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The One Year Thread 2007: XWA's Celibatic Boogaloo

Rogue Nine

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Deal with it, bitch.




****ty night at work. Show went all right,.. but setup/ soundcheck was a total nightmare. Disorganized. Last minute changes/ additions. 2 large bands that had little in common, that refused to work within a similar setup. So we had to move pretty much EVERYTHING on stage in order to make it work. In under 10 minutes. Yeah.


We did it, and it went smoothly, simply because we are the best in the biz... but that doesn't mean it didn't suck and wasn't a complete and total pain-in-the-ass.


I didn't intend to take any time off this week,.. but now I'm taking the day off tomorrow. Just cuz'.


Actually... I'm at the point where I'm so exhausted and annoyed with everything and everybody that I almost forget my own name.

If I don't take some time off, somebody is going to inadvertently push my buttons to the point where there'll be blood on the walls, and I'm doin' the perp-walk on the 6 o'clock news.


I need to get a haircut, and to do a partial laundry (pants...) too. But I can and will skip both in favor of getting more sleep.


Headin' home now...

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that 12 girls band thing sounded cool, plus the chicks were pretty hot. Lately I'm into more ethnic music like that. My focus lately has been Indian music, mainly Ravi Shankar but also some crossover stuff from his daughter Anoushka. It's good shtuff and tons better than the crap on the radio.

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Yeah... it was interesting because it was different. I would have like to have heard a lot more just flat-out authentic Chinese folk music than they did, though. That would have been much more gripping for me.


At least it was better than a lot of the deafeningly loud rock bands we get. Especially all the crappy indie-rock bands we seem to be hosting lately. Or a couple of hours of Steve Vai blasting away.


I actually like him... but I have limits.

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Just wait until you see my Elegirabrapottomous! It's epic! :D


Decided I needed rest more than completing errands today. So I went mostly decaf all day (only one cup of real tea...)


Withdrawal is always a joy. :rolleyes:


Did nap part of the afternoon.


Got the laundry I needed done... but the haircut looks like it's waiting. Oh well... it's not really all that bad yet, anyways.


And after all: I'm never seen in public without a hat on... at least not without much violent protesting.

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I'm having fights with my caffeine addiction as well. I went almost all day yesterday without caffeine, had a minor headache most of the time (plus i didn't eat anything all day) until i had supper which i had 2 cans of pepsi. Today I steered pretty clear from it, though I had a rockstar energy drink on my lunch, but that was it, drank water on my breaks.


I'm not sure if that's the reason why I got TEN HOURS of sleep last night...went to bed at 12, woke up at 7 killed my alarm and woke back up at 10. and then on my lunch break i fell asleep for 10 minutes out in my truck, was startled awake by someone getting in their car, felt like i was asleep for a half an hour.


I came up with my plan. If I can get away with no having my truck inspected i will, but I'll keep throwing money into getting the different stuff fixed on it. First will probably be the shocks and the brakes which are the most important...then the tailpipe, muffler and possibly catalytic converter, then a tune up.


Once that is taken care of, I will take a gamble with my 215,900 mile acclaim. All that needs fixed on that is ball bearing socket, tires, and transmission. I'd really like to get 2 vehicles on the road, my insurance probably wouldn't be too bad, and if one broke down, i'd have a backup.


So that is my goal with any $$$ i get in that isn't owed to bills or taxes. I'll make that my next years resolution-to have and own 2 WORKING vehicles. I'll get a head start on that anyways! :)

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well, managed to wake up...feeling a cold/sore throat coming on. should probably go buy some sore throat medicine....I also need a refill on my glucosamine sulfate, as I ran out almost a week ago.


I can't wait to get home and play GRAW 2. I'm glad I'm starting to get better, maybe I'll get into ranked games someday.

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So my sister is incompetent and had to move back home because she is unable to hold a job or pay her bills. This is bad, because she is a complete slob, steals from me and from our mother, and has friends that I wouldn't turn my back on who are always around. Now she has a new boyfriend and they are over at our house constantly. He is a jackass and he makes every second of my life a massive inconvenience simply by his presence. So here are my choices:


1. Scare him so badly he never comes back (I have already done this with multiple boyfriends, so my technique is pretty refined).


2. Move out. I don't know about this, though. I didn't want to move out before, because I really don't want my mom to be all by herself. It's also easier on her, since I pay half the bills and do all the physically hard work around the house. Leaving her alone would have been bad, but leaving her with my sister would be downright cruel.



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scare tactics.




well, my attempt at a dry run dried up real quick. I was trying to install it on an old hard drive, but couldn't create a partition during setup, so I aborted. Then, when i went to restart, i got the NTLDR is missing error. My floppy drive has been broken for years, so I spent hours looking for a way to make a bootable CD or flash drive. Ended up spending money on a new floppy drive, cable and diskettes (40 bucks!) and got it fixed fairly easily.


My new equipment comes tomorrow, so hopefully by this time I'll be zooming along with 4 times the RAM I currently have, a processor twice as fast with an extra core, and a video card at least twice as good.

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Kill him and feed his vitals to wild dogs. Incinerate the rest.


Well,.. that's what I always do, anyhow...


Fairly painless, headache free night at work. Busy. Big setup. But I think people are learning to trust me to do my job. (Finally.)


Gotta go before the game wraps up. Write more later...

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I made it through the day with only 1 glass of caffeine!!!!!!! and that was an hour after i got home from work. :) Watched the movie 'Beerfest' it was pretty good.


My tooth started bothering me bad. left side, feels like bottom....the one on opposite side of mouth got pulled....hope this next one doesn't need to. i dont have dental insurance either.....i'll just suck it up. How long before the caffeine is completely out of my system? This 'dead tired' feeling is getting annoying as hell. I'm too tired to play GRAW 2...damn it.


tomorrow i gotta wake up and work freaking 10-7. very low on physical cash (it's all in the bank right now, holding out for getting truck fixed) and good thing i played monopoly so i score a free mcgriddle for breakfast tomorrow.


Starting to feel depressed.....like everything doesn't mean anything to me anymore.


Is anybody looking for park place piece from mcdonalds monopoly? I'll sell it for $2500.

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Thankfully, the commute last night wasn't too bad. Left work before the game ended, so I managed to avoid the majority of the madness.


Not working tonight, so it shouldn't be an issue today. But we'll see... I've been surprised before.


Only 3 more days to get through before a day off! Yahoo!


Unfortunately, I have the feeling that 2 of them are going to be very, very long ones...

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More than I did.


Tired today.

Starting to lose all sense of optimism I had for a while there, and get really depressed again, too. Dammit! :mad:

I believe it's partly due to sheer exhaustion... and partly because days like this with not much going on tend to drive home the sheer pointlessness of my very existence.


I also seem to get more moody around the time of the full moon as well. Something I picked up on a few months back. I've noticed a tendency in myself to be a bit more optimistic, and dare I say, maybe even a bit manic, right around the height of the new moon as well.


Don't know if any of this can be chalked up to any kind of scientific phenomenon (I seriously doubt it,..) or is strictly psychosomatic. (Far more likely...)

But over the last couple of years since I first became aware of this trend in myself, it has held up pretty accurately, month to month, with very few notable exceptions.


The nice part is: If I find myself totally bummed out about some stupid **** for a couple of days, and then I realize it's just before or after a full moon, I usually feel a bit better instantly, knowing that it will pass in a few days.


Still... having to deal with the same stupid, crappy emotional stuff every month gets old, too.


Still... it's not even close to what I would term "clinical" by any means.

I do still manage to function... even if I'm sometimes walking around asking myself "Jeez... what's the point?" inside my head part of the day. As I'm sure almost everybody goes through, once in a while...


I'm sure as hell not going to go on drugs over it, anyways.

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