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I'm back and you're all gonna be SORRY

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So, I'm back, I've been slashed and you ALL SUCK. Darth is a fatass in her picture, Mayhem is soooooooooo ugly, so I guess that I'm the prettiest STILL. Zelda doesn't even stand a chance if she still looks the same. And she's still the ugliest little cow.





Don't bother reportig this, I won't care. Plus, I'm gonna do this EVERYDAY FOREVER. I'm back for good, and nothin you can do to stop me. XP

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I won't give anyone, anyone else's IP, I allow any and all people to enter this domain, however, for the sake of humanity, please spell things correctly, have a bit of repsect for others, and use proper grammar.


Oh, and welcome back.

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So, I'm back, I've been slashed and you ALL SUCK. Darth is a fatass in her picture, Mayhem is soooooooooo ugly, so I guess that I'm the prettiest STILL. Zelda doesn't even stand a chance if she still looks the same. And she's still the ugliest little cow.





Don't bother reportig this, I won't care. Plus, I'm gonna do this EVERYDAY FOREVER. I'm back for good, and nothin you can do to stop me. XP

That's it. I've reached 10,000 and there's nothing to live for. Goodbye.


~leaves forums~

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