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Stuck on Telos


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Hi, I am on Telos in the hidden base, i have done everything I can do, but when I go to the Ebon Hawk, it says I need my crew. I ask around and find the force cages but Bao-dor is the only one there. Kreiea and Atton are still back at the entrance. When I talk to Atton I get to [Cheat Node} options. The first takes me back to the long conversation with the other Jedi and the second one (continue talk with Kreiea) does nothing. And If I try to talk to Kreiea it just turns the camera back on me. No conversation, nothing.


Please help!


First off, how did the cheat node thing get turned on? and how do I turn it off? and do i have to start over? Does anyone know how to get past this?

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Firstly Welcome to the Forums, technically I think this should be in the Padawans Lounge, but it doesnt matter :)


Have you downloaded the updates for TSL?? It should be updated to Patch 1.0b... I would imagine that would sort your problem out, as I had a similar one before I had the updates installed...

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Thanks for the welcome!


And yes it was the hidden academy. I read somewhere else here that it was a bug with one of the choices you make when you first talk to the handmaiden. I went to a previous save game and choose a different one.


After I redid everything in the academy, i went to my ship. The graphics get all screwey and I can't go into any rooms but the main one.

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Thanks for all the help, I installed the 1.0b patch and I still have the same problem, if I choose to lay down my weapons, I get the bug that won't let me continue. If I choose a different one, it screws up as soon as I get on the ebon Hawk.


I guess this means I have to start an all new game?

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hmmm, not necasarily... Are you using any mods or cheats with your game? The other thing to try is to contact Obsidian and tell them about the problems you are having, as they should be able to sort out on problems you have.

Have you got any earlier saves? I usually have 2 saves when im playing they are both a couple of hours apart incase of problems.

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I haven't used any mods for my game, because I never even knew about them until I came here. I only came here once I had problems!


I have a bunch of earlier saves (4 or 5 per character) learned that a long time ago! I have since played to this part with another character and she doesn't seem to have this problem (upon entering the ebon Hawk anyway) so I think I'll just drop this character and move on with the other.

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^^^You don't have to do that, man.


I'm just about 99.999999999% sure that this is the notorious "Handmaiden cutscene bug," and it's NOT fixed by the 1.0b patch. As a matter of fact, it may be TWO bugs, one of which is actually CAUSED by the 1.0b patch.


Here and here are the fixes, and here is the page that it comes from, a page with many useful fixes that Team-Gizka has generously hosted.


EDIT: D3 is correct, and I have included a link to the second fix.

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The bug happens when you chose the "All right we mean no harm" dialog option when you enter the Telos Academy.


Note that the bugfix proposed by Qliveur will only work if you load a savegame from prior entering the academy. If you don't have any savegame from before entering the academy, you can save your game in a new slot and set the global variable 262TEL_Atton_Talk to 1 with KSE. KSE is available on our website: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php. It's very easy to do and it takes no more than one minute. Here's a screenie of what it looks like: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v144/Darth333/glob.jpg

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Thanks, and yes it was the handmaidens bug. I guess LA isn't making more patches?


Hehe, I doubt it... theyve already got out money and they vetoed obsidian doing a content patch to restore the cut content.


Still Im looking forward to TSLRP (The Sith Lords Restoration Project which a bunch of modders are doing in there spare time) If you havent heard of them check out there website - http://www.team-gizka.org I cant wait for it to come out!


Glad you've sorted out the problem with the academy :)

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