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TSL - About Revan (possible spoilers)


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I am about to take another spin through The Sith Lords and something has been nagging at me about it. You know the conversation that you have with Atton about the fate of Revan at the beginning of the game. What happens if you say that you couldn't care less about Revan? Does it randomly generate his fate for that playthrough or what?

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Not sure if it's canon or just LSM Revan, though. I mean, was it even decided what Revan's aligmnent and gender was in canon when TSL was being developed?


Either way, yes, ignoring or avoiding the issue of Revan's gender/alignment sets Revan to LSM.

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Not sure if it's canon or just LSM Revan, though. I mean, was it even decided what Revan's aligmnent and gender was in canon when TSL was being developed?


I think so. Also remember reading in Wookipedia, behidn the scenes, that Bioware wanted Revan to be Female. Obisidan made fun of that by having Atton think Revan was female.

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