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Malak Vs Traya

Diego Varen

Malak Vs Traya  

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  1. 1. Malak Vs Traya

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Oh, come on...Not that evil relating to Traya. You catch what I mean? I mean Darth Traya was planning to wipe out the whole Force, compared to the Force, to destroy millions of deaths would be piece of cake.


If she was planning to wipe out the Force; she would wipe out every living thing ,including herself.Anyway is that possible, even in terms of Star Wars?


Traya is hands down a better character than Malak. Heck, I think she's one of the best characters in Star Wars. Malak on the other hand is one of the worst characters in Star Wars IMO, along with Jar-Jar Binks, Zaalbar and Disciple.


Dude, Malak is one of the creepiest and most ruthless characters of all time.Most people don't like him because they think he's a ripoff of Darth Vader. But he's very different from Vader.Jar-Jar Binks is a great character who made Episode 1 a pretty funny movie.And what's wrong with Zaalbar? How can you not like a Wookie? :wookiee:

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Dude, Malak is one of the creepiest and most ruthless characters of all time.Most people don't like him because they think he's a ripoff of Darth Vader. But he's very different from Vader.Jar-Jar Binks is a great character who made Episode 1 a pretty funny movie.And what's wrong with Zaalbar? How can you not like a Wookie? :wookiee:


Hahaha! :lol: Malak, one of the creepiest characters of all time? Try one of the most dumb, clichéd, cheesy characters of all time with the worst laugh ever. Malak is about as intimidating as a baby kitten. His stupid metal jaw is the Vader rip off part that people are getting at, not his personality.


He's one of the most bland characters in Star Wars. He's nothing but a stupid lunatic. Okay, I can understand the beef he had with the Jedi Order, but why did he all of a sudden want to crush the Republic for? What did they do to him?


A good villain is someone who is a deep character, someone who you get to know well, someone who's motives are explored. A good villain is someone where you say "Hey, I know where this fella is coming from. He (or she) has got a good point."


Malak started out with the intention to save the Republic. When he returned as a Sith (okay, I gathered why he wanted to wipe the Jedi out well enough in the game) but how contradicting was it of him to go against the whole purpose of him going to the Mandalorian Wars: to protect the Republic.


His motives are never explored, he's a butthead, face it. He had no reason to attack the Republic for. Why attack and destroy worlds that he intended to save? Because of the dark side? Don't give me that. There are many Sith who only wanted to destroy/convert Jedi, but didn't care for the Republic. Malak shouldn't have been any different.


He's a weak character. And Jar-Jar Binks, funny? Umm...no. Try lame, annoying and not funny. He wasn't a great character at all. He needed to be eaten by a Rancor or pushed into a Sarlaac pit, or something along those lines.


And Zaalbar? Look, the only Wookiee I like is Chewbacca, he's an exception in my eyes. The rest are just primitive fools. Zaalbar is a boring character. His back story I found was quite lame. Even after the events on Kashyyyk, he wouldn't shed any more light on his past. Lame, lame, lame, that is Zaalbar for you.


Hanharr was a more interesting character, but what I didn't like about him was that he was like a depressed, emo Wookiee, and that is not a good thing. I would have granted his wish and killed him, if the game had of allowed me to.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Originally Posted by chillpill_2u

Actually I prefer Malak out of both of them.



I definitely agree there. Malak was a better Star Wars villain, and much better done than these two freaks that appeared.


But I still think Sion was better of these two, even though Kreia was a way harder fight than either of them.


Somebody agrees with me.YOU sound just like Malak yourself, ruthless and putting down every character. Are you even a Star Wars fan or a Star Trek {Snip}!


Flaming another user will not be tolerated here Obi-Wan Baloney, at all. Please refrain from these kinds of statements in the future. Consider yourself warned. -RH


Hey sorry RedHawke, I knew I shouldn't have done it, but man I just gave in to the DS I guess. :)

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His motives are never explored, he's a butthead, face it. He had no reason to attack the Republic for. Why attack and destroy worlds that he intended to save? Because of the dark side? Don't give me that. There are many Sith who only wanted to destroy/convert Jedi, but didn't care for the Republic. Malak shouldn't have been any different.


Well, erm...


The Sith Religion states that the strong must always prevail over the weak. Malak is strong. He must prove his strength. The Republic is weak, because it relied on Malak and Revan to save it from the Mandalorains. Malak must therefore crush the weak Republic, to prove that he's strong.


Yes. That's it. Would you accept this sort of half-baked explaination for Malak?

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Is the question who do we prefer? Or who would win in a fight.


If the former, I say Malak. He's a classic villain, and he fits much better in the Star Wars galaxy.


In a fight though, Traya has the thoughtful advantage. She knows both sides, she full well knows the weaknesses of a Sith like Malak. Malak is hardcore, to be sure, but he's just not the kind of person who could stand up to a mastermind like Kreia, who is no pushover in a fistfight either, mind you.


In a fight- Traya. It's a matter of archetypes, and hers trumps his.

My preference- Malak. Malak is classy, Traya is creepy.

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Yeah, Malak is cliche, but its well done cliche. He's a classic villain done well. He is of the brutal and violent type, which is what makes him him.


He's not all that deep, he's not the creative, but he's just a perfect example of an old fashioned villain.


Cliche, yes, but in a classic way, not a lame way. IMO.

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Yes. That's it. Would you accept this sort of half-baked explaination for Malak?


Considering this is Malak we're talking about, yes, I will accept it. Just what was in that idiots brain anyway? Blank space, perhaps?


@Architect-I was just kidding about Jar-Jar. He is the lamest char ever mede! Seriously. But Zaalbar was a powerhouse if you actually used him and upgraded him and stuff.

Jar Jar mockery


Ah, I see. My bad. It's difficult to detect sarcasm on a chat forum though. And even though Zaalbar was a powerhouse (yes I used and upgraded him, just as I did with all my party members) he was still a lame character.


Malak is one of the most cliché villains ever IMHO.


Really, when he laughs, I cringe... and not in a good way, either...




Yeah, Malak is cliche, but its well done cliche. He's a classic villain done well. He is of the brutal and violent type, which is what makes him him.


He's not all that deep, he's not the creative, but he's just a perfect example of an old fashioned villain.


Cliche, yes, but in a classic way, not a lame way. IMO.


Umm...cliché is something that has been done before, something that has been done to death. Malak is clichéd, and that means he's lame. Period. He's cheesy, shallow and lame. Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame. Lame.


And he's not done well at all, because everything he said and done in KotOR was just dodge. If he was done well, he would have a decent laugh for a start, but his laugh is nothing but crap. Complete crap.


His voice, appearance, costume and dialogue is also lame. I fail to see how he was done well. Malak is corniness defined.

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His voice, appearance, costume and dialogue is also lame. I fail to see how he was done well.


Actually, I thought the costume was alright and the voice-acting was fine. The problem with Malak is that the character is extremely badly written, and when he laughs, it's so fake and cliché it's just criminal or should be...


Malak is corniness defined.




I find it hard to disagree, though... :D

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Malak. I prefer Malak because he's not that evil. Well, I don't like Traya because she manipulated us along.


But to manipulate an enemy into thinking your a friend is a very powerful feat indeed... it means you are stronger, wiser, and are one of the most Powerful Sith Lords ever! Like me! And she's the manipulitive Witch we've all come to know and love.... just like HK becoming the Meatbag killing droid we all know and love. :D


Traya all the way! She's so freakin awsome! Able to convince us of her return to the "light." Malak would fall to her, he's just some Brutal *FAKE* Sith Lord, who betrayed Revan from a far, cause he was afraid of Revan.

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Actually, I thought the costume was alright and the voice-acting was fine. The problem with Malak is that the character is extremely badly written, and when he laughs, it's so fake and cliché it's just criminal or should be...


Well, I thought the costume sucked my self, but that's just my opinion. Don't get me wrong, the voice acting was okay, what I meant was, I didn't like the sound of Malak's voice, that's what put me off, not the way Malak's lines were delivered. I thought the sound of Malak's voice was a big crapola.


And yes, Malak is badly written and by far has the worst laugh in fictional character history. At least he didn't cackle like Palpatine though. If he had of, well, thank God for the mute button.


The bottom line is Traya>Malak.


Sure, Kreia is so ugly that if you look up the definition of ugly in the dictionary, there should be a picture of her, but come on, people shouldn't judge how much they like a character just on their looks. If Kreia looked like Bastila's twin, I bet you that she would have many fan boys, and instead of her colossal ramblings being considered as “Annoying, boring lectures” they would be considered as “Interesting, insightful words of wisdom.” Am I right?

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But that's exactly what makes a villain a good villain. You're not supposed to like a villain - you're supposed to hate them. That they do things we don't like is what makes them villains.


And Kreia is manipulative and condescending in the extreme. I hate those aspects of her, too, but as a character she rules supremely. I mean, look at characters like Garak on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Baltar on Battlestar Galactica, or Snape from Harry Potter. You hate them all for manipulative natures, but they are exceedingly well-written characters that add lots of atmosphere to the plot. Kreia does too, and that's why she's a great character. TSL would be hollow and boring without Kreia.

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Her character was unique and something the SW universe had never seen before.


While I completely agree with you Sabretooth, Traya's powers and abilities were far superior to Malak's


IMO her manipulation of the exhile, why not on as big a scale, was similar to the manipulation of Anikin Skywalker and the entire Jedi Order by Palpatine.


Which just shows us that she would utterly destroy Malak.


Just as most I feel the battle between Revan and Malak was better, but maybe that was due the the fact that MAlak was Revan's apprentice.

Hmmm who was one of Traya's apprentices oh way thats right Revan.


Traya trained Revan and Revan trained Malak Hmmm.

Traya seems like the safe bet to me.

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Everything corny about Malak was fitting. And how can you say he was not well done? You can say that you think cliche is lame, and the character was lame, but honestly think about it, they couldn't have done the same character much better.


Except for maybe the costume. It is kind of silly. He totally couldn't get away with it if he weren't a Sith Lord. :p But its nothing compared to Nihilus *shudder* talk about stupid looking. If this were a Malak/Nihilus debate, it'd be downright silly to bring up costuming in defense of Nihilus. But it's not, so go ahead.

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Everything corny about Malak was fitting. And how can you say he was not well done? You can say that you think cliche is lame, and the character was lame, but honestly think about it, they couldn't have done the same character much better.


How can I say that he was not well done? Well, umm...I did. It's quite simple to say...or should I say...type? And yes, they could of actually done the same character much better. They could have made him intelligent, not so arrogant, heck, he had the potential to be an interesting character, but he was just a *yawn*.


He didn't have to have a metal jaw, *cough* corny *cough*, he could have had a much better laugh, or preferably no laugh at all, he could have had better dialogue, he could have had a better voice and he could have a better costume. But it's BioWare we're talking about. What do you expect?


Except for maybe the costume. It is kind of silly. He totally couldn't get away with it if he weren't a Sith Lord. :p But its nothing compared to Nihilus *shudder* talk about stupid looking. If this were a Malak/Nihilus debate, it'd be downright silly to bring up costuming in defense of Nihilus. But it's not, so go ahead.


Huh? Nihilus had an awesome costume. Meh, I guess we can't all agree on which costumes are good and which aren't. But please tell me I'm not the only one that actually liked his costume.

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How can I say that he was not well done? Well, umm...I did. It's quite simple to say...or should I say...type? And yes, they could of actually done the same character much better. They could have made him intelligent, not so arrogant, heck, he had the potential to be an interesting character, but he was just a *yawn*.


My point was that if he was more intelligent and not so arrogant, etc. he wouldn't be the same character, he'd have a different personality. We can have opinions on the laugh and the voice, which I liked, and I actually kind of agree with you on the costume (its mainly the weird cape that throws me, and to a lesser extent the tight pants).


Huh? Nihilus had an awesome costume. Meh, I guess we can't all agree on which costumes are good and which aren't. But please tell me I'm not the only one that actually liked his costume.


BARF!! He looked like an old woman dressed for a clown funeral! Seriously, I can't comprehend the retarded piece of crap brain that thought that mask was a good idea.



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BARF!! He looked like an old woman dressed for a clown funeral! Seriously, I can't comprehend the retarded piece of crap brain that thought that mask was a good idea.




Well, I agree with The Architect - I thought Malak competed with his own suit for the prize of being corniest in KotOR1... Whereas Nihilus is just scary with that clown mask - just as the Joker and Pennywise are [insert unnerving shiver here - brrrrr...]

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My point was that if he was more intelligent and not so arrogant, etc. he wouldn't be the same character, he'd have a different personality. We can have opinions on the laugh and the voice, which I liked, and I actually kind of agree with you on the costume (its mainly the weird cape that throws me, and to a lesser extent the tight pants).


I know he wouldn't have been the same character if they changed the way he was, but you see, I wouldn't have had a problem if we wasn't the same crap ass character he was in K1.


They might have made him worse (that would be difficult though) or they could have made him better. You liked the laugh? Umm...no comment. Actually no, I'll just say this...you have bad taste my friend. The voice was crap too. It has nothing on Vader's voice. He would tear that pansy apart.


BARF!! He looked like an old woman dressed for a clown funeral! Seriously, I can't comprehend the retarded piece of crap brain that thought that mask was a good idea.




:lol: Fair enough. I agree with Jediphile though. I thought the mask made him look creepy.

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Traya is better hands down. Malak really knew nothing of what he was doing. He knew nothing of military strategy, he knew very little about the Force, and he obviously knew very little of his master. I really got tired of his brutality. He was also not a very well done character and he was not worthy of the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. Traya was one of the best characters in the entire SW universe. The voice acting with her was great, and many of her lines sent chills up my spine. She was much more aware of things, and also knew more about pretty much everything, than Malak was. Her ability to manipulate people the way she could was a thing we haven't seen in Star Wars, and she was a nice addition to a game that would be far worse without her. The biggest downside of both of these characters is that they were very easy to beat.

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But that's exactly what makes a villain a good villain. You're not supposed to like a villain - you're supposed to hate them. That they do things we don't like is what makes them villains.


And Kreia is manipulative and condescending in the extreme. I hate those aspects of her, too, but as a character she rules supremely. I mean, look at characters like Garak on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Baltar on Battlestar Galactica, or Snape from Harry Potter. You hate them all for manipulative natures, but they are exceedingly well-written characters that add lots of atmosphere to the plot. Kreia does too, and that's why she's a great character. TSL would be hollow and boring without Kreia.


Well I like Snape from Harry Potter. I really enjoy how he humiliates and torments Harry.


You're not always supposed to hate the villain in a movie for example. There are stories with villains, that have a tragic story, and you feel pity for what they have become, or apart from their ruthlessness, they show some feelings. They are still evil, but at least you can understand them and their motives better that way.


While Malak does not show humanity in the game (except in the end when he realizes the truth), the fact that he was the Pc's best friend, and that it is partly the PC's fault that Malak became evil, makes him a good villain for me.

Malak's story is tragic. Always followed his best friend, went to the Darkside with him, tried to betray him, but gets killed by that friend in the end...

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