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Should the ebon hawk be scrached


Should the Ebon Hawk Go  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Ebon Hawk Go

    • Yes definatley
    • NO WAY
    • No but it should be changed a bit
    • Dont care

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Raises an interesting point--it and its old-new cousin the falcon have been used a lot. Maybe we at least need to consider a little change?


like an ancient version of--uhh y'know Dash's ship?


Or something completely hot off the press. Think.


Well, maybe it's just the new falcon for this generation. Here to stay.

IF anybody had any hot ideas I'm sure we'd be all ears.

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  Lord_MalaKdoggk said:
After finishing TSL again last night I think the thread question is a moot point- The Hawk was destroyed on Malachor 5 in TSL.


Actually that's not necessarily true, since it's only destroyed in the Dark Side alternative. And even that may not be true. It might still exist in the DS ending, we just don't see it, so it's not for sure.

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  Pottsie said:
Poll with close on 28th February 2034? What a strange date to choose, considering most people might not be here in 2034. Anyway keeping on-topic, I would just modify it a bit. Like have the Cargo Hold to put unused items in containers, like KOTOR and either the dormitories or the medical bay to be used to get full health, when you're in the Ebon Hawk.


Yes practicle uses of the ship beyond simply changing the outter scerey would be healthy addition to the game.

I have yet to vote by the way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the Ebon Hawk should return, and I'd like to get it in the most mundane way possible: You find it for sale from some guy at a bargain price or something.

The ebon hawk to me (as with the droids) symbolises a linking thread between chapters; and having it present reduces the need for previous characters which often could have died.

It could easily give some satisfying tidbits as the the whereabouts of previous characters without spoiling too much. Having some form of written jornal or datapad with notes is the simplest way to re-cap on Revan and Exile's activity without getting tangled up in looks or gender. I'm into the idea of having the ebon hawk shrouded in mystery in a sub-plot. Nothing too vital to the game; but you unravel a few little easter eggs throughout thegame (eg. On a distant planet you find a key to unlock something on the ship. Inside is Revan's robe.)

Also a bit of familiarity is good in this game. I'd rather the same ship than the same planets for one; and I'm used to the layout inside. Sexing it up is always an option too.

I don't really get why it's contrived re-appearance is really an issue with people. In my eyes, it's destined to be there. Thats why I like the idea of it being at the right shop at the right time. Just have it down to fate.

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I feel that as much as I would like to see the ebon hawk back that will not happen.

we have a few things to consider, first that it might have been destroyed when malachor 5 was destroyed and the second is if the exile went to find revan as the story would imply he would need a ship to do that and it probably would have been the hawk.

No one complains about getting a new character so we really should not complain about a new ship.

I could just imagine how kreia got it is the first place.

Although I do beleive what ever ship we do get will be very similar to the Ebon Hawk.

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There are many mysteries remaining with the EH, like who was his first owner, how did kreia get it... At least, if it has to be removed, I hope these questions will be answered.


In KotOR 3 I'd like things to happen this way : you are most of the time in mission with Sith/Republican forces (so NPCs like Carth, Mandalore...) and you travel with the veeeeery big ship veeery spacious and with several quests inside it, and sometimes you have the pleasure to escape with others companions in the EH to complete some unofficial missions, (and, it would be great) that the hierarchy disapproves (like look for Revan/the Exile, negociate secretly with the enemy, return in a previous place to save an abandoned friend...).

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Actually we do know who the original owner is and that's Ratrin Vhek, that guy you talk to on Nar Shadaa.


Talk to this one person on Korriban in K1 in the Drunk Side, and you learn that the Ebon Hawk has changed hands so many times it's no longer funny. Exile borrowed teh Ebon Hawk from Kreia. Kreia aquirred the Ebon Hawk after Revan left known galaxy. Revan stole the Ebon Hawk from Davik Kang's dead body. Davik Kang stole the Ebon Hawk from someone...who stole it from someone else. That guy stole it from a fourth party. When Ratrin said that was his ship...I was just laughing, because I believe that Ratrin has stolen that ship from someone else.

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I say keep the Ebon Hawk, but give it a good entrance. Like in the first game, it was basically grand theft auto, and you were like "ok steal that one ship and leave," and in TSL it was just "there" again, just there floating in space with a hole in it's hull. I thought about how best to intro the Ebon Hawk, and I think I got a pretty cool plotline, so here it goes:


You're on a planet or a capital ship, and all of a sudden, someone attacks. You're about to get killed, but all of a sudden, the Ebon Hawk flies in and blows the s*** out of your enemies. You then do a Qui-Gon and jump on the loading ramp as it flies away, or if it's on a capital ship just jump into it however you enter one ship from another, but you pass out from injuries, and wake up in the medical room.


As for who is flying the Ebon hawk and what else I left out, like what you're doing on that planet or ship and who's attacking you, well, I wanna keep that open for other people to think about. All I'm saying is make it more interesting in KOTOR III, instead of making it stolen property in the first game and a piece of junk you pick out of the hangar in the second game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  BanthaFodder01 said:
I loved the Falcon. What they could do for KOTOR III is have you flying some random ship, but to not let the player get too attached too it. Anyways, ull get the Ebon near the begining but not at the begining. (sorry its 1AM, I think someone alrdy said this, im just supporting the idea hehe.)


Oh and PLEASE oh PLEASE have an explanation as to where the Ebon Hawk was, how it got here, etc...dont give us "memory wipe" crap from T3 again lol.

First off, The Millenium Falcon was not in every movie, second, I can't see getting the Hawk without a lame story arc. I think the Exile should keep it until it's discarded to the scrap yard. How in the heck did T3 know to seek out the Exile anyway?

I maintain we should be able to find the Hawk in a salvage yard from which we can purchase the high powered hyperdrive to install into the Starfield Eagle, a flying hulk we commandeered that needs help. Originally a luxury star yacht, then stripped and used for Medical evacuations in the Mandalorian wars by the Mandalorians, then discarded in Sleyheron after the old drive system fails. Find it, fix it up, and fly it. Just think, NEW secret compartments, NEW amenities, NEW customizations, NEW old medical bay complete with Kolto tank from the wars. 2 levels, and a training area in the bottom level where you might find your NPC's sparring to stay limber in flight.

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I say keep the ship concept (semi-Falcon), but scrap the Hawk. The way they introduced it in TSL was very dodgy, in my opinion. I still think that having a "base ship" similar to the trademark ship of Star Wars is a good idea, but you can't drag the same old things in every future game.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would very much like to see a new ship. I would like to see a ship that gets introduced in a cool, believable way instead of having it thrust on me in a totally bizarre situation...I know they explained it decently, but the "T3-M4 searching for people and finding Kreia + Exile and suddenly winding up at Peragus" explanation doesn't "fly" with me so to speak :). The story of the hawk has been told, I think it's time to make a new ship into a star wars legend.


That being said, the new ship should probably stay "falcon-esque", since a medium freighter is the most logical for meshing with KOTOR gameplay. Something that would be really great would be to have the weapons, paint, armor, engines (how they'd implement engine customization I have no idea, but it would still be cool :p) customized by us. I've played with the Ebon Hawk for two games now, and although it was cool and it served me well, I never really felt attatched to it in any way since it simply served as a rather bland "troop transport" to get my bastion of ass-kickery from one place to the next. Customizing the ship would get you to feel more like the ship is "worth it", and it would give me another credit sink to dump everything into. (I always wound up with WAAAAAAY more credits than I could ever use in K2, bringing someone like Suvam Tan back would be nice so I could at least DO something with all that money...same with upgrading the ship).


I still think the hawk should be in the game, especially to establish continuity. In my opinion, it should be property of the new Jedi Order...after having redeemed itself from being a smuggler's vessel to a ship that has served to transport some of the mightiest Jedi in history, it could be used as a "symbol" of the new Jedi Order.

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I'd like to say it should be original but I'm out of ideas for what it should be. Similar in concept--multi person multi compartment that functions like a mini home/base.


If I may, I think there should be a selection of some sort...but that implies money and purchase.


I sort of liked the Slave I however, I just don't see how it could fit very many inside it. Or Something like Dash Rendar's ship from Shadows of the empire.


I'm up for new stuff. As a sort of tribute, I would say at least have a showing of it somewhere.


Maybe a freighter? With one of those continuous wave blasters like the ball shaped turrets on the clone transports have. Things like those can do massive damage up close and from moderate distances.

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Maybe when you no doubt get it, it'll have changed its name, gotten new engine, armor and paint job, etc. Hopefully, you can actually fly it yourself (when your primary npc gets knocked out or some shiznit) and attack a star destroyer. Oh yeah, and you discover that someone changed the name so you change it back to Ebon Hawk.

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