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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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I just beat GRAW 2 on Elevated Risk. Excellent game. Definitely the BEST Ghost Recon game. I liked the first ghost recon and island thunder, then Ghost Recon 2 and summit strike came out and it was very different, but the graphics and gameplay were very improved, then when GRAW 1 came out it wasn't the same felt too linear and boxy, then GRAW 2 came and it's awesome.

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I have no idea what GRAW is... except that sound I make when the water I'm drinking goes down the wrong pipe... :dozey:


"2nd Verse: Same as the First!"


Differences between yesterday and today:


Had meeting. It was relatively painless. I was in rare form, I must say. Someone brought coffee, and the extra shot of sugar and caffeine put me right out of the park. It's been like someone has been striking me daily with a Goofy-Stick lately, anyway. That extra, super-buzz to my already overstimulated system got me some very odd looks every time I made a comment.


Had super spicy Thai food for lunch. It was dee-lish. Will live to regret that decision later though, I'm sure.


Spent the rest of the afternoon teasing a co-worker by e-mail.

I've made it my goal in life to make sure that she never actually manages to get any real productive work done by driving her completely and totally bat****.


Other than those few things... the days were pretty much carbon-copies of each other.

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Busy morning so far!


Got my paycheck, then picked up archery license, 3 month sub to xbox live, set of work clothes, went to the bank to deposit the rest, then I got home and scheduled my truck for inspection on monday. Hoping it doesn't need any expensive work done.


I'm listening to Disturbed right now, chillin and feeling pretty good, if truck passes inspection w/o costing me alot of $$$, gonna get out in the woods on wednesday. :)


I found 3 of my battle buddies from basic on myspace (glad i bought that yearbook since it has their full names in it, making it easier to do a search), sent them messages and friend requests. One is sure to see it, as he was on it on the 2nd, not sure about the other 2.


I only got about 6 hours of sleep last night. went to bed at 130, woke up at 730 cause the alarm and i kept hitting snooze then decided enough of that and got up.


Glad i got my hunting licenses taken care of and my xbox live subscription not gonna run out on me anytime soon. My gamertag is Obvious Doom if any of you has xbox live i play GRAW 2 and Halo 3 on it. GRAW 2 is better as long as i host it, otherwise for some lame reason my connection drops me out of the game.


need to clean the apartment and then get ready for work...

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That is all.




OK... here goes...


Went to bed the night before around 10 pm, knowing I would be getting up early, and had a long day ahead of me.

Was WIDE awake again somewhere shortly after 1 am. NEVER got back to sleep.




The day at work was pretty crazy. We had to start earlier than we probably needed to, because the college decided to put an hour-long Q & A clinic with Vai on in the middle of the afternoon. Put the brakes on everything we were trying to do. Sucked.


Show was crazy, stupid long. Almost 3 hours.

Show was crazy, stupid loud. Words cannot describe. (Although still not as loud as Yngwie...)


Got home somewhere just shy of 2 am.


So by the time my head hit the pillow last night, I had been awake 25 hours, on maybe 3 hours sleep.


Not bad.


Not a record for me by any means... but the older I get, the more I feel that kind of thing.


Need caffeine. Now!

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Some schmuck in a black vest and baseball cap surveying the chaos that was the Vai load-in.


It's a very flattering angle, is it not?


The webcam froze at some point, and this was the image I was presented when I finally got a chance to sit down at my desk for the first time all day.


Kind of a rude awakening... to see your own sorry butt on display like that.



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at least you were clothed.


For me, I have been having a miserable week. Been getting about 4 hours of interuppted sleep mainly because of this canker sore on my tongue. It is on the left side near the molars. Top that Off I am probly going to end up working 60 hours this week without a day off until MAYBE the 20th which I will declare a "me" day and get stinking drunk


Curling season should be starting then.. WOO HOO

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Long day again, yesterday... but last night's show was pretty relaxed, at least for one of these "high-profile" college shows, and I actually managed to have a good time with it, and make it sound really good.


The people typically breathing over my shoulder and stressing over every stupid little detail the whole time during these types of events weren't around at all yesterday, so I just did whatever the hell I wanted. Nice.

I could actually use a lot more of that.


Sent a co-worker the link to the jam-session CD (with plenty o' caveats and warnings, of course.) Still... Could turn out to be a mistake.


Oh well... I've recently decided that since we only get one shot at this game, to not care so much about what other people might think of me, and be a lot less self-conscious in my dealings with other people.

So in that light, a lot of people at work are finally getting to see the really weirdo-freak side of edlib... some for the very first time. Both barrels of it too...


I think I have some of them worried...


Day off today. Yay. Try to get outside for a bit. Run a few errands. Relax.

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Well,.. since the exact opposite of this new attitude been my modus operandi for nigh on 38 years... felt it was time for a change-up.


As godawfully bleak as my existence has been up to this point in time, I truly believe it would prove damn near impossible for things to ever get any worse.


But time and events will tell, and validate one of us as correct...

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I truly believe it would prove damn near impossible for things to ever get any worse.


I thought that once too. I now refer to that as "Serious Error No. 2."


Believe me, things can always get worse. For example, I am a huge loser, and unbelievably lame, but I am also not crippled or retarded, I have a good job, I have the ability to enjoy and play music, and the police have no outstanding warrants on me...to the best of my knowledge. Yes, things suck, but compared to how bad they could actually get, they are actually looking all right.

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Well,.. I still think I'll take my chances with it on my own.


If things do manage to get worse because of it, at least it will be a change. Something new to talk about.


The thought of going along as I was: merely counting out the days, the hours, and the seconds as I plod aimlessly towards an (inevitably) early death, keeping a ton of stuff bottled up inside, doesn't give much comfort either.


So if it's really to be lose/ lose... I think I'm going to have to go with the new and different "lose" option, as opposed to the same-old same-old "lose" choice.


I can always go back to that, anyway.




Today, in a nutshell:


Wake up. Drink tea. Play guitar. Surf net. Play guitar. Run errands. Come home. Play guitar. Eat. Play guitar. Take nap. Wake up. Play guitar. Take shower. Take walk. Come home. Play guitar. Switch to bass. Play bass. Prepare dinner. Eat. Watch TV. Play guitar. Post this.




Actually got a lot of practicing in today. Actually switched to bass at one point. Fingertips (on both hands) are killing me.


Henry Rollins tomorrow. Late call though. I'll try to get out and get some more exercise before work.

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Wrong color? What,.. for the decor of the room, you mean? :confused:


Easy day (though kinda long one) at work. Henry spoke for over 3 hours. Oof.


Got an 90 minute walk in this morning. Try again for an even more extended one tomorrow if weather holds up. Still more errands to run... but I have a busy week ahead, so if I can figure out that I put them off and just take it easy again, I think that's what I'm going to have to do.

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I just finished de-bricking my computer.


Apparently, my IDE cable (which is like... 7 years old) FINALLY decided to have fits. So I firts thought it was a virus, which i did have some malicous spyware that despite my best efforts, I could not erase. So.. I nuked the drive. Then, and ONLY THEN realizing that it was a cable issue, sighed, gave up. Just finished installing Dx, my GPU drivers for my card, sound drivers, and now formatting the other 2 partitions. This way if it bricks again, i can save some of the data.


Clean installs are nice though.

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