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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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woke up late...now i feel as if the day is over....only got 2 hours before i go to work. -_-


nobody's there past 9pm tonight so im closing it at 8, regardless if that guy comes or not, honestly i don't care.


im SO hungry....think i'll make some french toast, beats spending money i don't really have.


Waiting for my parents to bring the truck over for me to use to get back and forth to work today...there had better be enough gas in it...gonna go down to post office after and see if my game is here. It's possible that it's here, since it was sent out on wednesday, if it was sent out after shipping hours then it went out on thursday, leaving it 2 days so then it's probably going to be here monday.


Found my DS Lite. I want to get that MP3/MPEG dock for it. if i do that though, i'll need a compact flash media card.


not much else to type....wasted about 9 and a half hours on sleep, mostly dreams so it wasn't real sleep. hopefully work today goes by fast. full-time ftw. can't wait to see my check on thursday!

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They say dream sleep is the most restful kind you can get. That if you don't get into REM sleep, you will still be tired when you get up. Dreams are kind of like seeing all the files go by as your brain defrags itself.




Well, I truly tried very hard to sleep the day away... but it just wasn't happening. I'm exhausted, but restless. (Actually... I do believe my exhaustion is more mental than physical at this point.)


So I took a 2-hour walk (about 8 miles round trip) along the beach, to see if I could wear myself out. I'm sure getting the exercise didn't hurt either. It's been months since I've had that much physical activity in one go.


Gonna eat something and see if I can't conk out. Back to work tomorrow.

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ahh, so that moment when i am starting to drift off to sleep and suddenly appearing in dream-form is true sleep?


today was fun, me and like 4 other coworkers got some stupid customer pissed off and we even helped him. what an idiot, just because he couldn't open his eyes and look for something himself after we all pointed him in the correct direction.


lots of *******s running around. if i was God, i would enforce discipline in schools, and parents would teach their kids respect and manners.


pet peeve of the week:


people that MUST talk on the cell phone while being cashed out at the register...and people that talk louder than usual when on the phone.


oh and this is what i should put in the suggestion box at walmart...



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total estimated cost for me to apply to 13 detal schools for 2008, including various expenses such as postage and whatnot: about 2 grand.


If i were to apply to 17 as was my original plan: 2500 smackers.


I guess you gotta spend money to make money.

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Most colleges have some kind of application fee... probably to deal with all the processing,.. as well as to keep out those who aren't really serious about applying there.


I had to sell my Gibson SG to make the application fee when I applied to college. The only guitar I ever regret unloading...


The show tonight was fairly simple (more Fado music...) and the road crew was mostly cool... all except the band's lighting guy, who was unanimously declared a "Major-League Asshat" by the crew working today.


Pigged-out at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. A HUUUUUGE pile o' meatloaf & mashed potatoes. Ugh. Still stuffed. I may never eat again. I undid any benefit that walk I took yesterday might have had with me with that one meal... and that was before I dived into the slice of Vanilla Bean cheesecake. With that I blew out all my calories for the rest of the month.


I'm debating on whether to crawl into work tomorrow or not. I should... but I don't really want to. There's no real reason for me to be there... other than to put in a couple of office hours, and to plan the rest of the week out... but I can do that Tuesday before I have to start work for real. I guess I'll see how I feel when I get up...




"Attention all planets of the Solar Federation:


We have assumed control."

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okay, lack of me posting...

gwad its 2am on sunday

glad i dont have to work tomarrow :p


we're in phili. on fri i was convinced to take the plunge and finaly for once willingly consome alcohol. yup. scar got drunk.


yesterday was a ****ty day cus i was duty, and it was a harsh one. so i desided that i should invest in a hotel room for the night.

did it done it. got it.


althou later today i went with a few compadres to go to my first titty bar. yes i said it.

i got a twofer in one weekend. broke away a few barriers, and got about nine lap dances and a little more


boy am i broke :(

and almost got laid too. fuggin sucks too, cus i told her that i got this nice hotel room and all...

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lmao how many you drink?


work yesterday sucked. I found myself to be unusually angry most of the day, and then it hit me when all the lights came back on, at around 5:30pm. stupid energy saving crap, it's just as bad as sitting in the back of a classroom without glasses on and the teacher has a map drawn out on the chalkboard. /rant


got another thing checked off the monthly maintenance on the film processor...pulled and cleaned all the racks that the film goes through. took me 90 minutes.


i'm in a bit of depressed mood right now, was planning on going for a bike ride and it happens to be below 0 outside. ****in meteorologists it's all their fault.


and i'm hungry too, which doesn't make it any better....sick of french toast and eggs. a smoothie would be nice but that costs too damn much.

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omg hard is insane...i'm playing on the next hardest difficulty on GRAW 1...the one you unlock after beating it on hard. it's insane but the firefights are so good. btw use single-shot, sometimes easier to hit targets. :D

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Well, so far I have slept most of the day away.


I took the day off from work and I honestly meant to do a bunch of stuff... but it seems that my need for some kind of rest has finally caught up with me.


This is the kind of day I wanted to have on Saturday... but for whatever reason just couldn't. I guess I should take it where I can get it... it's next Monday before I can stop and catch my breath again.

Still, it seems kind of a shame to waste a perfectly nice day sleeping it away... but I probably won't regret it much when I have to be in to work at 7 am on Wed... then followed by a 16-hour shift on Thurs.


I just woke up from a nap, and feel like I could doze off right now.

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crazy day at work today, but it ended well, i was even kind enough to let the picture maker on til 8:01...nobody showed up to use it so i shut it down. :p i am not working tomorrow, so just gonna relax..maybe go for a bike ride if it's not too cold out, otherwise i'll be playing turok (if it came in the mail today, i didnt check the box) or graw...


can't wait to get my truck.


oh i tried that frosty float at wendy's......it is soooooooo good! watch, they'll cancel it out like they did the jalapeno melt. (those bastards!!)


I'm thinking pirates of the carribean 3 is going to be a disaster. :)


Shrek 3 looks good.

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I'm thinking pirates of the carribean 3 is going to be a disaster. :)

Yeah... but I'm sure I'm gonna see it anyway. Though I'll probably wait for DVD. Same with Shrek...


However: If I can find somebody to go with I might go see the new Bourne in the theater.

I'm not sure if I can wait for that one on DVD.

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Seriously, Pirates 3 probably won't be as GOOD as the frist 2, but I still think it will be decent.





Apparently, I'm really hot. Confirmed about... 2 minutes ago by what I believe to be my new girlfriend?


More as this story develops, stay tuned.....

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Egads... not again. :rolleyes:




Well,.. good luck with it, I guess...


On a somewhat related note...

My current playlist leans heavily on the following songs:


"I Don't Believe In Love" - Queensryche

"Love Hurts" - Nazareth

"Love Stinks" - J. Geils Band

"Alone" - Heart


Anybody wanna make a guess as to where my mind is at at the moment? :dozey:



I can't believe we are this close to the halfway mark of the year already. Maybe on June 1st I'll do a bit of a "The Year So Far In Review" post.


I'm also rethinking my goals for the year I set down at the top. Frankly, the idea of my trying to be more social hasn't yet yielded any measurable benefits I can see for me so far this year... and I'm really seriously toying with the idea of going to the far opposite extreme for the 2nd half of the year: Becoming even more introverted than I ever could have imagined before.


Maybe it will be a better fit if I just shut myself off from all human contact as I can reasonably manage. Go even further down my hole of self-imposed isolation as I can possibly get... but still try to manage to function at work everyday.


I doubt that most people would even notice. I can't imagine that it would hurt the feelings of most of the people I deal with on a day-to-day basis if they suddenly had to interact with me even less...



Or maybe I'm just completely and totally burnt out right now, and can really only see the darker sides of life at the moment. :indif:


Ugh... I need a vacation. Badly...

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Well, I dunno... I really don't think we should get into a pissing contest about who is lamer here. It's a strong possibility that we could very well collapse the entire infrastructure of the web under the crushing weight of our pathos.


Let's just say we are equally very, very lame,... and leave it at that.



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