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What sort of McGuffin will the Player Chase in K3?


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Here is the basic framework of the story for K1 and K2, and it wouldn't be KoToR unless the basic framework is followed, so if K3 comes out, here is how it works:


1. Do the Tutorial Level.

2. Complete the Introductory Planet. This is where you learn about who is the bad guys (in this case, the True Sith). You know when you are done when the Introductory Planet goes Kaboom and you fly away.

3. Learn about the 4 McGuffins. That's right. The McGuffins. They speak, they talk, they are all-mighty. Once you learn about them, your mission is to find these 4 McGuffins and activate them. Strangely, there is 1 McGuffin on each planet. Hm...best to start cracking.

4. Complete the 4 planets to save the pretty McGuffins. During this time, you will either aquire the LS glow or the DS taint.

5. Activate the McGuffins and then teleport to the Final Levels!

6. Beat the Final Levels and you save the Galaxy! w00t! Seperate endings for LS and DS players.


A McGuffin is an object that is needed to capture for the storyline and is easily replaceable by another object. You are ordered to get it, because the storyline relies on you to get it. It's an excuse to land on a planet and go through its quest, intervening in its affairs...so you can grab the McGuffin and leave.


Now, erm. A question. What McGuffin do you think will be in KOTOR3?

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Okay, all i am seeing here is someone who has recently found the meaning of the word 'McGuffin' and said hey il write a thread. Honestly, no i don't know the 'McGuffin' the player will chase. This is vaguely similar to 'what plot will kotor 3 have' and the answer to that is. We don't know. We've all guessed somepoint in previous threads. A simple rewording of plot to 'McGuffin' changed nothing. /end rant

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Okay, all i am seeing here is someone who has recently found the meaning of the word 'McGuffin' and said hey il write a thread.


I just was curious. I was guess I was making fun of those who were trying to discover a plot...because said plot ties into what McGuffins the player would chase, and we do not know that. Speculation seems a bit meaningless. But, I might have forgotten to state that. Erm. I just know a lock is coming, but I'm sorry for doing this, I should have had it clearer.

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It does. I want to see it change a little. It make make the game a little less "free" and the plot a little more fixed and linear that you don't get to choose where to go when quite as much, but I'll take better plot over convenient "fake" freedom any day of the week - it's not as if there's really free-roaming in KotOR...

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McGuffins in K3:


A way into true Sith space

The Exile



And not necessarily in that order


The only thing is Jediphile, while I agree they should be the three main McGuffins in KotOR III, the main character needs to have a reason to go looking for these McGuffins. There needs to be some point/purpose for the main character, and he/she should be made aware of it.


I would hate to be forced to look for Revan, the Exile and the 'True Sith' in KotOR III without a valid reason. Why? That is the question. So, any ideas? My 'reason/purpose' can be found in part one of my KotOR III story, which can be found here: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=171405


Oh by the way, there are some PM's I've sent you that you haven't replied to. I was wondering why. Are they too long? Have you received them? Have you read them but haven't replied yet? Just curious.


The reason why I'm asking is because I want to send you a PM regarding something, but I'm wondering if it's going to be a waste of time or not because either you won't receive it or reply to it. Of course, I don't mean any offence or anything, I am just wondering why, that's all.

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The only thing is Jediphile, while I agree they should be the three main McGuffins in KotOR III, the main character needs to have a reason to go looking for these McGuffins. There needs to be some point/purpose for the main character, and he/she should be made aware of it.


I would hate to be forced to look for Revan, the Exile and the 'True Sith' in KotOR III without a valid reason. Why? That is the question. So, any ideas? My 'reason/purpose' can be found in part one of my KotOR III story, which can be found here: http://lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=171405


As you know, my own plot suggestion was to let something cataclysmic take place on a galactic level that any jedi should want to do something about. Of course, that's assuming you begin as a padawan in the jedi order. That's what I'd want to play, though.


People on this forum are unlikely to know of my idea for a plot, but basically most the Exile's companions (assuming LS Exile, otherwise they are replaced by new characters) are trying to revive the jedi order on Coruscant. The player is a young padawan making his/her way up the ranks. Visas Marr suddenly collapses during a meeting, however, and all knights and masters experience the destruction of an unidentified planet. When Visas awakens, she can reveal the planet was destroyed by Darth Nihilus, just as her native Katarr was. The jedi have no idea how Nihilus can be alive, but fear a direct attack on Coruscant itself, so they scatter to all corners of the galaxy. The player and his/her master bring a group of younglings to safety on Alderaan, where they stumble upon clues that leads them towards Nihilus' location.


Oh by the way, there are some PM's I've sent you that you haven't replied to. I was wondering why. Are they too long? Have you received them? Have you read them but haven't replied yet? Just curious.


The reason why I'm asking is because I want to send you a PM regarding something, but I'm wondering if it's going to be a waste of time or not because either you won't receive it or reply to it. Of course, I don't mean any offence or anything, I am just wondering why, that's all.


I've PM'ed you on this. Suffice it to say that I simply have not had the time to give your PMs the attention they deserve. My bad :(

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