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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Yes... but I was sure you must be dead or imprisoned by now.


That's what I assume of every frequent poster who suddenly drops off the face of the web with no prior warning, however. It's really the ONLY thing that would explain their lack of desire to participate in our scintellating and enlightened discourses. :dozey:


So, if by this we are to gather that you are not dead...


How was jail?




Got out early enough to get some exercise in. Might try that tomorrow as well... if I don't sleep in.


Easy night at work. Guy was actually pretty funny. Zach Galifinakis.


Be that as it may: I still didn't really want to be there, though... But that's just me being me.

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work was surprising today......1st of all, i get a $.50 increase in pay, I knew governor rendell had some good in him when he announced his plans to increase minimum wage, however I did not know that it would affect my current job, since i was hired 2 years ago the comanager calls me into the office im like thinking 'o god who did i offend today...or was i late or what?' and she tells me i get an increase in pay, so i'm like 'really?!!!!!!! that's COOL!!!!!!!!11111111111111' and i had to sign a paper and she said not to tell anybody (that is employed by the store) cause some people aren't getting it. o well im making alot of money now!!! best part of it was i wasn't expecting it!


rest of the day ran smoothly, no broken machines except for the stupid digital print center...i restarted it and it kept doing an obnoxious beep noise so i restarted and it did the same...apparantly the cord was touching the keyboard....


gotta open tomorrow.....oh and i got my ticket to dorney park, that cost about $28, would've payed $40 at the gate so im glad i was able to save $$$.


Just logged on galaxies tonight for a bit, decided to do a search for armor attachments, and found a nice piece 20 constitution/18 precision for only 25,000 credits!!! bought that sucker and put it on my leggings, now i am almost 14,000 health without buffs!!! man i can't wait to pay off my truck and all my bills and get some more star wars stuff!!!!! I may attempt to install this one soundcard in my computer on wednesday and hope it works nicely...


btw i saw what an HDTV is compared to regular, and OMG WHAT A HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!! gotta get one for my xbox 360 which i'll get along with force unleashed when they come out!!!!!

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Ran West Henrietta McD's on two closers after 10pm. Was slow, so that helped us out alot. That, and the minute I stepped on the floor, I threw the entire "What s*** you can pull down at what time" rulebook out the f**kin' window. THAT improved moral alot.


Still, I just got home. 2 hour closes, a happy kyle does not make.


Very tired and irritated.


Almost done with the Aeon Campaign in Supreme Commander. Lots of hot weather coming up though, so I don't know how much gaming I can do, considering my room is an oven when it's over 90*F outside. More time on the guitar I guess.


Through a series of weird and semi-confusing events, I'm once again dating the hot deaf girl who's views on world history are weird. Don't... ask.... I don't even get it.


I'm going to collapse on the bed now.


K_Kinnison: O.o


RT: Firefox has a built in spell checker. That is AWESOME.

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Yes... Firefox has had a spell-chek for a while.


So does the Google Toolbar for I.E.


These 2 things are utterly indispensable for me. Without them, the rest of you would have to sift through and attempt to interpret piles of complete gibberish from me.


Through a series of weird and semi-confusing events, I'm once again dating the hot deaf girl who's views on world history are weird. Don't... ask.... I don't even get it.

I do...

I'm once again dating the hot deaf girl who's views blah blah blah...


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well you obviously don't keep track of me beyond these forums. I spend a lot of time over at XWAU. And I have a LJ blog that is mostly friends only (LJ name k_kinnison) I had to take down my webpage because too many internet bullies were using it for ammo to personally attack me.


What has happened since 2005 when I was last here? lots


I now have a good job at a Privately owned refrigerated warehouse that does 90% of its business with Land o' lakes. if you buy butter from them in the mid west I probably had a part in it. especially if it has an "MD" code on it (stands for the plant Madison Dairy in Madison Wisconsin, plant #55-307). I am the lead dock worker on top of the seniority list. I stay busy at work and time flies, and the job is not too difficult.


Almost all the time at work I am on and using a Raymond Reach Lift I can lift 3,000 pound pallets 400 inches into the air and 60 inches out, and I move about 100-150 pallets every 8 hour day


Live on my own with in apartment that looks over the eastern shore of Lake Waubesa I spend a lot of evenings drinking Cocktails while watching the sunset over the lake. If I had any girlfriends it would guarantee me at LEAST second base


anyone wants to feel free to contact me over AIM or Y! just let me know where you know me from

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I signed up for those forums a long, long time ago, I think. Never did much there, however... haven't been back in years.


I'll check out the other links when I have some time. Off to work myself at the moment.


If I had any girlfriends...
Well, my friend, you have stumbled into the right thread!


After all, it's not called the Celibatic Boogaloo for nothing... :dozey:



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Work yesterday: A comedy of errors.


Everything was actually going fairly smoothly... which is somewhat surprising, since I've had some issues with this band before.


At one point one of the singers encouraged people to "Get up and dance!" which a few of them did... in the aisles.


Now Boston's fire codes are fairly strict. Nobody in the aisles during an event. Or we shut you down. Tonight... and probably for several months.


Well, so the ushers and security moved around to get the handful of people who had followed the singer's exhortation to move back to their seats... which most of them complied.


At this point the leader of the group got on the mic and said "I don't know what just happened here! C'mon down front and dance everybody!!!"


At which point several hundred kids rushed the stage. Swell. I couldn't even see the stage at that point, what I was hearing was being blocked by all the bodies in the aisles, and kids were dancing too close and jostling the board.


It was obvious that the house management was totally freaking out over this... but at this point the situation was out of their control.


Made for a fun night.




As we were just about done packing up from that fiasco; a bunch of people came in and started hanging around.


"Can I help you?"

"No. We are just here for the meeting."

"What meeting? What the hell are you talking about?"

"The meeting that's in here from 9 to 10 tonight."

"Huh? It's 10 of 9 now,.. and this is the VERY first I'm hearing about it..."


So... I was just about out the door when we had to turn around and turn everything back on and open the building.


I'm so lucky the house-manager's husband hadn't picked her up on time, and one of the ushers had decided to stick around, or I would have been SCREWED! I would have had to tell them to hit the bricks. As it was I almost did... but we decided that wouldn't have been very helpful to either of us politically, since it was a college event.


I just really wish people could get their **** together. It's really not that hard to let us know a week in advance...


Oh... and I've been awake since about 3 am last night. Go me! :rolleyes:

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Just where the hell is the Jem or Strawberry Shortcake movie, I ask you?!?? :mad:




Work was just how I like it: Rushed; chaotic; and sans any useful info before we set up.

Last minute changes being requested from the stage DURING the show. How entertaining. :rolleyes:


Gonna hit the sack early, and try to forget the day ever happened...

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was at dorney park all day yesterday...it was really fun. went on too many of the spinny rides almost got sick. i went on my first hanging/upside down/corkscrew rollercoaster called the talon, it was good, much better than any other rollercoaster i've been on.


i gotta work 10-7 today (boooo) but i'll have tomorrow off. on the bright side, i do not have to close.

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that would be potassium if your missing something, lack of it can cause aches and pains, try eating a few bananas :D



I splurged on the computer a bit more again, now I'm broke till the wedding next year it seems!


Grabbed a new logitech pretty basic black keyboard, a MS Intelimouse 3.0, and a 20inch Widescreen LCD to replace 2 of my monitors, now I can sell them too!

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that would be potassium if your missing something... try eating a few bananas :D
Yeah... don't try just rubbing them into your legs. Trust me; It doesn't work... and it tends to get your clothes and bed sheets kinda messy.


I know from hard experience...



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Well... bananas,.. and other various fruits.


Everything smelled so sweet and tropical afterwards... it was nice.


The ubiquitous fruit flies that gather later are kind of disgusting, however.


That answer your burning need to know?



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Ahh... the memories come flooding back of that magical night in Peoria... I can smell them now...


Oh... ah, where was I before my reverie of unexpected flashbacked memories... oh yes, I remember...


Work today was a snooze fest. Nice for what it was,.. if a bit boring. Got a few things done at my desk that really needed doing... and a whole lot of just staring off unfocused into the middle distance thinking my dark, dreary thoughts.


Got a short walk in this evening after I got home. It was incredibly foggy near the water... couldn't see much beyond 5 or 10 feet in parts. Kinda eerie... but cool at the same time.


Got an area meeting in the morning (Ya-Hoo...) and then one the area's fastest, loudest metal guitarists for tomorrow night's show (that also warrants a 'Ya-Hoo'...)


Wow... now that I put it in print: That's a hell of a lot of incentive for me to not get out of bed tomorrow. They never should have booked those 2 events back to back like that. Somebody wasn't thinking...


Feels like another early night for me again. I wish I could manage to sleep past 4 am these days. It really would help me cope a slight bit better with all this working-until-well-past-midnight stuff I face on a weekly, if not nightly basis.

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Not much going on here - still trying to decide between Pro Tools and Cubase. I'm thinking that it's going to be Cubase right now. It seems more stable on Windows, much less picky about hardware, and it Pro Tools requires that you have your hardware attached to the computer to even start up - that is ridiculous. Plus, I can get a major deal on Cubase since I have a copy of Cubase LE that came with my synthesizer, and there's an upgrade deal. The thing is, Cubase 4 or Cubase 4 Studio, which has a few less features? The full Cubase 4 is normally a thousand dollars, but the upgrade would allow me to get it for about $400, which isn't too bad. But the differences seem to mostly be things I will never use anyway, so maybe I'll go with Cubase Studio, which I could get for only $200.

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Hmmm... tough call. I guess if you are sure you won't grow into the additional features, go with the Studio version.


In other news: I have been wide awake since before 2 am. Couldn't get back to sleep then for the life of me... although I feel like I would absolutely no problems falling back to sleep right now... with my alarm set to go off in 15 minutes.


Good thing I'm only working a 12+ hour day today, isn't it. :rolleyes:

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