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darth kav

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Actually, Qui Gon acts a bit like Zao, and spend most of the time wandering "blown like a leaf in the wind" by the force. Which means, Him and Anakin would spend more tiem outside the commands of the council, and most probably won't be leading clones, which means less chance for a cloney death.


Obi Wan is less hermity than Qui Gon, hence the invlovement with the council and such, and he mroe active role in the clone wars. Its not like Qui Gon Can't be a member of the council, he is more than capable should he decide to persue such role, its more like he prefers not to.

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What I don't get thoguh, if Anakin was so important, why didn't Yoda himself take on Anakin?


Yoda had to have already known about Padme. Had Anakin followed Yoda's advise and let go he wouldn't have turned. Yoda may have been able to teach Anakin that death is a natural part of the force.


Perhaps Anakin could have cherished the limited time he and Padme had together.

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Say, was Sidious behind those visions at all?

No; but his visions were preminiscians (spl? Im lazy) of something that Anakin would do after Palpy's influence on him. Without Palpy turning him, Ani would never have choked Padme and killed her, so never would have (I assume) had the visions.


Thats the tradegy of it all. The visions drove him to turn to prevent them from happening, and turning was what caused them to happen.

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And I'm of the opinion some people, possibly Anakin was one of them, arn't cut out to be Jedi. Their lives are similar to that of monks, their regid codes are not for everyone. I know I would never be one, case in point: Anakin's killing of the sand people. Not only do I support it I would have probably done the same thing.

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I would have for sure collected those darkside points too, Nancy.

I would've probably have wipe the sand people out after what they had done to my mother.

Well, cleansing the sandpeople that is responsable for his mom maybe a reasonable move, but its still an action of extremem prejudice. I mean, he kills even the kids and what not.


Wiping out the sand people as a whole is just dediculous. I mean, they are actually civilized, and their xenophobia is all too reasonable. Its not exactly enjoyable getting your planet turned into a desert, invaded, colonized, and then being treated like brainless animals.

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Yeah, just like in real life. If someone's killed, and you happen to be a relative of the victim, you sure have feelings of hatred towards the killer, and would want to avenge your relative.

Does that make it right? No. Justice has nothing to do with revenge.


Anakin's killing of the sandpeople was just wrong. (understandable though)

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By the same token the Sand People, going by KOTOR, will not accept peace or even to stop killing. Even if you get them to not attack you they will at the slightest mistep. The game even says how they were looking for a reason to kill you. Is that wrong? If they made any attempt to not villify themselves then no, I don't think it is wrong to have them portrayed this way, even if by rights they are not the ones in the wrong.

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To qute Obiwan in Ep VI


"So I took it upon myself to train him as a Jedi. I thought I could instruct him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong."


So again, there is a good possibility that if Obiwan hand trained him, who was VERY young and had only just become a Jedi Knight, Anakin would be different. Once again, why didn't Yoda train him?

Perhaps it was becuase of Qui Gon's dying wish that ObiWan train him?

I dunno.

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