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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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"How unexpected." Ferc said. "I thought I lost you once. I will not allow that ever again. I will doubt no longer. I will." He thought to himself: Surly, there was a reason that my uncle wanted me to find a girl named Natalia.


He felt like he'd only felt once before. He would go to whate'er end to protect her.

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"Let me tell you something" Torsh said ready for a long explanation.


"The Prophency says and might I tell you it's a long prophency that the child of Mary (my mother) will have her oldest son take the Phrone though something can happen from another species of murder and the shye one (me) will deny to take place as king and he will meet a good man who deserves to be King.


"Sorry but I don't see enough good in Ferc, royalers have to be clean, none killers and I've killed now, and look Nero he's killed and what good would he do for Shindala?"

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" Yeah, I'm royalty." she told them." My father was a king who wanted you dead Torsh. I was told to kill you but I couldn't. That is why my father tried to kill me.I betrayed my family to protect you, Torsh.Now my father's dead and that makes me queen. My people will not be an enemy of yours but an ally.If you accept Ferc as my King. If not then we shall part now as enemys"Natalia told Torsh.


[ edited it]

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(OOC: Think you missed my above post))


"We are the same country! Well continent! Look we are still thousands of miles away and there are other royalers out there. Appraently I have good blood relationships who left my mother! Plus I might change my mind as much as I doubt it. It all depends to once we have cleared the palace and Shindala is safe. Then we will see who the rightful KING is. Queen is not said anywhere. They have to find a King. So far with me denying, no king yet.

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Audrey hugged Torsh. "Aww, don't worry, Torsh. You and I are still together, right? And besides, I believe you... but you have to make the right choice." She kissed him on the cheek. Then she turned to Natalia and Ferc. "I'm so glad you're alive again, Natalia. I thought I was gonna be stuck with boys forever!" She laughed.


Her laughter stopped, and she looked at Ferc. "Ferc? I've got something to tell you... I had a dream, and my Grandma's spirit told me that... you are my twin brother. I don't know if that's true or not..."

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In Torsh's mind alot of things were twisting round.


Pfft Prohency, they never turned out right. Hmm but with Reshki it was right. And with me. But I've killed and that's an unforgivvable thing. Usually kings have to be clean, no blood on their hands. Inside him he really did not want to be king but in a part of him he really did. He had to make up his mind or sooner or later. There was only once choice and that was to right to the Royal Survivors. They are the one from the palace who survived and are apparently living somewhere in the City of Forecefields. He alreayd had a letter written but never bothered to send it. He would send it. What they say he would do. After all it was impossible for Natalia to be Queen. If she was a boy she would well be the king. Though Shindala has a weird operating system in ways of life and only kings were picked. Sexist in some ways.

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Natalia hugged Audrey but kept a stern face at Torsh." We shall see, Audrey ,if I can remain here.My pledge is to Ferc not Torsh.If we can not see eye to eye then I fear I must part ways and become enemies again. " Natalia holds Ferc's hand." I choose who I marry. I am royalty and have killed. Blood is on my hands too."

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"My uncle sent me a letter saying something along the lines that there was some girl named Audrey who was my twin sister. Though, my uncle has been proven crazy before. Yet, it does seem to fit together with all the similarities between the two of us." He replied to Audrey. As he spoke these words, he felt the truthfulness of his words. He took out his map. He made this map able to not be seen by none except him. It looked like a plain piece of paper to anyone else. He had some shortcuts traced on his map. If we abandon them, we will be able to get to the palace first and ambush them.

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Jason's ears perked up.


Royalty? Could she be...he?


Jason could see Torsh was obviously angry about Ferc being the new king.


This could work out in my favor. If I get closer to Torsh, I can find more truth to this royalty. Yes...


Jason looked at the father's corpse, and threw a dart at him. Jason walked off, to not cause suspicion.


That should keep him stable until he's found. Then he shall prove useful."

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"Natalia" sighed Torsh sadly. "In some weird way this means you are also related to me. What would you rather do. Be apart of the Royal Family with Ferc but not be Queen and King or leave Ferc find soomeone who is Royal and marry them. Which would be crazy marrying someone you in some way related to."

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Audrey stared at Ferc. Then smiled. "I myself believe we're related... brother. I can feel it." Audrey blushed when she said the word "brother." Then she turned to Torsh and Natalia. "We can't be enemies. We have to work something out." Audrey placed a hand on Torsh's face. "We must all fight together to stop the Reign of Darkness.""

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Torsh kissed Audrey tenderly and let go. "I love you and I think we can all work something out after it seems we are the royal family. Except for Nero and newcomer. I'm not sure about them. So Natalia what will you do? I am writing a letter to some people more acknowledgeable about Royalties than us. They will tell us."

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"Natalia wait! Once I get the reply from the Royal Survivors they can issue you a place for Queen if it abides by the rules which I'm guessing is easily done so. If you leave us! That means this place stays dark forever. All I have to do is change my mind and say I wanna be king instead. Then what will you do?"

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Ferc stares at Audrey for a minute. He then realizes that he needs to run if he truly wants Natalia. Therefore, Ferc ran into the center of the forest. So, Act II is o'er. Now, the curtain is about to fall. But, not on me. He thought to himself. "Natalia!!" He screamed. "Where are you?"


He looks at his map. Great. This isn't the shortcut that I planned to get to the palace first. But, this is the shortcut to find Natalia. He thought, in desperation. Some angry animals were surrounding him. Great. I completely forgot the dangers of this forest. He thought. "Natalia!!!!!" He screams, with as much energy as he can gather.

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They're brother and sister? Hmm, interesting...


Jason had made his way up to a rock and was listening to their conversation and staring up into the blue sky. As he looked, a raven came into view. It flew in a circle, then landed in a tree. Moments later, it flew off.


So you know something...


Jason slipped off the rock, and moved over to the tree, making sure he was unnoticed. He reached up, and removed the package the raven left. He leaned against the tree and opened it up. Inside was a letter and a long knife.




As you have asked, I have sent you the knife of our Elders. I have also recieved information. It seems that the man you are after is royalty. This you might have already found out. If he is dead though, problems will arise. The palace has bumped up security, for they feel a threat is approaching, so please be careful.


I will keep in touch through my ravens, so watch for them.


- Kris


Jason put away the letter and inspected the knife. It was indeed the knife of his villager elders. He wiped it with a cloth, and put it away. He stood up straight, and walked back to the rock. He climbed up, and stared into the blue. clear sky above.

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Natalia stops and turns around. She looks him over." You King? King of cowards and fools ,maybe. This is not about me being Queen. I would give up everything for Ferc.You are looking for someone to take your place on the throne because you are to much of a coward to rule. When you decide to start acting like a man, maybe we can talk.For now we part. " Natalia leaves.

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(OOC: Empress check ur PM box))


"I undersand you love him!" she shouted at her just within earshot. "Though there is nothing wrong I have done her I'm just tellong you the facts. You might not be aload, kill me then they defiantly wont accept you to rule this land. So DO IT! KILL ME!"

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Nero was tired of all of the running around and talking the others were doing, and decided he had had enough for one day and decided to take it easy from now on


He decided to go ahead inside the forest thinking of a good way to make them see the truth, that they were not fitted to rule the land, and neither was he, who could not even keep in order his own organization

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{ got it, I did sign on as a villian though ,so I'm kinda making her go back to her roots}



She finds Ferc in the forest. Ignoring Torsh's calls.


" Hello my love. You know every story needs a great villian. I think I shall be that villian.Being bad is so much ...." she kisses Ferc. ." tastier."


So ends Natalia as a good guy.

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Nero watches from afar as Natalia says those word, seems its time to stop messing around and see what is going on in reality he though as he emerged from his hideout and landed near where the scene was taking place


"What are you really planning Natalia?" he said in a cold voice "I hope nothing that endangers the mission, for your sake" and as he said those finals words, he unsheathed his sword and wielded it in a defensive position

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