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[Fic] The Sera Tana Saga Short Fanfiction

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Hello all, this is a ten part series of Short Fanfiction set with my Jedi Exile, Sera Tana. This is related to the Sera Tana Saga and it might provide backstories on the Parts and even expand on other scenes, like the one below. The first of ten Shorties is called Exile, which shows Sera's exile from the Jedi Council. This Shortie wasn't written first. The first I wrote was Joke's on Me, which I'll post later, since it is set later then this Fic. Enjoy.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Star Wars



Four thousand years, before the rise of the GALACTIC EMPIRE, a certain war ends for the JEDI KNIGHT, SERA TANA. Joining REVAN and MALAK in the war would soon mean the end of Sera’s life in the JEDI ORDER.


Before Sera is allowed to enter the Council meeting room, she will have a meeting with a certain JEDI MASTER. A certain master who she won’t meet again for a long time. A long time after the MANDALORIAN WARS




Sera Tana entered the Jedi Temple. The place she called home. The place she called life. The place she now thought as a place she would no longer be allowed to stay in, if exiled. As Sera walked through the corridors of the beautiful temple, Sera took her time in looking around. The Jedi who had remained true to the teachings they had learnt, paced around, ready to consult the Archives for answers about what to do next. Sera knew that she would never enter the Archives again, if exiled. She gripped onto her Lightsaber tightly, never wanting to let it go. The weapon she had used all her life would now be taken away from her, if exiled. Sera could only hope that she wouldn’t be exiled and be given a second chance. Her doubts of second chances dropped as she remembered the strict Jedi Master, Vrook Lamar. He would never give her a second chance. Vrook had never liked her. Sera had heard him talking to the Jedi Grand Master, Vandar about her being a mediocre student. It had hurt Sera’s feelings. There is no emotion, there is peace, Sera thought, trying not to think of the hard times she had had.


“Jedi Tana,” A voice called out, “The Jedi Council will want to see you soon.”


Sera turned around. She saw the Twi’lek Jedi Master, Nauk Grelan. Her and Nauk had been great friends, since they first met when Sera was under the training of her master, Jorran Corral. Jorran’s death, after Sera becoming a Jedi Knight, brought Sera and Nauk closer together. Even the death of Nauk’s apprentice, Quallan Devon, brought the two of them closer together, even though Sera had killed Quallan in a Lightsaber duel. Nauk had told Sera it was the right thing to do. Quallan had fallen to the dark side and he showed no emotion, but anger. Anger to the Jedi. He had killed many Jedi and Nauk believed Sera had given peace to those deceased Jedi, after killing him. Sera however, also regretted that. Would the wise Jedi Masters of the Jedi Council ask her about his death?


“Master Grelan,” Sera called back, as she ran towards him, “I know the Council want to see me soon, that is why I’m here.”


Nauk put his hand on Sera’s shoulder. He smiled at her.


“You’re very brave coming back here,” Nauk told her, “Most Jedi would ignore the possible exile by the Council.”


“Well as a Jedi, it is the only thing I can do,” Sera told him, “I shouldn’t have joined Revan and Malak. I should’ve respected the wisdom of the Jedi Masters and stayed here.”


“Calm young one,” Nauk told her, “The decisions you took have made you the person you are today. Go on, the Jedi Masters are waited and good luck.”


Sera smiled as she walked off, trying to hide her fear from the Jedi Masters.




The door opened as Sera approached the Council meeting room. Five of the wisest of the Order sat, waiting for her to arrive. They were all masters, Sera had known in the past. They were Vrook, Atris, Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell and Lonna Vash.


“Do you know why we have called you here?” Vrook asked immediately.


Sera sighed, hoping she didn’t sound rude. She knew that the masters already knew why she had left, but she decided to tell them. She didn’t want to look as if she was hiding something.


“I’ve come to answer for my crimes on Malachor V,” Sera told him, trying not to break down, because of the guilt she had kept bottled up inside for so long.


“As Revan summoned you,” Kavar began, “So have you come full circle to return to the Jedi.”


“Why did you defy us?” Zez-Kai Ell asked, “The Jedi are guardians of the peace and have been for centuries. This call to war undermines all that we have worked for.”


“Is Revan your master now?” Atris asked, “Or is it the horror you wrought at Malachor that has caused you to see the truth at last?”


Before Sera answered their questions, she thought for a while. Their questions made Sera feel guilty. It was as if she had done all the wrong things in the war. Vrook and Atris would be two of the masters who wanted Sera exiled. Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell wouldn’t be as harsh, however they were concerned, just as the other masters. Sera wasn’t sure about Lonna.


“I realise that following Revan to war was in violation of the Jedi Code - And I broke it, knowingly defying the wishes of the Jedi Council,” Sera told them finally.


“You refuse to hear us,” Zez-Kai Ell told Sera, “You have shut us out, and so have shut yourself to the galaxy. Know that there is no turning back from this judgment. It is good you recognize this. It means you will understand why you must leave us.”


Leave us, Sera thought, would they exile her?


“We feel that your true understanding of what happened at Malachor V will only happen in time,” Zez-Kai Ell continued, “And it cannot happen here, near the battlegrounds where you fought.”


Malachor, Sera thought.


“You are exiled,” Lonna told Sera, “And you are a Jedi no longer.”


“There is one last thing,” Vrook continued, “Your Lightsaber. Surrender it to us.”


Sera grabbed onto the weapon she had used all her life and ignited it. It hummed to life, showing a clear yellow crystal. Sera walked forward towards the centre stone and forced it through the stone. She had no idea what would happen to the Lightsaber. Sera walked off, trying to ignore the glares of the masters.




“How did it go?” Nauk asked as Sera took off her Jedi robe, which was over her tunic.


“I’m sorry master,” Sera told him, “I was exiled.”


Sera could see Nauk’s disappointment, but she knew that he would be caring, unlike the other masters.


“Even though you’re exiled,” Nauk began, “You’ll be remembered as one of the greatest Jedi of this Order. I wish you good luck wherever you go and I hope to see you again. May the Force be with you.”


“So do I master,” Sera told him, “Take care and may the Force be with you.”


Sera left the Jedi Temple, which was no longer her sanctuary. Where Sera would go now she had no idea. Perhaps she would go to her home world of Alderaan and stay there, or somewhere else. Sera Tana, was a Jedi no longer.


The End

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Pottsie, how about we combine the Sera Tana saga all into one thread and you can just make each of the shorties their own chapters? I think it'd work better for you and keep all of the Tana saga in one spot so people don't have to hunt through the various threads to find the next fic in the series--the separate threads won't stay in order, but if you put them all in 1 thread they will. It'll make it a lot easier for the readers, and I think you'll find it easier if you ever need to edit something.

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The second of the Short Fics. It is slightly shorter, but it is a preview of one of the Special Edition Fics in the series, which won't be written for ages. Enjoy.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Star Wars

Zor Krel


ZOR KREL, a successful CHISTORI bounty hunter. Inside the DRUNK SIDE tavern on KORRIBAN, he drinks himself to death. He has nothing better to do, until he finds the perfect partner, who can help him accomplish his task.


KIRA NATASARE, a former JEDI KNIGHT. Now, an aspiring bounty hunter, she has heard of Zor’s troubles of finding a partner. Luckily for him, Kira wants to join Zor in his new task. However, she wants to lay down some rules, if Zor lets her join him…



What does a man have to do to find a good partner nowadays? Zor Krel, one of the galaxy’s most successful bounty hunters, sat inside the Drunk Side tavern. Normally, this would be one of his favourite times, drinking himself to death, until closing time. However, he had many things on his mind. What does a man have to do to find a good partner nowadays? Is there anyone worthwhile to work with? Is there any point trying to find a partner? Zor knew that many other bounty hunters would be after the same thing he was after. He doubted that anybody would work with him. They would betray him soon enough. Or maybe Zor would betray them. Either way, Zor was going soft. He knew however, that he would have to be soft. Having a partner was optional, but it would help Zor out. As his glass was refilled with more Tarisian Ale, Zor noticed a woman in the distance. She was walking towards Zor. He knew that, but he pretended to ignore her, sipping away at his drink. As soon as Zor finished his drink, he noticed the woman, standing patiently.


“Well hello,” Zor began, his one eye beginning to twitch, “And what can I do for you beautiful?”


The woman grabbed a nearby stool and sat down. She was opposite Zor. Zor observed her. She showed no emotion and she didn’t seem like the type of person you wouldn’t want to mess with.


“Zor Krel,” The woman began, “The most successful bounty hunter in the galaxy. I’ve heard of your little problem.”


Zor didn’t want his glass refilled, since he wanted to keep his head clear. It helped business, especially when it came to business like this.


“Have you now?” Zor asked, trying to keep as serious as possible, but even he recognised he was drunk, “Well then, why are you so interested in working with me?”


“Isn’t it obvious?” The woman asked, before answering Zor’s question, “This is my only possible opportunity to work with the greatest bounty hunter and I’m also interested in the task.”


Zor smiled. This was the perfect partner he had been looking for.


“I’m interested in our future together,” Zor told her, “However, what is your name?”


“Does it matter?” The woman asked, her eyebrow rising, “But since you are a person I idolise, I shall do as you wish. I’m Kira Natasare, aspiring bounty hunter.”


“Well, you already know my name,” Zor told her, standing up, ready to leave, “So, we should get going.”


Kira also stood up, ready to leave. She followed Zor out of the tavern, towards the nearby hangar.




“What a piece of junk!” Kira exclaimed, causing several people to look.


Zor felt embarrassed. His ship wasn’t a piece of junk. It had outrun many Sith fighters in the past and avoided the Exchange for as long as Zor could remember. His ship was nice as well. Zor had stolen it from a Sith ship and it was a shuttle. Inside, it contained two bunks and the cockpit. It wasn’t big, but to Zor, it was home.


“Listen beautiful, the Omen is a great ship,” Zor told her, “So get used to it, because we’ll be travelling on this beauty for a while.”


“Fine, since I’m assuming this has at least one bunk, I get the bottom bunk,” Kira told him, “After all I’m the guest. Oh and please don’t call me beautiful ever again, otherwise our time together will be very short indeed.”


Kira walked up the boarding ramp and Zor sighed. Something told him that he might not enjoy this after all.


“But I like the bottom bunk!” Zor shouted, as he ran up the boarding ramp after Kira.


The End

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Good job, Pottsie, your work is as brilliant as usual. Well, I'm not sure if you copied my idea, which I sometimes am a bounty hunter instead of the Jedi Master...But however, feel free to use it. Keep up good work! And, looking forward to your Special Edition!


@Pottsie below: You know, Pottsie, I love this avartar.

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I know I am late in the critique but I am at wits end this week. Now I will quit whining and give my critique.


*clears throat*


Pottsie: Your first shortie/one shot was very good. You gave a clear insight as to what the Exile may have been thinking when she went before the council. Though the actual game dialogue implies it, it is not the same as having it described in a fiction fashion. I enjoyed the excepts with the master that Sera talks to before and after facing judgment. You seemed to have thought that one well out. That one seemed to have a lot of effort put into it.


On the second shortie, I have to say that I was disappointed with you. For some reason I felt that I was grossly left hanging and I didn't know if there was any connection to the previous shortie or if this was a separate incident. Also I have no idea where this is taking place. That you mention a catina or tavern is clear but I wasn't getting the impression of any particular place like Nar Shaddaa or something like that. The meeting seemed to be a bit rushed into and didn't allow for scrutiny or any of the things involved with meeting a new person, especially one that you are wary of. I would have liked to see more description of the ship itself to give the impression that it may not look much on the outside but its got it where it counts. I would have liked to see the justification of the comment that it is a piece of junk. I woud have liked a better description of how Kira found Zor and vice versa in that how they viewed each other. You do give some hints in that with the whole she's a gal that shouldn't be messed with routine but maybe somethign about her posture, te way she moves her hands in conversation, that kind of thing. Overall I think you could work some more on this one and with a bit of polish, it will be better. It is good because I got the concept that you writing a recruitment scene just needs a bit of refinement.


I hope that helps and I would like to see more of your shorties Pottsie. I hope I didn't come across as too harsh or anything.

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You weren't harsh JediMaster12 and the comments you posted were helpful. I'm also glad I recieved some constructive critism, unlike ones I recieved in the past from unhelpful members on other Forums, but let's not go there. The second one was where I really had Writer's Block. The version you saw was the third draft. The other two were a lot worse than that, but I won't get into that. I'll try to improve it some time, when I have the chance and it isn't the best of my Fics. If you want JM12, I can PM you a preview of another Sera Tana Shortie, which I won't release for a while, since I want to release the Shorties in order. It is based on:



Atton's death in TSL, which was cut.



I was thinking of Kira bribing Zor in the second Shortie or maybe a bar fight, and I was thinking of her breaking down, some time after leaving with Zor, because of her exile. I don't know yet. I'll think about it. Thanks for your comments JM12 and I'm looking foward to hearing more from you and the next Chapter of the Heart of Deception.


Oh and the second Shortie is set a month or so after the first Shortie and the Drunk Side is the tavern on Korriban in the first KOTOR.

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Here is the third Shortie, a Prequel to the previous two. I believe it is better than the Zor Krel Shortie, but that is my opinion.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Star Wars

The Fallen Ones


The battle on TRAMOND XXV is almost over. But will it cost several more lives? SERA TANA is about to confront a familiar person, before going to find her leader and the man she loves. REVAN.


Now, the final events on Tramond will soon be over, before going to MALACHOR V and end the MANDALORIAN WARS. Who will win? Sera or her friend, QUALLAN DEVON



Blaster fire and explosions could be heard everywhere. Sera Tana, a young Jedi Knight, used the Force to dodge every single blaster shot, coming from the Mandalorian opposition. She could see her two friends, Revan and Quallan Devon in the distance. Sera could sense the dark side within them. How strong, how impatient it was, how it hungered for power. Sera knew that she had to save Quallan from the path that he had chosen, before Revan would eventually kill him.




“You may rise, Devon,” Revan told Quallan, who stood up.


Quallan was shivering. He had been fighting with Revan for a long time and during their time together, Quallan could sense that the two of them had changed. But not just them. The majority of the Jedi who had followed Revan and his best friend, Malak, had also changed. Quallan knew that only one Jedi hadn’t changed. Sera. The one he had loved, since their first meeting together, when they were younglings. Quallan knew that Revan and Sera were in love together and always had been and that is what made Quallan angry. He wanted Sera for himself. He didn’t want Revan to cause her pain. The only reason Quallan had been dragged down the dark path was because of his strong attraction for Sera.


“You’re weak Devon,” Revan continued, no emotion in his voice, “You wouldn’t have the power to defeat me. Ever. That is why you’ll die here, in the midst of this battle and I shall let the Mandalorians and the planet kill you.”


With one sweep of his black robe, Revan walked away, towards the Sith temple. Quallan really wanted to attack Revan right now, however, he knew how strong Revan had become. Quallan would be dead straight away. In shame, a tear poured down Quallan’s face, because of how he disappointed Revan and Sera.




Sera watched as Revan walked away. He had truly fallen and he had brought all of his supporters down with him. The only supporter, who hadn’t fallen, was Sera. Sera knew that she needed to find Revan, before he brought anyone else down with him. She could only hope that Quallan would help her. If not, then he had fallen as well or he was in shame for being “weak” as Revan just called him. Sera was surprised that the Republic, the Jedi and the Mandalorians hadn’t fought where Quallan was. They were outside the Sith temple. Sera walked towards Quallan.


“Quallan,” Sera began, “Are you alright?”


Quallan stood up and turned to see Sera. He had obviously been upset, but Sera knew that he was over it now. All Sera could see now was the anger within him.


“Sera,” Quallan began, immediately grabbing her hand and holding it tight, “You’re here and you’re alive.”


“Of course I’m alive,” Sera told him, “Listen, Quallan, we need to find Revan and stop him, before he brings…”


Quallan squeezed Sera’s hand more, which was beginning to hurt her. Before speaking again, Quallan threw Sera backwards. Sera’s Lightsaber unclipped from her belt, but Sera used the Force to pull it back to her. She stood up, not ignited her Lightsaber.


“Quallan please, can’t you see what Revan is doing?” Sera asked, “He is bringing everyone down the dark path, can’t you see that? Can’t you see what he did to you?”


Quallan ignited his Lightsaber, a green blade glowing and humming to life.


“Don’t make me kill you Sera,” He warned her, “I loved you. I still love you and even once your dead, I will continue to love you.”


Sera sighed.


“I’ll do what I must,” She told Quallan, “If I’m exiled from the Jedi Order, because of this, I won’t care. I just don’t want you to suffer the same fate as Revan.”


Sera ignited her Lightsaber, a yellow blade glowing and humming to life, which accompanied Quallan’s Lightsaber. Quallan leapt towards Sera, who immediately blocked Quallan’s attack. Sera began with her own attacks, trying to find a weakness in Quallan. He was strong and managed to force Sera back into the Mandalorian battleground. Sera managed to stay away from that battle concentrating on Quallan. If he had fallen and there was no way of redeeming him, Sera knew that she had to kill him. She remembered the story of Jolee Bindo, who had let his wife live, after she fell to the dark side. He had regretted letting her live, after finding out there was no way of redemption. Sera wasn’t there to witness him leaving the Jedi, but it was of his own choice. Would the same thing happen to Sera? Or would she be exiled? Exiled for killing Quallan? Or exiled for following Revan and Malak to war against the Mandalorians, which was against the Jedi Master’s wishes.


“You can’t defeat me, Sera,” Quallan told her, sounding big headed, “But I can defeat you.”


Quallan used the Force to pull a large pillar down, towards Sera, but Sera sensed the pillar coming, so at the last minute, Sera dodged and the pillar crushed Quallan. Sera used the Force to lift up the pillar and checked to make sure Quallan was still alive. He wasn’t.


“I never loved you Quallan,” Sera whispered, “I only liked you as a friend. I loved Revan, but I’m not sure if he ever loved me. He has done horrible things to me, but I’m going to have to live with them for the rest of my life. And I’m going to have to live with your death for the rest of your life.”




From the top of a hill, the Twi’lek Jedi Master, Nauk Grelan had watched Sera and Quallan fight. Quallan was his apprentice and he was felt guilty. He had tried to prevent Quallan from joining Revan and Malak, but over time, Nauk joined them. If only he had tried to be stricter with Quallan.


The battle on Tramond XXV was almost over and Malachor V was under attack. Nauk knew that the Republic would need the Jedi. He ran down the hill and he soon arrived at the location of Sera and Quallan’s battle.


“Jedi Tana,” Nauk began, “You did the right thing. Quallan’s death was necessary.”


“Was it?” Sera asked, “I didn’t want to kill my friend, but I didn’t want to suffer a fate worse than Revan.”


“That is why you did the right thing,” Nauk told her, his voice comforting her, before he turned to look at the sky, seeing many Republic ships leaving Tramond, “There is one last battle we must fight. Malachor V. Are you coming? We will need your skills in this battle.”


Sera nodded, speechless.


“Then let’s go,” Nauk told her, before grabbing Quallan’s Lightsaber, which would be the only thing that would remind him of Quallan.


The End

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This was a nice shortie in that it gives more behind the circumstances for Sera's loss of the Force and eventual exile. You used the classic confrontation of making the fallen one remember what it was like before the fall, the good times as it were. I could tell that this was well thought out and is definitely a step up from the second one you did. However, to be honest, it doesn't hold a candle to the shortie involving Sera meeting with Admiral Onasi. That was the best out of the shorties you had written for it was well thought out and it showed that you took the time to think the situation through.


There were some grammar and person use issues one being...

Quallan had been dragged down the dark path was because of his strong attraction for Quallan.

It know you meant to say Sera but I felt it necessary to point that out to you. Also there was the classic issue of the difference between your and you're. Again that was minor grammar stuff.


As to the plot, I would have dragged out the emotional torment a bit more. You often hear descriptions of the storm raged in his heart or something like that. It just better emphasis a conflict of some sort that is happening like indecision. I would have liked to see more of a conflict within Quallen. What was he thinking when he sent the column flying? Why did he feel the need to kill Sera? It's those things that bring out the character of the person.


P.S: Thanks for the encouragement of The Lost Tales. I finally have an idea and I am going to rewrite the whole thing. I know what I want to do. Thanks Pottsie.

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Thanks once again for your comments JM12. At least it was considered better than the previous Shortie. I was writing this early in the morning, so I was tired and the mistakes will be edited. Once again, thanks for the comments.


Oh and The Lost Tales, will you edit the Thread, or will you start a new Thread for the new edition?

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Always a pleasure to give comments. You have gotten better from the Sith Lord bits that I glimpsed at and that one with the Sith Lord set before TPM.


As to my fic, I was actually going to use the old thread but edit out everything. That way I won't waste any time with deleted threads and the like. It is a whole new thing from scratch but will bear the same title unless I find a good reason to change it.

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When I post the finished Thread, this will be a later Short Fic in the series. I just wanted to post it now, since I want to focus on other unwritten Shorties. Feel free to post your views. This was inspired by the cut content from TSL.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Star Wars

Joke’s on Me


The future is always set into motion. Or is it? Are KREIA’s teachings right? Or wrong? Learning the FORCE is very complex and learning of the future is also complicated.


After the civil war on ONDERON, prior to Kreia’s betrayal on DANTOOINE, on the EBON HAWK, Kreia teaches her current student, the JEDI EXILE, SERA TANA to see into a future. Looking into the future doesn’t mean that it will happen. They are shadows of possible events, as Sera will learn…



The Jedi Exile, Sera Tana, her master Kreia and Mandalore, leader of the Mandalorian Clan, Ordo arrived at the Ebon Hawk, which they had landed deep in the jungles of Dxun. Sera’s second trip to Onderon hadn’t been successful. Although she had managed to save Queen Talia from death and Master Kavar too. Atton Rand was already there waiting. He was waiting with Mical the Disciple and Mira. Mical, Mira and Mandalore got on board the Ebon Hawk, while Atton talked with Sera and Kreia.


“So how did your holiday in Onderon go?” Atton asked.


“Now, Onderon has only one leader,” Sera told him, “Queen Talia.”


“Well that’s good to hear,” Atton commented, “When two leaders are vying for power, it’s always the little guy who gets pushed around the most.”


“Let’s get going,” Sera told Atton, walking up the boarding ramp into the Ebon Hawk.


On the way back to Dxun, Kreia had told Sera that she had something to teach her. Something that was different to the other things Sera had learnt in the past. Sera was excited in a way. Despite her and Kreia’s different opinions of the Force and the galaxy, Sera still respected her wisdom.




Inside the port dormitory, Kreia sat down in a meditating position, Sera opposite. She also sat in the same position.


“Close your eyes,” Kreia told Sera, who immediately obeyed, “And listen only to my voice and nothing of the machinery of this vessel.”


Sera listened to Kreia’s words. She knew what Kreia was going to do. Kreia would go deep into her mind and show her the possible future. Whether it was good or bad, Sera had no idea. With Kreia’s help, Sera was learning how to read her companion’s minds. Sera’s thoughts were disturbed as her mind showed her the possible future.




In the distance, Sera noticed Darth Sion, fighting her companion, Atton Rand. Both red and yellow Lightsabers clashed with each other, as their wielders tried to find a weakness in each other. Sera couldn’t move. Sion had used the Force to stun her, yet Sera could still see what was happening. Atton’s grip on his Lightsaber was failing, as Sion broke Atton’s Lightsaber, with one swipe of his. Atton was left unarmed. There was no way he could win. Atton’s reaction to his Lightsaber being destroyed wasn’t quick enough and Sion forced his Lightsaber into Atton. As soon as Sera was released from her stun, she ran towards Atton and grabbed him. Atton’s eyes slowly opened and he was surprised to see Sera.


“You’re… alive!” Atton began, ailing in pain, “Did I save you yet?”


“Yes,” Sera told him, tears starting to pour down from her eyes.


“You’re eyes, that bad huh?” Atton asked, starting to cough, “Always was ugly. Now the outside matches.”


Sera wiped a tear from her eye before speaking again.


“What are you talking about?” Sera asked, confused.


Atton continued to cough, his coughs becoming more painful, but he was trying to stay alive as long as he could.


“Was waiting for this, but… not fair,” He continued, “Let you down, was supposed to save you. Tired of living anyway. Too many deaths. Never told you. Lied to you.”


“Atton?” Sera asked, hoping he would stay alive a while longer.


“I don’t want you to see me like this, I don’t want to die in front of you, can’t bear it,” Atton told her, knowing that what he was saying, was hard for Sera to understand, because of his condition, “Loved you from the moment, I saw you. Thought you were a dream, meant every word. Tried to play it off as a joke, wasn’t funny.”


Both Sera and Atton laughed, but Atton was coughing even more violently. The two of them stopped and Atton let his hand touch Sera’s face. It would be the last time the two of them would ever meet.


“Hurts when I laugh, hurts. You saved me. Joke’s on me. Hurts when I laugh, hurts…”


With those words, Atton died and Sera cried, alone.




Sera’s mind returned to normal and she didn’t speak. Kreia smiled at seeing her speechless.


“That can’t happen,” Sera told Kreia, breaking her silence, “I won’t it let it happen, I…”


“Hush,” Kreia interrupted, “There is something about you that has changed. You have feelings for the fool, don’t you?”


Kreia was right? But was she? Sera and Atton had always got along, ever since they had met on Peragus, a while ago. Sera felt that their relationship had grown stronger, since she had trained him in the ways of the Force, but, he couldn’t die. He seemed stronger than her, even under Kreia’s hating of him. Sera got up, sensing that they had landed on Dantooine. Sera sensed that the Jedi Masters had returned to Dantooine. She needed to hurry, since she didn't want to keep them waiting all day.


The fool will suffer, Kreia thought, as Sera left the dormitory.


The End

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Another shortie to critique!


*clears throat*


OK. Like many others who are excited about the Restoration Project, I have to say that you handled it quite well. What was truly enjoyable was the fact that Kreia was cruel enough to show her but it belied the fact that she wanted to see what Sera was hiding from her. The meditation sequence was a nice touch in tying how the other lessons involving listening and the like together.


My only problem was like the Bastila-Carth-Sera piece that you did, the ending was a bit rushed. Not blatantly obvious but it was there. I would have added more to it trying to put forth this confusion and denial. A comment like: 'The thoughts raced wildly through her mind like a swoop out of control.' It would also give a reason for Sera to get up and abruptly leave the dormitory.


That last line by Kreia, was a brilliant touch. It showed Kreia's contempt for Atton. It makes you wonder why she thinks him the fool even though she had already invaded his mind and found his secret. To make it better I would have left it just 'The fool will suffer' but put it in italics and make it into a thought. It would tie in better with Kreia being the manipulator behind the Exile's back.

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This was the first Shortie I wrote, but I didn't post it for so long and I'm glad you liked it JM12. I edited the Shortie slightly making the ending better and thanks for the comments JM12. The "Bastila-Carth-Sera" piece is the Leaving for the Unknown Regions Part isn't it? Well, I'm adding Chapters onto that, showing Sera and the others leaving Malachor and how they split up. Thanks for your comments once again JM12 and trust me, you won't have a Shortie to comment on for a while.

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Okay, so I lied, here is the fifth Shortie. This was inspired by the Fic, Apathy Is Death from FanFiction.Net and it was written by one of my favourite writers. I don't deserve any credit for this Fic, since it has the same plot as the Fic above, but a bit different. Since the vision on my TSL game repeats itself after the first time, that is how I ended it. The reason why Mandalore, etc aren't in the tomb, is because in my game, by this point, I've only completed Dantooine, but Atton is shown as a Jedi when he shouldn't be. Enjoy.


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Star Wars

Apathy is Death


The tomb of LUDO KRESSH. A long forgotten tomb on KORRIBAN. It has been rediscovered by the JEDI EXILE, SERA TANA and her two companions, ATTON RAND and MICAL. With KREIA’s teachings echoing through Sera’s mind, Sera is to enter the tomb alone, taking three tests, showing her past and her future.


After completing two tests of her past, including joining REVAN and MALAK in the MANDALORIAN WARS and helping the REPUBLIC forces on DXUN, Sera is reunited with KREIA. But she has changed. In ways that the tomb might be responsible for…



Sera Tana, the Jedi Exile, walked through the sinister tomb of Ludo Kressh. She walked through the tomb. Sera opened the ancient door in front of her and saw a figure in the distance. Who was it? Sera wanted to find out. It couldn’t be any worse than the previous two visions she had experienced. Sera walked towards the figure and Sera knew who it was. Under the black hood of the figure’s robe, Sera could see that it was Kreia. Normally, Kreia was dressed in a brown robe and had white eyes. Now her eyes had become black. A common facial appearance in the dark side or so Sera thought. Kreia looked up and noticed her. She spoke immediately.


“You are to be commended for making it this far,” Kreia told Sera, “How do you feel?”


Okay, Sera thought, this is different to the other two visions. The last vision had Sera helping her old Republic forces attack the Mandalorians and the vision before that had Sera being recruited into the Mandalorian Wars.


“I don’t know Kreia,” Sera told her, “This tomb has… changed me and I’m not sure I like it. I want to leave this tomb as soon as…”


“Don’t worry,” Kreia told her, her voice now comforting, “The others and I will help you understand.”


Others? Like…


“Get away from her!” Atton’s voice shouted from behind both Sera and Kreia, “She’s a Dark Jedi.”


“What makes you say that?” Sera asked, playing along with the visions as she had done before.


Kreia ignited her Lightsaber and instead of her Lightsaber with a green blade, it was red. Red, the colour of the dark side, but Sera had met many Jedi who had used a red Lightsaber.


“Atton, I’ve had enough of your snide contempt!” Kreia shouted at Atton, threatening him with her Lightsaber.


Atton in turn ignited his Lightsaber, a yellow blade hummed to life, in tune with Kreia’s Lightsaber. Atton also threatened Kreia with his Lightsaber, but both of them kept their distance. Atton and Kreia were fighting and Sera was stuck in the middle. She had to stop them, before any of them did something stupid.


“Atton no,” Sera told him, “There is still hope for redemption. Many from the dark side have returned to the light. I mean, look at Revan.”


That didn’t work. The Iridonian, Bao-Dur entered the small room. He ignited his double-bladed blue Lightsaber.


“Stay out of this Bao-Dur!” Kreia warned, “This is a personal dispute between Atton and myself.”


Bao-Dur looked angry. As he stood next to Atton.


“You’re threatening Atton with a Lightsaber and I should just stay out of it?” Bao-Dur asked, before answering his own question, whispering, “No.”


As Kreia, Atton and Bao-Dur threatened each other with different flurries with their Lightsabers the utility droid, T3-M4 entered the room. He supported Atton and Bao-Dur, beeping his feelings on the matter.


“The three of you would challenge me?” Kreia asked, provoking Atton with her Lightsaber, before turning to Sera, “It is true, I have fallen to the dark side. You have but only two choices on this matter. Will you aid your one handed master against your companions, or will you stand with them to defeat me and complete all that I’ve trained you to learn.”


“I haven’t fallen to the dark side Kreia!” Sera told her, “I need to think on this.”


As Sera thought, two of her other companions entered the small room. The Miraluka, Visas Marr and Mical the Disciple. In turn, Visas ignited her red Lightsaber and Mical ignited his double-bladed green Lightsaber. Sera stood in the middle of all of her friends, trying to make her decision.


“Think again Kreia!” Atton shouted, “Your dark influence will come to an end.”


Sera ignited her Lightsaber, its blue blade lighting up the room, as the other Lightsabers had done.


“I…” She began, “It seems you all can’t work together any more and I’m no longer responsible for your actions. I stand alone.”


With those words, Kreia and the others glared at Sera.


“You refuse to side with anyone?” Kreia asked mockingly.


“You must choose a side,” Visas agreed.


“If you don’t choose a side, you’re no longer whole,” Mical continued.


“Meeting you was nothing but trouble,” Atton continued.


Sera stared at all of them.


“No,” She told them, “I’m not choosing a side and this tomb is messing with my mind. Now if any of you care about me, none of you should be fighting and help me in my quest to find the Jedi Masters.”


“You would choose apathy?” Kreia asked angrily, “Kill the apathy!”


“What did you say?” Sera asked, surprised at what she had said.


“Apathy is death,” Atton told her.


“Apathy is death,” Bao-Dur whispered.


T3 beeped the same thing, before the other companions continued.


“Apathy is death,” Mical warned her.


“Apathy is death,” Visas muttered.


“Kill the Apathy!” Kreia told them.


With those final words, everyone ran towards Sera. She was alone. Her companions had turned on her. The ones who had remained loyal to her, the ones who had helped her, the ones who had been honoured to be with her. Sera knew that killing her old friends would be the only way to escape the tomb. She wanted to leave the tomb as soon as possible. Sera used the Force to destroy T3, who disappeared. Sera turned towards the others. Their chanting became louder, echoing around the small room. Sera couldn’t escape the words, “Apathy is death”. Sera ducked as Bao-Dur tried to attack Sera. Dodging another attack from Bao-Dur, Sera immediately cut his legs off. Bao-Dur disappeared too. Two down, four to go. Sera rolled towards Mical, and beheaded him, who also disappeared. Visas raised her Lightsaber, ready to strike, but Sera immediately kicked her in the face, forcing her backwards. She disappeared too. Atton and Kreia were left. The tomb had influenced Sera to use the power of the dark side and she shot a bolt of lightning at Kreia, who didn’t block the attack and Sera killed Atton. Sera stood there, exhausted.




Sera had stood in the room for over an hour. She was devastated at what she had down to her friends. Why did she stand-alone? Had the power of the dark side taken her? Had the fact that her companions were threatening each other caused her to stand-alone? Or was it Kreia? Or was it the tomb itself? It was making her go insane. Sera knew that she had made a mistake. Coming to Korriban had been a mistake. The Jedi Master, Lonna Vash had been killed and she had learnt pointless lessons of the Sith. Sera sighed as she walked away.


“Consider yourself apathy Exile,” Kreia’s voice echoed in her head, but Sera turned around to see Kreia, “You are to be commended for making it this far.”


The entire vision had started itself off again. Would Sera ever leave the tomb of Ludo Kressh?


The End

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I was just thinking and I wanted someone to request a Shortie you would like to see Sera in. Nothing AU, Crossover, etc. Feel free to request it from the Mandalorian Wars onwards to TSL. Anyway, a Spoiler for the final Fic below:



The last Fic will be written in first person view.


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