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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Psssst... Mr. CIA Guy, sir... Over here....


I'll let you in on a secret that will make things at XWA (and all of the entire Lucasforums network, for that matter...) much easier to decipher:


Everything ever posted here is in deep code and encryption. One secret key to unlock the code is this: Zoom Rabbit = Osama bin Laden


Once you know that little fact, it makes every post here much easier to understand. The purposes behind the existence of threads like this one become far clearer with piece of knowledge revealed.


Try it! Go back and re-read EVERY post ever made on these forums with that in mind. Go ahead... I'll wait.


You back? Well,.. sure makes a bit more sense, now, doesn't it?


Thought that might help.


You're welcome.


P.S. -- Don't let any of the others know I let you in on this... my life would be in jeopardy if that got out...


Er,.. hey, wait...



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Oh there is... But the prices are vastly inflated ($100+ over the prices I *have* found) at all the online retailers I've found in Canada, and I've been shafted often enough on duty/brokerage charges on guitars/gear I've had shipped from south of the border that I don't do it anymore.

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Another fun, fun night at work. :rolleyes: No visible nipplage this time, though. :(


At least I wasn't feeling like I was 3/4 in the grave already. That was helpful.


One more night to survive. Gonna be a rough one, though. Basically it's like the 4 bands of last night's show, mixed with the 3 from tonight's show... and about a half dozen more bands thrown in for good measure.


None of them the slightest bit similar in any way, of course.


Why make things easy on us? :dozey:

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OK, people, here is my first attempt at somewhat serious home recording. This was actually the first piece of music I ever wrote, about 10 years ago. I called it "Websong." This is rather ironic since it has never been on the Web, nor is it a song. It was origianlly going to be for something on the Web, but I guess I never got around to that. As I recall, I was thinking of the theme to Flash Gordon when I wrote it. Anyway, I've been playing with it again, and this is what I've got now. All the sounds and effects came from my Yamaha S-90 ES synthesizer. Back then I just had to put up with whatever samples my soundcard had on it for MIDI, but this time I was able to do a little bit better than that. I tried to get an ARP Odyssey sound going there on the lead synth, and I think it sounds pretty close to the real thing. That's maybe my favorite classic synth (I know, I know, heresy against the Minimoog, whatever).


Anyway, here it is:



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lol sounds like the theme music to a super nintendo game!


i just watched the movie 'Zodiac' that movie was damn long....reminded me of capote. boring as hell!


Today work was chaos, as it should be. :) Printer was being stupid, someone must've sent a virus or something over the internet and nothing was printing...so from 12-4 we're trying to fix it....i went to lunch at 4, when i got back i was called to help with truck....so i pulled pallets (as well as my lower back) for 3 hours and now it hurts. good thing i don't work tomorrow....which reminds me i gotta clean up the trash the neighbor's cat rummaged through. :rolleyes:

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Congrats, Keyan! Your bass tone made my subwoofer practically jump off the floor when it kicked in! :D


Yeah... that's pretty cool. It does have that "fanfare-ish" quality that a lot of early game music or multi-media presentations seem to have. I could easily see this on a company's promo CD-ROM, or behind a corporate presentation at a trade show or expo.


Promote yourself right, and that could easily turn into a fairly lucrative 2nd career.

Seems to me that you might already have some connections in the software industry.

You should see if your own company ever hires music for promo materials or convention-booth displays.

If not, see if you can get to one of these conventions sometime, and drop off a demo disk at some other tables that do.


Always worth a shot...


I'll have to post one of my compositions up here some day. I already have one of them in MP3 form... it's just too big to post on my webspace. I need to find some free web storage for music files... then I can really insult all of your ears!



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Kewl. Thanks!


Actually, I'm pretty sure you already have the file I would post. I think I titled it: "A New Day."


In the meantime, I know there's some sites out there that do this... like Photobucket, but for media files.

Just gotta do some research...

A buddy of mine from college does it all the time. As soon as he gets to work and logs into his chat account I'll see what he uses.


Or finally get around to figuring out how to use all the server space I'm allotted from Comcast.

I tried it once a long time ago, and it was a huge miserable pain in the ass, and promptly gave up on it.


Maybe it's better now

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I've had a couple of people ask me for that lately... but I've been way too busy or lazy to do anything about it.


This will make distro of those files much easier than burning disks and snail mail.


You are the best, dood!

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Yeah... that's pretty cool. It does have that "fanfare-ish" quality that a lot of early game music or multi-media presentations seem to have. I could easily see this on a company's promo CD-ROM, or behind a corporate presentation at a trade show or expo.


Yep, that's pretty much what it was going to be for my highschool. Too bad we never got to use it.


You should see if your own company ever hires music for promo materials or convention-booth displays.


They do. They sometimes use music written by the engineers here for background music for their promotional videos. They don't pay for it, though :)

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Ah. I see... :indif:


Well, it's something you could always use later to promote yourself to other clients though... besides being a feather-in-your-cap/ big-brownie-points thing within the company, anyway.


OK... let's try this...


A New Day


This is a bizarre little composition of mine that followed me around throughout my entire college career, and eventually grew completely out of hand.


It started life as a couple of 4 and 8 bar examples of ostinatos that I had to write for a class in my 1st or 2nd semester.


Then, in the next semester, I needed to write a piece using loops for a MIDI class,.. so I took a bunch of those examples, threw them into the same key and time signature, and layered them, or put them sequentially to make a somewhat coherent piece of music out of it.

Then I needed a piece to orchestrate for a sequencing class... and later write a "Shout Chorus" type break-down part for an arranging class... and so on.


This is an early version, from about the halfway point in the life-cycle of this song. I have several other later recorded versions of it, but I couldn't put my hands on them at the moment.


Everything is sequenced, and mostly General MIDI sounds, I think.

I later replaced the bass and guitar tracks with live ones... but it was a half-assed job, and the results weren't that great.


I do have a better version with a bunch of high-end synth tracks... but again, finding that version in the giant box of poorly-labeled cassettes I have is a job for a later time. Retirement... maybe.


Hope you enjoy my goofy little signature track.



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