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Do you think swg will continue to fail?


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Do you think SWG will continue to fail to get back to the one million subscription mark?


I beleive until SOE & LA start listening to the consumers who pay for the game they will continue to fail. Most players want the complexity, diversity, 32 professions, & originality of the original SWG not a copy of World of Warcraft. As long as they fail to listen SWG will be a failure. Need I remind the developers that about 90% of the advertiseing a game receives is word of mouth? Look at the expansion poll on the lucasarts.com site. Those numbers speak in volumes. The original SWG that was untampered with drew in 69% of the votes. JTL was second place with 14%, then ToOW with 11%, and finaly rotw with 6%. With each expansion came a change to the core game which is why the original ranks so high. SOE & LA have managed to do the worst thing a business can do and that is go against what the consumer wants. We must remind them the customer is always right. The lose of many accounts is proof of that. Sure they bring in new subscribers but they lose just as many if not more then they bring in. So what is your opinion?

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just to warn you about this post i have not played this game for over 2 motnhs (after my trial ran out). and before i begin i think the max amount of subs was 750,000 some time during pre cu.


I think that until Soe does something fast teh game will spiral down to become one of the less played mmorpgs in the mmorpg world and they might even close it. Now lets say SOE does put back pre cu i think that they would get a increase in subs but would never reach with in 250,000 of 1 million subs. Now SOE does have anotehr choice to they could (yet again) make a game revap. Now this game revamp would have to be a good one with a different combat system then the click,click,click one out now, it would need more customizability as well fr exmple more proffesions and more ways to go with them. It would also need new content to go with it maybe like a planet that was built like the originals (no height maps) and interesting quest lines that had to do with the original trilogy or some of the eu. It would also need to make all proffesions that were put in needed.


ANd thats what i think in a nut shell.

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Well, all new people should check it out, because I actually think the combat and quest system is pretty good!!(haven’t played pre-nge). The profession system is good, but maybe a bit more freedom in levelling up would be nice. I think that the current SWG is good enough to rival WoW!

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WoW isn't crap if you're into questing and pve stuff and new quest content....people go on about how SWG doesn't have new quests and such...those will probably be available when everybody is finished getting expertise, the trader revamp/entertainer expertise gets completed, and it will be cool. I can't see the developers just trashing the game, not after going through the trouble of expertising everybody, which took about 6 months...so we may be seeing more quests coming in march? i hope anyways.

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With my time with SWG, I'm sure I would cancel WOW after playing it for a few days...








In any case, I think SWG is slowly nearing it's Judgment Day, it's Make or Break point. When that is, I don't know... But I do have a feeling it's coming soon...

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Now SOE does have anotehr choice to they could (yet again) make a game revap.


Read this article you will find it interesting. http://swg.blindzebra.com/summit-debrief.asp What I get from it is that SOE isn't behind the issues with SWG but rather it is LEC that has final say.There has been a sever lack of communication from lucasarts to the SWG community so they have basicly no idea what we want out of the game. Julio Tores of all people should be on the SWG forums posting and replying to the community but so far as the head of the LA team he is failing at his job. Julio has posted a total of 8 times since SWG began and his last post was april of 2006. They need more of their people in the forums to make sure the community is being heard.

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I dont really think Chap5 will change anything concerning subscription numbers. The art of the game is much more important to make a game interesting, and at THAT NGE clearly fails. They need to focus on new animations and DRASTIC cut down on particle effects - THAT should be number 1 priority!

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Ok folks, stay on topic here - post have been/are being deleted in this thread because they do not relate to the topic.


@Darth Aida - I grow tired of your spam here in the Galaxies forums. You don't play and have never played SWG. Now I'm not saying you can't post here, but when you do, make sure you are discussing the topic at hand.

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i'd rather see improved rate of fire, or blasters going in different directions, hitting ground, etc than a stupid sparkly animation...


amen. Its stupid how the lasers keep going through them aftee they've been "hit", and carry on going. And how none of them seem to miss.

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Are thes the partical effects when you fire a powered shot? I think they're OK, and let you know what attack you're doing - but they lag, and that's the problem.


What if it did an animation instead? Like a burst shot or something, showed your character loading up a power beam, instead of just a bunch of psychedelish colors

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I dunno about that, I keep seeing more and more different people on my server every time I log in. As far as 1 million subscribers, that i dunno. The trader revamp will make or break the game though that much i am certain.



well rogue i have a char on the bria server which will only be good till feb 28th. i am a long time player from before cu 4 after launch and i seen alot go on and alot vanish. me i have spent the better part of 2 1/2 yrs investing time in my crafter and my combat players. but unfortuneatly soe kept changing the face of a game that is extremly off track. they said we want it to be more starwarsy..lol its not. more starwarsy is very little jedi like in th movies.. hmmm how did they miss that. from what i see ..i see a very large decline in players...crafting is down nothing on bazzar and not much in private vendors. not too many people in the cities at all . lag has dropped to almost none...and wow that good for soe only means the decline is on its way. seems that everyone is either a jedi or commando. how boring. its now a game for little kids and the mindless unskilled people like the people who made this ungodful program. go ahead flame me or beter yet erase this post , but it still doesnt change the fact that la/soe has screwed up and everyone who has played or is atm will lose in the end. sorry had to say it ,, freedom of speech and im sticking to it.

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