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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Egads... look what I have started! ;)


Another decaf day yesterday. Couldn't get out of my own way... but I did manage to catch up on some rest I probably desperately needed. So that's good.


Back on the magic juice today... since I have a huge list of chores to get through. I've been neglecting living conditions around here somewhat... and I have a couple of very busy weeks in a row before I get any more time off again. Have to try to fight my natural laziness and procrastinatin' ways and get some **** done around here... before the world collapses around me.

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my fridge is about empty, aside from some eggs and bread....and enough milk to make some french toast, which i'll probably make shortly...


I can successfully complete 30 pushups without much struggle at all now. I think I can do 45, but not sure if they would count if I do them faster? Only problem w/doing them 'faster' is my muscles don't benefit from that. I definitely want in the Army, I just don't know how to tell my parents so I don't end up getting in one of my um moods and going to recruiter w/o their knowledge and making them very upset at me. Either way though, they'll be upset. :rolleyes:

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I do lift weights, I bench 100 pounds (all the weight that came w/my bench) and I use 15 pound dumbells... but that doesn't seem to help pushups much. I also do those billy blanks workout vids, they help since i refuse to go out and slip on the ice during a run.

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dont bench your max. bench 70% and then do like 15 or so reps til you get really tired, and take off like 10 lbs. do 10-15 more and take it down another, so on so forth.

and wait for a little bit like an hour or so (what ever seems better) and start over


do that a few times a day that'll getcha up quick

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Well,.. I got a few of the very worst chores around the house behind me. Went grocery shopping.

While out and about on the town stopped by the local Borders.


Picked up the following:


CD: Genesis - Selling England By The Pound (listening to it right now... "More Fool Me" is the track that's currently playing.)


DVD: A History Of Violence (Watched it while eating dinner. Great film! I think I'm going to watch it again sometime soon...)

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went to bed early last night.....kicked my alarm at 4, and actually woke up at 5....got a shower and now im ready for some pt, though my landlords got the temp in here sweltering 85 degrees. now why can't they put the temp up at night when it's easier to get to sleep when it's roasting, much more difficult to wake up when it's warm. -_-


gotta go to work at 8 today. yipee. :rolleyes: i hate walmart.


im listening to this station on winamp: pretty good station. :D

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Really? I can't sleep when it's too warm. I always turn the heat almost off when I go to bed and just triple up on the blankets.

I always crank it back up once I'm up though... can't deal with a cold bathroom when I'm trying to shower.

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dont bench your max. bench 70% and then do like 15 or so reps til you get really tired, and take off like 10 lbs. do 10-15 more and take it down another, so on so forth.

and wait for a little bit like an hour or so (what ever seems better) and start over


do that a few times a day that'll getcha up quick


negatives are by the far the best way to go about it.......but you need a spotter for that unless you have a death wish!


I like it cool to sleep, dont like sleeping w/o covers.............

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I gotta name mine one of these days... but the name I want is already taken... (by me. It's the account I screwed up so royally with my e-mail mistype. Last I checked the account wasn't deactivated yet.) I guess I'll have to figure out something good one of these days...


Show ended early. Fairly painless, as these things go. One drummer I really wanted to hurt... but even that wasn't that big a deal.


Get to sleep in in the morning. Whoo-hoo! 2 days in a row. Score!!!

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went to bed at around 10:30, woke up to alarm at 4, did some ab workout vid and put a song on my myspace. it's the one from that gears of war trailer. today i work 8-5 and then i have wednesday and thursday off. It is frosty outside, had to put on my face mask and warmed up the car...prolly gonna go and put $5 in the tank as i don't think the gas meter is telling the truth, and don't wanna run out. I think the transmission needs a checkup or a kick in the face, rpm was up to the 3 so i pull off to side of road, and 'restart' the car, and then it drives normal. wonder what up wit dat. for breakfast this morning i'm having cream of wheat, basically out of all food supplies! no bread, no milk, no eggs, nothing to drink cept water, but haven't hit rock bottom just yet...still got some stuff hidden, not healthy food though...at least not healthy to make meals out of. (cookies and brownies for lunch and supper?)

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buddy called me last night asking me to be in his wedding party, said yes.


He's marrying the ex-best friend of my gf, I told her previously that if he asked I would say yes, I mean, just because they aren't getting along doesnt make me not his friend, she freaked anyways :rolleyes:


and acted like I hadnt told her this before.


Turns out a large portion is that she doesnt think she is going to be asked to be in the wedding party which hurts her feelings, even though she said she doesnt want to be anyways :rolleyes:


College age girls.......its just like HS still


the kicker of course, the wedding isnt untill June 2008 and they got engaged on saturday........so its not like there isnt time to remedy her situation before hand.


She also said she was hoping thatwe might get engaged first(WTF, they have been dating just as long as us, but he is 27 to my 25(about to turn 28 here pretty soon) and his gf is a year ahead in school and about to graduate, my gf has a whole year after this.....)


I have NEVER seen her act this petty before, its really frustrating, she basically told me last night after 20 minutes that she can't stand to talk to me anymore because shes so mad at me over this :headbump


Yes, I should have just told him no and explained that I can't because I apparantly am dating a 5 year old, that would have gone over even better I am sure!



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yeah its not great here either, in the 20's right now, which feels awful after 38 yesterday.


atleast if they drink ed you can watch them do stupid **** and laugh.



*somebody* is still really pissed and not really talking to me. I hope she realizes that the more she acts like a child the less interested in her I become.

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I = teh suck


just received word that my last bastion of hope does not have a spot for me in their dental class. i might be interviewed as an alternate, but i'm not holding my breath. That's 5 no's, 2 of which have the possibility of being waiting list.


looks like i'll have another year to do other stuff...

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my mom called me and asked about work and near the end of our conversation i told her im gonna go back to the army, so glad that is out in the open so no shocker when i go and actually do it. at least i hope not. I then called my friend (the one that's in the air force) and asked him if he's still going to Iraq, and he's going in september.


atm i'm playing GRAW...love this game.

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Zargon, .. welcome to the - tum tum tuuummmm!!!! - female reality.


I might add that you're in no way allowed to behave the same way in a exact vice versa situation, nor is there any chance of making her actually understand that it is.


On the other hand why is it the ex-bf? Did she dig on you or something? :)




Oh, and to jump on the MySpace train, no, I'll have no MySpace, forever. Instead I'm now dyndns'd via fbinc.homelinux.org, but don't expect my apache to respond to requests on port 80, though. On the other hand I have yet to come up with more than the apache's "It works!" thinger. :)

Apropos MySpace and just so you know this is what expects me on friday for like all night long, and longer eh: http://myspace.com/betriebsfeier.

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