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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Well... my weekend so far:


Yesterday at work: Sucked ass.

The weather was nothing short of horrible.

Got little to no sleep at the hotel.

Today at work was all kinds of no fun at all.

Tomorrow promises to be more of the same.


So to sum up: a soul-crushing 3 days (so far...)


Gotta be back up in just about 6 hours.


Goodnight all.

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Survived the day and made it home in one piece. Now 1 am.


Generally exhausted and unhappy with life... (even though today went pretty smooth and about as easy as can be expected. Other than: A cop came by and shut down load out for about 20 minutes... Long story. It will have to wait.)


Hopefully sleep will cure that. Lots and lots of sleep.


Yeah... I won't be making it in tomorrow.

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Friday was an almost 3 hour long hip-hop concert that I had to mix. A 12 hour work day.


Saturday was an all day High School Jazz Band competition, where I had to mix all the winning bands back to back. A 13 hour work day.


Yesterday was Keb' Mo' playing our hall. They brought all their own production (mixing boards for front-of-house and monitors, lighting board and moving lights, piles of band gear, 4 wardrobe cases...) that we had to unload from their trailer and set up in the hall for them. And then tear it all down and load it all out at the end of the night. A 15 hour work day.


12 + 13 + 15 = 40 hours of work, just this weekend. That doesn't include my regular, salaried 35 hours of work I put in last week already.


On the other hand, everything I did this weekend was extra money, above and beyond my regular salary. I've calculated it to be an extra $1350.00 for me for all the shows this weekend.

Unfortunately, they will end up going on separate paychecks, since Sunday starts a new pay period. But I already had at least 2 other show fees on my last pay voucher already.


Extra money: Good.


Feeling like I just ran a marathon, barefoot, for the last 3 days this weekend, while people constantly beat me with rubber hoses the entire distance: Yeeeaaaahhhh... Not so much.


Sometimes the extra money just isn't worth it... but it turns out that nobody else could do any of these shifts in my place. So there we go. I was "volunteered" for each of these gigs. So my health (both physical and mental) and any sense of having a life outside work have to be sacrificed for the good of the place of employment, as well as the economy in general...



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well another boring day for me....gonna go return departed and harsh times to blockbuster....i hate this snow. as soon as it clears im gonna be out running/biking every day. so glad i cleared my MMORPG addiction!!! now i see how lonely i am. trying not to go insane, that is tough. i did some math and i'll have some money left over after my rent/bills for stuff. i do need to get some groceries....about out of milk, and only thing to drink is mountain dew and water...i do not want to go to walmart...but it looks like i don't really have much of a choice, most of the food requires milk...tomato soup for instance. hm after i go get that stuff i think i'll put in the cardio video...make good use of my time.


I did some bench presses earlier, i switched the weight from 100 down to 80 pounds and it felt like nothing until the 3rd set. (2 sets 12, last set 10) maybe i'll just keep switching between 80 and 100 keep my muscles guessing...i dunno. pushups just seem more effective, imo.


my tooth hasn't been bothering me too much...i think i do need a filling on the one across from the one i had pulled. -_- wish i had dental insurance....hell i would if that guy would go part time from full time and give me full time....then i'd qualify for the dental coverage and could get it all taken care of. DAMN IT.

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Between Crack's new guitar obsession, and now a lady friend, I foresee a trip to the poor-house in the near future for our dear Kyle.


Because if there's one thing common to the Brotherhood of the Guitar, it's that members almost inevitably get a severe (and expensive) case of GAS.

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what's wrong scar?


anyways.....i just got word back from a recruiter about how to go about getting my DD214....since the discharge paper i have doesn't have all the information i need, such as RE codes, why i was discharged, etc.


so i gonna send for that tomorrow. and tomorrow is my day off so im prolly just gonna chill and play fable all day.

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... With the GameCube it was Rogue Leader.



Actually, I can't think of a single game that makes me want ANY of the current systems!


Maybe Halo 3, when it comes out... but I'd be far more interested in it for PC. I can't stand playing a FPS with a controller.


FPS w/ Mouse/ Keyboard combo FTW!

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