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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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lol all you need is a cape and a red bull. if the cape fails, the red bull should kick in.


just got back from walmart....got my fishing license and then went deposited some cash in the bank before my 'visa credit' transactions came back, and then hit up blockbuster they had a ton of copies of apocalypto which i really wanted to see and they had a copy of 28 days later which i never got to see (and the sequel looks pretty cool)...


now today....i might go fishing, it's extremely hot out though and i got my galaxies to keep me coool. lol nah i'll go fishing i think.

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I am here because I run on Duracell, ed.


I'll busy myself with other things that interest me as well.
Electric sheep porn?

Just started reading a flight training manual. Lessons in the fall, early spring at the latest.
Excellent plan. Don't forget to learn how to land your plane properly on the right runway from the right direction.
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Electric sheep porn?

How did you ever know?

Excellent plan. Don't forget to learn how to land your plane properly on the right runway from the right direction.

Where the hell is the challenge in that?


My idea is to dip in just under the nose of a 747 on takeoff going the other way, and use the engine draft to plaster my wheels to the blacktop. Seems like more efficient use of the overcrowded runway system to do it in that fashion.


I just had ravioli and salad for lunch. Yummeh.

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i had good & plenty for lunch. ok so i didn't have lunch. :( still full from all the burgers and hot dogs. i'm all grilled out!


having a bit of fun with this new thing in galaxies 'beast master' which reminds me, didn't we used to have a member here that went by that name?! what ever happened to him?

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FEH! **** that ****...


I'll be mature when I'm dead. :dozey:


More slow dullness at work. Payday though. A good check this time. Lots of extra pay, with OT on some of it, and a "length of service" bonus thrown in.


Got my work computer worked on a bit too... now all my data is writing to my hard drive, instead of a server drive. Should be peppier and more stable. Yay.


Got a bit of a walk in before rain arrived. Not half as much as I would have liked... but probably best to let blisters heal up a bit before pushing it again.


I think I'll do a little reading before sleep.

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rented apocalypto. best movie i've seen this year. I'll probably give it another viewing before returning it to blockbuster.


Got my fishing license today, it was waaaaaaaay too hot to go fishing though..and i didnt feel like getting a sunburn.


Almost got into 2 wrecks today. first was when i was heading to home depot to go w/my sister for lunch, this moron was tailing me the whole way down 652, i take a right hand turn it's ok, then this trailer stops and i'm watching my rear view and this guy doesn't ****ing slow down! i swerved out of the way just in time, gave him the bird too as i heard rubber burn and saw smoke in the rear view and a loud BOOOM!



talk about action packed! after going to lunch, on my way back home, this ****ing bus cut me off, coming out of 652 taking a left turn (as i was taking a left, he had the stop sign i did not)...fortunately nobody was on the right lane, that would have been horrific, and worthy of the mini digital camcorder in the glove compartment.


i really shouldn't brag about this stuff, God's gotta be lookin out for me.

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I had a day like that a couple of years ago. I think I wrote about it here...



BAH! I can't sleep! I just knew having that second glass of iced tea with lunch was a truly bad idea. But it was really good iced tea, with free refills, and I still had quite a bit of my entree left to go...

Waitresses were cute too... and it's really difficult for me to refuse cute young girls offering anything.


Time to just do some truly random web surfing, I guess... just go clicking on random links,.. until, by accident, random chance, or (depending on how truly bored I am...) design, naked people doing things with and/or to other naked people just happen to appear on my screen.


Hey, this is, after all, the Internet... and let's face it: All roads lead to porn.


It's sometimes highly entertaining to see just how many (or as is the case more often, how few...) clicks it takes to get to some truly horrific graphic stuff from the most innocent starting search terms I can imagine.




Another thought:


I was told recently by someone far hipper than I that Myspace already is dead... it just doesn't know it yet. Facebook is really the place to be these days.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of that statement,.. but it would account for the growing number of people I have added who seem to have not logged in to their accounts for weeks, or in some cases months.


Well,.. crap.


Leave it to me to catch a trend on it's last dying gasp. Or perhaps it was my addition that somehow butterfly-effected the whole thing down...


Well... I really don't foresee joining another networking site. Myspace was actually one too many for me. I joined it mostly on a lark, as a joke, and out of an extended weekend of boredom. It's so far been a laugh, but to join another at this point would be admitting to myself that I just might have a problem...


I should do a new blog entry there soon, though. Maybe I'll just 'cut & paste' this one...

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Yeah... but I think that's the big problem: If everybody and their mom is on it, it's no longer cool.


I just know a bunch of the college kids I work with scoff at Myspace... but they are all on Facebook now.


Whatever... like I could care.


My 'Friends List' has become unwieldy of late, however. I think I'm really going to have to prune it back,.. quite a bit. And to also rethink my policy of adding every established band that requests an add, whether I like their music or not.




Nyuk nyuk nyuk!

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facebook sucks more now than ever. they keep making it more like myspace. it was cooler when it just college stuff only IMO.


then we had myspace and facebook and they are different. now they are the same and its lame.



today is NOT a good day, unfavorable and confusing call from the doctor. I just got a shot in my butt, first time I can recall needing one so big it had to put in a butt cheek.


I dont mind shots and it didnt really hurt, but everything about the situation is annoying.

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haha butt shot! now you can go tell everyone you took one in the ass hahahaha was it like a penicillin shot, that is the best shot you can get, especially when you're in line and someone gets a reaction to it, panic! lol

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I'm back from Pittsburg. I learned a few things.


1) It's very hard to tell how much whiskey your putting into a Jack and Coke when you're already drunk. EXTRAORDINARILY hard.


2) Those managers from the McD's Corp. Operated Stores are jackasses, and need to pull whatever stick they have up thier butts out.

RELATED: Thier women are hawt.


3) I hate Pennsylvannia.


I had a blast though, it was fun, informative, and a break from work.


And I came home to a dead hard disk. Well, not entirely dead, i salvaged at least my mp3's. I got a new 500GB drive. Yay?


All for now, time to get updated on what's been goin' on in the world.

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went out bowling, took my sister along with me. had a great time, my bowling scores were shameful. :( decided not to drink, didn't feel like leaving my underage friends out...had a cherry coke, then at dennys had 3 coffees and a oreo milkshake. mmm mmm good. gotta work 1-10 tomorrow. its just not fair. :(

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Those managers from the McD's Corp. Operated Stores are jackasses, and need to pull whatever stick they have up thier butts out.

RELATED: Thier women are hawt.

So: Put a commando force together, invade, kill them, and take their women.



It's the only way.


We actually got quite a bit done at work yesterday. Cleaned out and reorganized the tool room/ storage area, which was about 10 years overdue. Moved everything down to the stage, laid it all out, figured out what could get tossed, and then put what was left it back in some order that actually makes sense. Imagine that...


Came home in a thunderstorm last night. Never turned my computer on last night. Instead, I just noodled on the Strat while watching TV until I started dozing off... at which point I just went to bed.


Actually got a bit of a short walk in before the rain hit, though. Haven't missed a full day yet. Plan on getting out for at least a short time today too. My blisters are miserable... but I'm going to just keep pushing it.


I have to clean out part of the cellar at some point this weekend to get ready for the guys putting in the new drain and pump system. Other than that, I should be able to take it fairly easy.


Work picks back up again at the 2nd half of next week.

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