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K1 Revamp Project [Official Thread]

Kado Sunrider

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Welcome everyone too the K1 Revamp Project! This Thread is here too give you progress updates and info on our plans. Most of our time and effort at the moment is the construction of the Fifth Planet in the Star Map quest, Sleheyron. For a complete list of our goals and objectives please visit our website at : http://www.freewebs.com/skywalkerlabs.






Edit 1 (08-29-2007 10:29PM):

Hey everyone, its Kado once again. I'm just adding too my earlier post that all opinions are valued and any suggestions you may have are also welcome. If you have any interest in joining the staff please PM me.






Edit 2 (08-29-2007 10:29PM):

ok, done now accepting suggestions.


Edit 3 (08-29-2007 10:34PM):


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I just noticed a little typo on your site...it says Kotor 2 was released 3 years after Kotor 1, making it a 2006 release. :xp:


Other then that, I wish you good luck with your mod :thumbsup:

PS: Just a little side note: I'm just worried your thinking or porting in the Kotor 2 cloaks, which would be illegal. Even illegal to discuss on a forum. If you have found another way, go ahead. :)

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Welcome everyone too the K1 Revamp Project! This Thread is here too give you progress updates and info on our plans. Most of our time and effort at the moment is the construction of the Fifth Planet in the Star Map quest, Sleheyron. For a complete list of our goals and objectives please visit our website at : http://www.freewebs.com/skywalkerlabs.






My suggestion would be to see if you could join the K1RP their thread found here; http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=176037 as they are trying to do what you are doing, but with more expieranced modders and I'm sure one big project would have more chance of success than two seperate projects basiacally trying to achieve the same thing.


Also from my knowledge of modding some of your 'minor' tweaks arent possible e.g. "3 -- Change Kotor Jedi Robes to look more like Prequel Jedi Robes with cloaks" - if you pull that off it would be a major achievement.


Just my 2 cents...

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Thanks for all your ideas guys. I should have mentioned that my project is partnered with the K1RP. Rev and I are corresponding over email with updates too our individual progress and you may see some of our stuff in there project and vice-versa.


Holo: Mostly the things that we will bring that K1 hasnt are:

Improvements on the party quests. making them longer and more interesting.

An option for light and dark players too add certain unnamed characters too become Jedi.

numerous improvements too all planets including the unknown world and the star forge.

And the one thing that i will find too be the greatest improvement. a full game NPC reskin.


Gray: yes i know. I personally have contributed too the k1RP already. If you look hard enough. im part of the staff.


Z: thanks, ill go fix that. Fortunately there is nothing saying I CANT make robes with cloaks. Obsidian cant copyright the use of cloaks on robes, thats craziness.


Jason: As I've already said. Ive contributed a lot of time and effort already too the K1RP. This is a side project incorporating most of there aspects and more of my teams own inventions.


Jonathan: Same thing i said too Jason. Also, Ive already begun the process, mostly its enhancing revans robes and changing the color and turning his custom armor to regualr K1 Jedi Robes. Thanks for your input.


As a side-note im getting tired of telling everyone im working with SithRevan and hes helping me as much as im helping him. so please stop asking about this.

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