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HEEEAAALP! Send in the EBA!

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Oh no... everyone on the LF is in a panic... I've been gone to long... what to do... I could lose Mod status for this... I.... uh.... um....




(Meanwhile at EBA HQ...)


Commander Kahn:...


Commander Kahn:...AGENTS ARE...




(Back at the LF...)


...Playin' too much EBA. I assure you, as soon as Winter-een-mas is over I'm back on here.




Oh yeah, got PW2 too.

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Welcome Home (Sanitarium)


Welcome to where time stands still

no one leaves and no one will

Moon is full, never seems to change

just labeled mentally deranged

Dream the same thing every night

I see our freedom in my sight

No locked doors, No windows barred

No things to make my brain seem scarred


Sleep my friend and you will see

the dream is my reality

They keep me locked up in this cage

can't they see it's why my brain says Rage


Sanitarium, leave me be...

--Metallica "Welcome Home (Sanitarium)"

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Smon, are you the mysterious sk8r boi who broke Avril's heart?

Plz. Smon does no rockin out on MTV. Besides, if Smon were the sk8r boi, he would be the skater boy


I tried to sing that song for my 4th grade talent show. The evil room moms wouldn't let my though. DD: jerks.

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talent show??? fun


our spring one is coming up and i shall play the piano. if i can learn a better song than marry had a little lamb.


hmmmmm, maybe hikari.....

I'm trying to decide which song to sing for ours in March. I'm considering starting a poll here to let you decide, cause I'm split.

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