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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Will you two take your lover's spats elsewhere, please! ;P


Yesterday @ wurk:


Easy. Ended early, with a minimum of hassle and attitude.


My kind of night. Of course, last night was just the rehearsal for tonight's show... so technically I'm only halfway done.


Still, all the hassle of setup is behind us... so it really should be a piece of cake.


I hope the show is short, though... I have to be back in to work pretty early in the morning. Never fails. :rolleyes:


This is going to be somewhat complicated by the fact that the clock I use as my main alarm in the morning is a supposedly "automatic" radio-controlled to the master atomic clock. Re-sets itself if the power goes out. Which is great... except it was obviously built before our new daylight-savings legislation... so it's still an hour behind, and I fully expect it to be for a few more weeks. There doesn't seem to be any manual override of any kind. That's swell. :dozey:

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busy busy busy busy busy.


Saw 300 at IMAX saturday, worth the 5 hour round trip!


spend sunday in the garage or at the grill.


eDST can suck my nuts, we have alot of older harware at the park district(read win 2k) that wont update automatically so I have to personally touch 75 machines



and all windows mobile devices must be manually updated as well, add another 45 to the list

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Work was easy last night.


Big problem: Having to tear everything down at the end of the night. Tonight's show is an almost identical setup as last night. So why tear it all down? Because we have a wind orchestra rehearsal in-between. :rolleyes: How fun is that, I ask you?


Got less than 4 hours sleep, and now I'm getting ready to go back in. (Speaking of fun...)


I've pretty much decided I'm giving up Sunday's shift this weekend. Gonna lose over $500 not taking it, (probably closer to $600 with the O.T.,) but the way it looks right now I might not be getting a hotel room Friday night, so that means getting home between 1 and 2 am Friday night, having to be in by 9 am Sat. morning. Working until after midnight, and then having to be back in at 10 am on Sunday and working until 1 am again.


I'll be lucky if I manage to squeeze in a full 8 hours sleep for the entire 3 days if I have to commute home and back each day.


Something has to give.


My guess is that it will be my health and sanity.


So I think I'm going to spread out the wealth and share the love around. And spend all day Sunday in bed.


If they tell me I have a hotel room for Friday today, that might change my mind somewhat. Without facing the commute back and forth, I might manage to grab a respectable amount of rest that night, and maybe I could pull it off...

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i'm going to have to look at getting a shock collar and set an alarm on it so i don't sleep through my alarm. was a little late for work this morning. had to call the stupid 1800 number and that made me even more late because it makes you enter in alot of information, and well i pressed my birthday in too fast and well had to go through it all over again. damn thing.

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i'm going to have to look at getting a shock collar and set an alarm on it so i don't sleep through my alarm. was a little late for work this morning. had to call the stupid 1800 number and that made me even more late because it makes you enter in alot of information, and well i pressed my birthday in too fast and well had to go through it all over again. damn thing.



move the alarm all the way across the room so you HAVE to get out of bed to touch it, and CRANK the volume.


I have serious issues with mornings and making it so I had to leave my warm cocoon seriously helped me get up in the morning

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move the alarm all the way across the room so you HAVE to get out of bed to touch it, and CRANK the volume.


I have serious issues with mornings and making it so I had to leave my warm cocoon seriously helped me get up in the morning


Hopefully you won't turn into me who will get up, walk across the room, turn off the alarm, and get back in bed without waking up

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The "Snooze" button is the #1 worst idea in the entire history of really bad ideas.


These days I rely on wake-up calls. If I have to get up, move across the room, manipulate the cell phone, and deal with somebody on the other end, then chances are I'll be awake by the time I hang up.

Has to be someone you trust, though. I use my mom most of the time. She's a telephone operator, so she's already on the phone at work weekday mornings anyway. And she's well aware of my morning incoherence, due to the fact she had to fight with me almost every day for the 13 years I went through grade school. She knows how I am.


Woke up this morning on my own, though. At 3:30.

I think it had something to do with the fact that I was in bed and already sound asleep before 8:30 last night. I'll be taking a nap later.


Need to get a haircut today, and gas up my tank, pack my overnight bag for tomorrow,.. and that's about it.


I did happen to get a hotel reservation after all... but was totally prepared to give up the Sunday shift anyway. Turns out, nobody else can work it... so I'm stuck. :indif:


Well... the money will be nice... if I manage to live long enough to actually enjoy it,... and don't just end up falling asleep behind the wheel on my way home that night, wrapping my car around a bridge abutment or something.

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I use my cell phone, with a special ringtone. See, I have one that is just for the girls in my phone. My theory is that my head will wake up because part of the brain that senses the sounds while I'm asleep has the sense to forward the information that says "A GIRL IS CALLING YOU RIGHT NOW" and that will actually wake me up, so I can answer it and talk to the ladies.


Generally it works.


Incidentally, its a particular Kenny Loggins song.

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Incidentally, its a particular Kenny Loggins song.



return to pooh corner?? :smash:




So I picked up Jade Empire for PC last week.



its pretty cool, especially the whole 'if you talk to your hot friend right the whole game to sleep with her' part, including if you choose a female main charactor.

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playing ghost recon advanced warfighter....getting to the good parts, in mexico city on the rooftops killing snipers and directing a team to destroy roadblocks down below. it is intense. i was looking at the screens for GRAW2 and i want to get a 360 just for that game alone. (and oblivion and force unleashed and halo 3)

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Spent yesterday and this morning getting ready for this weekend of insanity.


Got my hair cut, got the gas tank filled, did what shopping I needed. Spent the remainder of the day resting up.

This morning I got up and packed my overnight kit. Probably packed twice as much as I really need... but since it's all going into the same size bag either way, I figure be prepared for any eventuality. Better safe than sorry.


It's snowing out. It was in the high 50's 2 days ago. WTF?


I hate travelling and living out of a hotel room. I'm a creature of deeply ingrained habits, and anything that pulls me away from my comfort zone is evil. But I guess I'd hate it even more to have to do all this with even less sleep and much more hassle than is already in the cards, so I guess it's a bit of bitter medicine that I'll force myself to swallow this one time.


They just better not make a habit of it...

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