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The Exile my take


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I see the Exile in a different light then some you. I think the exile was a soldier at tthe time he destroyed Malachor V. I think he sa it as the only way to end the war before alot more soldiers died on either side. In the end save more lives the he took. yees it wwas horrible but it was nesscary

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How I view The Exile:


He's a general who used the MSG to destroy Malachor V but did not know that it would be used to DESTROY REPUBLIC TROOPS.


It was a trap by Darth Revan who wanted to ensure The Exile's loyalty, as well as to turn him to the dark side...or to kill off The Exile.


Since The Exile is a general, he's safeguarded from the blast range of the MSG, but he's not immune to the pain of the Force Bonds. Revan bet that The Exile would either die due to the pain, or embrace the Dark Side and follow Revan's Sith Empire.


Revan did not expect The Exile to choose the third path: Give up The Force.


The Exile is not really responsible for his crime...it was Revan who did it. But The Exile still pulled off the deed and fired the guns and killed the people. And it is that guilt that drives him through the game.

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It was a trap by Darth Revan who wanted to ensure The Exile's loyalty, as well as to turn him to the dark side...or to kill off The Exile.


Since The Exile is a general, he's safeguarded from the blast range of the MSG, but he's not immune to the pain of the Force Bonds. Revan bet that The Exile would either die due to the pain, or embrace the Dark Side and follow Revan's Sith Empire.


Revan did not expect The Exile to choose the third path: Give up The Force.


No, the Exile wasnt safeguarded from the MSG blast, of course, he was on his flagship, but it was on the MSG radius. All the Republic forces sent to deal with the Mandalorians there, had already their loyalties being questioned by Revan; they were sent to die, along with the final mandalorian resistance.

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No, the Exile wasnt safeguarded from the MSG blast, of course, he was on his flagship, but it was on the MSG radius. All the Republic forces sent to deal with the Mandalorians there, had already their loyalties being questioned by Revan; they were sent to die, along with the final mandalorian resistance.


It is my opinon of course that The Exile was safeguarded...(as a logical way of explaining why he did not perish), but the fact remained that The Exile was part of the Republic forces and that Revan wanted to turn those disloyal Republic forces either into the Dark Side...or to just kill them. So, I logically conclude that Revan wanted to kill off The Exile, why else was the Exile there...


Iirc, HK-47 indicates that Revan wanted to make an example of the Exile to the Council.


Hm, somewhat like a paraded animal, yes, now I remember something similar to that. But I would still like to think that Revan wanted to get The Exile to die or turn to his side, and he was shocked when The Exile turned away from both sides.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't understand... how could the shaddow mass generator force a lightside user to die from pain?


Mass Shadow Generator kills people. Painfully.


Exile had Force Bonds to those people, so he feel the pain that those people felt when they were killed painfully by the MSG.


Too much pain can kill someone, unless a person go and convert to the Dark Side, and use that pain to become stronger in it.


The Exile did not want to die, nor did she want to fall to the Dark Side. So she chose Option C...break the Force Bonds so that she does not feel pain. This had the side-effect of breaking all her connections to the Force, turning her into a wound.

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Mass Shadow Generator kills people. Painfully.


Exile had Force Bonds to those people, so he feel the pain that those people felt when they were killed painfully by the MSG.


Too much pain can kill someone, unless a person go and convert to the Dark Side, and use that pain to become stronger in it.


The Exile did not want to die, nor did she want to fall to the Dark Side. So she chose Option C...break the Force Bonds so that she does not feel pain. This had the side-effect of breaking all her connections to the Force, turning her into a wound.



It wasnt really a intentional choice anyway. Somehow he disconnected himself from the Force. He was deafned, but he did not cut his ears off. He was blind, but he did not cut his eyes too.

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IMO The Exile knew what the MSG does and used it to end the war. Revan was going to use it but he was delayed. The Exile didn't know about his force bond powers and when everyone started dieing he subconsciously cut himself from the Force. I don't think Revan wanted to kill the Exile, why would he? The Exile was loyal to him.

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My view on the Exile is that he was a newb and could never match the skills of Revan, but i do have some predictions on his past life, i agree on the aspects that he may have been a Republic soldier at the time of Malachor V (as dewayne26 said) Though not much is known about him, i pray we don't have to listen or see him in K3.

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My view on the Exile is that he was a newb and could never match the skills of Revan, but i do have some predictions on his past life, i agree on the aspects that he may have been a Republic soldier at the time of Malachor V (as dewayne26 said) Though not much is known about him, i pray we don't have to listen or see him in K3.


I'm sorry to say this Rogue Spy, but the Exile will be an important part in KOTOR III. He/she is the one who will find Revan and help him/her in the Unknown Regions, before a new PC (I presume) will go out into the Unknown Regions to find them. Also, if we have to replay a character for the PC, I would choose the Exile, since it would make more sense than playing Revan again. I prefer the Exile to Revan, even though I play the Exile as the opposite gender (Female) of mine.

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I'm sorry to say this Rogue Spy, but the Exile will be an important part in KOTOR III. He/she is the one who will find Revan and help him/her in the Unknown Regions, before a new PC (I presume) will go out into the Unknown Regions to find them. Also, if we have to replay a character for the PC, I would choose the Exile, since it would make more sense than playing Revan again. I prefer the Exile to Revan, even though I play the Exile as the opposite gender (Female) of mine.



Err... Why would replaying as The Exile would make more sense than replaying as Revan?

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Err... Why would replaying as The Exile would make more sense than replaying as Revan?


Because however long after TSL the next game will be set, it will have been five more years since we last saw Revan than Exile, and we already know that Revan has been through a lot in those years.


But I really do prefer to play an entirely new pc. I mean, you really can't begin the game at level 20+, because building a character from scratch is a key part of the fun. You start high, you'll lose most of the progressive element that lets you see the character rise to power. And I really would hate to play another jedi, who was oh-so-powerful, but conveniently lost all his/her powers and had to start over...


As for how much the Exile knew or didn't about the MSG is a pretty good question. I do think Revan staged the whole thing and arranged to not be there himself, because he knew what would happen. Certainly Bao-Dur had a pretty good idea, having created the bloody thing. How much the exile knew is uncertain, but note how close exile and Bao-Dur are - they share that experience of Malachor V, and it connects them in a very profound way. I think the exile's knowledge is kept a bit secret because it could be a plot point in K3. I mean, the exile never comes to terms with what he did at Malachor V and what its consequences - such as Nihilus - were. I think the exile is going to need to confront the past, and I think it'll happen in K3.

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I can’t believe some people even question whether Revan and/or the Exile are going to be the PC/s of KotOR III or not.


THEY DEFINITELY WON’T BE! Why? Because a new PC is a MUST! It’s simple really.


a) How can KotOR III work as a CRPG if you play as Revan and/or the Exile? How? How can it be a CRPG?


b) Playing as overpowered force gods is stupid and boring. It would be more of an action game then. No thanks! Making up an excuse to make Revan and/or the Exile as level one again would be LAME LAME LAME as well!


c) You are alienating many potential new customers who haven’t played KotOR and/or TSL, who don’t know who Revan and/or the Exile are.

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I can’t believe some people even question whether Revan and/or the Exile are going to be the PC/s of KotOR III or not.


THEY DEFINITELY WON’T BE! Why? Because a new PC is a MUST! It’s simple really.


a) How can KotOR III work as a CRPG if you play as Revan and/or the Exile? How? How can it be a CRPG?


b) Playing as overpowered force gods is stupid and boring. It would be more of an action game then. No thanks! Making up an excuse to make Revan and/or the Exile as level one again would be LAME LAME LAME as well!


c) You are alienating many potential new customers who haven’t played KotOR and/or TSL, who don’t know who Revan and/or the Exile are.


i like the way you think , and i agree with everything you said.


btw i dont think they will put revan or the exile playable maybe you will fight them if you go light side your againts Revan for the final battle and if your Darkside You fight the exile its just and idea , its should be cool if your able to talk to them or just interact with them.

iam pretty sure that you will play another character .


please not another mandalorian war veteran iam getting realy piss of playing a character who dont know or remember who he is. because he have been brainwashed.

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I agree too, you defenately need a fresh story for K3, and when i say to get rid of Revan and the Exile, Ebon Hawk ect...im not saying it like we are forgeting TSL and K1 even existed but they can be mentioned and seen, just not played as the main characters again. A new story will have so much glory to boast about, and discuss.

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I've posted a few ideas for how we could be a new PC in other threads, but I just came up with an interesting idea that could let the developers allow us to play Revan or the Exile (still a cheap copout in my opinion, but maybe they could tie in flashbacks or "meanwhile..." scenes with the main storyline so we know what's happening in the unknown regions.) Remeber in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, playing as Arthas' undead how Arthas is leveling DOWNWARD due to the Lich King's troubles? They could have it where Revan/Exile gets severely wounded or poisoned and you get flashbacks to keep him alive and fighting through the illness, except that killing gets you - levels instead of + levels.


Could open up some new gameplay opportunites and could have an interesting effect on the story. Whatever they do, I'm not really worried, and I'll probably still play it regardless. I still want to play primarily as a new character though.

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