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Yoda vs Vandar

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First off, i'd like to apologize if this is a repeat thread. :(





=The Reason=

This issue has been brought up a few times in posts that i've seen latley. IT MUST BE RESOLVED. :D


-The Question-

Are the Jedi of the KOTOR era more powerful then Jedi of the Movie era?


-The Kindle-

"Kreia had a comment that was in reference to Tulak Hord and lighsabers. She claimed that Jedi of the KotOR period wielded lightsabers as if they were children playing with toys compared to Hord's lightsaber mastery. Hord would have existed somewhere between about 7000 and 5000 years before the movies. While what Kreia says might be true, she posits that there may be a holocron in which his knowledge is imparted. While there may be truth in what Kreia says, it doesn't guarantee that movie-era Jedi are worse with a lightsaber than Sith Empire-era Jedi, let alone KotOR-era Jedi." - quoted from Lucasforums user Robb Stark


"I'd just like to point out that the movie-era Jedi would be almost guaranteed to lose to KOTOR- and Sith Empire-era Jedi due to the fact that they would learn to fight mostly against blaster-wielding opponents, because they are the most likely threat." - quoted from Lucasforums user Hallucination


-The Summary-

Would Master Vandar be more powerful then Master Yoda simply because Vandar lived during the KOTOR era?



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What the . . . how did you get that picture?


Oh, and I think that Yoda would pawn Vandar. Because Vandar isn't on the HIGH Council! He's on the DANTOOINE Council! He's still a master, but he's nowhere near Yoda, who was the Grand Master of the Jedi!


The arguement of KotOR era being better, but I think that they are about the same.

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Oh, and I think that Yoda would pawn Vandar. Because Vandar isn't on the HIGH Council! He's on the DANTOOINE Council! He's still a master, but he's nowhere near Yoda, who was the Grand Master of the Jedi!


Erm, actually Vander is on the council.




Note how in some of the prequel movies, some of the members are represented by holo-images because they are not actually present. That Vandar was on Dantooine in KotOR means nothing. Vrook was there too, and he surely is on the high council. Who the members are on the high council in KotOR is difficult to say, but at least Atris, Vandar, Vrook, Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell and Vash are on it. And I think Dorak and Zhar are as well.

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Note how in some of the prequel movies, some of the members are represented by holo-images because they are not actually present. That Vandar was on Dantooine in KotOR means nothing. Vrook was there too, and he surely is on the high council. Who the members are on the high council in KotOR is difficult to say, but at least Atris, Vandar, Vrook, Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell and Vash are on it. And I think Dorak and Zhar are as well.


Still, he says he (and the other masters) are in charge of the training facility on Dantooine. He also points out that the High Council is on Coruscant. He can't preside two councils. But I don't take it as important, both are councils nevertheless.


Remember what Mace Windu said on AotC, that the Jedi abilities to sense and hear and use the Force has diminished. Yoda also said that on RotS. That info corroborate the ones of Kreia, in relation to the old masters and their skills.

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I was shocked by Kreia's comment, too. In that case, every jedi/Sith after the first jedi and Sith have gotten worse. I guess Luke's great-grandchildren will be wielding the plastic sabers that you find in Halloween bargain bins for 5 yos and with the same skill level as them, too. Maybe like God and Satan imparting their knowledge onto mortals: no one will become as powerful as them or even their first students. That said, future Jedi/sith will be downgraded to common denizens fighting with toothpicks. The galaxy barely changed in X-thousand years (no teleportation yet?) so we can't really expect skill levels to improve much.


Okay, Vandar would kick Yoda's ass. Then again, seeing how both Jedi councils failed to act upon impending doom and that Yoda was one that actually had the balls to do anything, Vandar might just get pwnd.

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That image, Lord Spitfire is Shem playing around with his game. Look at other images he has done.


Anyway, I think Yoda would win, but I can't say, since I haven't seen Vandar fight, but until then, I haven't really decided who would win, until I see Vandar's skills as a Jedi.

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I believe George Lucas's intent was that Yoda be one of, if not THE most powerful Jedi who ever lived (outside of Anakin who never realized his potential). The midichlorian discussion in TPM is suggestive that Yoda had a remarkable affinity to the Force. While we don't know the "midichlorian count" of earlier Jedi, the way Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon talken about it Yoda likely had the highest of any Jedi at least since they had begun testing.


I would go so far as to assume that simply based on midichlorians, Yoda's potential was at least as high as Vandar's, and probably greater.


Of course, midichlorians only indicate potential. Kreia's comment suggests that the deficiency in KotOR era Jedi was a result of the loss of knowledge or the midguided focus of Jedi training. That could certainly have been magnified by the millennia between KotOR and the movies. In that case, a Jedi of the KotOR era might have been able to do more with the Force as his or her ally than movie-era Jedi, even with less "potential."


Since we haven't seen Vandar in action, it's extremely difficult to get an idea of what he was capable of.


Some other thoughts:


The Jedi Council, including Mace Windu and Obi-Wan, deferred to Yoda. He was "first among equals" when it came to the Council. Vandar wasn't even included in the discussion of exiling the Exile, and while they may have gotten his opinion before hand, the "wound" seems like it would have been important enough that if Vandar was regarded as highly as Yoda that they would have deferred judgement until Vandar had "examined" the Exile. Furthermore, the way Vrook (who I believe was among the most powerful Jedi of the KotOR era) stood up to him suggests that at least he didn't hold Vandar in the same esteem as movie-era Jedi held Yoda.


Yoda would have defeated one Sith Lord (Tyranus) and drew with another (Sidious) while Vandar did...what? He hung out on Dantooine while he let Revan do all the heavy lifting for the Jedi. After that the Jedi were nearly wiped out and Vandar, as far as we now, never confronted the Dark Lords that faced them. At least Yoda had the balls to fight Sidious. Of course, if the Jedi of the era had less command of their abilities than those of the pre-KotOR and KotOR eras, then it is possibly, if not likely, that the movie-era Sith were less capable as well.




My inclination would be to say Yoda > Vandar, all things considered. Even with assumed degredation in the capabilities of movie-era Jedi, Yoda's potential and innate wisdom was, IMO, enough greater that he could have beaten Vandar even being "handicapped" in terms of knowledge and training.

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Im thinking it would be Yoda. Mainly because


1. Yoda survived a huge fall in the senate building.


2. He made a draw with Darth Sideous. By just jumping around.


3. Since Yoda's size is much smaller than Vandar's is then he is much faster


4. Yoda has been training padawan's for 900 years. That owns anything Vandar has.

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Im thinking it would be Yoda. Mainly because


3. Since Yoda's size is much smaller than Vandar's is then he is much faster


How do you know that? Both seems to have the same size.


4. Yoda has been training padawan's for 900 years. That owns anything Vandar has.


But we don't have enough info about Vandar there.

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This thread was a bit of a silly idea.... who cares?


Yoda would have been more powerful, I believe.


I also think that Darth Sideous would have been in the legue of Darth Sion and Traya as well. The "average" power of force users has gone down but Yoda and the Skywalkers were the exception to this.

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My theory is that through the years teaching of ancient uses of the force were lsot until you get the Jedi of the movies. So IMO if Vandar pulled out some strange teqnicues Yoda had never seen he could possible pwn his ***. ON the other hand we have seen more of Yoda fighting ( an it rocks ) So maybe Yoda would win.

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