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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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going on 4 years with these glasses.


im depressed....keep thinking to myself what would happen if my sister were to get married. i'd be kicked out of the apartment or stuck with all the rent. there's a nice, happy thought.


i watched pirates of the carribean 1 and 2 over sunday and monday night. now i guess i can't wait for the 3rd one. the love triangle thing is a bit retarded though and i think that will ruin the 3rd one for me. unless commodore comes out on top, that would be a nice twist.

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I finally graduated from college

Hot DAMN!!! That's huge news!!!


You've been in college since... well,.. like, forever! It seems like it's least as long as I have personally been part of this madness anyway!


Wow! Congrats! An epoch has ended!


Uhhh... so, like, now what in the world of Nute?


New glasses aquired, I have joined the 21st century stylistically.

I need new glasses. I also need time to make an appointment for an eye exam and that kind of ****...

It's probably high time I change my eye-wear style... I've been wearing the same old-school aviator-style frames since junior high... desperately hoping that they are going to come back into fashion one of these days.

I really don't like tiny little square or oval frames that seem to be all the rage these days. I mean,.. they usually look good on other people (especially sexy wimmins...) but I just don't care for the way they look on me.

Besides, I like to think of myself as an aviator. One of these days I'll actually have the certificate to confirm that... again, time is needed... and a fair amount of money in this case as well.

I could go for contacts... but I know myself well enough that the hygiene part of it would get overlooked before long... and that's really not something I personally want to **** with.


i'd be kicked out of the apartment or stuck with all the rent. there's a nice, happy thought.

Heh... roommate time! :joy:

There's no table in Vegas as big of a gamble as taking chances on a roommate.

Hee hee hee hee...


Plans for today:

Finish laundry.

Clean litter boxes.

Change as many of the bulbs in the house for energy-efficient ones.

Vacuum and steam livingroom carpet.

Sweep and mop (with pure bleach) the kitchen floor.


And if there's any time after all that: Get outside and see the sun before it falls behind the Western horizon again. :rolleyes:


Started reading a new book (first in a series...) last night: "The Runes Of The Earth" The last part of Stephen R. Donaldson's Thomas Covenant saga.

Picked the book up months ago... but before now I just didn't want to tackle it, out of fear that I'd get busy again and lose my place (it's a giant hardcover, so I won't be throwing this one in my bag or reading it on the train...)


It's amazing how just a little bit of time off can make you feel so civilized...



Just realized that we have crossed the 11-hundred post mark. And we are not even at the 1/2-year point yet!




Keep kickin' ass, boys! :D




I know how healthy it's supposed to be for me, and I really do keep trying to approach it with as an open-mind as I can muster, and supposedly it's better now than it's ever been, so I keep giving it a chance... but, I'm sorry:


Soy Milk is still the most disgusting **** mankind has ever come up with.

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not alot of interesting stuff to do at work these days.


I get annoyed cuz I have some stuff to do at home I wanna get done, but when I get home from work all I wanna do it play xbox, ah well.



The end of heroes was a bit annoying last night, they wrapped alot up, but they didnt REALLY wrap anything up

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went on that 7-8 mile bike ride again, same route. took 6 minutes off my time! a shame i had to walk bike up the hills...i got chased by like 5 dogs. 2 of them weren't aware of my presence the last time. i just listen to my friend, the dog whisperer, and tell them to **** off. :D anybody else actually enjoy that show? it's on national geographic channel. i like watching it cause the people are so retarded, and he goes in their house and beats the **** out of their dog. good stuff.


today i was supposed to wash the dishes. oh well. gotta go to work, they'll get done tonight before the shield comes on. :)


gotta pay my insurance and cancel AAA membership so i dont get a damned credit person after me like the ****ing north american hunting club did. those ****ing bastards.


im glad i went on that bike ride. i feel MUCH more awake. now i'll go forth and work at WALMART!!!! *does a tapdance on the kitchen floor*

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Allow me to recount the dramatic tale of my collegiate life:


After graduating high school with no real plan of what to do, I found myself going community college for computer science. All through high school, when asked about college i'd say "well I don't want to go to community college and don't want to be computer science." But there I was. The first semester went well. This was the fall of 2000.


The second semester went not so well and I nearly dropped out. Probably should have. Would have spared my GPA. At the end of spring 2001, I changed my major for the second time in a week (three majors in one week!). I spent the next year rebuilding my GPA so I could transfer somewhere.


Year three started off with me applying to Penn State, after paring the list down from six schools to just one. I got accepted that fall (2002) and would start in fall 2003. I anticipated spending three years there, with a still respectable six year college TOD. Especially given that I'd almost dropped out and all that. I got within four credits of an associates degree in computer forensics but was only a week away from leaving so I didn't finish it.


Fall 2003, I reported for duty to Penn State Erie. I was now a political science student. After a year there, I left for Penn State's main campus. More than a few times, I got stuck with classes I didn't like and ultimately failed because I couldn't drop them because of insurance reasons. I hated that because it trashed my GPA and they dragged out my career. In the spring of 2006, I realized I wouldn't be able to go to grad school because my GPA was so horrible. I'd had a very rough fall 2005 in which I'd failed two classes for reasons I don't want to go in to. As one of my friends put it, I was the best at underachieving. I'm not stupid but man I am a terrible student.


Things got stretched to 6.5 years, which I hated, because I had an entire semester of classes to make up. Then, within eyeshot of the goal line, I fumbled the ball and I had to drop a class. I would make it a full seven years :( with a final semester of one class.


I hate what I did and wasted so much time doing nothing. Seven years of college. I feel like a complete failure. Also, Penn State doesn't recalculate your GPA with your new grade if you retake a class like a lot of schools do. So I'm stuck with a horrible GPA because I had to take Italian I twice and Italian III three times (failed, dropped, and eventually passed!). Its embarrassingly low and I won't tell you.


I'd wanted to take like six months off after school before getting a real job (despite being 25). But now that I'm there, the like three weeks I've been off have been horrible. I just sat around for a month waiting to start a low paying retail job just to occupy time and now that that's started, I'm barely working anyhow so I have nothing to eat up my days. And since I'm barely working, I can't afford to stay here so I don't know what I'm going to do.


I don't know what I want to do with myself and its hard to find a job outside the area you live in if you're not a super-star or have connections. I want to leave Pennsylvania so bad and I'd rather not wind up back in Pittsburgh but that's whats going to happen. Even if I can find something in Pittsburgh. I really, really don't want to go work in DC or Northern Virginia, but right now if I could, I would. But finding anything is, like I said, pretty hard for some reason.

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I really, really don't want to go work in DC or Northern Virginia, but right now if I could, I would. But finding anything is, like I said, pretty hard for some reason.


D.C./Northern Virginia is awesome. You gotta get yourself down here, man. We'll get together and cruise for chicks...although you and I working together would certainly create a swirling vortex of chick revulsion that might be powerful enough to actually destroy the universe.

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Hey! I could also drive down there to join the two of you some weekend, and we could really do some SERIOUS damage!


Why merely stop at the known universe? The 3 of us working together could take out the whole Multiverse and dimensional matrix.


That'd show 'em. :dozey:

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@nute: that's probably exactly what would have happened to me. but then again, i never did go from point a to point b and back to point a, i just never moved from point a, well except for the army thing which, after almost 3 years, i'm still hating myself for. :(

retail sucks, but it's not as horrid as the food industry. try some temp agencies out, that's what i did 2 years ago, it was fun.

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So I finally called it quits on the chores, and got out of the house, and went down the beach for a couple of hours of exercise as the sun went down. I really didn't want to go back to work thinking of my time off as strictly all drudgery and unpleasant tasks... plus, for some reason I had a lot of excess energy to work off.


Could it be all the sudden clean livin' and a decent night's sleep? Or maybe it was the extra cup of tea I had about 3:00?

Or perhaps it's all that pent-up romantic and sexual frustration? :dozey:


Cast yer' votes now, boys!


Anyway... along the beach I saw 2 examples of nature that actually made me feel good about life. (Well, I actually saw a lot more than that if you include the more fascinating displays of skimpy workout outfits being flaunted by some of my fellow physical activity seekers of the feminine variety... but I digress...)


The first example was a horseshoe crab making it's way along the beach along the waterline. I like them.

Bizarre, inexplicable creatures,.. who apparently have no interest in the niceties of natural selection and stubbornly refuse to change with the rest of the planet. This makes me happy. :)


It made want to walk down on the beach, knock on it's shell, and say something like: "Hey! Way to go little buddy! I'm with you! **** evolution! Why bother to change when you got a good thing going! Right on!"


The second thing that made me happy was perhaps the most hilarious bit of animal behaviour I think I have ever personally witnessed.

Shortly after seeing the crab, I had started to loop around to where I parked my car, something large, dark, and fast swooped down low over the beach, and alighted at the top of a light pole about 20 yards in front of me. It was a Peregrine Falcon.

It sat on the top of the pole motionless, just gazing out across the water like it was thinking to itself: "Y'know... It's really a nice evening..."


Almost immediately, a much smaller crow appeared out of a nearby cluster of trees and started swooping and dive-bombing the falcon. The falcon didn't flinch at all... or even seem to acknowledge the crow's existence in any way. Just kept gazing out over the water into the sunset.


This went on about 5 times. The crow was setting itself up for attack #6 by lining up behind and above the Peregrine. As it started to swoop the falcon just spun around, spread it's wings, and let out a squawk that sounded all the world like: "WHAT?!??"


You know those Bugs Bunny cartoons when somebody suddenly realizes they have run right off the edge of a cliff, they screech to a halt, and do a frantic 180 the other direction?


Well, that's exactly what the crow did. It was simply the most phenomenal bit of flying I have ever witnessed. I wouldn't have thought it was a maneuver even allowed by physics... It beat a hasty retreat back to the trees. I was laughing out loud at this point.


That falcon just turned around and started taking in the view once again, after a brief ruffling of the feathers, and a look that made me believe it was thinking to itself: "Jeez! Some people..."


I gave it a thumbs-up as I passed underneath... but I don't think it noticed.

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yeah man fresh air is what you need! I'm trying to get out more now that it's really nice out and not rainy at all, im going to feel all 8 miles though tomorrow...i just know it. :)


I keep getting in this bleh depressive mode cause i owe money, and i HATE the feeling of not having $$$ to go do anything fun, etc...especially when i will need to get gas soon. not pleasant feeling, i try to keep positive by looking above the 2 months that it'll take me to get enough to pay off everything, once everything is paid for, i have to get my act together and decide what i want to do next....I REALLY want to get contacts, but also want to get an Xbox 360...I know they have these 'school specials' usually starting in september, where they give a sale for eye exams, and a special discount to employees for an additional 10% off of eye exams...so i may get xbox 360 first and then get my eyes examined. OR i could just save my money...which i really should, considering my truck's inspection is due in october and i want to have enough cash handy to take a few days off in deer season. decisions!!!! AHH!! i hate em! :joy:

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Yeah... I spend way too much of my life inside windowless chambers, under artificial light, breathing recirculated air...


The "studio tan" is really coming along nicely, however. :dozey:


Yeah... if I get up in time, and blast through my morning routine quickly enough tomorrow, I may try to make the walk to the subway station. Force myself to get some exercise, AND save the 5 bucks on parking. Not to mention gas expenses.


Oh... and all that saving the environment and halting globing warming yadda yadda too... yeah, that.

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D.C./Northern Virginia is awesome. You gotta get yourself down here, man.


Every time I go down there, I'm like "I hate these place" as I navigate my way back north on I-270 to Hagerstown to get on I-81 to head back to my native land (or I-70 if I'm heading Pittsburgh-wise). Of course, everywhere is exactly like that (except Pittsburgh, because its backwards). I'm a country boy and the whole suburban super-sprawl of DC, Atlanta, and Arlington TX is a huge turnoff for me.


I'm really going to miss State College. I love being able to walk to get something to eat at 1 AM. And there's virtually no crime too, which makes it reasonable to do.

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at a tough part in turok....the stupid 'save the wise chief' part...it's tough saving minigun ammo, and making every rocket count. forget what part comes next....im near the end of chapter 4. can't ya tell i've only played though it once. :D now its time for bed....hoping i can wake up nice and early and clean the apartment.

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I woke up early this morning: 3:30. Wide awake, too. No hope of ever getting back to sleep.


Oh well... I actually don't feel that bad, considering that's only about 4 hours sleep for me.

And now there's really no excuse for not getting out of the house early enough to take that walk. I might even manage to get a bit more housework done before leaving the house too.


I have decided I am going to master Rush's "YYZ" in the next couple of weeks. Give me something specific to do to break-in the "new" Strat. I actually have quite a bit of it down already, so it shouldn't be that tough.


I'll need to transcribe the solo, though...

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wow, complete opposite for me....woke up at 11am. -_- cause i stayed up late i guess and i didnt set my alarm. o well at least i got my rest...funny how i only work 4 days starting after tomorrow and then i'm off again for 2 days. I'm not complaining, it's about damn time they give me 2 days off in a row. :)

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hahaha i just got home and some woman was broke down (ran out of gas) not too far from my house and asked to use my phone. she sounded scared/nervous using my phone. funny thing, gas station is like not even 1/4 mile down the road. if i was wealthy, i would've filled my gallon gas container and given her $20 to get to the bank (that's where she was headed)


p.s. no, she wasn't hot :p


well, that's my excitement so far for today!

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Good luck... That's an awsome song though ed. :D

It's not really that hard. Mostly pentatonic licks. Just a couple of weird sliding/hammer-on things he does in the main melody that are kinda tricky.

The solo is pretty bizarre too... with that going from B-Major to C-Major he passes through some strange scales along the way.


Oh,.. and counting the 10/8 intro accurately... then switching to a 16th heavy 4/4 feel in the next bar without getting yourself all effed up. That still gets me every time.

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