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Vader went glowy


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I don't think the Jedi Temple contained information about becoming a Force Ghost, as only a few Jedi managed it, or even knew about it.

There are sections of the Library that are restricted to the most powerful masters. Besides, if Jedi like Yoda knew, wouldn't he make an entry for it in order to enlight the Force users about it's mysteries even more?

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That's what I thought, too. But why wouldn't any Jedi have picked up the technique, then? Maybe Yoda deliberately left out that kind of information, because of the dark side closing in. Or maybe he still didn't know exactly how to become a Force Ghost at that time? He had almost 20 years left to learn it from Qui-Gon before dying, same with Obi-Wan.

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Well, there are a few possable reason.

1) You don't really have time to test the technique of becoming a Force Ghost... cause you have to be dead to even try that out.

2) There many be many who would try to pull a Force Ghost, but failed.

3) Qui-Gon's success does help yoda and friends to succeed much easier.

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It has to do neither with Anakin's power or anything else.

Dark Side of the Force destroys who you are. It eats you from within and punishes your actions. The more attuned to the Dark Side one is, the less powerful and attuned to the true nature of the Force you are.


When Vader let go of his anger, and turned to the Light, his natural connection to the Force strenghtened. I believe that Jedi strong enough in the true way of the Force (Light side) can manifest themselves easier, due to their connection and purity of spirit.

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nice theory, and up until Episode III I had a similar belief, but if you watch EP III and the commentary on the DVD, It explains that becoming a force ghost is Skill to be learned, not the Product of a good life.

I still believe that Anakin became a Ghost because he returned to the Light, yes, but he didn't train himself to do this, which leads me to believe that he was destined to become one with the force, due to his immaculate conception (IMO)

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It's very well possible that Anakin 'disappeared' off camera. We only see him lose consciousness after his goodbye to Luke, his body probably shut down shortly after that (off camera). It's also possible that his path was like Qui Gon's.


Obi Wan's 'disappearing act' is truly one of a kind.

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