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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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haha you were 'managed'


umm work was SLOW today cause all the kiddies went back to school. anyway last pictures we developed were obscene. person i used to work with had pics of someone's dick and someones anal region. very graphic...


after that, went out to bar to meet some people from work as we were having a 'good bye' party of sorts for our assistant manager. my dept mgr is hilarious when she's got a few drinks in her. after they all left me and some of my friends there just chilled messed w/the jukebox, had a drink, talked for a bit then we all decided to hit mcdonalds 15 mins before they closed, sat in the parking lot playing loud music. good times. :D now im home and got no work tuesday or wednesday!!!! so glad. :D

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Did get some sleep. That is good.


Have to be in by 8 again. That bites it...


Taking the next 3 days off. Hopefully I'll get some stuff done before work kicks into the serious craziness all over again.


I have to work on Labor Day though. Jeez... how fair is that?! :rolleyes:


I sense much anger in you, Cracken.


Both you guys need to get Facebooked with the rest of us. Our XWA group is a little small and puny looking at the moment.


It needs to be HUGE and MIGHTY!!! Striking fear in lesser Facebookers! Yearrrgh!


Seriously: Just do it.


You get to learn all our real names... ;)

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Heard a demo of the new speaker system that we want to get for work in our hall.


Holy... !!!


Awesomeness incarnate! I think we are all sold. Even the big-wigs with the purse strings...


Now the question is how quickly we can get our hands on them and get them installed.


I, for one, can't wait.


A bunch of us went out for burgers and beers afterwards. Fun times! The bartender started playing Tenacious D at insane volumes at one point.


5 days off! Yay!

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Both you guys need to get Facebooked with the rest of us. Our XWA group is a little small and puny looking at the moment.


It needs to be HUGE and MIGHTY!!! Striking fear in lesser Facebookers! Yearrrgh!


Seriously: Just do it.


You get to learn all our real names... ;)


Yes...DO IT...

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Seems like i wont get much sleep. on duty again.

curses how I seem to be the only one who gets double watches...


yeah at first when i started these watches i thought i'd be cool to walk around with an m16. but i tell ya. it sucks. XP


...and no kyle you can't have it. nor any of the tomahawks

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Yeah... but I have 9 months of stuff to catch up on in that time.


Taking today and Sunday as relaxation days... but the rest of them have to be "bust-my-ass" time.


Still haven't really reorganized the cellar since all the work down there, for instance... and that was a couple of months ago.


A lot of other big projects like that I keep pushing aside too.


I'll never get everything done in the time I have... but if I even get one or 2 big things out of the way I'll be happy.


The rest will have to wait until Christmastime after that... :dozey:

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I realized today that I get a long weekend this weekend, makes me wanna take a half day friday to celebrate.....


but I doubtfully have time to tke it off and not be way behind, as I was off yesterday to recouperate from a health issue

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I wish i could take 5 days off.....need to get to cl90 on my medic. :D


got a call from my friend (the one thats in the air force) this afternoon, he's headed out to saudi arabia (sp?) on sunday and later will be in iraq. he plans to be home around january sometime. exchanged emails too. :D

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Today I found myself wishing my bass cab was 4x10 instead of 1x15... I've got plenty of clarity at lower volumes, but at "performance volume" I've found that when playing technical sections, individual notes kinda get lost in the mud.


Maybe that'll be my next DIY project... Build an extension cab and have the best of both worlds! 15 inch thunder with 10 inch response... Lord knows the 400 watts of amplifier should be able to handle it so long as I get the impedances right. :p


Now if I could just find the time to finish the Dallas Rangemaster stompbox clone I started building last year. :joy:

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As I get older, I am favoring smaller speakers in my guitar amps. Used to be all about the 12"s... now it's 10"s and 8"s.


Just sound better to me. Tighter.


We are specking out our new system for smaller subs: dual 15"s per box instead of the dual 18"s we have now.


That's the unit they brought with the PA demo the other day, and they sounded so tight and punchy, they put our system to shame in the low end.


Granted... our system is 20 years old... and has been used almost every day of that time... but the 15"s did kick more.


Throwaway day for me. Slept as late as I could. Chilled around the house listening to music, reading books and magazines all morning. Took a nap. Took a shower. Took a walk. Came home and ate dinner. Watched Mythbusters. Called my dad. Goofed around online for a while. Now here,.. and finally thinking about bed.


Gonna try to get an early start and tackle at least one big job tomorrow. Wish me luck...


Just been notified by mom about a family gathering tomorrow afternoon at my aunt's house. Hmmm...


That's gonna throw a monkey wrench into my plans a bit... oh well. Probably the last time to see the whole family together in one place before Thanksgiving again. I suppose if I can pull myself away, I'm gonna have to go...

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ed, why don't you just go on a trip or something and maybe shoot someone totally random or get a girl. It's sooo relieving, believe me.


*passes edlib a gun, a ticket, and a note*


*ed takes a look at the list*




<ed> Venice? Dr. Elsa Schneider?

<Ray> *sigh* this is LF and you look like Steven Spielberg, what else did you expect me to come up with?! :¬:







However. It turns out I have to wait 10 more days for me innertet to come home ;_;

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Ahhh! I LOVE Venice! :joy:


I did manage to get a couple of things done yesterday... and still get down to see the family units for a couple of hours.


I need to jump into projects this morning too... but I'm waiting for a furniture delivery. (New recliner for the living-room.)


I still have trouble with the Spielberg comparison; I don't see it... but whatever.


Now,.. if I only had his money. And his talent. And maybe his life...

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Hat, beard, glasses: ubiquitous. Safari-type vest: optional.







Yeah... OK. I'll admit: There may be a slight passing resemblance to at least a younger Spielberg. At least at distance...

(And you are hardly the first to point it out, either.)


However: Up close the illusion falls apart...

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