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The Lord of the Rings: Quest for the Nárë Ondo (D&R)


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Hey M_A get back to the other RP!! (joking)


I will like to join too, as a human.


Name: Trysol ,son of Tryn

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Appearance: Trysol has long brown hair, a short beard and pale blue eyes. He wears a brown robe with a hood, black boots, pauldrons and bracers, and chainmail armor under his robes.

Weapons/Equipment: Has a long sword, carries six sharp knives for throwing and a side knife for combat, like the one Aragorn had.

Bio: Trysol was the son of smith on Gondor, but decided that he didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps. He craved for adventure, so, he left Gondor at his 19th birthday, and has since worked as a mercenary. Lord Elrond has summoned him to help the fellowship, and Trysol has answered his call.

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I'm not sure either of you quite understand the concept of an LOTR wizard. They are not just any old species. They are spirits, servants and followers of the gods, I believe. And as far as we know, only five were given physical forms... only three of these people are ever seen in the books; Gandalf, Saruman, and Radagast. The other two are said to have gone to the east and never heard from again.


However, I guess it's possible others were sent. And they don't have to have been given the forms of wise old men. So, I guess what I'm saying is that Alve is an Elf who knows some magic, not a wizard... and that the Istari (wizard) is still an open character.

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Yeah, there is a definate difference in conception from a 'wizard', and the Istari, or Quenya (I think that's what they're called, not sure, it's been awhile. ;P ). A heavy weilder of magical abilities can be considered a wizard, but not an Istari, and it works the other way around too.


They are spirits, servants and followers of the gods, I believe.


Hm? I don't think they're spirits, they can die, both by physical and magical happenings...I remember something about them being an ancient race from the other land (can't think of the name of the land right now).


But don't mind me, I'm just rambling on about things I can't recall very well at the moment, so yadda yadda yadda.

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Their physical body can die, yes. But the spirit inside is then either given a new form or it goes back home.


Another random fact that will in no way benefit the debate over if the wizard is taken or not: the Istari and the Balrogs were once the same type of being... the Balrogs followed Morgoth while the Istari remained true to Iluvatar.



And now back on subject, I guess Starmark has to drop in and decide if the wizard is taken (Alve) or not.

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Ok all three, Dark_Lady, Maste_Archon, and GreyMaster can still join as we haven't beun the journey yet. However i'd have to ask you guys to say you were at the meeting all along.


On the Whole Wizard subject(that has gone off course a bit), I did consider Alve as the Wizard and although he isn't Technically a Wizard accoring to LOTR canon i did say i'm not concerned about strict enforcement of the Canon.


This being said despite being in her second decade we could say (WithJasons permission) Alve is still quite young and sheis still learning, perhaps an apprentice for D_L char(this needs to be decided between you two). If Jason want's the character to remain as it is and already experianced i'll do what i always seem to do (Using Age of reb as an example) and smash my own rule into pieces and allow a second wizard.


On another note i'd like to make a request of someone making a character(or second charater) that is a dwarf just to make things a little more interesting. but this is not essenital.


So to sum up Grey Master your character is fine, Dark_Lady you can be a Wizard and Master Archon you can join once a character is posted.


Also so you know there will be Three battles the first against Urak from Izanguard,the second from goblins and couple of trolls and lastly we get againts the defence at Dol Guldur which will be against all mannor of things.

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Well, that's the thing starmark, I don't want to be a human, elves are fine, but I'd rather be something else, and I'll be a dwarf if my request for this character is denied.


I'd like to ask to be a goblin, he can be essential in the fact that he could be similar to Gollum/Smeagol to this RP's story, not exactly like Gollum, but he can be like the troubled hero/anti-hero fighting his own demons, or something along those lines.


He doesn't have to be in the meeting, which will be less hassle for you and me, and he doesn't have to come along around the time you fight the goblins, he could be found before hand.


Just thought I'd ask you instead of randomly creating him as a character, that way I can get permission, and you don't blow a major gasket. :)

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Well, he could be captured, so as to get info, or to use as a guide of some sort, there's a whole lot of reasons why he could be captured and not killed, we can work it out in the RP.


Besides, for whatever reason they capture him, then he would have an even better purpose, he could be forced to be a spy, or a scout, an assassin, their own personal 'tracker-dog'.


It doesnt matter why he's captured, it matters about what purpose he will pose within the group...just saying. :whtsmile:

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Okay, thank you, I'll post my Character Sheet in a bit. :D


Okay, here it is:


Name: Ulft Moon-Eye

Species: Goblin

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: No Helmet Appearance w/bow

Weapons/Equipment: Goblin Armor, (Helmet); Goblin Sword; Goblin Bow w/Barbed Poison Arrows; Goblin Spear; Moccasins

Bio: One of the few goblins who's actually lived to the ripe age of twenty. He is strong, smart, and cunning, not to mention one of the 'Slipper-Footed', the goblins who excell in tracking, hunting, stealth, and quiet killing. He has survived in the harsh world of the goblins because of one thing, intelligence.


When younger, he was outside, around dusk, he was hunting game outside his clan's cave when he came across a farm, he was young, and stupid, and tried stealing some of the food in the farmer's celler, only to be found by the old farmer, and though the farmer was old, he was still capable, and pinned the goblin. But with many rambling words, he swore he would "pay back" as he said in his own words.


The old farmer having more compasion than normal folks, didn't call the guard, or kill him, but kept him around the farm for help. With two months gone by the goblin had learned much of farming, and had told his small clan what he learned, because most goblins didn't have the knowledge of cultivating land, because of living in caves most of their lives. But with this knowledge he tought his own folk how to do this, and his clan became the first known goblins to begin farming.


Many more months later, the farmer had become such a great teacher, that he even taught him things that most goblins didn't learn, and that most humans learned in school, and though a farmer's education was less than the average man, a farmer's education was more education than a small clan goblin would ever learn. And so he became, 'educated' learning how to read a little, right a little, and how to make intelligent decisions, instead of using instinct, along with very little math, and other subjects. He craves knowledge, and always asks to learn from others what they know.


He became more forethinking than other goblins normally did, and learned one great thing that he had burned into his heart; "just because something is born in darkness, doesn't mean it has to follow the path of darkness," is what the farmer would always tell him when he got sad, depressed, or angry, and it always moved him. But he knew that no common human, nor the sickeningly bright elves would ever except a creature of darkness, no matter how good it was. This always saddened him, knowing he would never be excepted by anyone other than his own kind...and the wise, old farmer.


But one day, after around a two and a half years of service to the farmer, something devastating happened. The self appointed 'Goblin King', came to his people's small, but now thriving clan. He forced Ulft's clan to join him, and burned down his people's farms, which had been doing well, considering goblin's were doing the job. He was forced into military service to the 'King', and he tried to warn the old farmer, before the advancing force got to the farm, but the farmer decided not to leave, he was tired and old, and knew that he'd be dead before the force got there. To Ulft's dismay, the farmer was right, and he died in his old chair, but it gave Ulft comfort to know the farmer wouldn't die in any horrendous way due to the goblin force.


After the goblins moved on, they were forced back into the mountains, and with that, he trained, fought, and survived in the dank mines of Moria, where he was slowly warped, and brain-washed by the constant struggle to survive, the darkness, and the ever constant fear of living under a firey master, and hatred for both the Goblin King, and man-kind, which he believed had forsaken the old farmer. But he always held on to two things, his better intelligence, and the the quote of the deceased farmer, both helped him become one of the best goblin warriors, the stealthiest, the most cunning, the strongest. His hatred for Gorkil is strong, and he would almost indefinately fight against him if he had the ability to, though for the moment, he can't do anything.


With his skill, the Goblin King sent him to scout around the Gap of Rohan, and eventually was garrisoned in Orthanc. He tracks for Uruks now, and is used in almost all areas, even in open combat in some occasions. But for the moment, he's been sent by both Sarumon, and Gorkil to scout around Rivendell, and though he hasn't come anywhere near it, he is within the immediate visinity, and is to report any movement of the elves to the Uruk captain, though, he is the best scout, he's not the only one, the Uruks don't want to be left unknowing of the elve's movements incase he's killed.


He's the only scout however, who's avoided elven detection so close to Rivendell, and is the closest scout to Rivendell, which is impressive even for a goblin.


((Okay, got my character in, hope he's okay! :D ))

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK guys i know i've been AWOL for over a week but I'd expected someone else to have posted somthing in the RP. I'd prefer to continue so if someone could tell me why no one is posting and give me the chance to fix it it would be much appreciated.

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