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[WIP] Playable Characters by RedRob41


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Wow red, just...wow.


This is looking great so far.


Great work as always.

Thanks for the positive interest. Now, do you mean to say that her outfit is too red, or that you like the red suit the way it is? I'm actually thinking of toning the red down a bit, by making it a little less saturated (or neutralizing it with some browns).


Oh, and in the end, there will be all three outfits (scout, scoundrel, and soldier), but its still good for me to know that some people prefer one over the other.

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Thanks for the positive interest. Now, do you mean to say that her outfit is too red, or that you like the red suit the way it is? I'm actually thinking of toning the red down a bit, by making it a little less saturated (or neutralizing it with some browns).


I believe the comment "red" was actually a reference to your name "redrob". It was not an indication that the model was too red. I actually think it looks good :D.

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Wow, looks like I'll be busy for a long time with all these requests :xp:. I'll probably be sticking to the 2 part head & body models for now, rather than the single body models. Unfortunately, that means that I won't be doing any froglings or Rakata right away. Some Mandalorians are near the top of the list though.


In the meantime here's an update on Aurra Sing (scoundrel clothes):


Any opinions? I still think that the red suit is a bit too saturated and bright. I went for a lighter jacket this time, just to see how it'd look.


I've also been asked to make some Rattataki for the Revenge of Revan Mod. I'll try and make them from models that are in both games so that I can release them for both.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it's been awhile. Just checking in to let you know that I'm still working on these. I've been busy making a Duro for the Revenge of Revan Mod. I've just posted some screen shots there. I used models and textures that are in both games, so I should be able to make some playable Duros for K1 as well. Ah, what the heck, I'll post them here too:

Well, I promised some screenshots, and here they are:

nindo1ls5.th.jpg nindo2zf8.th.jpg nindo3qc6.th.jpg nindo4oq9.th.jpg

I took PMHB03 and moved the verts around until I got a nice Duro shaped head. This way, he'll be able to use every medium size clothing model in the game. His head is a little larger than normal humans, so when equiping headgear it will clip a little, but it doesn't look too bad. I used the basic combat suit (PMBC01) and applied the Duros space suit texture to it, and added a name bar over the front left pocket.

His face is scarred from surviving the Taris bombing; they are healed over, but as he goes to the dark side, they slowly begin opening up.

It would have been WAY too much work to edit the basic N_Duros textures to make one for every armour and robe in the game. This way, has many more advantages. The only disadvantages is that his posture doesn't match the other Duros in the game, and he has 5 digits on each hand instead of 4 like the other Duros. The original Duros in episode IV had 5 digits.


So, he should be a cool party member to run around with you :)

Consider that a sample. A K1 version won't have the name tag or the scars, and I'll probably do a couple shades of blue\grey. The skin is asymmetrical, so maybe I'll add some different scars or tattoos. Who knows.


I'll be back onto the Aurra Sing & Asajj Ventress mods soon.

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Hi redrob, you're mastering photoshop no doubt

All your stuff is top quality


How have you made your skin asymetrical ?



I didn't do anything fancy to make it asymmetrical. All I did was edit the uvw map in NWmax so that both sides of the face were showing (most models only show half). I also moved one of the ears into a separate area. The back of the head, side and neck are all mirrored though. It takes a lot of time, but is worth it to unwrap and edit the uvw-map.

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Here's an update to show that I'm still working on the Rattataki:

wiprattatakimale1tz2.th.jpg wiprattatakimale2tc2.th.jpg wiprattatakimale3kb5.th.jpg wiprattatkifemale1rh6.th.jpg wiprattatkifemale2af4.th.jpg

Now then, you might be wondering why all the males have facial hair. I went down to my local comic shop and picked up a copy of Clone Wars Volume 5 trade paperback. One of the stories is from Star Wars Republic 60: Hate and Fear, which includes Asajj Ventress' backstory, as well as taking place on the planet Rattatak. Asajj had a lot of her soldiers there, and all the men had bald heads and moustaches and/or goatees. Since this is the only real source of images I have for the Rattataki male, I'm not sure if it is just that artists' idea, or if it is cannon. The image on Wookieepedia is of Asajj's right hand man, Aidus, and while hard to see, he does have a short cropped moustache and beard.


At any rate, I've made these six with crazy face scruff. I'll probably do some more, maybe with a little less facial hair, or even none. Untill then, though, I'll be on vacation for a couple weeks.


keep on modding ;)

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