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Should K3 use the Dungeons and Dragons ruels?


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Should Kotor 3 use the dungeons and dragons ruels (like the past two games) or should it be more action oriented (like Fable and Oblivion)


I heard a lot of speculation that K3's battle system will change from semi-real time to fully real time. Also I have alot of friends who think that the Kotor games will be alot better if they were more action oriented. So what do you think?

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No, they shouldn't use d20 (the D&D 3e rules). Not because those rules aren't action orientated enough, but rather because they are about the worst RPG rules around IMHO.


I don't want KotOR to be an action game. I'll be far less likely to play it, if it's less of an RPG. That KotOR uses turn-based combat instead of real-time is a plus in the games. I don't want that to change. But I'd much rather use GURPS or WEG's old d6 Star Wars rules.

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I don't want KOTOR to play like oblivion (I'm guessing if it's not DD style, this is the style most prefer), because the battles include too much running around randomly to avoid getting hit. I hate fighting necromancers who just run away and cast spells, which is actually the logical thing to do, so I'd prefer DD rules.

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Stick with d20. Why? Because otherwise you risk alienating a lot of the people who bought the last two games.


Yeah, that's true. I've kind of grow fond of the system. That is, in the Kotor series. I don't buy a lot D&D games.


On the other hand, games as Oblivion aren't perfect if it comes to combat. IMHO the KotOR combat system was far more better than that of Oblivion. Oblivion becomes very repetitive when just slashing your way through everything.

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