, or something, which will help you hack into the database. Luckily, the equipment that Kraouken used to hack in is still around, but the Hutts have got it. You don’t know this yet, but will soon find out.


After doing all the quests (in your order of preference) the Hutts want you to do one more big quest for them before they give you the info you are seeking, and that is, to track down the operations of the ‘underground movement’ on Sleheyron and stop them, however you see fit on stopping them.


After some exploring, you will find the hidden sanctuary of the underground movement, which (if you set Revan as LS) is being led by someone familiar, Jolee Bindo. If you set Revan as DS, then Jolee is dead, and the underground movement is being led by Jolee’s second in command (the guy is second in command if Revan is set as LS).


Yes, even a horrible planet such as Sleheyron has its own underground movement and in this case, they are a group of smugglers trying to free slaves and other innocents and get them away from Sleheyron. It’s too bad Kraouken never knew about or came across them isn’t it?


So, if Revan is set as LS, good old Jolee is once again doing what he always does, which is working in the shadows and secretly helping the poor and oppressed. He’s still his same old stubborn, sarcastic and neutral and ‘old’ self.


When you, Lara and Bastila find and reach the underground movement sanctuary, you will chance across a member of their group, who tells you that the Hutts are lying pricks and that there is stuff that you need to know, which the leader of the underground group, Jolee Bindo, or his second-in-command will tell you.


Bastila says that before the group makes any rash decisions deciding what to do with the underground movement, they should listen to what Jolee or his second-in-command has to say first (especially if Revan is LS) as Bastila will mention that she knew Jolee and that she traveled with him during the Jedi Civil War and he knows what he’s talking about.


So you, Lara and Bastila go to speak to Jolee or his second-in command. First of all, Jolee or Garret (the second in command guy) tells you that he had become aware of your presence on Sleheyron and knows why you’re here, and also knows that you’ve been sent by the Hutts to ‘take care of’ his group. They’ve learnt this from their spies.


The underground movement wants you to help them with something. They will tell you about Kraouken’s death (which will upset Lara obviously) and how the Hutts had him killed and are also keeping the unencrypted data and hacking equipment in one of their warehouses. They know what you want and would like to help you get into the warehouse and get what you’re looking for, because they want stuff in the Hutts computers too.


So, they pretty much came to you, once they learnt about what you were doing here on Sleheyron, so you didn’t really find them, they found you. Jolee and/or Garret wants to slice the Hutt computers so that they fall into the hands of the Republic or to otherwise free slaves.


The reason why you don’t get the choice to wipe out the underground movement, go to the Hutts, tell them what you’ve done and get the information you came looking for, is because the Hutts won’t give you the hacking equipment. Why? Because that’s the way the Hutts are.


Since the Hutts have thousands of warehouses on Sleheyron, the equipment could be anywhere. You don’t have the time to go looking through every warehouse, so the only way to find the unencrypted data and the hacking equipment is to help the underground movement, because they know which warehouse they store their hacking equipment and unencrypted data in (because of their spies). They will lead you there.


Jolee and/or Garret will tell you this, if you say to them that you’re going to kill them and side with the Hutts. This would naturally force you and the group to help them, unless you want to spend practically forever looking through every warehouse, which just isn’t a viable option.


So, how do you know if they are lying or not? Well put it this way, if they don’t know where to find what you and the group are looking for after you’ve helped them, then you’d obviously kick their asses, wouldn’t you?


The underground movement haven’t been in the warehouse yet, otherwise they would have got the information they wanted already. Their spies overheard a conversation between one of the Hutt’s henchmen which revealed which warehouse they keep their unencrypted data and hacking equipment in. So they assume that if the group is looking for this special hacking equipment and unencrypted data, then it should be in the same warehouse, because each warehouse stores different products and never more of the same stuff.


By the way, the Hutts want to wipe out the underground movement, because they are ‘interfering with their business’, as they continue to help and keep people hidden who the Hutts wish to have killed.


The underground movement are pro-Republic, that’s why they came to you and wanted to help you, because their spies learnt about this whole Sith deal, and since these Sith are a threat to the Republic and you wish to stop them, they wanted to help you.


The timing of your arrival was coincidental, as the underground movement were planning to infiltrate the warehouse and steal the info they were looking for them selves, but they were never too keen on infiltrating the warehouse themselves in the first place, as if one of their people had of been caught and captured, they could have leaked to the Hutts (either by being forced, bribed or whatever) where their hidden sanctuary is, which is what the Hutts wanted to know.


But then their spies learnt about the whole Sith deal and at the time, you and the group arrived on Sleheyron. But it doesn’t really matter. It’s not as if they have been after this info for a long time.


So, it’s time to sneak into that warehouse and steal the unencrypted data and equipment that could reveal who the ‘True Sith’ are and should reveal where the hidden Sith ships are. Jolee and/or Garret will temporarily join the party for this mission (it depends on Revan’s alignment) but screw game-play mechanics.


Instead of only being able to use two party members at a time, you will have Bastila, Lara, Jolee and/or Garret all in your active party at the same time. The catch is, the more party members you use, the more enemies there will be, and they will be harder to defeat.


So there will be 4 or 5 of you, which is all that is required in such a sneaky mission. But the intentional mission of guile and ingenuity quickly erupts into a huge battle, where the Hutts become aware that you’ve snuck into one of their warehouses, and will send their forces to eliminate you and the group. They found out because one of their skilled henchmen detected you.


You, Lara, Bastila, Jolee and/or Garret will have to fend off the Hutts attack forces for some time, until the info that you and the group came for is finally free for you to take. The information acquired from their computers turns out to be useful, I’ll get to that soon. Garret however, is killed in the battle. The good thing for Hutt haters is, you will get to slaughter some of the fat slime balls on your way out of the vicinity as you make your escape.


If Revan is set as LS and Jolee is alive, he will thank you for your help and get the information to one of his underground group colleagues and then and he will join your party because he feels he has ‘one last adventure’ left in him, and that he’s curious to discover what has become of Revan, and help the group stop the ‘True Sith’.


Even if you don’t want Jolee in the group (because you may think he’s just a useless, annoying old man) Bastila will, so he’ll be in the group no matter what, as she decides who stays and who goes, not you.


Now, as you, Lara, Bastila and possibly Jolee make your way to the Ebon Hawk, well put it this way, it’s no cakewalk just to get back to your ship. You’ve caused a lot of crap during your time on Sleheyron, and will find a lot of scum who want to kill you. You will see HK, T3 and Trisha (who ended up getting some fuel for the Ebon Hawk at a mechanic shop) fighting a whole lot of scum, as they are trying to protect the Ebon Hawk and themselves.


Obviously you, Lara, Bastila and maybe Jolee go to assist Trisha, HK and T3 in the battle, and once your group prevails, take the Ebon Hawk and get the hell off Sleheyron, because If you stick around, you’ll die, as more and more scum would be flocking to the area to come and kill you, and as I’ve said, you can’t take them all on at once. At this stage your character should be between level 13-16 and could be anywhere between 2/3’s LS – 2/3’s DS.


Now, the equipment you’ve got is complicated, and it’s still going to be hard to hack in to the database, but you can now access it with the unencrypted data. The information you acquired at the warehouse reveals that the Sith ships are being kept hidden by a group of smugglers operating somewhere on the world of Myrkr.


They were paid by the Hutts to look after the Sith ships on Myrkr, and since they work for the Hutts and are loyal personnel, they could be trusted by them. They came to Sleheyron because the Hutts asked them to. They were assigned the task of keeping the Sith ships safe and hidden on Myrkr, so the smugglers should still be there, as they are supposed to watch over and protect the ships until the ‘True Sith’ completes their mission.


It’s just a matter of finding whereabouts the Sith ships are. That’s where the smugglers will come in handy, because they’re going to tell you aren’t they? They would want to, if they know what’s good for them, right?


The group also learns a bit about the ‘True Sith’ from the information acquired at the warehouse. It turns out indeed that the ‘True Sith’ are the remnants of Ludo Kressh’s fleet, an Ancient Sith Lord of the Great Hyperspace War era.


Long ago, his remnants fled into un-chartered space. The remnants vowed to return to Republic space and wage war against the Republic and the Jedi Order in an attempt to avenge the deaths of their brethren and the fall of their once great Empire by crushing their long time arch-rivals, once they were strong enough again.


But like all Sith, their secluded rebuilding phase in the unknown regions soon developed into a massive civil war, such is the way of the Sith. You would assume that the civil war would inevitably cause the complete destruction of their old Empire, but no.


This is because a female Sith Lord of great power, beauty and charisma, known as Darth Zithra, discovered the technique to do exactly the same thing as Darth Sion did, and keep her body alive and intact for a long time.


She, like Sion, could hold her body together by sheer force of will and the power of hatred, channeled through the dark side. Her hatred was directed at the Republic and the Jedi, for defeating the Empire that she was born into during the Great Hyperspace War.


But Zithra was different than most Sith. She was set on uniting the fallen Sith factions that had divided amongst themselves in the massive civil war they had against each other, so she returned from the Trayus Academy at Malachor V (where she left ancient Sith tablets and scrolls detailing what happened to her armada to the Sith students who remained at the Trayus Academy and learned from the teachings she left behind) and the knowledge that Sion discovered to learn how to keep his body together.


Sion was the only other Sith Lord who could achieve Zithra’s ability, as the technique requires the individual to have a very strong hatred and affinity to the dark side of the Force, something which most great Sith have, but not to the extent of Sion and Zithra’s hatred. That is why you don’t see hundreds of Sion’s amongst the Sith.


One by one, she found and united the Sith factions who were fighting against each other, but she could never achieve true unity, as each time the Sith looked to rebuild, all their work collapsed before them as they continued to erupt into civil wars, because that is in the nature of their teachings.


So for centuries they were caught between not being completely wiped out, but also not being strong enough to launch an assault upon the Jedi Order and the Old Republic, who kept getting much stronger and stronger, with each passing century.


Darth Zithra remained alive for all this time (because the technique makes her immortal, and her will is not as easy to break as Sion’s) and she remained as the Dark Lord of the Sith for centuries, but she could not bring true union among the divided Sith.


The civil wars continued to occur in the unknown regions, without the Jedi Order or the Old Republic ever finding out, but that all changed, as when the students at the Trayus Academy wiped each other out, they left traces, beacons of their Empire, clues of their continuing existence to this day, at Malachor V, which Revan would discover many years later.


Zithra was centuries old. She was still the Dark Lord of the ‘True Sith’ and obviously she lost her beauty long ago. The ‘True Sith’ Empire was in disarray, it was on the verge of collapse, until finally, she managed to unite what little was left of the Sith, and show them that the reason why their ancestors came into the unknown regions in the first place was to unite, rebuild and return to Republic space to crush the Jedi Order and the Republic.


She also showed the remaining Sith how their own teachings have led to the downfall of their previous Empires, that when fighting against an enemy such as the Republic and the Jedi Order, they should all be united by their hatred against them and deal with them first, and only after once their enemies are gone they should fight against each other, not like the old ways, where they used to do both at the same time.


In other words, she says that the Sith should leave each other alone and work together to defeat the Republic and the Jedi Order, not divide and fight each other at the same time whilst they’re fighting a great, historical enemy. Zithra’s strong hatred was directed towards the Republic and the Jedi Order, as you can imagine.


So they united, and began rebuilding their Empire together, slowly increasing in academies, numbers, resources and so on. At the time, the Old Republic and the Jedi Order were very strong and we’re in a fantastic state, and this is when a large society of elite neo-crusading warriors known as the Mandalorians were conquering outer-rim worlds not under the jurisdiction of the Republic over the years.


Darth Zithra knew that her united Empire would need to be strong in order to defeat the very powerful Republic and Jedi Order, but she couldn’t wait for her own Empire to rebuild over many years. Heck, they might split up again.


She wanted revenge badly, but she wanted the Republic and the Jedi Order weakened, so she went exploring the deep regions of space, to look for allies that could possibly help her weaken the Republic and the Jedi Order.


At the time, the Mandalorians were looking for someone worthy to fight. They were kicking everybody’s ass, and were looking for a decent challenge. Zithra came to the Mandalorians, and at first, they tried to kill her, but couldn’t because she was very powerful and she could not die. She would not go away, so the Mandalorians were forced to hear what she had to say.


She was impressed by the size and strength of the Mandalorian armada, and she asked the Mandalorians if they were interested in fighting against the Republic and the Jedi Order. She said to them that they were very strong factions and were worthy of their attention and skill in battle.


She said that fighting against such a great enemy would give the Mandalorians all the honour and glory that they could ever imagine. It would be a battle that would be remembered forever. In exchange for hordes of gold, honour and glory, Zithra wanted the Mandalorians to attack the Republic and the Jedi Order for them.


They agreed to this of course, excited by the promise of a great battle worthy of their skill and attention, so when Zithra told the Mandalorians where to find the Republic, they departed deep outer-rim space, and began attacking Republic worlds, in an attempt to lure the Republic into battle, which succeeded, resulting in the beginning of the Mandalorian Wars.


This not only weakened the Republic and the Jedi Order, but it gave the ‘True Sith’ more time to rebuild their Empire behind the scenes. And to the unexpected delight of the ‘True Sith’, the Jedi Civil War occurred, which they did not intend to happen.


So, they just sat back and let their enemies fight it out against each other, further weakening the Republic and the Jedi Order and allowing them even more time to build up an Empire that would stomp all over any measly resistance left after the end of the Jedi Civil War.


But, for some reason, the ‘True Sith’ never attacked the Republic and the Jedi Order after the Jedi Civil War. They somehow managed to end up in another civil war again, but how they managed to end up in another civil war again is not addressed in the data that is found by the group.


This is why they never attacked anyone in KotOR II, when all their enemies were in a weak, vulnerable state. Because they were too busy fighting each other again. The data does reveal though that Darth Zithra was defeated by her apprentice Lord Astaroth during the Jedi Civil War, and he became the new Dark Lord of the ‘True Sith’.


Maybe he stuffed up Zithra’s plans and restarted a massive civil war amongst the ‘True Sith’. Either way, Astaroth defeated Zithra. He threw her into an abandoned torture chamber that was filled with explosives, enclosed her in and set the charges off, blowing her body up into pieces.


To ensure her permanent end, he then scavenged her scattered, charred body parts from the wreckage, and threw them into the depths of a volcano, to melt and completely destroy her physical body, thus killing her and ensuring she will not put her body back together ever again, because she no longer has a body!


All this was written by a scholar/historian from Zithra’s Empire, who wrote scrolls telling the story about the ‘True Sith’ Empire, so they could be passed on and read by the younger students at their academies for educational purposes.


Kraouken recorded what the scroll said on one of his datapads and sent that to the Hutts, but remember, gaining access to a star map of one of the Sith ships, with the database accessed, is the only way to view the hyperspace coordinates and astrogation charts of the ‘True Sith’, which is what the group really wants, so the info on Sleheyron is not enough.


That is the information that the group learned from the data they found. Trisha suggests that the Jedi Order and the other Force-users united against the ‘True Sith’ should be told what they know about the ‘True Sith’, but the thing is, they still don’t know where the ‘True Sith’ and this Sith Lord’s fleet are, and they still don’t know how to fight against this Sith Lord, so until they go to Myrkr and learn more, they shouldn’t do a thing.


Bastila will address that point. So, now it’s off to Myrkr to find the Sith ships, hack into the database, gain access to one of the star maps and find out where this Sith Lord’s fleet is, which should lead them to clues regarding Revan’s fate and whereabouts, the Exile’s fate and whereabouts and where exactly this ‘True Sith’ Empire is, and how it’s set up.



I won't be starting part four for two weeks though. I want to have a break from working on my story...

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Hi' date=' Darth Religuim from Obsidian here. This even better than what I remembered when you sent it to me some months ago. but did you change something? I thought I remember a clone of the exile being in it.[/quote']


Umm...I never sent you anything months ago Religuim. You're confusing me with someone else. I wouldn't do a story with a clone of the Exile in it. IMO, that is a stupid idea.


Anyway, I'm glad you like my story, but I never sent you anything before.

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Well, no, not a clone of the Exile. Somehow, I don't recall sending you my story Darth Religium. Indeed, my story is about a clone from a Jedi Knight but not the Exile. Anyway, to the Architect, stroy is very good.

One question though, it looks IMO a bit to much like the story I have read from Jediphile. Not that I have a problem with it but are you able to choose where you would like to go, to which planet you go, or do you have to go Coruscant - Alderaan - Sleheyron - Myrkr?

And, is there a replacable character for Jolee if you set Revan as DS? Or maybe you could consider that Revan sliced off Jolee's hand and left him there alive on the temple?

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Anyway, to the Architect, stroy is very good.

One question though, it looks IMO a bit to much like the story I have read from Jediphile. Not that I have a problem with it but are you able to choose where you would like to go, to which planet you go, or do you have to go Coruscant - Alderaan - Sleheyron - Myrkr?

And, is there a replacable character for Jolee if you set Revan as DS? Or maybe you could consider that Revan sliced off Jolee's hand and left him there alive on the temple?


Yes, my story is based off Jediphile's main ideas, but I remember he said to me that he didn't have a problem with me using his main plot ideas and turning it into something even better.


As you should notice, it is different to Jediphile's story, and after part four, I'll be taking my story in a rather different direction. The only things that are the same as his story is the planets I've used, the technique used to bring back Revan and the Exile and who the 'True Sith' are, that's all.


His main story idea I thought was very good, and I saw potential in it. It was very brief and to the point, so what I decided to do was base the main plot of his but go into more depth, explain things more and implement my own ideas, such as how to find the 'True Sith' fleet, the destruction of your homeworld, Bastila's neutralness, the side-quests, taking a padawan instead of having a master and so on.


Jediphile could explain the differences between his plot and mine (the first being that my introduction and part one alone is longer than his entire story). It's not as if I've plagiarised his story completely, there are some things I didn't like that I've changed.


I read his story, loved it and decided to make something more deeper, longer and better out of it, so people, don't get the wrong impression. You can check Jediphile's posts for yourselves at Obsidian, find his story, read it, and you'll see that I haven't done anything wrong.


Like I've said, it's not exactly the same as his story. Now, you don't have a choice as to which planets you get to go to in my story, which is fair enough IMO, considering the story. Why stick to the same formula for?


By the way, I said in my story that if Revan is set as DS, Jolee has a replacable character, which is his second in command Garret if Revan is LS and Jolee is alive. No, Jolee is dead if Revan is set as DS.


And DS Revan never sliced off Jolee's hand at the Rakata temple and left him alive, he/she killed him. DS Revan = Jolee is dead.


As long as Jediphile gave permission for you to use his specific ideas or lines/quotes, all is well. It's only considered plagiarism if you don't get permission. --Jae

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I won't be starting part four for two weeks though. I want to have a break from working on my story...


awww... :(


Another good chapter. And not being able to choos the order of planets you go in would be fine with me. It would get a little monotonous if it was the same style as both 1 and 2. My only concern is that you might be learning a bit too much a little too quickly. I agree with a lot of what TheHairlessMonkey said on LucasArts, but I don't have the patience to type all that :)

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I love your game Story so far. Keep up the great work. The only thing I thing that I would like to see if it was put in to a game that u can chose what planet to go to. After a certain part. (You might put that in later i dont know). Cant wait for the 2 weeks to be up for the next installment.


PS. This is my first post ever so i hope it turns out ok. Also if anyone has a good signature that they would be willing to pass on plz tell me.

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Okay, then I'll understand. No worries. Does it mean that Garret joins your party if Jolee is dead?

To Kas'im, okay, I guess I did. I just fotgot, but then I guess I could tell you that you misunderstood that the main character in my story isn't a clone of the Exile. I'll be working on my story later on when I get everything organised again, I just migrated from Holland to Australia, that's why it's somewhat difficult to work on things.

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awww... :(Another good chapter. And not being able to choos the order of planets you go in would be fine with me. It would get a little monotonous if it was the same style as both 1 and 2. My only concern is that you might be learning a bit too much a little too quickly. I agree with a lot of what TheHairlessMonkey said on LucasArts, but I don't have the patience to type all that :)


I'm planning on making an 'off topic ramblings II' to analyse my story and discuss its weaknesses and what I should of/could of done better. Of course, I'm not a professional writer, and my story isn't perfect, but yes, I do agree that the pacing of my story is disjointed and what you learn in the game needs to be broken down and spread out amongst small conversations rather than huge ones.


I'll also reply to the The Hairless Monkey's '-' points he made about my story in my 'off topic ramblings II' as I agree with some of them, but disagree with some of his points. For example, Carth's replacable character Cede isn't there because Carth went DS, it's there because if Revan is set as DS, Carth is dead.


I love your game Story so far. Keep up the great work. The only thing I thing that I would like to see if it was put in to a game that u can chose what planet to go to. After a certain part. (You might put that in later i dont know). Cant wait for the 2 weeks to be up for the next installment.


PS. This is my first post ever so i hope it turns out ok. Also if anyone has a good signature that they would be willing to pass on plz tell me.


Welcome to the forums jesusfreaks_90. Your first post is fine. About 'choosing what planet you go to', why stick to the same formula for? I think it would get repetitive if we stick to the same formula used in K1 and K2. Besides, why would the group go to Myrkr before they go to Sleheyron? They have to go to Sleheyron first, to find out where the Sith ships are. At the time, they don't know that the ships are being hidden on Myrkr.


To be honest, I don't really like my story that much. It feels too far-fetched and restricting. I'll finish this story, but I'll do another one after it, using my own ideas, planet choices and so on. Sure, it's not too bad, but I feel I can make a better story than this one, one that will please most people and allow the player to fully customize the experience.


A story that will push the limits of size, time and costing, from a developers perspective. The only thing I'll have to do with my next story is state my 'bulletpoints', my assumptions before I get started, so there is no confusion.


Okay, then I'll understand. No worries. Does it mean that Garret joins your party if Jolee is dead?

To Kas'im, okay, I guess I did. I just fotgot, but then I guess I could tell you that you misunderstood that the main character in my story isn't a clone of the Exile. I'll be working on my story later on when I get everything organised again, I just migrated from Holland to Australia, that's why it's somewhat difficult to work on things.


I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before khawk. But, if you think my story will end up exactly the same way Jediphile's does, then you'd be wrong. Although, it won't be that much different. I guess the story is kind of spoiled for you now.


Don't worry, I'm planning on doing two more K3 stories after this one, so it's all good. Anyway, I think your story actually has the potential to be better than mine (or should I say, Jediphile's)?


The only difference is, you and Jediphile never bothered to go into the depth and detail that I have done with my story, which is understandable. With more depth and detail, your story could be a ripper. I'm looking forward to the next part of your story, which unfortunately, I gather will be some time away.

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