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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Well look at my last post... ditto.


About the only thing that differed was that I had lunch in the Greek diner.


Actually tried to get some serious work done today too... but kept getting getting distracted by all the people coming and going from the office.


Tomorrow it looks like I'll be completely alone there, however. Everybody else has the sexual-harassment/ diversity-awareness training I had a couple of weeks ago all day.


Works out nice. I can do the research and type the report I need to get done in (hopefully) relative peace and quiet.


It's time to get the big-budget item requests for next fiscal year in. All the audio equipment needs fell on me this time.


So I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.


This training for all my colleagues works outs kinda nice, now that I think about it. Perfect timing.


Got my 2 PCs networked together tonight. I was listening to music files on this comp thru iTunes on the speakers downstairs. Now I just need to transfer all the music files from this onto the hard drive of that one.


Then I will be that much closer to my goal of a central media server. Sweet...

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got my second doe tag in today! :) I hate how stuff needs a resident mailing address, yet they don't put a spot for P.O. boxes...i opened it up not expecting to find the tag, and there it was. :D


Work is going cool today, not too many ******* shoppers....on the way out, a couple people were stopped for shoplifting...that was funny, they had kids with them too. Low prices everyday and yet they have to steal? come on. go to salvation army, bitches!

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Today was, as Zarg so succinctly put it earlier: blah.


Nothing particularly bad about it. However: Nothing the slightest bit noteworthy about it, either.

It just kinda was. The day existed. I existed in it. Hmmm...


Did get quite a bit of office work done in the still and silent aloneness I found myself in today. That part was good. Did feel pretty lonely in there at times, though.


Had a meeting with the folks putting on the show Saturday. Promises to be a... challenge.


Didn't get a walk tonight, since they kept me a bit later than I normally stay on a non-show night. That's OK though... I didn't feel much like it anyway. Probably wouldn't have, even if time allowed. Pretty tired tonight. I really should go to bed early... but I doubt I will.


We'll see...

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Today: Same ****... different day.


More boringness... that in less than a week I will be ranting like a lunatic to get back to.


Oh... that budget request report I was working on yesterday, that I thought I had a couple of weeks to work on, and that I was being so clever starting early, going against all procrastination tendencies that I normally operate under?


Yeah, about that... it's due tomorrow.




Not really... but our big boss wants it on his desk early so he can over it and "prepare."




Left work early to make up for yesterday. Walked pretty good. All the way to Downtown Crossing again... then got off the train 2 stops early, and walked the difference back to my car.


Gonna have to start walking in the mornings pretty soon. Getting dark so early...

Hate getting to work with sore feet and sweaty. Plus, mornings are always a disaster for me. Getting out of the house on time is usually difficult enough. Getting out in time to add an hour's walk to that is nigh impossible for me.


I'll have to figure something out, though... Looks like pretty much all my weekends days are shot to hell for the next couple of months coming up. So that won't be an option...

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Work kinda sucked. I was the only one in the store for about an hour and 15 minutes setting up... i mean, FIXING our register systems. Grahhhh.... I broke about 6 security procedures right there.... but it's either that or pay 4 other people an extra hour and 15 for doing nothing. was not gonna do that.


Life sucks.



I need a new one....

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I just canceled my star wars galaxies subscription. I'm sick of the new content being strictly for people that are leveling, so the time they are 90 they'll be like 'ok that was useless' and no trade crap. so i finally canceled it. Halo 3 is coming out tuesday don't think i'll even be thinking of playing star wars galaxies once i get a copy of that.

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Got to work and rushed through the finished typing up of those reports... plugging a LOT of total B.S. numbers in there just to have something to send off by noon.


Sleepwalked through the rest of the afternoon. Zzzzzzzzz...


Did the same extended walk home as yesterday.


Long show tomorrow. Yoga and chanting. Harmonic convergence. Whatever... :rolleyes:


Extra green, is really all I see. :dozey:


When it comes right down to it: I'm really quite the mercenary, I am.


Show me the money!



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Been playing around with this...




A fake $5,000,000 in your fake bank account can make you a bit happier...


*Buys 3500 shares of 4chan* What?


I just canceled my star wars galaxies subscription. I'm sick of the new content being strictly for people that are leveling, so the time they are 90 they'll be like 'ok that was useless' and no trade crap. so i finally canceled it. Halo 3 is coming out tuesday don't think i'll even be thinking of playing star wars galaxies once i get a copy of that.


You know, when I played I could never get over just how seemingly poorly done it was... I honestly think the space combat was the best part as far as quality goes.


A group of 50 Krayt Dragons?! (And other assorted uber-rare creatures) COME ON! Half of them are spawning in town even!


And the NPCs that should have burst into flame from the speed they were moving at... I was chased down while on a swoop! CHASED!


Also, levels and gun happy universes don't mix. Ever.


*Prays that the 40k MMO doesn't end up like SWG*

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You know, when I played I could never get over just how seemingly poorly done it was... I honestly think the space combat was the best part as far as quality goes.


A group of 50 Krayt Dragons?! (And other assorted uber-rare creatures) COME ON! Half of them are spawning in town even!


And the NPCs that should have burst into flame from the speed they were moving at... I was chased down while on a swoop! CHASED!


Also, levels and gun happy universes don't mix. Ever.


*Prays that the 40k MMO doesn't end up like SWG*


It just goes to show you what game companies who are only concerned about $$ will come up with. They hire people to hype and say how wonderful is but the end result is rather lame.


Granted my perceptions were set by the early result of the game


THere is no role-play element at all in the game. None of the quests really have any type of dynamic decision tree. and to become a Jedi (at least in the early game) required oodles of game time, or at least good bot scripting. No way a casual gamer that only could spend 2-3 hours a day on the game do much of anything. It was designed to please the power gamer and nothing else.

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4+ hours of chanting and yoga and consciousness raising.


Kill me now.


Please. It will be a mercy killing.


I'm only just past about half way thru. Just couldn't take any more. Had to put a student behind the desk for a while...


My bitter-skeptical-cynic-meter is just pegged into the red at the moment. Not really the show for me to be at. Not a happy man.


Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmm my gawd!

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Yeah... but I want to get paid too.


THAT'S my path to inner peace...




I realized tonight that I have zero tolerance for mysticism.

It's one thing to have a spiritual side... it's another to wrap that side in a bunch of outward B.S. rituals.


And it's a 3rd thing for the show to run from 7 to 11 without a break or intermission of any kind.


Of all the bugs that crawled up my ass to roost tonight... that was the big winner.

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When I was doing martial arts I did a lot of meditation. Often it was just a way to relax and deal with stress.


The problem is too many people start reading too much into it. There have been actual studies that prove some out of body experiances are caused not by a form of Extra sensory powers, but from you mind being BORED and trying to make sense with a lack of sensory input.


One masseuse in my area says she increases people energy flow... it doesn't sound new age if she said it increases circulation

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That's my feeling about it.


Once you start putting all the "cosmic" mumbo-jumbo around it, I just tune out. There are undoubtedly a lot of personal benefits to a lot of this stuff, physically and mentally.


But I just can't cope with all the hippie-dippy "universal awareness" type talk that seems that so many people feel they have to tag along with it.


To me, if you called meditation: "Focused, concentrated thinking in the absence of other distractions" then it's something I would probably say that all of us should do more often.


But I don't see the need to sit in a special position, burn incense, listen to special music, wear special clothes, etc... to do it.


I guess, truth be told, I already practice a form of my own "meditation" when I'm out on a long walk. I usually pick some problem that's been bothering me lately right at the start, and just hash it over in my mind until I feel better about it, or the walk ends... whichever comes first.

I almost always feel happier and more relaxed at the end, though... no matter what. That combination of physical and mental exercise seems to promote good feelings. Extra endorphin flow, maybe...


Nothing mystical about what I do, though. Just remove myself from other daily distractions to let my mind work.

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I agree with you there about all that it's all mumbo jumbo esp when they started on with that 'DRINK YOUR ****ING GREEN TEA!' nonsense.



Work is going ok today, having a little issue with the boredom though.


I've been thinking of getting a tattoo, and finally think i found something that would be cool. my first and last name in daedric. http://www.omniglot.com/writing/daedric.htm if i ever were to get one (unlikely cause i dont like needles), that is what it would be.


Getting far in Oblivion. Saw my first Daedroth last night.....he scared the ****s out of me. Killed a Minotaur this morning, that was AWESOME!!! The mountain lions and brown bears in this game HATE ME....oh and i finally bought my own horse. (trying to save for a house, lol)

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well my horse got attacked and ran off. :(


so halo 3 is coming out TONIGHT/12:01AM I was stupid thinking it was out on wednesday. DUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH......o well, less waiting time to play it!


Looked over my payment schedule and looks like I get 2 checks this month, 2 go to cable bill, the rest go directly to getting my truck inspected/fixed/tuned up.


I lowered the price on my plymouth acclaim to $350, it was $500. Engine doesn't even turn over, think the battery is dead too, turn the key and nothing happens. Brand new Catalytic Converter, practically brand new Muffler....downside is 215,900 miles on it, and it needs a new or rebuilt transmission. don't know what else it needs.

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mmmmmmmmmmmmm...... not much goin' on. still can't find another job to save my life. this sucks.


I got a enw strap for my Les Paul, something more... fitting to my decent and nature. :D the stock Ephi strap went onto the bass, but I need something that matches the bass..... will have to go strap shopping again.


also, need a bass amp.


In MMO news: I am one of the most feared PvP'rs in the level 20-29 bracket. I twinked out a level 29 hunter so badly....... and now after a weekend solid of decent PvP, the Horde gun for me as sson as they see me.


They really really hate me. :D


other than that, just trying to survive.

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Another wildly exciting day at work! YAHOO!!! So very goddamn exciting I hesitate to even go into detail for fear that your heads may just explode!!





Hmph. Yeah. That good.

Of course, starting this weekend my life will become one giant, massive, sticky ball of suck, so I should just enjoy the slow and quiet while it lasts.


Made one of my co-workers go ballistic over something I posted on Facebook. I'm not going to go into any specific details here... but it was quite entertaining for me. Most fun I've had in a long, long time. :joy:


I don't think she's really anywhere as mad about it as she is trying to make me think she is though.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks. :D


Oh well, we'll see... She did threaten murder at one point.


Tomorrow is another day. If I live through the day, and make it to post here again... Heh.


Just noticed: We're on the cusp of 2K boys! How very excellent is that?!?? :D


If I don't make it to see tomorrow, be sure to continue on without me, in my memory, won't you?


Hee hee hee...


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Yeah, so on Friday we had "VectorFest" at work to celebrate the launch of VectorWorks 2008. These are happening all around the globe, but this one was for employees. German theme, basically. A band playing German music, German food and German beer. I don't really like beer, but they had some wine. There was some German wine I can't remember that was pretty good, and the worst white Zinfendel I have ever tasted. Seriously. But I'll say this...even drinking bad wine is better than doing work.


Anyway, I think I'm going to quit my job and take up Black Jack for a living. A couple of months practice counting cards, and I should be good to go. Anyone want to form a team? We could move to Vegas, live in the casinos, and make millions, just like those guys from MIT. Who wants in?

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