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This is the **** that's gonna start the war against the machines.

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There is many stuff out there that has ports for both, Windows and Linux. See the GIMP. And you can like run a whole bunch of Windows Apps without an actual Windows installation in Linux with WINE, even Internet Explorer and WMP. And games of course.

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They're just afraid that I will own them in argument about mac vs. pc
Besides the fact that they would not see a point in arguing with you, why should they be owned by you? And since WINE runs on both, PC and Mac, why would you see a point in arguing them about PC vs. Mac? And why do you go and argue about PC and Mac, when this was about Windows, Linux, and running Windows programs under Linux?
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Ray, does the rest of his argument make sense to you? It's called posting inertia, man. [/i]
I'm sorry but you are completely wrong, posting inertia is the effect that happens when you see replies and want to reply to them, which creates a snowball effect that eventually will overwhelm the internets.[1]



[1] Livejournal.com. blog.sociology: "posting inertia." cannedxheat, 3/08/2004, retrieved 5/24/2007.

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and anytime id bring a project home from school, and they wouldn't work w/ the windows computer...so yes...it did ruin it...
yeah...those crappy windows pcs...cannot run anything...neither linux nor mac stuff...and you know what it is the same with cars...i once put petrol into a diesel...it drove another kilometer and then ka-pow...nothing...that is why i hate diesel cars...yeah...they suck...but then again...i am cheered up by the fact that i can run windows programs in linux or os x...with wine...
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