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Should KoTOR comic book characters appear in the next game?


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I think none of them should. It would do injustice to the comics if the characters are not handled properly. Also, KotOR is the sort of SW franchise that is almost in an alternate universe of its own. I believe one of KotOR's most important contributions is its innovation in Star Wars and the creation of an epic rivalling SW itself. I wouldn't like it to intrude the comics, or vice versa.

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I agree with Jason and HerbieZ. The problem with these characters is that they are still part of an ongoing creative effort that takes place eight years before KotOR and thirteen years before TSL. Committing these characters to a chain of events after TSL would limit the creative licence of the comic book. That would seem rather unwise. After all, it seems to me that the comic book had all new characters precisely for the sake of having "uncommitted" characters that could be played to the same background as in the games. So using them in a KotOR3 would rather defeat the purpose of an all new group of protagonists.

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Now that I've heard some of your opinions, it's only fair to reveal mine - I'm undecisive, I agree with all of you. On one hand I'd like to see the 3D versions of some characters, like Lucien Draay and his covenant companions and on the other hand I'm not sure how well would they fit into the story and how well would they be portrayed.

Perhaps Prime's version would be the best - some minor appearances and some references to the events from the comics.


(This doesn't mean that the discussion is over, far from it, anyone who has an opinion on the matter please post it here, also anyone who changes his/her mind, feel free to post your new opinion, or new arguments to support your original opinion. :))

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I think none of them because the KOTOR comics come before KOTOR 1. I think they'd be too old agewise to appear in a game based many years later. Besides who wants to play as a 80 year old Mandalorian or Jedi Master? Not me.


Just items like Jason said. Also like what was mentioned in the kotor comics discussion thread, it would be nice to see a "Jerael's Shockstaff" for sale at some merchant.

Yes that would be pretty cool...Maybe even a Zayne's lightsaber crystal?

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Hmm, what's to say that some haven't already appeared in TSL and therefore are not available? I am reminded of John Jackson Miller's interview w/ Newsrama:


What’s great about the games is that there are many characters who have long and varied histories -- any number of whom may play a role in our series. They’re the Easter eggs. And there are characters whose pasts are enshrouded -- whose real names are even unknown. There’s a whole buncha Darths in the games -- and we don’t know much about any of them.


So gamers shouldn’t assume that because a character isn’t familiar, he or she doesn’t have a role in existing or future games. It’s a busy time for the galaxy. Names can change. Faces, too!

Then again, at the bottom of the interview he states "there’s going to be another Knights of the Old Republic video game for sure". So who knows?


I agree w/ most here, perhaps minor characters and items would be nice Easter Eggs for those familiar w/ the comics.

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I have to disagree with all of you; I would love to see characters from the comic referenced and make cameos in a KOTOR3. It should encompass everything important that's happened in that era. If the developing team worked closely with the original artist and story teller, they could really make something of it.

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It might be cool to see locations and other indirect references to the comics though. It doesn't have to just be characters and items...


Maybe a picture on the wall of an apartment with Zayne or possibly seeing The Last Resort (campers ship) in a docking bay on a planet or flying in the sky?

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