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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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  Cmdr. Cracken said:
I dislike the Circuit City ad space around here.

And why exactly would that be, Mr. Best Buy Company Man??? :dozey:


Took a 3+ hour walk today. Needed it.


Also did some cleaning up around the house... though not as much as is really necessary.


Downloaded that new Radiohead album today. Didn't pay anything for it. If I really like it, I'll purchase the CD when it comes out. I kind of think I'm not going a huge fan of it though. Haven't really liked anything of theirs since OK Computer.


Wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised in this case, though. However, the initial listen hasn't been promising.

I do need a new album to get all excited over. It's been a long, long time since that has happened.


Even the last Rush CD failed to get me all that interested... even though it's still the best thing I've listened to in a few years.

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Awww... C'mon! Share the love, Crackles!


Does the employee discount have a dollar limit? What if we just throw all our items in the cart with yours, and we'll cover you later?


What would the discount on 12-thousand bucks of stuff come to anyway? :D

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So far today has been good. Woke up a little late...i got my tracker in to the place and had them check it, it was the other o2 sensor, so they'll call me when the part they ordered for it comes in. Called this junk yard and they'll pay me $50 for my trashed plymouth and they'll pick it up this afternoon. my sister JUST erased the message from the other place i called so i have no way to get back in touch w/them...watch, 2 tow trucks will come for the car at the same time. fight fight fight!!!


edit: well the guy came...and gave me $60 for it instead of $50! nice! called the other place and told them don't even bother coming over.


Now i've got more room in the driveway...gotta figure out what i want to do with the truck now. It still drives...but its inspection sticker expired. -_-


Was playing Halo 3 for a bit on Heroic. It's pretty fun.

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Relaxed day at work. (Well... for me, anyway. Looked like some other folks around me were on the verge of pulling their hair out. Oh well. Not a lot of sympathy here... I go through that enough myself.)


Departmental party after work at the top of the Prudential Tower. Nice. Surprisingly low-key... but some very good food. Should have ate even more than I did.

Didn't stay long, but hung out with co-workers for an hour or so, anyway.


Feels like an early night again. Tomorrow should be pretty relaxed, as well. At least I hope so.


Wednesday could be a bear. Hope not... but we'll see.


Then 4 days off... IN A ROW!!!



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My rifle is still sighted in...went to a range, on sunday morning, that my parents' landlords set up, and hit the bullseye at about 100 meters on the second shot. (first shot was far right...haven't fired in a while wasn't used to the recoil, second shot hit the bull's eye, and the third shot went a little bit above the bull's eye)


Just watched a few episodes of 24 season 2. had nothing better to do. I work a 1-10 tomorrow, then i get wednesday off. love this schedule! :)


took $20 out of that 60 and got some food for the fridge.


I'm glad to have a nice vehicle again....I can't wait to go hunting next week.

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Okay, looks like someone is way to cool to make an appearance to this world. :dozey:



First the doc said he will come 17th of Novembre, then, 7 weeks ago, he said, "oh, he surely will come earlier, probably around the 8th".



I think it has do to with the fact that we all caught some kind of flu and the doctor also confirmed that it is possible that the mother organism tries to recover from that first before it's going to pop off any spawnlings. However, it's all good with the child organism lol that sounds so alien-ish.


So, I am waiting, waiting, waiting. Waiting.


That said, I have two appointments with clients on Thursday and Friday in like 200 miles away from here, what means I cannot just leave work when the show begins. :/


In other news, my uncle decided to throw out a fridge for us since the one we have now falls apart and also has only as much space as a shoe box while he needs power comparable to the consumption of an average 90000 souls village.


The one we have ordered now is somewhat bigger.


1,85 metres in height, 221 litres cooling space, additional 90 litres for the freezing unit. Only 255 KWh per year. Coming in on Wednesday. ^^;;

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  Keyan Farlander said:
On a totally unrelated note, I always imagine Ray Jones looking exactly like Roy Jones Jr., the boxer, due to the similarity in names.

Hell, yeah. I look exactly like this.



I mean, my hair is longer, and middle blond, I've got brighter skin, and blue eyes. But the rest.. yeah.




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