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July '07 Tale Topic: Pratfalls

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I'm surprised honestly. Four days ago when I checked, I was running neck and neck with Jasra and Jae.


Now I am torn between possible topics. Part of me wants to go with pratfalls, seeing the most serious character doing something that makes us laugh at him.


The other topic I would like to see is last stands. The characters we see and love fighting that last battle that will make them a legend. I even have a story laid out in both, though I wil not enter the contest this month.


Give me a day, and I'll consider it further.


All right, it's the funny option people. Think of Grand Moff Tarkin ripping his pants, or the Emperor slipping on a banana peel.


The due date will be 4 August at 2200 Central Daylight Time (UTC/GMT -5). --Jae

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All right, it's the funny option people. Think of Grand Moff Tarkin ripping his pants, or the Emperor slipping on a banana peel.


Well, now. That's a bit tough, I suppose. Lots of creativity necessary! :D


Humorous writers like Tysyacha are gonna have a field day. :D Whatever, this is sure going to make for a lot of colourful stories, I'm sure.

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machievelli, would 3 weeks work for you? If that's all right, the due date will be 1 August at 2200 Central Daylight Time (UTC/GMT -5).


More than enough time. As I said I will not enter this month, but I already have an idea that I'm already working on. So expect C3P0 to have a part in it.


For those who don't know if they can, even I have funny scenes in my dreadfully serious works. Give it a try.


When I put it up, I considered Admiral Trawn getting an artwork made of a light sensitive fungus and having someone flip on the lights so that it explodes.

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Note to everyone--don't post your Tales here!! They'll be deleted. See the instructions on how to post a Tale in Javyar's Cantina if you aren't sure how to submit one. Remember, your threads will not show up in Javyar's Cantina until the moderators move it out of our secret hiding place once the deadline passes. If you have any questions, please post them in the Questions about the Cantina? thread. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The deadline is fast approaching for this months Tales competition! Get those tales in-we want to see your funny stories!


Note: The deadline is changed to the 4th to give you all a bit extra time to add your special panache to your creations. Enjoy!

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Note: The deadline is changed to the 4th to give you all a bit extra time to add your special panache to your creations. Enjoy!


Damn, I already posting mine. Anyway, no offence Jae, but I don't like it when you give us extra time. I find that with extra time, some of us have already posted and the August topic will be in September, etc. And don't you think the May topic should also be known as the April/May topic?

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There is no reason for you to post your story ASAP. You don't get extra points or anything by being the first to submit a story, so you would do well to take your time and polish it up rather than rushing to get it in.


As for the nomenclature, I think it's still fine the way it is. Most of the writing for the contest takes place in the month it is named after and voting takes place the following month for a few weeks, then a new contest is announced and writers are given another few weeks in the month to come up with a story. You're just being overly pedantic. :xp:

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Here's the scoop, Topsite. The deadline was 10pm my time last night. I always give it a little extra time in case there's a submission in the system that hasn't hit the queue--I don't want someone's submission getting missed because of technical issues. By that point, I was very tired and needed to go to bed. We moderators need sleep just like you do. ;)


The submission deadline is just that--your deadline to get submissions in. It's not my deadline to release the fics. I will always try to get them up within 24 hours of the deadline, but I'm not going to rush to get them out and possibly make a mistake on the poll or something like that.


since I had bowed out on this month's contest, I was just wondering what the next one would be. Hoping to see some good stuff this month.


As soon as the poll closes, we'll have a winner, and the winner will determine the next topic. So, we'll have a new topic as soon as 10 days from now, though I won't rush the winner.

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