The Architect Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 What would you do with KotOR/TSL party members in KotOR III? And screw canon. I want to know what you'd do with them if Revan is set as a LSM, LSF, DSM or DSF and I want to know what you'd do with them if the Exile is set as a LSF, LSM, DSF or DSM. Don't just go by canon or ignore DSM/DSF Revan and DSF/DSM Exile, capish? Here’s what I’d do with the party members of KotOR and TSL in KotOR III: Well first of all, I’d make some fixed decisions on some of the characters: Bastila: I’d make her alive regardless of Revan’s gender/alignment. I’d make it that she’s searching for Revan no matter what. I’d make it that she’s become more of a ‘Kyle Katarn philosophy, greyish’ type of character no matter what. I’d make it that she becomes the PC of KotOR III’s master no matter what after she saves him/her from a ‘terrible event’. Carth: I’d make it that regardless of Revan’s gender/alignment; he is alive and is an Admiral in the Republic fleet, whose goal is to rebuild the Republic. HK-47 & T3-M4: They become party members in KotOR III no matter what. Mandalore (Canderous Ordo): No matter what, he’s leading, regrouping and rebuilding the Mandalorian Clans, as ordered by Revan, and he’s constructing a defence across the outer-rim of the galaxy, as ordered by the Exile before he/she departed. Jolee: If Revan is set as DS, then he is dead. If Revan is set as LS, then he’s leading an underground movement on Sleheyron whose goal is to help the poor and oppressed and try and smuggle them off the horrible planet. Depending on the characters choices, if Jolee is alive, you have the choice to try and convince him to return to the new Jedi Order, kill him or just leave him and let him continue his business on Sleheyron. Mission and Zaalbar: If Revan is set as DS, they are dead. If Revan is set as LS, then they are on Myrkr trying to help a group of rogue Wookiees who were escaped slaves of Czerka who fled Kashyyyk during the Jedi Civil War in search of a new life to cooperate with the native Neti against Czerka Corporation, who have set up a slave trading operation on the planet. Depending on the characters choices, if Mission and Zaalbar are alive, you have the choice of helping Czerka and killing them, siding against them and instead letting Hanharr (that’s right you heard me) kill them, or you could side with Mission and Zaalbar and stop Hanharr and Czerka. You’d have the choice to fight Hanharr yourself, or let Zaalbar fight him. Juhani: If Revan is set as DS, she’s dead. If Revan is set as LS, you discover in some datapad somewhere that she died on the planet of Katarr. Kreia: I say give her a cameo as a force ghost, where she tells the PC something important. Atton: If the Exile is set as LS, he’s helping recruit and train new force sensitives, as part of the attempt to rebuild the new Jedi Order. If the Exile is set as DS, then he’s helping recruit and train new force sensitives, as part of the attempt to build a new Sith Order. Visas: If the Exile is set as LS, she’s the leader of the new Jedi Order. If the Exile is set as DS, she’s the leader of the new Sith Order. Mira: She’s doing what Atton’s doing if the Exile is set as LS. She’s dead if the Exile is set as DS. Bao-Dur: He’s the lightsaber combat trainer for the new Jedi Order or the new Sith Order depending on the Exile’s alignment. He also helps new students construct their lightsabers and teaches them about different types of lightsaber crystals. GO-TO: He’s dead. Gone. Caput. Destroyed. Regardless. Hanharr: I’d make him alive no matter what, simply because I want to see him fight Zaalbar if Revan is set as LS. Hanharr is trying to get the rogue group of Wookiees on Myrkr to fight down all opposition, and then punish their former Czerka masters before claiming the planet for their own. Depending on the player’s choices, you may or may not help Hanharr achieve his goal. Brianna the Handmaiden: If the Exile is LS, she is helping out Bao-Dur as a combat trainer (lightsaber and force powers) for the new Jedi Order. If the Exile is a DSM, she is not only a combat trainer for the new Sith Order, but also the historian. If the Exile is a DSF, then you will discover that Atton tried to recruit her, she refused and he killed her. Mical the Disciple: If the Exile is LS, he is the historian for the new Jedi Order, who occasionally helps Bao-Dur and the Handmaiden with combat training. If the Exile is a DSF, then he is a historian/combat trainer for the new Sith Order. If the Exile is a DSM, then you discover that Atton tried to recruit him, he refused so Atton killed him. What do you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allronix Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 I've a K3 scenario that will not fit what the canon will be at all, but here it goes. First off, Revan is LSF, Exile was DSM -------------------------------------------------------------- Kreia: A True Sith never dies, and she's been one all along. She's an evil Force Spirit now, still trying to shred the web of life. Exile: Kreia succeeded in converting him to her point of view. Taking the name "Darth Terminus," he and his crew seek to destroy the Force. Revan: Bushwacked by Kreia, Nihilus and Sion and now imprisoned in a True Sith outpost. And in the blue corner: Carth and Canderous: It's so far under the table as to be scraping floorboard, but they still are close friends and working together. Canderous is a smart man, and realizes that the Mandalorians' service to the Sith has brought them nothing - so why not work with the Republic this time? As for Carth? Well, he knows the Republic is a sinking ship, and will continue to sink unless there is a symbol, a rallying point to bring it all together. That, and he has this terrible sense that Revan's in danger... Mical: He's known Carth since before K1, and treats "the Admiral" with the same respect and obedience he would give a Master. My Exile thrashed him and left him for dead on Dantooine (letting him see the slaughter of the surviving Masters), so Mical is fighting very Carth-like emotions of betrayal and revenge. Atris: Exile stripped her of the Force and left her behind on Telos, broken and defeated. She joins the party to atone for what she did in betraying the Jedi before. Mission: They head to Kashyyyk to get her help in unlocking the navcomputer. She's been living there as a defacto ambassador to the Wookiees, and is considered Zaalbar's honor-sister by the tribe. Zaalbar: Cannot come along (see Hanharr), but offers Kashyyyk as a haven should they need one and lets Mission go with the crew to help. T3-M4 - They find him on a junk heap, and have to repair him to find out what's going on. Bao-Dur: He went back to Telos and nursed Atris back to health. He's the one they go to to fix T3-M4, but he decides to stay on Telos rather than coming with, since he knows Exile will use his anger against him. Juhani: Hiding out on Dxun in the Mandalorian camp under the disguise of a Cathar fortuneteller. Canderous hid her before Exile showed up, and kept her out of Kreia's sight. And in the Red Corner: Atton: Hopelessly devoted to Exile, and utterly crazy. He's still thirsty for Jedi blood, and he REALLY despises Mical. He may use the Force, but he's just as much out to destroy it as Terminus is. Handmaiden: The Exile took her down a very dark path, and seduced her in every way possible. The party runs across her on Dxun, but it turns out she ran away from him once she realized she was pregnant. After defeating her, Juhani decides that "this one will be my responsibility." Go-To: Back on the Exchange, still running things, and taking over Republic worlds by economics and politicial favors rather than force, because he cannot stand the "ineffeciency," and has broken his loyalty programming. He uses everything at his disposal to throw at the rescue effort and slow Carth and Canderous down. HK-47: MUCH prefers Exile-Master to Revan-Master. And Exile is his legitimate owner now. He's commanding the HK-50's across the galaxy as payment from Go-to. Hanharr: Goes back to Kashyyyk to kille the party. Ends up killing Freyyr and capturing Mission. Zaalbar helps kill the wacky Wookiee, but has to stay and lead his people. Mission offers to go as a way of helping him satisfy both his obligations at home and lifedebt to Revan. Vaklu: Still in power, but facing challenges from all sides. Onderon is a haven for Exile and he is encouraging and giving aid to other sedition movements across the Outer Rim. Dead: Jolee: Nihilus killed him sometime after Katarr, but he died saving a ship full of refugees. Bastila: Either on the Star Forge, or on Katarr, trying to use her Battle Meditation against the Sith threat. Visas Marr: She killed herself to weaken both Exile and Nihilus, but only succeeded in letting the former destroy the latter. Dustil: Not really dead, but the attack that killed Jolee sucked most of the life out of the younger Onasi, leaving him in a permanant vegetative state. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diego Varen Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 Nice Thread Architect, you should do this on Obsidian and I might come back to read it. Anyway, I'm boring, since I go by canon, which means my Revan is LSM and my Exile is LSF. The people highlighted in blue are alive, the ones in red are dead and the ones in yellow are unknown. --------------- KOTOR Diego Varen (Revan): Out in the Unknown Regions, after the True Sith threat. Trask Ulgo: Died on the Endar Spire. Carth Onasi: Alive, leading the Republic and trying to keep it strong. Mission Vao: Serving alongside Zaalbar and Freyyr on Kashyyyk. Zaalbar: The current leader of Kashyyyk, after his father Freyyr stepped down. Bastila Shan: With the new Jedi Order in the Telos Academy, since the one on Coruscant will take longer to build. She has taken Revan's position as one of the two Grand Masters, until Revan returns. T3-M4: With the party once again, who joins you from the beginning and as good as he was in TSL. Canderous Ordo: Rebuilding the Mandalorian Clans on the Mandalorian Planet, which I've forgotten what it's called. Juhani: Unknown. Some say she died on Katarr, with Nihilus' attack, while others say she is somewhere in the galaxy, looking for Revan. HK-47: Like T3, with the party once again and for once, he is with you at the beginning and he will hopefully be more useful, but still keeping his good or evil sense of humour. Jolee Bindo: See Juhani above. Exactly the same. --------------- TSL Sera Tana (The Jedi Exile): Searching for Revan in the Unknown Regions. She left the Ebon Hawk with Atton. 3C-FD: Destroyed early in TSL. Kreia: Died along with Malachor V, but may return as a Force Ghost. Atton: With the new Jedi Order in the Telos Academy, since the one on Coruscant will take longer to build. He has taken the Exile's position as one of the two Grand Masters, until the Exile returns. He now has a similar attitude to Kyle Katarn, while keeping his Han Solo attitude. T3-M4: See T3-M4 above. Bao-Dur: The Jedi Weapons Master of the new Jedi Order. He helps you to build your new Lightsaber. His remote died along with Malachor V. Brianna: The Jedi Historian/Jedi Duelist who trains the new students in history and Lightsaber combat. Even though she didn't join my Exile, she was trained by Atton when Atris was arrested by Atton. She is currently helping Mical find students for the new Jedi Order. Mical: The Jedi Historian/Jedi Master who trains the new students in history and Force combat. Helps serve alongside Carth and is helping Brianna find students. Visas Marr: Jedi Master. She is currently rebuilding Katarr and will not appear in the game. Mandalore: See Canderous Ordo above. Mira: On a forgotten planet, somewhere, otherwise unknown. Hanharr: Survived Malachor and is now after Mira, but makes new enemies and is also willing to kill Zaalbar's tribe. GO-TO: Died along with Malachor V. HK-47: See HK-47 above. --------------- Major/Minor Characters Darth Malak: Died on the Star Forge, but as a Jedi and not a Sith. Dustil Onasi: After completing his training with Atris, prior to KOTOR III, was sent to Katarr. It is unknown if he survived. Master Vandar Tokare: Survived Katarr, before being killed by Sion. Master Zhar Lestin: Died on Katarr. Master Dorak: Died on Katarr. Master Vrook Lamar: Died by the hands of Kreia. Master Lonna Vash: Killed by Sion. Master Kavar: Died by the hands of Kreia. Master Zez-Kai Ell: Died by the hands of Kreia. Darth Sion: Survived Malachor and is now serving with the True Sith and still wants Revan and the Exile dead. Darth Nihilus: Perhaps he might return, but stronger than he was before. Chodo Habat: Helping rebuild Telos. Is one of the Jedi Masters of the new Jedi Order after revealing himself as a Jedi Master from after the Mandalorian Wars. Moza: Serving with Chodo and is the second in command. Atris: The Exile allowed her to live, forgiving her, but she was still arrested. Soon after she ran away. It is unknown where she is now, but she is now a true Jedi and won't follow the Sith. HK-50/HK-51's: Thanks to HK, both HK droids serve the Republic and the new Jedi Order. Similar to the Clones in the Prequel Trilogy. The Handmaiden Sisters: Killed by Atton, when he went to find Atris. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rabish Bini Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 Revan - Alive, somewhere Bastila - Looking for Revan Carth - Admiral of Republic, helping rebuild Telos Zaalbar - If DS Revan, if LS, dead Kashyyyk, Cheftien Mission - If DS Revan, dead if LS, With Zaalbar Canderous/Mandalore - Rebuilding Mandalorians on Mandalore Juhani - If DS Revan, dead, if LS, on Coruscant Jolee - If DS Revan, dead, if LS Revan, searching for Revan HK-47 - With Revan, still pulling classic one-liners T3-M4 - Also with Revan Exile - With Revan Kreia - Dead Bao-Dur - Died on Malachor V, how is unknown Visas - Making a new Kataar Handmaiden - Helping rebuild Telos Mira - If DS Exile, dead, if LS, ent back to Nar-Shaddaa, fell in love with Atton Atton - If DS Exile, on Coruscant, if LS, on Nar-Shaddaa, in love with Mira Hanhaar - If DS Exile, following Exile, if LS, dead Have I left anyone out? I don't think so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bothan10 Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 Major Characters Revan Alive, out hunting the true sith. Exile Hunting Revan, either to join him or destroy him, depending on alignment. Bastila If Revan is male, she was spared by Revan. If Revan was female, she was mortally wounded but rescued from the Star Forge by Carth. During the events of KOTOR 2 she hid from the jedi, fearing retribution for turning to the dark side. Eventually she found the light again (if Revan was DSM), and returned to lead the new Jedi Council. She has developed as a character, and is now less arrogant, quieter, and seemingly haunted by her past. She is torn between seeking out Revan (for revenge (DSF), to redeem (DSM), to forgive (LSF), or for love (LSM)) and her duties as a Jedi. Carth Leads the New Republic Fleet. He has possibly been told of the nature of the True Sith by Revan, and if so is preparing the defences. Zaalbar and Mission If Revan is DS, they aren't mentioned. If LS, they are possibly together on Kashyyk, with Mission as a republic ambassador to the Wookies and Zaalbar as their leader. Juhani Not mentioned. Either killed by Revan or just disappeared. HK-47 HK-47 and his droids act as guards for the new Jedi Order (rather unhappily serving a whole building full of pacifist meatbags). The Exile has installed him with commands to stop the Jedi if they show signs of opposing him (DS Exile) or falling to the Dark Side (LS Exile). HK-47 could warn you of this if you start to fall too far in the "wrong" direction, giving you and opportunity to reprogram him. However, doing this could cause the HK-51s to activate their program, causing a big Jedi vs Droid battle at the academy. T3-M4 Utility droid at the Jedi Enclave. Canderous Continues to rebuild the Mandalorians. He is getting old and weak now, facing threats from younger, aggressive Mandalorians who might take his clan in the wrong direction. Jolee If Revan was DS, he survived the battle in the temple. For both DS and LS Revan, he spent some time on Rakata before going and wandering the galaxy. An early mission could be seeking him out and attempting to persuade him to aid the Jedi Council. Atton Serves on the Jedi Council. Handmaiden Weapons Trainer for the Jedi Council. Possibly your trainer at start of game? Disciple Force Trainer for the Jedi Council. Mira If Exile was LS, mention of her doing work for the Jedi on a far off planet. If exile was DS, she's been killed by Hanharr. Visas Following the Exile or dead. Hanharr Died at Malachor. Bao-dur Kreia seems to suggest that he is alive. Possibly on the Jedi Council, in charge of the Ebon Hawk. G0-T0 Destroyed at Malachor. Perhaps he had a backup A.I. somewhere, but i think most people would prefer that he's gone for good. Deciding the actual alignment of the Jedi Council is tricky. Having LS and DS options for the whole council would lead to a lot of differences between games, almost too many. Since most of the Jedi are, at heart, Light (no matter how much the Exile influenced them), I think we can stick with a proper Jedi Council (no Sith), but much "greyer" than the former council. A DS Revan/DS Exile setting could lead to an interesting situation where the whole council are reformed Dark Side Jedi. Perhaps you could influence the council. That would be an interesting "mini-game" of sorts, using your deeds off planet and conversations with council members to cause confrontation and destruction within the council. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Salzella Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 tough one... Revan: story revolves around his return from Unknown Regions, being perhaps pursued by something, rescued by the Exile... Exile: See above. Leader of the little group mentioned in Jolee + Juhani. Bastila: Possible member of New Jedi Council, depending on player choices early on. Dies, leading to wreckless abandonment from Revan, from which the stry evolves. Carth Onasi: Admiral of the Republic Fleet still, influential figurehead, supports Revan + Bastila rather than the Senate. Kreia: Dead. HK-47: not sure, probaby leave him alone. Canderous: Same as HK. Juhani + Jolee: Part of some sort of Jedi group, seperate from the Order, yet still serving the Republic, as a protector. Mical: Member of council having been trained by the Exile, wise and powerful. Mission and Zalbaar: either Dead (if Revan is DS) or tagging along with the Jedi Protectors mentioned above. Mira: i don't like her so she can die. G0-T0: Don't like him either, so he can be destryed in some sort of criminal dispute or something... Atton: Along with the Exile, leader of the Jedi group. Bao-Dur: Right-hand man to Carth, technical thingummy. Hanharr: dead. Visas Marr: Council member. That's all i can think of, at any rate... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Titanius Anglesmith Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 Revan: Searching for the True Sith in the Unknown Regions. Bastila Shan: Regardless of Revan's gender/alignment, she is/was searching for Revan in the Unknown Regions and could possibly become the PC's master in KotOR III. Carth Onasi: Regardless of Revan's gender/alignment, he is alive, an Admiral in the Republic fleet, and in charge of the Telos Restoration Project. T3-M4: In the party in KotOR III, regardless of Revan or the Exile's gender/alignment. HK-47: Same as T3-M4 Canderous Ordo/Mandalore: Still the Mandalore, and he is rebuilding the Mandalorian clans on Mandalore regardless of Revan's or the Exile's gender/alignment. Jolee Bindo: If Revan was DS, then he is dead. If Revan was LS, then he is off on some planet secretly helping out a gorup of poor, defenseless people. Juhani: If Revan was DS, then she is dead. If Revan was LS, then her fate is Unknown. She might be alive, or she might have died on Katarr. Zalbaar: If Revan was DS, then he is dead. If Revan was LS, then he is the Chieftain of Kashyyyk. Mission Vao: If Revan was DS, then she is dead. If Revan was LS, then she lives on Kashyyyk with Zalbaar. The Exile: Searching for Revan in the Unknown Regions regardless of gender/alignment or Revan's gender/alignment. Kreia: Dead. Shows up as a Force ghost. Atton Rand: In charge of recruiting Force sensitives to help rebuild the Sith/Jedi Order, depending on the Exile's alignment. Visas Marr: The leader of the rebuilt Sith/Jedi Order, depending on the Exile's alignment. Bao-Dur: The lightsaber combat trainer of the rebuilt Sith/Jedi Order, depending on the Exile's alignment. Mira: If the Exile is DS, then she is dead. If the Exile is LS, then she is helping Atton recruit Force sensitives to the rebuilt Jedi Order. Brianna: Helping Bao-Dur teach lightsaber combat in the rebuilt Sith/Jedi Order, depending on the Exile's alignment. She is also a historian. Mical: The Force technique trainer in the rebuilt Sith/Jedi Order, depending on the Exile's alignment. He is also a historian along with Brianna. GO-TO: Destroyed. Dead. Gone. Adios. Historical. Good riddance. Regardless. Understand? Hanharr: Unknown. He might still be hunting Mira, or he might come back to Kashyyyk with a group of Czerka slavers to try to reestablish the slave trade there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Henz Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 Returning characters I'd have: Playable: The Droids Small part characters: Carth, Bastilla, Canderous, (Revan set to light) older and cooler Mission, Ghost of Kreia. Maybe a few more but my point is not many. I really don't see the point in getting bogged down with this stuff in a new game. My choice: Pre-Nihlus Nihlus. I'd love to meet him; even have him as a playable team member. I just think he was such an odd character in TSL and particulary a character... ... that can essentially be designed as a new one, with a hell of a lot of potential for character development. ... that suffered the same outcome from TSL every time. ... that could provide some backstory in previous games, being involved in a lot of it. ... that could have easily escaped what looked like his death. I'd love to see him as a normal looking former power; who is basically and average joe. You could help him rekindle his connection to the force, kind of like the exile. However, this time the world ending potential isn't you, it's a party member. As a player you could influence his development. Train him jedi style and you've got a cool sde-kick; feed him too much sith stuff and he'll turn on you late in the game. Iunno; thats one idea. I think he has so much potential to well though. I htink Bao-Dur is definately a character that should not return. For one, it could be speculated that he died on on the last planet. Also, I've played as dark before and had him still be light. I'd rather not have him pigeon holed like many of the other charactrs could. Finally, he was a bit **** anyhoo lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 Allronix, that was...awesome. I like it, especially of how "Darth Terminius" attempts to destroy the Force. While it is unlikely to be K3's storyline, I love it regradless, and hope there would be a possiblity to actually ally with Darth Terminius and the True Sith, since people like me actually are Kreia sympathizers and would like the possiblity of destroying the Force... Revan: (Regardless of Alignment) Searching for the True Sith. Bastila Shan: (LS Revan, quite possibly only Male) Now a Jedi Master, she is out to unify the galaxy together for her love...Revan. Mostly sits in the back of a battle and do Battle Medidation. Very "special", using the more negative connotation of the term "special". She recently disappered, looking for Revan. (DS Revan) Searching for Revan now as a former Sith Lord. (Regardless of Alignment) Will help player find Revan. Canderous Ordo (Regardless of alignment): Completes the construction of the Mandalorian clans into a single fighting unit. Mandalorains are calling for war, so Canderous sends them off to battle the True Sith. Mandalorians get defeated rather quickly...almost as if they are now reduced to canon fooder. Slowly, Canderous comes to realize that Kreia and DS Revan are right...that the Mandalorians are done for. Carth: (LS Revan) An Admrial in the Republic navy. Serving because of his love for Revan. (DS Revan) Killed by Revan after spurning Carth's call for redemeption. In game, his role is taken over by Cede, serving because of his love for Telos. T3-M4 (regardless of alignment): Unlocks the astrogentical charts so that The Exile can locate the True Sith. Is in party. Jolee Bindo: (DS Revan) Dead. (LS Revan) Unknown. Some datapads suggests that Jolee joined with the ill-fated Conclave on Kataar for a temporary alliance to destroy the Sith. Juhani: (DS Revan) Dead. (LS Revan) Unknown. Some datapads suggets that Juhani joined with the ill-fated Conclave on Kataar, following orders from the Jedi Order. Zalbaar and Mission: (DS Revan) Dead. (LS Revan) ...Unknown. Exile: (LS) Leaves to fight the True Sith, letting the Lost Jedi create the Jedi Order by themselves. (DS) Creates a new Sith Order, and teaches his new Force Users (sent from Onderon as "service rendered" from General Vaklu) so they can combat the True Sith [and take over the Republic, while they're at it]. Teachings are greatly inspired by Revan and Kreia. After Exile forms an army, hands the reigns over to Visas and leaves. Kreia: (Regardless of Alignment) Sith Force Ghost, out to "show others the way". Rumored to actually be a True Sith...or quite possibly, a former True Sith. Visas: (LS Exile) A redeemed Jedi Master, out to stop the True Sith, as well as destroy the remenants of the False Sith as well. Visits Kattar from time to time, trying to see something over there... (DS Exile) New head of the Sith Order after Exile leaves. Out to destroy the True well as the Jedi remenants. However, she is a bit...shall we say, shy for a Sith Lord. Atton Rand: (LS Exile) Completed his redempetion from Sith special ops unit to Jedi trainer in the Jedi Order. Now on the Jedi Council. (DS Exile) Reverted to his Sith special operations unit training and his hatred of Jedi. Now is a Sith Maruder allied with Visas, concerating on the destruction of the Jedi remenants... Bao-Dur (Regardless of Alignment): ...Unknown. Not even Kreia knows his fate, so how can I know? Mira (Regardless of Alignment): Dead quite a short time later. If LS Exile, dies while defending an "forgotten planet" without regrets. If DS Exile, turns into a Bounty Hunter and then gets killed off. Hanharr (Regardless of Alignment): Dead. If DS Exile, Hanharr kills off Mira and joins with Exile, and then commits sucidie after being captured by Kreia. If LS Exile, Mira spares Hanharr and, in response, Hanharr kills himself. Brianna (If Male Exile): Joins the Jedi/Sith Order [depending on Exile alignment]. (If Female Exile) Joins the opposite Order than the Jedi/Sith Order, or more likely may be killed off. Disciple (If Female Exile): Joins the Jedi/Sith Order [depending on Exile alignment]. (If Male Exile): Joins the opposite Order than the Jedi/Sith Order, or more likely may be killed off. HK-50 Syndicate: A third faction in the ongoing Jedi Order/Sith Order war. (If Exile is LS) HK-50s are led by that lovable assisan droid HK-47 after Goto was murdered. He loves murder and bloodlust, and any threat to his power would be faced with a quick and painful doom. Of course, he's not interested in power, just handing out quick and painful doom to meatbags. Could pose a threat to Exchange turf...or prehaps have already taken over the Exchange. Prehaps under the command of The Exile? (If Exile is DS) HK-50s, and a reprogrammed HK-47, are led by Goto, the Republic "patriot". He is more interested in subtle manlipuation of galacitical economics, and his main goal is to protect the Republic at all cost. Thrown his lot in with a DS Exile whose Sith Order would act as a stablization force for the galaxy, and has devoted his energies to smashing the last of the True well as preparing for the eventual war with the True Sith. The Exchange is re-established under Goto's rule. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kas'!m Posted January 20, 2007 Share Posted January 20, 2007 First off, Revan is LSM, Exile was LSM (just for the sake of canon) -------------------------------------------------------------- Kreia: Dead Exile: Is recruiting armies all over the galaxy to fight the Sith, still looking for Revan, building Jedi Temple on Lehon Revan: fighting the Sith Carth: killed during the 2nd Battle of Telos along with 1/8 of his fleet Canderous: helping Exile find armies Mical: training with Visas Atris: killed by Sith holocrons Mission: A Colonel of the Republic Fleet Zaalbar: killed by Hanharr on Kashyyyk T3-M4: With Exile, Exile needs him to fly Ebon Hawk Bao-Dur: a Jedi Master on Lehon, training Jedi, Battle Master Juhani: a Jedi Master on Lehon, training Jedi Atton: a Jedi Knight on Lehon Handmaiden: killed by Atris, no longer speaking to Exile because of Visas Go-To: what the Architect said HK-47: with Exile and Mandalore Hanharr: killed by Mira Mira: a Jedi Master on Lehon, training Jedi with Visas, romancing with Atton Jolee: died of natural causes Bastila: legendary Jedi Master, with Brianna, looking for Revan Visas Marr: Grand Master of Exile's Jedi Temple, madly in love with Exile Dustil: a Jedi Knight on Lehon Nihilus: revived by true Sith, but turns LS the same day, fighting True Sith with Revan Sion: 100% dead True Sith: Naga Sadow's, who returns, Massassi trying to revive their master Chodo Habat: a Jedi! Kavar: survived Kreia's attack, on Lehon, Senior member of Jedi Council Vima Sunrider: still alive, with Revan, kicking a** Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Architect Posted January 21, 2007 Author Share Posted January 21, 2007 Allronix, me like. It’s a shame it doesn’t cater for the other Revan & Exile gender/alignment combos though. Well it does a bit for gender, but not for alignment. And guess what? I agree with you that LSF Revan and DSM Exile have the best stories. But this isn’t the right thread to discuss why I think that is so. Pottsie, I can’t make this thread on the Obsidian forum because it would get locked, as only one KotOR III thread is allowed on the forum. When you say I might come back to read it, you're…you’re not inferring that you won’t visit the Obsidian forum again are you? Because, that would just…suck. I hope you come back, and if anyone gives you crap about spamming or whatever, I’ll step in your defence, capish? I like your handling of things, but that’s only for one combo though, although it doesn’t matter in your case, since I know you’re a good fan fic writer and all, and you’re against forced canon in KotOR III, so it’s all good. AkumaSF, yes, you have left out two characters, GO-TO and Disciple, however, if you were to leave out any two characters, it would be them. Forgetting about them is understandable. Bothan10, interesting idea with the Exile’s companions. I don’t like the idea of Jolee surviving the battle in the Rakata temple for DS Revan though. I doubt Revan and Bastila would leave the temple unless Jolee was as good as dead. He looked dead to me, so it’s best to keep him that way. Salzella, been playing too much KotOR eh? That’s all I can think of, at any rate. You know you’ve played too much when you start using lines in KotOR and TSL in social conversations and forum conversations. Meh, they’re great games though. And EagerWeasel, you are teh (not ‘the’) awesomeness! Although Mira is dead if the Exile is DS. And anyone might think you don’t like GO-TO. SilentScope001, kewl (not cool), kewl. Especially the idea with the HK droids. Me like! And Kas’!m, the canonical Exile is actually a LSF. I’m not a fan of killing off Carth and not having him in KotOR III at all. He actually survives the battle of Telos, because you talk to him after the battle, at least when Revan is set as LS anyway. And ah, bringing back Kavar is a huge, huge no no, unless he’s brought back as a force ghost, because either the Exile killed him (and when I say ‘killed’, I mean ‘killed’ as in no lame ass revival will ever be possible for him). Then, if you (the Exile) didn’t kill Kavar, then ah, Kreia, doesn’t just kill him, she devours all of his life (force) from him. What she did to him was worse than death. Kavar back in the flesh in KotOR III? Umm…no (unless there’s a flashback scene or two). Kavar as a force ghost in KotOR III? Sure, why not? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diego Varen Posted January 21, 2007 Share Posted January 21, 2007 The Architect said: Pottsie, I can’t make this thread on the Obsidian forum because it would get locked, as only one KotOR III thread is allowed on the forum. When you say I might come back to read it, you're…you’re not inferring that you won’t visit the Obsidian forum again are you? Because, that would just…suck. I hope you come back, and if anyone gives you crap about spamming or whatever, I’ll step in your defence, capish? I like your handling of things, but that’s only for one combo though, although it doesn’t matter in your case, since I know you’re a good fan fic writer and all, and you’re against forced canon in KotOR III, so it’s all good. I visit Obsidian sometimes, but I might come back permanently. Jediphile left you for here, so I'll try to be on both Forums. Thanks for saying I'm a good Fanfic Writer (Adding you to Buddy List since you come up with some great topics, make great points and share my love for TSL more than KOTOR) and I'm not forced into canon. Many writers write LSF Revans and DSM Exiles for example. I mean we could all write Fanfics about this topic for example. How we would like the perfect KOTOR III to go, like you did Architect, SilentScope001, EagerWeasel, Salzella, Bothan10 and AkumaSF have taken different genders and sides into consideration and overall, your posts in this Thread is closest to how the developers (Hopefully Obsidian again) would think things through. Some of us, like Allronix and I have made posts about how our own personal canon in KOTOR III would go. And I've just read about Kavar returning in KOTOR III. That would be a no for me also. His story was told in TSL, just as were the other masters. The one person capable of returning as a Force Ghost is Kreia. Think about it, the Force was stripped from the Jedi Masters by Kreia and Kreia wasn't. She knew she was going to die anyway, because she knew how strong the Exile had become. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilentScope001 Posted January 21, 2007 Share Posted January 21, 2007 Quote Think about it, the Force was stripped from the Jedi Masters by Kreia and Kreia wasn't. Techincally, Kreia did lose her connection to the Force, having it been stripped from Sion and Nihlius (more likley Nihlius). But she regained her connection to the Force, possibly by using the same techinque The Exile used, that of Force Bonds, and she was very prepared to be killed, so it wouldn't be suprising for her to reappear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Titanius Anglesmith Posted January 21, 2007 Share Posted January 21, 2007 The Architect said: And EagerWeasel, you are teh (not ‘the’) awesomeness! Although Mira is dead if the Exile is DS. And anyone might think you don’t like GO-TO. Yea, last night when I was about to go to sleep, I remembered that Mira was dead if the Exile was DS ( wow, I must really love these forums to think about it in my sleep ), so I edited my post to fit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Architect Posted January 22, 2007 Author Share Posted January 22, 2007 EagerWeasel said: Yea, last night when I was about to go to sleep, I remembered that Mira was dead if the Exile was DS ( wow, I must really love these forums to think about it in my sleep ), so I edited my post to fit. Yeah, this forum and the Obsidian one is teh awesomeness. Thinking about TSL in your sleep though? Hmmm….and I thought I was a big fan of it, but ah, obviously I have no idea what I’m talking about. You weren’t playing TSL just before you went to sleep were you? That might explain it. Cause’ I was watching the Australian Open (tennis) last night and I was thinking about it in my sleep. Crazy hey? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Titanius Anglesmith Posted January 22, 2007 Share Posted January 22, 2007 The Architect said: You weren’t playing TSL just before you went to sleep were you? That might explain it. Cause’ I was watching the Australian Open (tennis) last night and I was thinking about it in my sleep. Crazy hey? Uh...actually, I was. I usually play for about an hour before I go to bed, but sometimes, I'm unable to control myself, and I play till 4 A.M. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Carlo El Sanchez Posted January 22, 2007 Share Posted January 22, 2007 Meh, id just have then following me and tagging along on my adventures...and geting mad when they manage to casually walk over a land mine, AKA - Dxun, TSL !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Architect Posted January 24, 2007 Author Share Posted January 24, 2007 EagerWeasel said: Uh...actually, I was. I usually play for about an hour before I go to bed, but sometimes, I'm unable to control myself, and I play till 4 A.M. Is that all? But holy crap, that is…remarkable. You should be proud. I have once stayed up till almost 01:00 playing TSL, but to play it until 04:00? Wow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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